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diff --git a/library/NGNPro/Records/GatewayRules.php b/library/NGNPro/Records/GatewayRules.php
index ff29a10..a2850be 100644
--- a/library/NGNPro/Records/GatewayRules.php
+++ b/library/NGNPro/Records/GatewayRules.php
@@ -1,572 +1,589 @@
class GatewayRules extends Records
var $carriers = array();
var $FieldsReadOnly = array(
var $Fields = array(
'id' => array('type'=>'integer','readonly' => true),
'gateway_id' => array('type'=>'integer','name' => 'Gateway'),
'prefix' => array('type'=>'string'),
'strip' => array('type'=>'integer'),
'prepend' => array('type'=>'string'),
'minLength' => array('type'=>'integer'),
'maxLength' => array('type'=>'integer')
public function __construct($SoapEngine)
$this->filters = array(
'id' => trim($_REQUEST['id_filter']),
'gateway_id' => trim($_REQUEST['gateway_id_filter']),
'carrier_id' => trim($_REQUEST['carrier_id_filter']),
'prefix' => trim($_REQUEST['prefix_filter']),
$this->sortElements = array(
'changeDate' => 'Change date',
'gateway' => 'Gateway',
'carrier' => 'Carrier',
'prefix' => 'Prefix'
function listRecords()
// Insert credetials
// Filter
$filter = array(
'id' => intval($this->filters['id']),
'gateway_id' => intval($this->filters['gateway_id']),
'carrier_id' => intval($this->filters['carrier_id']),
'prefix' => $this->filters['prefix'],
'customer' => intval($this->filters['customer']),
'reseller' => intval($this->filters['reseller'])
// Range
$range = array(
'start' => intval($this->next),
'count' => intval($this->maxrowsperpage)
// Order
if (!$this->sorting['sortBy']) $this->sorting['sortBy'] = 'changeDate';
if (!$this->sorting['sortOrder']) $this->sorting['sortOrder'] = 'ASC';
$orderBy = array(
'attribute' => $this->sorting['sortBy'],
'direction' => $this->sorting['sortOrder']
// Compose query
$Query = array(
'filter' => $filter,
'orderBy' => $orderBy,
'range' => $range
$result = $this->SoapEngine->soapclient->getGatewayRules($Query);
if ($this->checkLogSoapError($result, true)) {
return false;
} else {
$this->rows = $result->total;
print "
<div class = \"alert alert-success\"><center>$this->rows records found</center></div>
<table class='table table-striped table-condensed' width=100%>
print "
<th>Change date</th>
if (!$this->next) $this->next=0;
if ($this->rows > $this->maxrowsperpage) {
$maxrows = $this->maxrowsperpage + $this->next;
if ($maxrows > $this->rows) $maxrows = $this->maxrowsperpage;
} else {
$maxrows = $this->rows;
if ($this->rows) {
while ($i < $maxrows) {
if (!$result->gateway_rules[$i]) break;
$gateway_rule = $result->gateway_rules[$i];
$index = $this->next+$i+1;
$base_url_data = array(
'service' => $this->SoapEngine->service,
'id_filter' => $gateway_rule->id,
'reseller_filter' => $gateway_rule->reseller
$delete_url_data = array_merge(
'action' => 'Delete',
$customer_url_data = array(
'service' => sprintf('customers@%s', $this->SoapEngine->customer_engine),
'customer_filter' => $gateway_rule->reseller
$carrier_url_data = array_merge(
'service' => sprintf('pstn_carriers@%s', $this->SoapEngine->soapEngine),
'id_filter' => $gateway_rule->carrier_id,
$gateway_url_data = array_merge(
'service' => sprintf('pstn_gateways@%s', $this->SoapEngine->soapEngine),
'id_filter' => $gateway_rule->gateway_id,
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'Delete' &&
$_REQUEST['id_filter'] == $gateway_rule->id) {
$delete_url_data['confirm'] = 1;
$actionText = "<font color=red>Confirm</font>";
} else {
$actionText = "Delete";
$_delete_url = $this->buildUrl($delete_url_data);
$_url = $this->buildUrl($base_url_data);
$_customer_url = $this->buildUrl($customer_url_data);
$_carrier_url = $this->buildUrl($carrier_url_data);
$_gateway_url = $this->buildUrl($gateway_url_data);
<td valign=top>%s</td>
<td valign=top><a href=%s>%s</a></td>
<td valign=top><a href=%s>%s</a></td>
<td valign=top><a href=%s>%s</a> (%d)</td>
<td valign=top><a href=%s>%s (%d)</a></td>
<td valign=top>%s</td>
<td valign=top>%s</td>
<td valign=top>%s</td>
<td valign=top>%s</td>
<td valign=top>%s</td>
<td valign=top>%s</td>
<td valign=top><a class='btn-small btn-danger' href=%s>%s</a></td>
print "</tr>";
print "</table>";
if ($this->rows == 1) {
} else {
return true;
function showAddForm()
//if ($this->selectionActive) return;
if (!count($this->gateways)) {
print "<p>Create a gateway first</p>";
return false;
printf("<form class=form-inline method=post name=addform action=%s>", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
print <<< END
<div class='well well-small'>
<input class='btn btn-warning' type=submit name=action value=Add>
<input type=hidden name=sortBy value=changeDate>
<div class='input-prepend'>
<span class='add-on'>Gateway</span>
<select class=span3 name=gateway_id>
foreach (array_keys($this->gateways) as $_gateway) {
printf("<option value='%s'>%s", $_gateway, $this->gateways[$_gateway]);
print <<< END
<div class='input-prepend'><span class='add-on'>Prefix</span><input class=span1 type=text size=15 name=prefix></div>
<div class='input-prepend'><span class='add-on'>Strip</span><input class=span1 type=text size=5 name=strip></div>
<div class='input-prepend'>
<span class='add-on'>Prepend</span><input class=span1 type=text size=15 name=prepend>
<div class='input-prepend'>
<span class='add-on'>Min length</span><input class=span1 type=text size=5 name=minLength>
<div class='input-prepend'>
<span class='add-on'>Max length</span><input class=span1 type=text size=5 name=maxLength>
print <<< END
function addRecord($dictionary = array())
if ($dictionary['gateway_id']) {
$gateway_id = $dictionary['gateway_id'];
} else {
$gateway_id = trim($_REQUEST['gateway_id']);
if ($dictionary['prefix']) {
$prefix = $dictionary['prefix'];
} else {
$prefix = trim($_REQUEST['prefix']);
if ($dictionary['strip']) {
$strip = $dictionary['strip'];
} else {
$strip = trim($_REQUEST['strip']);
if ($dictionary['prepend']) {
$prepend = $dictionary['prepend'];
} else {
$prepend = trim($_REQUEST['prepend']);
if ($dictionary['minLength']) {
$minLength = $dictionary['minLength'];
} else {
$minLength = trim($_REQUEST['minLength']);
if ($dictionary['maxLength']) {
$maxLength = $dictionary['maxLength'];
} else {
$maxLength = trim($_REQUEST['maxLength']);
if (!strlen($gateway_id)) {
printf("<p><font color=red>Error: Missing gateway id</font>");
return false;
$rule = array(
'gateway_id' => intval($gateway_id),
'prefix' => $prefix,
'prepend' => $prepend,
'strip' => intval($strip),
'minLength' => intval($minLength),
'maxLength' => intval($maxLength)
$function = array(
'commit' => array(
'name' => 'addGatewayRule',
'parameters' => array($rule),
'logs' => array('success' => sprintf('Gateway rule has been added'))
return $this->SoapEngine->execute($function, $this->html);
function deleteRecord($dictionary = array())
if (!$dictionary['confirm'] && !$_REQUEST['confirm']) {
print "<p><font color=red>Please press on Confirm to confirm the delete.</font></p>";
return true;
if ($dictionary['id']) {
$id = $dictionary['id'];
} else {
$id = trim($this->filters['id']);
if (!strlen($id)) {
print "<p><font color=red>Error: missing rule id </font>";
return false;
$function = array(
'commit' => array(
'name' => 'deleteGatewayRule',
'parameters' => array(intval($id)),
'logs' => array('success' => sprintf('Gateway rule %d has been deleted', $id))
return $this->SoapEngine->execute($function, $this->html);
function showSeachFormCustom()
<div class='input-prepend'>
<span class='add-on'>Rule</span><input class=span2 type=text size=15 name=id_filter value='%s'>
- print <<< END
- <select class=span2 name=carrier_id_filter>
- <option value=''>Carrier
- $selected_carrier[$this->filters['carrier_id']]='selected';
- foreach (array_keys($this->carriers) as $_carrier) {
- printf("<option value='%s' %s>%s", $_carrier, $selected_carrier[$_carrier], $this->carriers[$_carrier]);
+ if (count($this->carriers) > 250) {
+ printf(
+ "
+ <div class='input-prepend'>
+ <span class='add-on'>Carrier</span><input class=span2 type=text size=15 name=carrier_id_filter value='%s'>
+ </div>
+ ",
+ $this->filters['carrier_id']
+ );
+ } else {
+ print <<< END
+ <select class=span2 name=carrier_id_filter>
+ <option value=''>Carrier
+ $selected_carrier[$this->filters['carrier_id']] = 'selected';
+ foreach (array_keys($this->carriers) as $_carrier) {
+ printf(
+ "<option value='%s' %s>%s (%s)</option>",
+ $_carrier,
+ $selected_carrier[$_carrier],
+ $this->carriers[$_carrier],
+ $_carrier
+ );
+ }
+ print "</select>";
- print "</select>";
<div class='input-prepend'>
<span class='add-on'>Gateway</span><input class=span2 type=text size=15 name=gateway_id_filter value='%s'>
<div class='input-prepend'>
<span class='add-on'>Prefix</span><input class=span1 type=text size=15 name=prefix_filter value='%s'>
function showCustomerForm($name = 'customer_filter')
function showTextBeforeCustomerSelection()
print "Owner";
function showRecord($rule)
print "<h3>Rule</h3>";
printf("<form class=form-horizontal method=post name=addform action=%s>", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
print "<input type=hidden name=action value=Update>";
foreach (array_keys($this->Fields) as $item) {
if ($this->Fields[$item]['name']) {
$item_name = $this->Fields[$item]['name'];
} else {
<div class='control-group'>
<label class=control-label>%s</label>
if ($this->Fields[$item]['readonly']) {
<div class=controls style='padding-top:5px'>
<input name=%s_form type=hidden value='%s'>
} else {
if ($item == 'gateway_id') {
printf("<div class=controls><select class=span2 name=%s_form>", $item);
foreach (array_keys($this->gateways) as $_gateway) {
"<option value='%s' %s>%s",
print "</select></div>";
} else {
"<div class=controls><input class=span2 name=%s_form size=30 type=text value='%s'></div>",
print "
printf("<input type=hidden name=reseller_filter value='%s'>", $rule->reseller);
print <<< END
<div class="form-actions">
<input class='btn btn-warning' type=submit value=Update>
function updateRecord()
//print "<p>Updating rule ...";
if (!$_REQUEST['id_form'] || !strlen($_REQUEST['reseller_filter'])) {
if (!$rule = $this->getRecord($_REQUEST['id_form'])) {
return false;
foreach (array_keys($this->Fields) as $item) {
$var_name = $item.'_form';
if ($this->Fields[$item]['type'] == 'integer') {
$rule->$item = intval($_REQUEST[$var_name]);
} else {
$rule->$item = trim($_REQUEST[$var_name]);
$function = array('commit' => array('name' => 'updateGatewayRule',
'parameters' => array($rule),
'logs' => array('success' => sprintf('Rule %d has been updated', $_REQUEST['id_form'])))
$result = $this->SoapEngine->execute($function, $this->html);
return (bool)$result;
function getRecord($id)
// Insert credetials
// Filter
$filter = array('id' => intval($id));
// Range
$range = array('start' => 0,
'count' => 1
// Order
$this->sorting['sortBy'] = 'gateway';
$this->sorting['sortOrder'] = 'ASC';
$orderBy = array('attribute' => $this->sorting['sortBy'],
'direction' => $this->sorting['sortOrder']
// Compose query
$Query = array('filter' => $filter,
'orderBy' => $orderBy,
'range' => $range
// Call function
$result = $this->SoapEngine->soapclient->getGatewayRules($Query);
if ($this->checkLogSoapError($result, true)) {
return false;
} else {
if ($result->gateway_rules[0]) {
return $result->gateway_rules[0];
} else {
return false;
diff --git a/library/NGNPro/Records/Gateways.php b/library/NGNPro/Records/Gateways.php
index 7641477..4092c8e 100644
--- a/library/NGNPro/Records/Gateways.php
+++ b/library/NGNPro/Records/Gateways.php
@@ -1,564 +1,580 @@
class Gateways extends Records
var $carriers = array();
var $FieldsReadOnly = array(
var $Fields = array(
'id' => array('type'=>'integer',
'readonly' => true),
'name' => array('type'=>'string'),
'carrier_id' => array('type'=>'integer'),
'transport' => array('type'=>'string'),
'ip' => array('name'=>'IP or hostname',
'port' => array('type'=>'integer')
//var $transports = array('udp','tcp','tls');
var $transports = array('udp');
public function __construct($SoapEngine)
$this->filters = array(
'id' => trim($_REQUEST['id_filter']),
'name' => trim($_REQUEST['name_filter']),
'carrier_id' => trim($_REQUEST['carrier_id_filter'])
$this->sortElements = array(
'changeDate' => 'Change date',
'name' => 'Gateway',
'carrier_id' => 'Carrier',
'ip' => 'Address'
function listRecords()
// Insert credetials
// Filter
$filter = array(
'id' => intval($this->filters['id']),
'name' => $this->filters['name'],
'carrier_id'=> intval($this->filters['carrier_id']),
'customer' => intval($this->filters['customer']),
'reseller' => intval($this->filters['reseller'])
// Range
$range = array(
'start' => intval($this->next),
'count' => intval($this->maxrowsperpage)
// Order
if (!$this->sorting['sortBy']) $this->sorting['sortBy'] = 'changeDate';
if (!$this->sorting['sortOrder']) $this->sorting['sortOrder'] = 'DESC';
$orderBy = array(
'attribute' => $this->sorting['sortBy'],
'direction' => $this->sorting['sortOrder']
// Compose query
$Query = array(
'filter' => $filter,
'orderBy' => $orderBy,
'range' => $range
// Call function
$result = $this->SoapEngine->soapclient->getGateways($Query);
if ($this->checkLogSoapError($result, true)) {
return false;
} else {
$this->rows = $result->total;
print <<< END
<div class="alert alert-success"><center>$this->rows records found</center></div>
<table class='table table-striped table-condensed' width=100%>
<th>Change date</th>
if (!$this->next) $this->next=0;
if ($this->rows > $this->maxrowsperpage) {
$maxrows = $this->maxrowsperpage + $this->next;
if ($maxrows > $this->rows) $maxrows = $this->maxrowsperpage;
} else {
if ($this->rows) {
while ($i < $maxrows) {
if (!$result->gateways[$i]) break;
$gateway = $result->gateways[$i];
$index = $this->next + $i + 1;
$base_url_data = array(
'service' => $this->SoapEngine->service,
'id_filter' => $gateway->id,
$delete_url_data = array_merge(
'action' => 'Delete',
$customer_url_data = array(
'service' => sprintf('customers@%s', $this->SoapEngine->customer_engine),
'customer_filter' => $gateway->reseller
$carrier_url_data = array_merge(
'service' => sprintf('pstn_carriers@%s', $this->SoapEngine->soapEngine),
'id_filter' => $gateway->carrier_id,
'reseller_filter' => $gateway->reseller,
$rules_url_data = array(
'service' => sprintf('gateway_rules@%s', $this->SoapEngine->soapEngine),
'gateway_id_filter' => $gateway->id,
'reseller_filter' => $gateway->reseller
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'Delete' &&
$_REQUEST['id_filter'] == $gateway->id) {
$delete_url_data['confirm'] = 1;
$actionText = "<font color=red>Confirm</font>";
} else {
$actionText = "Delete";
$_delete_url = $this->buildUrl($delete_url_data);
$_url = $this->buildUrl($base_url_data);
$_customer_url = $this->buildUrl($customer_url_data);
$_carrier_url = $this->buildUrl($carrier_url_data);
$_rules_url = $this->buildUrl($rules_url_data);
<td valign=top>%s</td>
<td valign=top><a href=%s>%s</a></td>
<td valign=top><a href=%s>%s</a></td>
<td valign=top><a href=%s>%s</a></td>
<td valign=top>%s</td>
<td valign=top>%s:%s:%s</td>
<td valign=top><a href=%s>Rules</a></td>
<td valign=top>%s</td>
<td valign=top><a class='btn-small btn-danger' href=%s>%s</a></td>
print "</table>";
if ($this->rows == 1) {
} else {
return true;
function showAddForm()
//if ($this->selectionActive) return;
if (!count($this->carriers)) {
print "<p>Create a carrier first";
return false;
printf("<form class='form-inline' method=post name=addform action=%s>", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
print <<< END
<div class='well well-small'>
<input class='btn btn-warning' type=submit name=action value=Add>
<select name=carrier_id>
foreach (array_keys($this->carriers) as $_carrier) {
printf("<option value='%s'>%s", $_carrier, $this->carriers[$_carrier]);
print <<< END
<div class=input-prepend><span class="add-on">Name</span><input class=span2 type=text size=20 name=name></div>
<div class=input-prepend><span class="add-on">Transport</span>
<select class=span1 name=transport>
foreach ($this->transports as $_transport) {
printf("<option value='%s'>%s", $_transport, $_transport);
print <<< END
<div class=input-prepend>
<span class="add-on">Address</span><input class=span2 type=text size=25 name=address>
print "</div>
function addRecord($dictionary = array())
if ($dictionary['name']) {
$name = $dictionary['name'];
} else {
$name = trim($_REQUEST['name']);
if ($dictionary['carrier_id']) {
$carrier_id = $dictionary['carrier_id'];
} else {
$carrier_id = trim($_REQUEST['carrier_id']);
if ($dictionary['address']) {
$address = $dictionary['address'];
} else {
$address = trim($_REQUEST['address']);
if ($dictionary['transport']) {
$transport = $dictionary['transport'];
} else {
$transport = trim($_REQUEST['transport']);
if (!strlen($name) || !strlen($carrier_id) || !strlen($address)) {
printf("<p><font color=red>Error: Missing gateway name, carrier_id or address</font>");
return false;
$address_els = explode(':', $address);
if (count($address_els) == 1) {
$ip = $address_els[0];
$port ='5060';
} elseif (count($address_els) == 2) {
$ip = $address_els[0];
$port = $address_els[1];
if (!$port) $port = 5060;
if (!in_array($transport, $this->transports)) {
$gateway = array(
'name' => $name,
'carrier_id' => intval($carrier_id),
'ip' => $ip,
'port' => intval($port),
'transport' => $transport
$function = array(
'commit' => array(
'name' => 'addGateway',
'parameters' => array($gateway),
'logs' => array('success' => sprintf('Gateway %s has been added', $name))
return $this->SoapEngine->execute($function, $this->html);
function deleteRecord($dictionary = array())
if (!$dictionary['confirm'] && !$_REQUEST['confirm']) {
print "<p><font color=red>Please press on Confirm to confirm the delete. </font>";
return true;
if ($dictionary['id']) {
$id = $dictionary['id'];
} else {
$id = trim($this->filters['id']);
if (!strlen($id)) {
print "<p><font color=red>Error: missing gateway id.</font>";
return false;
$function = array(
'commit' => array(
'name' => 'deleteGateway',
'parameters' => array(intval($id)),
'logs' => array('success' => sprintf('Gateway %d has been deleted', $id))
return $this->SoapEngine->execute($function, $this->html);
function showSeachFormCustom()
<div class=input-prepend>
<span class=\"add-on\">Gateway</span>
<input class=2 type=text size=10 name=id_filter value='%s'>
- print "
- <select name=carrier_id_filter>
- <option value=''>Carrier";
- $selected_carrier[$this->filters['carrier_id']]='selected';
- foreach (array_keys($this->carriers) as $_carrier) {
- printf("<option value='%s' %s>%s", $_carrier, $selected_carrier[$_carrier], $this->carriers[$_carrier]);
+ if (count($this->carriers) > 250) {
+ printf(
+ "
+ <div class='input-prepend'>
+ <span class='add-on'>Carrier</span><input class=span2 type=text size=15 name=carrier_id_filter value='%s'>
+ </div>
+ ",
+ $this->filters['carrier_id']
+ );
+ } else {
+ print <<< END
+ <select class=span2 name=carrier_id_filter>
+ <option value=''>Carrier
+ $selected_carrier[$this->filters['carrier_id']] = 'selected';
+ foreach (array_keys($this->carriers) as $_carrier) {
+ printf(
+ "<option value='%s' %s>%s (%s)</option>",
+ $_carrier,
+ $selected_carrier[$_carrier],
+ $this->carriers[$_carrier],
+ $_carrier
+ );
+ }
+ print "</select>";
- print "</select>";
<div class=input-prepend>
<span class=\"add-on\">Name</span><input type=text size=20 name=name_filter value='%s'>
function showCustomerForm($name = 'customer_filter')
function showTextBeforeCustomerSelection()
print "Owner";
function showRecord($gateway)
print "<h3>Gateway</h3>";
printf("<form class=form-horizontal method=post name=addform action=%s>", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
print "<input type=hidden name=action value=Update>";
foreach (array_keys($this->Fields) as $item) {
if ($this->Fields[$item]['name']) {
} else {
$item_name = ucfirst($item);
"<div class=control-group><label class=control-label>%s</label>",
if ($this->Fields[$item]['readonly']) {
"<div class=controls style='padding-top:5px'><input name=%s_form type=hidden value='%s'>%s</div>",
} else {
if ($item == 'carrier_id') {
printf("<div class=controls><select class=span2 name=%s_form>", $item);
foreach (array_keys($this->carriers) as $_carrier) {
"<option value='%s' %s>%s",
print "</select></div>";
} elseif ($item == 'transport') {
printf("<div class=controls><select class=span2 name=%s_form>", $item);
foreach ($this->transports as $_transport) {
printf("<option value='%s' %s>%s", $_transport, $selected_transport[$_transport], $_transport);
print "</select></div>";
} else {
"<div class=controls><input class=span2 name=%s_form size=30 type=text value='%s'></div>",
print "</div>";
printf("<input type=hidden name=id_filter value='%s'>", $gateway->id);
print "
<div class=form-actions>
<input class='btn btn-warning' type=submit value=Update>
print "</form>";
function updateRecord()
//print "<p>Updating gateway ...";
if (!$_REQUEST['id_filter']) return;
if (!$gateway = $this->getRecord($_REQUEST['id_filter'])) {
return false;
foreach (array_keys($this->Fields) as $item) {
if ($this->Fields[$item]['type'] == 'integer') {
$gateway->$item = intval($_REQUEST[$var_name]);
} else {
$gateway->$item = trim($_REQUEST[$var_name]);
if (!in_array($gateway->transport, $this->transports)) {
printf("<font color=red>Invalid transport '%s'</font>", $gateway->transport);
return false;
$function = array(
'commit' => array(
'name' => 'updateGateway',
'parameters' => array($gateway),
'logs' => array(
'success' => sprintf('Gateway %s has been updated', $_REQUEST['name_filter'])))
$result = $this->SoapEngine->execute($function, $this->html);
return (bool)$result;
function getRecord($id)
// Insert credetials
// Filter
$filter = array('id' => intval($id));
// Range
$range = array(
'start' => 0,
'count' => 1
// Order
if (!$this->sorting['sortBy']) $this->sorting['sortBy'] = 'name';
if (!$this->sorting['sortOrder']) $this->sorting['sortOrder'] = 'ASC';
$orderBy = array(
'attribute' => $this->sorting['sortBy'],
'direction' => $this->sorting['sortOrder']
// Compose query
$Query = array(
'filter' => $filter,
'orderBy' => $orderBy,
'range' => $range
// Call function
$result = $this->SoapEngine->soapclient->getGateways($Query);
if ($this->checkLogSoapError($result, true)) {
return false;
} else {
if ($result->gateways[0]) {
return $result->gateways[0];
} else {
return false;
diff --git a/library/NGNPro/Records/Routes.php b/library/NGNPro/Records/Routes.php
index d5522c5d..8691089 100644
--- a/library/NGNPro/Records/Routes.php
+++ b/library/NGNPro/Records/Routes.php
@@ -1,528 +1,544 @@
class Routes extends Records
var $carriers = array();
var $Fields = array(
'id' => array(
'readonly' => true
'carrier_id' => array('type'=>'integer','name'=>'Carrier'),
'prefix' => array('type'=>'string'),
'originator' => array('type'=>'string'),
'priority' => array('type'=>'integer')
var $sortElements = array(
'prefix' => 'Prefix',
'priority' => 'Priority'
public function __construct($SoapEngine)
$this->filters = array(
'prefix' => trim($_REQUEST['prefix_filter']),
'priority' => trim($_REQUEST['priority_filter']),
'carrier_id'=> trim($_REQUEST['carrier_id_filter']),
'reseller' => trim($_REQUEST['reseller_filter']),
'id' => trim($_REQUEST['id_filter'])
function listRecords()
// Insert credetials
// Filter
$filter = array(
'prefix' => $this->filters['prefix'],
'carrier_id' => intval($this->filters['carrier_id']),
'reseller' => intval($this->filters['reseller']),
'id' => intval($this->filters['id'])
// Range
$range = array(
'start' => intval($this->next),
'count' => intval($this->maxrowsperpage)
// Order
if (!$this->sorting['sortBy']) $this->sorting['sortBy'] = 'prefix';
if (!$this->sorting['sortOrder']) $this->sorting['sortOrder'] = 'ASC';
$orderBy = array(
'attribute' => $this->sorting['sortBy'],
'direction' => $this->sorting['sortOrder']
// Compose query
$Query = array(
'filter' => $filter,
'orderBy' => $orderBy,
'range' => $range
// Call function
$result = $this->SoapEngine->soapclient->getRoutes($Query);
if ($this->checkLogSoapError($result, true)) {
return false;
} else {
$this->rows = $result->total;
print <<< END
<div class="alert alert-success"><center>$this->rows records found</center></div>
<table class='table table-condensed table-striped'width=100%>
<th><b>Change date</b></th>
if (!$this->next) $this->next=0;
if ($this->rows > $this->maxrowsperpage) {
$maxrows = $this->maxrowsperpage + $this->next;
if ($maxrows > $this->rows) $maxrows = $this->maxrowsperpage;
} else {
$maxrows = $this->rows;
if ($this->rows) {
while ($i < $maxrows) {
if (!$result->routes[$i]) break;
$route = $result->routes[$i];
$index = $this->next+$i+1;
$base_url_data = array(
'service' => $this->SoapEngine->service,
'id_filter' => $route->id,
$delete_url_data = array_merge(
'action' => 'Delete',
$customer_url_data = array(
'service' => sprintf('customers@%s', $this->SoapEngine->customer_engine),
'customer_filter' => $route->reseller
$carrier_url_data = array_merge(
'service' => sprintf('pstn_carriers@%s', $this->SoapEngine->soapEngine),
'id_filter' => $route->carrier_id,
$gateway_url_data = array(
'service' => sprintf('pstn_gateways@%s', $this->SoapEngine->soapEngine),
'carrier_id_filter' => $route->carrier_id,
'reseller_filter' => $route->reseller
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'Delete' &&
$_REQUEST['id_filter'] == $route->id) {
$delete_url_data['confirm'] = 1;
$actionText = "<font color=red>Confirm</font>";
} else {
$actionText = "Delete";
$_delete_url = $this->buildUrl($delete_url_data);
$_url = $this->buildUrl($base_url_data);
$_customer_url = $this->buildUrl($customer_url_data);
$_carrier_url = $this->buildUrl($carrier_url_data);
$_gateway_url = $this->buildUrl($gateway_url_data);
<td><a href=%s>%s</a></td>
<td><a href=%s>%s</a></td>
<td><a href=%s>%s</a></td>
<td><a href=%s>Gateways</a></td>
<td><a class='btn-small btn-danger' href=%s>%s</a></td>
print "</tr>";
print "</table>";
if ($this->rows == 1) {
} else {
return true;
function showAddForm()
//if ($this->selectionActive) return;
if (!count($this->carriers)) {
print "<p>Create a carrier first";
return false;
"<form class=form-inline method=post name=addform action=%s><div class='well well-small'>",
print <<< END
<input class='btn btn-warning' type=submit name=action value=Add>
<div class='input-prepend'>
<span class='add-on'>Carrier</span>
<select class=span2 name=carrier_id>
foreach (array_keys($this->carriers) as $_carrier) {
printf("<option value='%s'>%s", $_carrier, $this->carriers[$_carrier]);
print <<< END
<div class='input-prepend'><span class='add-on'>Prefix</span><input type=text size=20 name=prefix></div>
<div class='input-prepend'><span class='add-on'>Originator</span><input type=text size=20 name=originator></div>
<div class='input-prepend'><span class='add-on'>Priority</span><input type=text size=5 name=priority></div>
print "</div>
function addRecord($dictionary = array())
if ($dictionary['prefix']) {
$prefix = $dictionary['prefix'];
} else {
$prefix = trim($_REQUEST['prefix']);
if ($dictionary['carrier_id']) {
$carrier_id = $dictionary['carrier_id'];
} else {
$carrier_id = trim($_REQUEST['carrier_id']);
if ($dictionary['originator']) {
$originator = $dictionary['originator'];
} else {
$originator = trim($_REQUEST['originator']);
if ($dictionary['priority']) {
$priority = $dictionary['priority'];
} else {
$priority = trim($_REQUEST['priority']);
if (!strlen($carrier_id)) {
printf("<p><font color=red>Error: Missing carrier id. </font>");
return false;
$route = array(
'prefix' => $prefix,
'originator' => $originator,
'carrier_id' => intval($carrier_id),
'priority' => intval($priority)
$routes = array($route);
$function = array(
'commit' => array(
'name' => 'addRoutes',
'parameters' => array($routes),
'logs' => array('success' => sprintf('Route %s has been added', $prefix))
return $this->SoapEngine->execute($function, $this->html);
function deleteRecord($dictionary = array())
if (!$dictionary['confirm'] && !$_REQUEST['confirm']) {
print "<p><font color=red>Please press on Confirm to confirm the delete. </font>";
return true;
if ($dictionary['id']) {
$id = $dictionary['id'];
} else {
$id = trim($this->filters['id']);
if (!strlen($id)) {
print "<p><font color=red>Error: missing route id. </font>";
return false;
$route = array('id'=> intval($id));
$routes = array($route);
$function = array(
'commit' => array(
'name' => 'deleteRoutes',
'parameters' => array($routes),
'logs' => array('success' => sprintf('Route %s has been deleted', $id))
return $this->SoapEngine->execute($function, $this->html);
function showSeachFormCustom()
<div class='input-prepend'>
<span class='add-on'>Route</span><input type=text size=10 name=id_filter value='%s'>
- print <<< END
- <select name=carrier_id_filter>
- <option value=''>Carrier
- $selected_carrier[$this->filters['carrier_id']]='selected';
- foreach (array_keys($this->carriers) as $_carrier) {
- printf("<option value='%s' %s>%s", $_carrier, $selected_carrier[$_carrier], $this->carriers[$_carrier]);
+ if (count($this->carriers) > 250) {
+ printf(
+ "
+ <div class='input-prepend'>
+ <span class='add-on'>Carrier</span><input class=span2 type=text size=15 name=carrier_id_filter value='%s'>
+ </div>
+ ",
+ $this->filters['carrier_id']
+ );
+ } else {
+ print <<< END
+ <select class=span2 name=carrier_id_filter>
+ <option value=''>Carrier
+ $selected_carrier[$this->filters['carrier_id']] = 'selected';
+ foreach (array_keys($this->carriers) as $_carrier) {
+ printf(
+ "<option value='%s' %s>%s (%s)</option>",
+ $_carrier,
+ $selected_carrier[$_carrier],
+ $this->carriers[$_carrier],
+ $_carrier
+ );
+ }
+ print "</select>";
- print "</select>";
<div class='input-prepend'>
<span class='add-on'>Prefix</span><input type=text size=15 name=prefix_filter value='%s'>
function showCustomerTextBox()
print "Owner";
function showCustomerForm($name = 'customer_filter')
function showTextBeforeCustomerSelection()
print "Owner";
function getRecord($id)
// Insert credetials
// Filter
$filter = array('id' => intval($id));
// Range
$range = array(
'start' => 0,
'count' => 1
// Order
if (!$this->sorting['sortBy']) $this->sorting['sortBy'] = 'prefix';
if (!$this->sorting['sortOrder']) $this->sorting['sortOrder'] = 'ASC';
$orderBy = array(
'attribute' => $this->sorting['sortBy'],
'direction' => $this->sorting['sortOrder']
// Compose query
$Query = array(
'filter' => $filter,
'orderBy' => $orderBy,
'range' => $range
// Call function
$result = $this->SoapEngine->soapclient->getRoutes($Query);
if ($this->checkLogSoapError($result, true)) {
return false;
} else {
if ($result->routes[0]) {
return $result->routes[0];
} else {
return false;
function showRecord($route)
print "<h3>Route</h3>";
printf("<form class = form-horizontal method=post name=addform action=%s>", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
print "<input type=hidden name=action value=Update>";
foreach (array_keys($this->Fields) as $item) {
if ($this->Fields[$item]['name']) {
$item_name = $this->Fields[$item]['name'];
} else {
$item_name = ucfirst($item);
<div class=control-group>
<label class=control-label>%s</label>
if ($this->Fields[$item]['readonly']) {
"<div class=controls style='padding-top:5px'><input name=%s_form type=hidden value='%s'>%s</div>",
} else {
if ($item == 'carrier_id') {
printf("<div class=controls><select name=%s_form>", $item);
$selected_carrier[$route->$item] = 'selected';
foreach (array_keys($this->carriers) as $_carrier) {
"<option value='%s' %s>%s",
print "</select></div>";
} else {
"<div class=controls><input name=%s_form type=text value='%s'></div>",
print "</div>";
printf("<input type=hidden name=id_filter value='%s'>", $route->id);
print "
<div class='form-actions'>
<input class='btn btn-warning' type=submit value=Update>
print "</form>";
function updateRecord()
//print "<p>Updating route ...";
if (!$_REQUEST['id_filter']) return;
if (!$route = $this->getRecord($_REQUEST['id_filter'])) {
return false;
foreach (array_keys($this->Fields) as $item) {
$var_name = $item.'_form';
if ($this->Fields[$item]['type'] == 'integer') {
$route->$item = intval($_REQUEST[$var_name]);
} else {
$route->$item = trim($_REQUEST[$var_name]);
$routes = array($route);
$function = array(
'commit' => array(
'name' => 'updateRoutes',
'parameters' => array($routes),
'logs' => array('success' => sprintf('Route %d has been updated', $_REQUEST['id_filter']))
return (bool)$this->SoapEngine->execute($function, $this->html);

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 28, 8:46 AM (1 d, 6 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(56 KB)

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