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diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index d4f9e3d6..296b1d12 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -1,469 +1,552 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import re
import traceback
import string
import random
import socket
import os
-from thread import start_new_thread
+import termios
+import select
+import signal
+import atexit
+from thread import start_new_thread, allocate_lock
from threading import Thread
from Queue import Queue
from optparse import OptionParser, OptionValueError
from cStringIO import StringIO
from time import sleep
import dns.resolver
from dns.exception import DNSException
from application.system import default_host_ip
from application.process import process
from application.configuration import *
from pypjua.clients import msrp_protocol
from pypjua.clients.digest import process_www_authenticate
from pypjua import *
from pypjua.clients.clientconfig import get_path
re_ip_port = re.compile("^(?P<host>\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})(:(?P<port>\d+))?$")
class SIPProxyAddress(tuple):
def __new__(typ, value):
match =
if match is None:
raise ValueError("invalid IP address/port: %r" % value)
if"port") is None:
port = 5060
port ="port")
if port > 65535:
raise ValueError("port is out of range: %d" % port)
return"host"), port
class AccountConfig(ConfigSection):
_datatypes = {"username": str, "domain": str, "password": str, "display_name": str, "outbound_proxy": SIPProxyAddress}
username = None
domain = None
password = None
display_name = None
outbound_proxy = None, None
+class AudioConfig(ConfigSection):
+ _datatypes = {"disable_sound": datatypes.Boolean}
+ disable_sound = False
process._system_config_directory = os.path.expanduser("~")
configuration = ConfigFile("pypjua.ini")
configuration.read_settings("Account", AccountConfig)
_re_msrp = re.compile("^(?P<pre>.*?)MSRP (?P<transaction_id>[a-zA-Z0-9.\-+%=]+) ((?P<method>[A-Z]+)|((?P<code>[0-9]{3})( (?P<comment>.*?))?))\r\n(?P<headers>.*?)\r\n(\r\n(?P<body>.*?)\r\n)?-------\\2(?P<continuation>[$#+])\r\n(?P<post>.*)$", re.DOTALL)
def random_string(length):
return "".join(random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for i in xrange(length))
class MSRP(Thread):
def __init__(self, is_incoming, do_dump, relay_ip=None, relay_port=None, relay_username=None, relay_password=None, do_srv=False):
self.is_incoming = is_incoming
self.do_dump = do_dump
self.relay_data = (relay_ip, relay_port, relay_username, relay_password)
if not all(self.relay_data):
self.relay_data = None
self.do_srv = do_srv
self.local_uri_path = [msrp_protocol.URI(host=default_host_ip, port=12345, session_id=random_string(12))]
self.remote_uri_path = None
self.sock = None
self.msg_id = 1
self.buf = StringIO()
self.use_tls = False
if not is_incoming and self.relay_data is not None:
def _init_relay(self):
- print "Reserving session at MSRP relay..."
+ global queue
+ queue.put(("print", "Reserving session at MSRP relay..."))
self.use_tls = True
relay_ip, relay_port, relay_username, relay_password = self.relay_data
real_relay_ip = relay_ip
if self.do_srv:
answers = dns.resolver.query("_msrps._tcp.%s" % relay_ip, "SRV")
real_relay_ip = str(answers[0].target).rstrip(".")
relay_port = answers[0].port
except DNSException:
- print "SRV lookup failed, trying normal A record lookup..."
+ queue.put(("print", "SRV lookup failed, trying normal A record lookup..."))
self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.sock.connect((real_relay_ip, relay_port))
self.ssl = socket.ssl(self.sock)
msrpdata = msrp_protocol.MSRPData(method="AUTH", transaction_id=random_string(12))
relay_uri = msrp_protocol.URI(host=relay_ip, port=relay_port, use_tls=True)
data = self._recv_msrp()
if int(data["code"]) != 401:
raise RuntimeError("Expected 401 response from relay")
headers = dict(header.split(": ", 1) for header in data["headers"].split("\r\n"))
www_authenticate = msrp_protocol.WWWAuthenticateHeader(headers["WWW-Authenticate"])
auth, rsp_auth = process_www_authenticate(relay_username, relay_password, "AUTH", str(relay_uri), **www_authenticate.decoded)
msrpdata.transaction_id = random_string(12)
data = self._recv_msrp()
if int(data["code"]) != 200:
raise RuntimeError("Failed to log on to MSRP relay: %(code)s %(comment)s" % data)
headers = dict(header.split(": ", 1) for header in data["headers"].split("\r\n"))
use_path = msrp_protocol.UsePathHeader(headers["Use-Path"]).decoded[0]
self.local_uri_path = [use_path, self.local_uri_path[0]]
- print 'Reserved session at MSRP relay %s:%d, Use-Path %s' % (real_relay_ip, relay_port, use_path)
+ queue.put(("print", 'Reserved session at MSRP relay %s:%d, Use-Path %s' % (real_relay_ip, relay_port, use_path)))
def _send(self, data):
+ global queue
if self.do_dump:
- print "Sending MSRP data:\n%s" % data
+ queue.put(("print", "Sending MSRP data:\n%s" % data))
if self.use_tls:
def _recv(self):
if self.use_tls:
data =
return ""
data = self.sock.recv(16384)
if self.do_dump:
- print "Received MSRP data:\n%s" % data
+ queue.put(("print", "Received MSRP data:\n%s" % data))
return data
def _recv_msrp(self):
global _re_msrp
while True:
match = _re_msrp.match(self.buf.getvalue())
if match is not None:
self.buf = StringIO()
return match.groupdict()
data = self._recv()
if len(data) == 0:
return None
def set_remote_uri(self, uri_path):
self.remote_uri_path = [msrp_protocol.parse_uri(uri) for uri in uri_path]
if self.is_incoming:
if self.relay_data is not None:
self.listen_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.listen_sock.bind(("", 0))
self.local_uri_path[-1].port = self.listen_sock.getsockname()[1]
if self.relay_data is None:
self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.sock.connect((self.remote_uri_path[0].host, self.remote_uri_path[0].port or 2855))
if self.remote_uri_path[0].use_tls:
self.use_tls = True
self.ssl = socket.ssl(self.sock)
# accoring to the RFC we have to do a SEND first...
def send_message(self, msg):
if self.remote_uri_path is not None:
msrpdata = msrp_protocol.MSRPData(method="SEND", transaction_id=random_string(12))
msrpdata.add_header(msrp_protocol.ToPathHeader(self.local_uri_path[:-1] + self.remote_uri_path))
msrpdata.add_header(msrp_protocol.ByteRangeHeader((1, len(msg), len(msg))))
data = msrpdata.encode_start() + msg + msrpdata.encode_end("$")
self.msg_id += 1
def run(self):
global correspondent
if self.is_incoming and self.relay_data is None:
self.sock, addr = self.listen_sock.accept()
del self.listen_sock
while True:
data = self._recv_msrp()
if data is None:
if data["method"] == "SEND":
if data["body"]:
- print "%s: %s" % (correspondent.as_str(), data["body"])
+ queue.put(("print_message", data["body"]))
response = msrp_protocol.MSRPData(transaction_id=data["transaction_id"], code=200, comment="OK")
response.add_header(msrp_protocol.ToPathHeader(self.local_uri_path[:-1] + self.remote_uri_path))
def disconnect(self):
if hasattr(self, "listen_sock"):
elif self.sock is not None:
if self._Thread__started:
class RingingThread(Thread):
def __init__(self, inbound):
self.inbound = inbound
self.stopping = False
def stop(self):
self.stopping = True
def run(self):
global queue
while True:
if self.stopping:
if self.inbound:
queue.put(("play_wav", "ring_inbound.wav"))
queue.put(("play_wav", "ring_outbound.wav"))
queue = Queue()
packet_count = 0
start_time = None
+user_quit = True
+lock = allocate_lock()
+switch_mode = False
+old = None
+def termios_restore():
+ global old
+ if old is not None:
+ termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin.fileno(), termios.TCSADRAIN, old)
+def getchar():
+ global old
+ fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
+ if os.isatty(fd):
+ old = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
+ new = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
+ new[3] = new[3] & ~termios.ICANON & ~termios.ECHO
+ new[6][termios.VMIN] = '\000'
+ try:
+ termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, new)
+ termios.tcflush(fd, termios.TCIFLUSH)
+ if[fd], [], [], None)[0]:
+ return
+ finally:
+ termios_restore()
+ else:
+ return, 10)
def event_handler(event_name, **kwargs):
global start_time, packet_count, queue
- if event_name == "Invitation_state":
- if kwargs["state"] == "INCOMING":
- print "Incoming session..."
- queue.put(("incoming", kwargs))
- elif kwargs["state"] == "DISCONNECTED":
- if kwargs.has_key("code") and kwargs["code"] / 100 != 2:
- print "Session ended: %(code)d %(reason)s" % kwargs
- else:
- print "Session ended"
- queue.put(("unregister", None))
- elif kwargs["state"] == "ESTABLISHED":
- queue.put(("established", kwargs))
- elif event_name == "Invitation_ringing":
- queue.put(("ringing", None))
- elif event_name == "Registration_state":
- if kwargs["state"] == "registered":
- queue.put(("registered", None))
- elif kwargs["state"] == "unregistered":
- if kwargs["code"] / 100 != 2:
- print "Unregistered: %(code)d %(reason)s" % kwargs
- queue.put(("quit", None))
- elif event_name == "siptrace":
+ if event_name == "siptrace":
if start_time is None:
start_time = kwargs["timestamp"]
packet_count += 1
if kwargs["received"]:
direction = "RECEIVED"
direction = "SENDING"
- print "%s: Packet %d, +%s" % (direction, packet_count, (kwargs["timestamp"] - start_time))
- print "%(timestamp)s: %(source_ip)s:%(source_port)d --> %(destination_ip)s:%(destination_port)d" % kwargs
- print kwargs["data"]
-def user_input():
- global queue
- while True:
- try:
- msg = raw_input()
- queue.put(("user_input", msg))
- except EOFError:
- queue.put(("end", None))
- break
- except:
- traceback.print_exc()
- queue.put(("end", None))
-def do_invite(username, domain, password, display_name, proxy_ip, proxy_port, target_username, target_domain, dump_msrp, use_msrp_relay, auto_msrp_relay, msrp_relay_ip, msrp_relay_port, do_siptrace):
- global correspondent
- print "Using configuration file %s" % process.config_file("pypjua.ini")
+ buf = ["%s: Packet %d, +%s" % (direction, packet_count, (kwargs["timestamp"] - start_time))]
+ buf.append("%(timestamp)s: %(source_ip)s:%(source_port)d --> %(destination_ip)s:%(destination_port)d" % kwargs)
+ buf.append(kwargs["data"])
+ queue.put(("print", "\n".join(buf)))
+ elif event_name != "log":
+ queue.put(("pypjua_event", (event_name, kwargs)))
+def read_queue(e, username, domain, password, display_name, proxy_ip, proxy_port, target_username, target_domain, dump_msrp, use_msrp_relay, auto_msrp_relay, msrp_relay_ip, msrp_relay_port, do_siptrace, disable_sound):
+ global user_quit, lock, queue, switch_mode
+ lock.acquire()
+ inv = None
+ msrp = None
+ ringer = None
+ printed = False
+ want_quit = target_username is not None
if use_msrp_relay:
if auto_msrp_relay:
- msrp = MSRP(target_username is None, dump_msrp, domain, 2855, username, password, True)
+ msrp_args = [target_username is None, dump_msrp, domain, 2855, username, password, True]
- msrp = MSRP(target_username is None, dump_msrp, msrp_relay_ip, msrp_relay_port, username, password, False)
+ msrp_args = [target_username is None, dump_msrp, msrp_relay_ip, msrp_relay_port, username, password, False]
- msrp = MSRP(target_username is None, dump_msrp)
- inv = None
- printed = False
- ringer = None
- e = Engine(event_handler, do_siptrace=do_siptrace, auto_sound=True, ec_tail_length=0)
- e.start()
+ msrp_args = [target_username is None, dump_msrp]
if proxy_ip is None:
- route = None
+ # for now assume 1 SRV record and more than one A record
+ srv_answers = dns.resolver.query("_sip._udp.%s" % domain, "SRV")
+ a_answers = dns.resolver.query(str(srv_answers[0].target), "A")
+ route = Route(random.choice(a_answers).address, srv_answers[0].port)
route = Route(proxy_ip, proxy_port)
+ credentials = Credentials(SIPURI(user=username, host=domain, display=display_name), password)
if target_username is None:
- reg = Registration(Credentials(SIPURI(user=username, host=domain, display=display_name), password), route=route)
+ reg = Registration(credentials, route=route)
+ print 'Registering for SIP address "%s" at proxy %s:%d and waiting for incoming INVITE' % (credentials.uri,, route.port)
- queue.put(("registered", None))
- if target_username is not None:
- inv = Invitation(Credentials(SIPURI(user=username, host=domain, display=display_name), password), SIPURI(user=target_username, host=target_domain), route=route)
- correspondent = inv.callee_uri
- except:
- e.stop()
- raise
- start_new_thread(user_input, ())
- while True:
- try:
+ msrp = MSRP(*msrp_args)
+ inv = Invitation(credentials, SIPURI(user=target_username, host=target_domain), route=route)
+ print "MSRP chat from %s to %s through proxy %s:%d" % (inv.caller_uri, inv.callee_uri,, route.port)
+ inv.invite([MediaStream("message", [str(uri) for uri in msrp.local_uri_path], ["text/plain"])])
+ other_party = inv.callee_uri
+ print "Press Ctrl-D to stop the program."
+ while True:
command, data = queue.get()
- if command == "quit":
- msrp.disconnect()
- sys.exit()
- elif command == "unregister":
- if ringer is not None:
- ringer.stop()
- ringer = None
- if target_username is None:
- try:
- reg.unregister()
- except:
- traceback.print_exc()
- msrp.disconnect()
- sys.exit()
- else:
- queue.put(("quit", None))
- elif command == "end":
+ if command == "print":
+ print data
+ if command == "print_message":
+ print "%s: %s" % (other_party, data)
+ if command == "pypjua_event":
+ event_name, args = data
+ if event_name == "Registration_state":
+ if args["state"] == "registered":
+ if not printed:
+ print "REGISTER was succesfull"
+ print "Contact: %s" % args["contact_uri"]
+ if len(args["contact_uri_list"]) > 1:
+ print "Other registered contacts:\n%s" % "\n".join([contact_uri for contact_uri in args["contact_uri_list"] if contact_uri != args["contact_uri"]])
+ print "Press Ctrl-D to stop the program."
+ print "Waiting for incoming session..."
+ printed = True
+ elif args["state"] == "unregistered":
+ if args["code"] / 100 != 2:
+ print "Unregistered: %(code)d %(reason)s" % args
+ user_quit = False
+ command = "quit"
+ if event_name == "Invitation_ringing":
+ if ringer is None:
+ print "Ringing..."
+ ringer = RingingThread(False)
+ elif event_name == "Invitation_state":
+ if args["state"] == "INCOMING":
+ print "Incoming session..."
+ if inv is None:
+ if args.has_key("streams") and len(args["streams"]) == 1 and args["streams"].pop().media_type == "message":
+ inv = args["obj"]
+ other_user_agent = args["headers"].get("User-Agent")
+ if ringer is None:
+ ringer = RingingThread(True)
+ print 'Incoming MSRP session from "%s", do you want to accept? (y/n)' % inv.caller_uri.as_str()
+ else:
+ print "Not an MSRP session, rejecting."
+ args["obj"].end()
+ else:
+ print "Rejecting."
+ args["obj"].end()
+ elif args["state"] == "ESTABLISHED":
+ if "headers" in args:
+ other_user_agent = args["headers"].get("User-Agent")
+ if ringer is not None:
+ ringer.stop()
+ ringer = None
+ remote_uri_path = args["streams"].pop().remote_info[0]
+ print "Session negotiated to: %s" % " ".join(remote_uri_path)
+ if target_username is not None:
+ msrp.set_remote_uri(remote_uri_path)
+ if other_user_agent is not None:
+ print 'Remote User Agent is "%s"' % other_user_agent
+ switch_mode = True
+ os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT)
+ elif args["state"] == "DISCONNECTED":
+ if args["obj"] is inv:
+ if ringer is not None:
+ ringer.stop()
+ ringer = None
+ if args.has_key("code") and args["code"] / 100 != 2:
+ print "Session ended: %(code)d %(reason)s" % args
+ else:
+ print "Session ended"
+ if msrp is not None:
+ msrp.disconnect()
+ msrp = None
+ switch_mode = True
+ os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT)
+ if want_quit:
+ command = "unregister"
+ else:
+ inv = None
+ if command == "user_input":
+ if inv is not None:
+ if inv.state == "INCOMING":
+ if data.lower() == "n":
+ command = "end"
+ want_quit = False
+ elif data.lower() == "y":
+ other_party = inv.caller_uri
+ msrp_stream = inv.proposed_streams.pop()
+ msrp = MSRP(*msrp_args)
+ msrp.set_remote_uri(msrp_stream.remote_info[0])
+ msrp_stream.set_local_info([str(uri) for uri in msrp.local_uri_path], ["text/plain"])
+ inv.accept([msrp_stream])
+ elif inv.state == "ESTABLISHED":
+ msrp.send_message(data)
+ if command == "play_wav":
+ e.play_wav_file(get_path(data))
+ if command == "eof":
+ command = "end"
+ want_quit = True
+ if command == "end":
- queue.put(("unregister", None))
- elif command == "incoming":
- if inv is None:
- if data.has_key("streams") and len(data["streams"]) == 1:
- msrp_stream = data["streams"].pop()
- if msrp_stream.media_type == "message" and msrp_stream.remote_info[1] == ["text/plain"]:
- inv = data["obj"]
- correspondent = inv.caller_uri
- if ringer is None:
- ringer = RingingThread(True)
- print 'Incoming session from "%s", do you want to accept? (y/n)' % inv.caller_uri.as_str()
- else:
- data["obj"].end()
+ command = "unregister"
+ if command == "unregister":
+ if target_username is None:
+ reg.unregister()
+ else:
+ user_quit = False
+ command = "quit"
+ if command == "quit":
+ break
+ except:
+ user_quit = False
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ finally:
+ e.stop()
+ if not user_quit:
+ os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT)
+ lock.release()
+def do_invite(**kwargs):
+ global user_quit, lock, queue, switch_mode
+ print "Using configuration file %s" % process.config_file("pypjua.ini")
+ ctrl_d_pressed = False
+ char_mode = True
+ e = Engine(event_handler, do_siptrace=kwargs["do_siptrace"], auto_sound=not kwargs["disable_sound"], ec_tail_length=0)
+ e.start()
+ start_new_thread(read_queue, (e,), kwargs)
+ atexit.register(termios_restore)
+ try:
+ while True:
+ try:
+ if char_mode:
+ char = getchar()
+ if char == "\x04":
+ if not ctrl_d_pressed:
+ queue.put(("eof", None))
+ ctrl_d_pressed = True
- data["obj"].end()
+ queue.put(("user_input", char))
- data["obj"].end()
- elif command == "registered":
- if not printed:
- if target_username is None:
- print "Registered with SIP address: %s@%s, waiting for incoming session..." % (username, domain)
- printed = True
- if inv is not None and inv.state == "DISCONNECTED":
- inv.invite([MediaStream("message", [str(uri) for uri in msrp.local_uri_path], ["text/plain"])])
- elif command == "established":
- if ringer is not None:
- ringer.stop()
- ringer = None
- remote_uri_path = data["streams"].pop().remote_info[0]
- print "Session negotiated to: %s" % " ".join(remote_uri_path)
- if target_username is not None:
- msrp.set_remote_uri(remote_uri_path)
- except:
- traceback.print_exc()
- queue.put(("end", None))
- elif command == "ringing":
- if ringer is None:
- print "Ringing..."
- ringer = RingingThread(False)
- elif command == "play_wav":
- e.play_wav_file(get_path(data))
- elif command == "user_input":
- if inv is not None and inv.state == "INCOMING":
- if data[0].lower() == "n":
- queue.put(("end", None))
- elif data[0].lower() == "y":
- msrp_stream = inv.proposed_streams.pop()
- try:
- msrp.set_remote_uri(msrp_stream.remote_info[0])
- except:
- traceback.print_exc()
- queue.put(("end", None))
- msrp_stream.set_local_info([str(uri) for uri in msrp.local_uri_path], ["text/plain"])
- inv.accept([msrp_stream])
+ msg = raw_input()
+ queue.put(("user_input", msg))
+ except EOFError:
+ if not ctrl_d_pressed:
+ queue.put(("eof", None))
+ ctrl_d_pressed = True
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ if switch_mode:
+ switch_mode = False
+ ctrl_d_pressed = False
+ char_mode = not char_mode
- msrp.send_message(data)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
- except Exception:
- traceback.print_exc()
- msrp.disconnect()
- sys.exit()
+ raise
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ if user_quit:
+ print "Ctrl+C pressed, exiting instantly!"
+ queue.put(("quit", True))
+ lock.acquire()
+ return
re_host_port = re.compile("^((?P<ip>\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})|(?P<host>[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+))(:(?P<port>\d+))?$")
def parse_host_port(option, opt_str, value, parser, host_name, port_name, default_port, allow_host):
match = re_host_port.match(value)
if match is None:
raise OptionValueError("Could not parse supplied address: %s" % value)
if"ip") is None:
if allow_host:
setattr(parser.values, host_name,"host"))
raise OptionValueError("Not a IP address: %s" %"host"))
setattr(parser.values, host_name,"ip"))
if"port") is None:
setattr(parser.values, port_name, default_port)
setattr(parser.values, port_name, int("port")))
def parse_options():
retval = {}
description = "This example script will REGISTER using the specified credentials and either sit idle waiting for an incoming MSRP session, or attempt to start a MSRP session with the specified target. The program will close the session and quit when CTRL+D is pressed."
usage = "%prog [options] []"
- default_options = dict(proxy_ip=AccountConfig.outbound_proxy[0], proxy_port=AccountConfig.outbound_proxy[1], username=AccountConfig.username, password=AccountConfig.password, domain=AccountConfig.domain, display_name=AccountConfig.display_name, dump_msrp=False, msrp_relay_ip=None, msrp_relay_port=None, do_siptrace=False)
+ default_options = dict(proxy_ip=AccountConfig.outbound_proxy[0], proxy_port=AccountConfig.outbound_proxy[1], username=AccountConfig.username, password=AccountConfig.password, domain=AccountConfig.domain, display_name=AccountConfig.display_name, dump_msrp=False, msrp_relay_ip=None, msrp_relay_port=None, do_siptrace=False, disable_sound=AudioConfig.disable_sound)
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=description)
parser.print_usage = parser.print_help
parser.add_option("-u", "--username", type="string", dest="username", help="Username to use for the local account. This overrides the setting from the config file.")
parser.add_option("-d", "--domain", type="string", dest="domain", help="SIP domain to use for the local account. This overrides the setting from the config file.")
parser.add_option("-p", "--password", type="string", dest="password", help="Password to use to authenticate the local account. This overrides the setting from the config file.")
parser.add_option("-n", "--display-name", type="string", dest="display_name", help="Display name to use for the local account. This overrides the setting from the config file.")
parser.add_option("-o", "--outbound-proxy", type="string", action="callback", callback=lambda option, opt_str, value, parser: parse_host_port(option, opt_str, value, parser, "proxy_ip", "proxy_port", 5060, False), help="Outbound SIP proxy to use. By default a lookup is performed based on SRV and A records. This overrides the setting from the config file.", metavar="IP[:PORT]")
parser.add_option("-m", "--trace-msrp", action="store_true", dest="dump_msrp", help="Dump the raw contents of incoming and outgoing MSRP messages (disabled by default).")
parser.add_option("-s", "--trace-sip", action="store_true", dest="do_siptrace", help="Dump the raw contents of incoming and outgoing SIP messages (disabled by default).")
parser.add_option("-r", "--msrp-relay", type="string", action="callback", callback=lambda option, opt_str, value, parser: parse_host_port(option, opt_str, value, parser, "msrp_relay_ip", "msrp_relay_port", 2855, True), help='MSRP relay to use. By default the MSRP relay will be discovered through the domain part of the SIP URI using SRV records. Use this option with "none" as argument will disable using a MSRP relay', metavar="IP[:PORT]")
+ parser.add_option("-S", "--disable-sound", action="store_true", dest="disable_sound", help="Do not initialize the soundcard (by default the soundcard is enabled).")
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if args:
retval["target_username"], retval["target_domain"] = args[0].split("@")
except ValueError:
retval["target_username"], retval["target_domain"] = args[0], options.domain
retval["target_username"], retval["target_domain"] = None, None
if not all([options.username, options.domain, options.password]):
raise RuntimeError("No complete set of SIP credentials specified in config file and on commandline.")
retval["auto_msrp_relay"] = options.msrp_relay_ip is None
if retval["auto_msrp_relay"]:
retval["use_msrp_relay"] = True
retval["use_msrp_relay"] = options.msrp_relay_ip.lower() != "none"
for attr in default_options:
retval[attr] = getattr(options, attr)
return retval
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
\ No newline at end of file

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 28, 7:22 PM (1 d, 7 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(32 KB)

Event Timeline