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diff --git a/sipsimple/core.request.pxi b/sipsimple/core.request.pxi
index 84f6e337..921be8de 100644
--- a/sipsimple/core.request.pxi
+++ b/sipsimple/core.request.pxi
@@ -1,399 +1,399 @@
# main class
cdef class Request:
# class attributes
expire_warning_time = 30
# instance attributes
cdef readonly object state
cdef PJSTR _method
cdef Credentials _credentials
cdef SIPURI _to_uri
cdef SIPURI _request_uri
cdef SIPURI _contact_uri
cdef Route _route
cdef PJSTR _call_id
cdef readonly int cseq
cdef dict _extra_headers
cdef PJSTR _content_type
cdef PJSTR _content_subtype
cdef PJSTR _body
cdef pjsip_tx_data *_tdata
cdef pjsip_transaction *_tsx
cdef pjsip_auth_clt_sess _auth
cdef int _need_auth
cdef pj_timer_entry _timer
cdef int _timer_active
cdef int _expire_rest
# properties
property method:
def __get__(self):
return self._method.str
property credentials:
def __get__(self):
return self._credentials.copy()
property from_uri:
def __get__(self):
return self._credentials.uri.copy()
property to_uri:
def __get__(self):
return self._to_uri.copy()
property request_uri:
def __get__(self):
return self._request_uri.copy()
property contact_uri:
def __get__(self):
return self._contact_uri.copy()
property route:
def __get__(self):
return self._route.copy()
property call_id:
def __get__(self):
return self._call_id.str
property extra_headers:
def __get__(self):
return self._extra_headers.copy()
property content_type:
def __get__(self):
if self._content_type is None:
return None
return "/".join([self._content_type.str, self._content_subtype.str])
property body:
def __get__(self):
if self._body is None:
return None
return self._body.str
# public methods
def __cinit__(self, method, Credentials credentials, SIPURI to_uri, SIPURI request_uri, SIPURI contact_uri, Route route, call_id=None, cseq=None, dict extra_headers=None, content_type=None, body=None):
cdef pjsip_method _method
cdef PJSTR _from_uri
cdef PJSTR _to_uri
cdef PJSTR _request_uri
cdef PJSTR _contact_uri
cdef pj_str_t *_call_id = NULL
cdef object _content_type
cdef pjsip_hdr *_hdr
cdef pjsip_cid_hdr *_cid_hdr
cdef pjsip_cseq_hdr *_cseq_hdr
cdef int _status
cdef PJSIPUA _ua = c_get_ua()
if credentials is None:
raise ValueError("credentials argument may not be None")
if to_uri is None:
raise ValueError("to_uri argument may not be None")
if contact_uri is None:
raise ValueError("contact_uri argument may not be None")
if route is None:
raise ValueError("route argument may not be None")
if cseq is not None and cseq < 0:
raise ValueError("cseq argument cannot be negative")
if extra_headers is not None:
if "Route" in extra_headers.iterkeys():
raise ValueError("Route should be specified with route argument, not extra_headers")
if "Content-Type" in extra_headers.iterkeys():
raise ValueError("Content-Type should be specified with content_type argument, not extra_headers")
if content_type is not None and body is None:
raise ValueError("Cannot specify a content_type without a body")
if content_type is None and body is not None:
raise ValueError("Cannot specify a body without a content_type")
self.state = "INIT"
pj_timer_entry_init(&self._timer, 0, <void *> self, _cb_Request_cb_timer)
self._timer_active = 0
self._method = PJSTR(method)
pjsip_method_init_np(&_method, &self._method.pj_str)
self._credentials = credentials.copy()
if self._credentials.password is not None:
_from_uri = PJSTR(credentials.uri._as_str(0))
self._to_uri = to_uri.copy()
_to_uri = PJSTR(to_uri._as_str(0))
self._request_uri = request_uri.copy()
_request_uri = PJSTR(request_uri._as_str(1))
self._contact_uri = contact_uri.copy()
_contact_uri = PJSTR(contact_uri._as_str(0))
self._route = route.copy()
if call_id is not None:
self._call_id = PJSTR(call_id)
_call_id = &self._call_id.pj_str
if cseq is None:
self.cseq = -1
self.cseq = cseq
if extra_headers is None:
self._extra_headers = {}
self._extra_headers = extra_headers.copy()
if body is not None:
_content_type = content_type.split("/", 1)
self._content_type = PJSTR(_content_type[0])
self._content_subtype = PJSTR(_content_type[1])
self._body = PJSTR(body)
_status = pjsip_endpt_create_request(_ua.c_pjsip_endpoint.c_obj, &_method, &_request_uri.pj_str, &_from_uri.pj_str, &_to_uri.pj_str, &_contact_uri.pj_str, _call_id, self.cseq, NULL, &self._tdata)
if _status != 0:
raise PJSIPError("Could not create request", _status)
self._tdata.msg.body = pjsip_msg_body_create(self._tdata.pool, &self._content_type.pj_str, &self._content_subtype.pj_str, &self._body.pj_str)
_hdr = <pjsip_hdr *> (<pj_list *> &self._tdata.msg.hdr).next
while _hdr != &self._tdata.msg.hdr:
if pj_str_to_str( in self._extra_headers.iterkeys():
raise ValueError("Cannot override %s header value in extra_headers" % pj_str_to_str(
if _hdr.type == PJSIP_H_CALL_ID:
_cid_hdr = <pjsip_cid_hdr *> _hdr
self._call_id = PJSTR(pj_str_to_str(
elif _hdr.type == PJSIP_H_CSEQ:
_cseq_hdr = <pjsip_cseq_hdr *> _hdr
self.cseq = _cseq_hdr.cseq
_hdr = <pjsip_hdr *> (<pj_list *> _hdr).next
pjsip_msg_add_hdr(self._tdata.msg, <pjsip_hdr *> &self._route.c_route_hdr)
c_add_headers_to_tdata(self._tdata, self._extra_headers)
if self._credentials.password is not None:
_status = pjsip_auth_clt_init(&self._auth, _ua.c_pjsip_endpoint.c_obj, self._tdata.pool, 0)
if _status != 0:
raise PJSIPError("Could not init authentication credentials", _status)
_status = pjsip_auth_clt_set_credentials(&self._auth, 1, &self._credentials.c_obj)
if _status != 0:
raise PJSIPError("Could not set authentication credentials", _status)
self._need_auth = 1
self._need_auth = 0
_status = pjsip_tsx_create_uac(&_ua.c_module, self._tdata, &self._tsx)
if _status != 0:
raise PJSIPError("Could not create transaction for request", _status)
self._tsx.mod_data[] = <void *> self
def __dealloc__(self):
cdef PJSIPUA _ua = self._get_ua()
if self._tsx != NULL:
self._tsx.mod_data[] = NULL
if self._tsx.state < PJSIP_TSX_STATE_COMPLETED:
pjsip_tsx_terminate(self._tsx, 500)
self._tsx = NULL
if self._tdata != NULL:
self._tdata = NULL
if self._timer_active:
pjsip_endpt_cancel_timer(_ua.c_pjsip_endpoint.c_obj, &self._timer)
self._timer_active = 0
def send(self, timeout=None):
cdef pj_time_val _timeout
cdef int _status
cdef PJSIPUA _ua = self._get_ua()
if self.state != "INIT":
raise SIPCoreError("This method may only be called in the INIT state")
if timeout is not None:
if timeout <= 0:
raise ValueError("Timeout value cannot be negative")
_timeout.sec = int(timeout)
_timeout.msec = (timeout * 1000) % 1000
_status = pjsip_tsx_send_msg(self._tsx, self._tdata)
if _status != 0:
raise PJSIPError("Could not send request", _status)
_status = pjsip_endpt_schedule_timer(_ua.c_pjsip_endpoint.c_obj, &self._timer, &_timeout)
if _status == 0:
self._timer_active = 1
self.state = "IN_PROGRESS"
def terminate(self):
cdef PJSIPUA _ua = self._get_ua()
if self.state == "IN_PROGRESS":
pjsip_tsx_terminate(self._tsx, 408)
elif self.state == "EXPIRING":
pjsip_endpt_cancel_timer(_ua.c_pjsip_endpoint.c_obj, &self._timer)
self._timer_active = 0
self.state = "TERMINATED"
- c_add_event("SCRequestDidEnd", dict(obj=self))
+ c_add_event("SIPRequestDidEnd", dict(obj=self))
# private methods
cdef PJSIPUA _get_ua(self):
cdef PJSIPUA _ua
_ua = c_get_ua()
except SIPCoreError:
self._tsx = NULL
self._tdata = NULL
self._timer_active = 0
self.state = "TERMINATED"
return None
return _ua
cdef int _cb_tsx_state(self, PJSIPUA ua, pjsip_rx_data *rdata) except -1:
cdef pjsip_tx_data *_tdata_auth
cdef pjsip_transaction *_tsx_auth
cdef pjsip_cseq_hdr *_cseq
cdef dict _event_dict
cdef int _expires = 0
cdef SIPURI _contact_uri
cdef dict _contact_params
cdef pj_time_val _expire_warning
cdef int _status
if self._tsx.state == PJSIP_TSX_STATE_PROCEEDING:
if rdata == NULL:
return 0
_event_dict = dict(obj=self)
c_rdata_info_to_dict(rdata, _event_dict)
- c_add_event("SCRequestGotProvisionalResponse", _event_dict)
+ c_add_event("SIPRequestGotProvisionalResponse", _event_dict)
elif self._tsx.state == PJSIP_TSX_STATE_COMPLETED:
if self._timer_active:
pjsip_endpt_cancel_timer(ua.c_pjsip_endpoint.c_obj, &self._timer)
self._timer_active = 0
if self._need_auth and self._tsx.status_code in [401, 407]:
self._need_auth = 0
_status = pjsip_auth_clt_reinit_req(&self._auth, rdata, self._tdata, &_tdata_auth)
if _status != 0:
- c_add_event("SCRequestDidFail", dict(obj=self, code=0, reason="Could not add auth data to request %s" % pj_status_to_str(_status)))
+ c_add_event("SIPRequestDidFail", dict(obj=self, code=0, reason="Could not add auth data to request %s" % pj_status_to_str(_status)))
self.state = "TERMINATED"
- c_add_event("SCRequestDidEnd", dict(obj=self))
+ c_add_event("SIPRequestDidEnd", dict(obj=self))
_cseq = <pjsip_cseq_hdr *> pjsip_msg_find_hdr(_tdata_auth.msg, PJSIP_H_CSEQ, NULL)
if _cseq != NULL:
_cseq.cseq += 1
self.cseq = _cseq.cseq
_status = pjsip_tsx_create_uac(&ua.c_module, _tdata_auth, &_tsx_auth)
if _status != 0:
- c_add_event("SCRequestDidFail", dict(obj=self, code=0, reason="Could not create transaction for request with auth %s" % pj_status_to_str(_status)))
+ c_add_event("SIPRequestDidFail", dict(obj=self, code=0, reason="Could not create transaction for request with auth %s" % pj_status_to_str(_status)))
self.state = "TERMINATED"
- c_add_event("SCRequestDidEnd", dict(obj=self))
+ c_add_event("SIPRequestDidEnd", dict(obj=self))
self._tsx.mod_data[] = NULL
self._tsx = _tsx_auth
self._tsx.mod_data[] = <void *> self
_status = pjsip_tsx_send_msg(self._tsx, _tdata_auth)
if _status != 0:
- c_add_event("SCRequestDidFail", dict(obj=self, code=0, reason="Could not send request with auth %s" % pj_status_to_str(_status)))
+ c_add_event("SIPRequestDidFail", dict(obj=self, code=0, reason="Could not send request with auth %s" % pj_status_to_str(_status)))
self.state = "TERMINATED"
- c_add_event("SCRequestDidEnd", dict(obj=self))
+ c_add_event("SIPRequestDidEnd", dict(obj=self))
_event_dict = dict(obj=self)
if rdata != NULL:
# This shouldn't happen, but safety fist!
c_rdata_info_to_dict(rdata, _event_dict)
if self._tsx.status_code / 100 == 2:
- c_add_event("SCRequestDidSucceed", _event_dict)
+ c_add_event("SIPRequestDidSucceed", _event_dict)
if rdata != NULL:
if "Expires" in _event_dict["headers"].iterkeys():
_expires = _event_dict["headers"]["Expires"]
for _contact_uri, _contact_params in _event_dict["headers"].get("Contact", []):
if _contact_uri == self._contact_uri and "expires" in _contact_params.iterkeys():
_expires = _contact_params["expires"]
if _expires == 0 and "Expires" in self._extra_headers.iterkeys():
_expires = int(self._extra_headers["Expires"])
except ValueError:
- c_add_event("SCRequestDidFail", _event_dict)
+ c_add_event("SIPRequestDidFail", _event_dict)
if _expires == 0:
self.state = "TERMINATED"
- c_add_event("SCRequestDidEnd", dict(obj=self))
+ c_add_event("SIPRequestDidEnd", dict(obj=self))
_expire_warning.sec = max(1, min(_expires - self.expire_warning_time, _expires/2))
_expire_warning.msec = 0
_status = pjsip_endpt_schedule_timer(ua.c_pjsip_endpoint.c_obj, &self._timer, &_expire_warning)
if _status == 0:
self._timer_active = 1
self.state = "EXPIRING"
self._expire_rest = max(1, _expires - _expire_warning.sec)
self.state = "TERMINATED"
- c_add_event("SCRequestDidEnd", dict(obj=self))
+ c_add_event("SIPRequestDidEnd", dict(obj=self))
if self._tsx.state == PJSIP_TSX_STATE_TERMINATED:
if self.state == "IN_PROGRESS":
if self._timer_active:
pjsip_endpt_cancel_timer(ua.c_pjsip_endpoint.c_obj, &self._timer)
self._timer_active = 0
- c_add_event("SCRequestDidFail", dict(obj=self, code=self._tsx.status_code, reason=pj_str_to_str(self._tsx.status_text)))
+ c_add_event("SIPRequestDidFail", dict(obj=self, code=self._tsx.status_code, reason=pj_str_to_str(self._tsx.status_text)))
self.state = "TERMINATED"
- c_add_event("SCRequestDidEnd", dict(obj=self))
+ c_add_event("SIPRequestDidEnd", dict(obj=self))
self._tsx.mod_data[] = NULL
self._tsx = NULL
cdef int _cb_timer(self, PJSIPUA ua) except -1:
cdef pj_time_val _expires
cdef int _status
if self.state == "IN_PROGRESS":
pjsip_tsx_terminate(self._tsx, 408)
elif self.state == "EXPIRING":
if self._expire_rest > 0:
- c_add_event("SCRequestWillExpire", dict(obj=self, expires=self._expire_rest))
+ c_add_event("SIPRequestWillExpire", dict(obj=self, expires=self._expire_rest))
_expires.sec = self._expire_rest
_expires.msec = 0
self._expire_rest = 0
_status = pjsip_endpt_schedule_timer(ua.c_pjsip_endpoint.c_obj, &self._timer, &_expires)
if _status == 0:
self._timer_active = 1
self.state = "TERMINATED"
- c_add_event("SCRequestDidEnd", dict(obj=self))
+ c_add_event("SIPRequestDidEnd", dict(obj=self))
self.state = "TERMINATED"
- c_add_event("SCRequestDidEnd", dict(obj=self))
+ c_add_event("SIPRequestDidEnd", dict(obj=self))
return 0
# callback functions
cdef void cb_Request_cb_tsx_state(pjsip_transaction *tsx, pjsip_event *event) with gil:
cdef PJSIPUA _ua
cdef void *req_ptr
cdef Request req
cdef pjsip_rx_data *rdata = NULL
_ua = c_get_ua()
req_ptr = tsx.mod_data[]
if req_ptr != NULL:
req = <object> req_ptr
if event.type == PJSIP_EVENT_RX_MSG:
rdata = event.body.rx_msg.rdata
elif event.type == PJSIP_EVENT_TSX_STATE and event.body.tsx_state.type == PJSIP_EVENT_RX_MSG:
rdata = event.body.tsx_state.src.rdata
req._cb_tsx_state(_ua, rdata)
cdef void _cb_Request_cb_timer(pj_timer_heap_t *timer_heap, pj_timer_entry *entry) with gil:
cdef PJSIPUA _ua
cdef Request req
_ua = c_get_ua()
if entry.user_data != NULL:
req = <object> entry.user_data
req._timer_active = 0
\ No newline at end of file

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 28, 9:22 AM (1 d, 7 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(18 KB)

Event Timeline