// printf ("<div class='alert alert-info'><i style='font-size:13px' class='icon-info-sign'></i> For more information about each call click on its Id column.</div>");
if ($order_by=="zeroP" || $order_by=="nonzeroP") {
$_max_rows = intval($this->maxrowsperpage);
if (!$_max_rows) {
$_max_rows = 10;
$query = sprintf(
"select *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP($this->startTimeField) as timestamp from %s where %s order by %s %s limit %d, %d",
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) {
} else {
if (!$this->export) {
} else {
while ($i<$maxrows) {
global $found;
$found = $i + 1;
$CDR = new $this->CDR_class($this, $Structure);
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) {
} else {
if (!$this->export) {
} else {
if (!$this->export) {
print "</table>";
$this->showPagination($this->next, $maxrows);
function LoadDomains()
if (!$this->db_subscribers) {
$log = printf("Error: Cannot load domains because db_subscribers is not defined in datasource %s", $this->cdr_source);
print $log;
syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log);
return false;
if (!is_object($this->AccountsDB)) {
$log = printf("Error: AccountsDB is not a valid database object");
print $log;
syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log);
return false;
if (strlen($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['enableThor'])) {
$this->domain_table = "sip_domains";
} else {
$this->domain_table = "domain";
$query = sprintf("select * from %s", $this->domain_table);
$query=sprintf("select CONCAT(username,'@',domain) as account from grp where grp = 'quota' and username = '%s' and domain = '%s'", addslashes($username), addslashes($domain));
// printf ("<div class='alert alert-info'><i style='font-size:13px' class='icon-info-sign'></i> For more information about each call click on its Id column.</div>");
if ($order_by=="zeroP" || $order_by=="nonzeroP") {