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This file is larger than 256 KB, so syntax highlighting was skipped.
diff --git a/library/cdr_opensips.php b/library/cdr_opensips.php
index 413a839..7925478 100644
--- a/library/cdr_opensips.php
+++ b/library/cdr_opensips.php
@@ -1,5561 +1,5561 @@
class CDRS_opensips extends CDRS {
var $table = "radacct";
var $CDR_class = "CDR_opensips";
var $subscriber_table = "subscriber";
var $ENUMtld = '';
var $maxCDRsNormalizeWeb = 500;
var $sipTrace = 'sip_trace';
var $mediaTrace = 'media_trace';
var $missed_calls_group = 'missed-calls';
var $rate_on_net_group = 'rate-on-net';
var $callerid_cache = array();
var $CDRFields=array('id' => 'RadAcctId',
'callId' => 'AcctSessionId',
'duration' => 'AcctSessionTime',
'startTime' => 'AcctStartTime',
'stopTime' => 'AcctStopTime',
'inputTraffic' => 'AcctInputOctets',
'outputTraffic' => 'AcctOutputOctets',
'flow' => 'ServiceType',
'aNumber' => 'CallingStationId',
'username' => 'UserName',
'domain' => 'Realm',
'cNumber' => 'CalledStationId',
'timestamp' => 'timestamp',
'SipMethod' => 'SipMethod',
'disconnect' => 'SipResponseCode',
'SipFromTag' => 'SipFromTag',
'SipToTag' => 'SipToTag',
'RemoteAddress' => 'SipTranslatedRequestURI',
'SipCodec' => 'SipCodecs',
'SipUserAgents' => 'SipUserAgents',
'application' => 'SipApplicationType',
'BillingPartyId' => 'UserName',
'SipRPID' => 'SipRPID',
'SipProxyServer' => 'NASIPAddress',
'gateway' => 'SourceIP',
'SourceIP' => 'SourceIP',
'SourcePort' => 'SourcePort',
'CanonicalURI' => 'CanonicalURI',
'normalized' => 'Normalized',
'rate' => 'Rate',
'price' => 'Price',
'DestinationId' => 'DestinationId',
'ResellerId' => 'BillingId',
'MediaInfo' => 'MediaInfo',
'RTPStatistics' => 'RTPStatistics',
'ENUMtld' => 'ENUMtld',
'UserAgent' => 'UserAgent',
'FromHeader' => 'FromHeader'
var $CDRNormalizationFields=array('id' => 'RadAcctId',
'callId' => 'AcctSessionId',
'username' => 'UserName',
'domain' => 'Realm',
'gateway' => 'SourceIP',
'duration' => 'AcctSessionTime',
'startTime' => 'AcctStartTime',
'stopTime' => 'AcctStopTime',
'inputTraffic' => 'AcctInputOctets',
'outputTraffic' => 'AcctOutputOctets',
'aNumber' => 'CallingStationId',
'cNumber' => 'CalledStationId',
'timestamp' => 'timestamp',
'disconnect' => 'SipResponseCode',
'RemoteAddress' => 'SipTranslatedRequestURI',
'CanonicalURI' => 'CanonicalURI',
'SipRPID' => 'SipRPID',
'SipMethod' => 'SipMethod',
'application' => 'SipApplicationType',
'flow' => 'ServiceType',
'BillingPartyId' => 'UserName',
'ResellerId' => 'BillingId',
'price' => 'Price',
'DestinationId' => 'DestinationId',
'ENUMtld' => 'ENUMtld'
var $GROUPBY=array('UserName' => 'SIP Billing Party',
'CallingStationId' => 'SIP Caller Party',
'SipRPID' => 'SIP Remote Party Id',
'CanonicalURI' => 'SIP Canonical URI',
'DestinationId' => 'SIP Destination Id',
'NASIPAddress' => 'SIP Proxy',
'MediaInfo' => 'Media Information',
'SourceIP' => 'Source IP',
'Realm' => 'SIP Billing domain',
'UserAgent' => 'User Agent',
'SipCodecs' => 'Codec type',
'SipApplicationType' => 'Application',
'SipResponseCode' => 'SIP status code',
'BillingId' => 'Tech prefix',
'ServiceType' => 'Call Flow',
' ' => '-------------',
'hour' => 'Hour of day',
'DAYOFWEEK' => 'Day of Week',
'DAYOFMONTH' => 'Day of Month',
'DAYOFYEAR' => 'Day of Year',
'BYMONTH' => 'Month',
'BYYEAR' => 'Year'
var $FormElements=array(
"ReNormalize","media_info","cdr_table","maxrowsperpage", "flow"
function initCDRFields() {
// init names of CDR fields
foreach (array_keys($this->CDRFields) as $field) {
function LoadDisconnectCodes() {
$query="select * from sip_status order by code";
$this->disconnectCodesElements[]=array("label"=>"Any Status","value"=>"");
$this->disconnectCodesElements[]=array("label"=>"Undefined (0)","value"=>"0");
$this->disconnectCodesClassElements[]=array("label"=>"Any Status Class","value"=>"");
if ($this->cdrtool->query($query)) {
while($this->cdrtool->next_record()) {
$key = $this->cdrtool->f('code');
$value = $this->cdrtool->f('description');
$value_print = $this->cdrtool->f('description')." (".$this->cdrtool->f('code').")";
if (preg_match("/^[^2-6]/",$key)) {
$class_text=substr($key,0,1)."XX (".$this->cdrtool->f('code_type').")";
if (!$seen[$class]) {
function showTableHeader() {
print "
<table class='table table-hover table-condensed'>
<th>Start Time</th>
<th>SIP Caller</th>
<th>Caller Location</th>
<th>Sip Proxy</th>
<th>SIP Destination</th>
<th class='pull-right'>Status</th>
function showExportHeader() {
print "id,StartTime,StopTime,BillingParty,BillingDomain,PSTNCallerId,CallerParty,CalledParty,DestinationId,DestinationName,RemoteAddress,CanonicalURI,Duration,Price,SIPProxy,Caller KBIn,Called KBIn,CallingUserAgent,CalledUserAgent,StatusCode,StatusName,Codec,Media\n";
function showTableHeaderSubscriber() {
if (!$this->export) {
print "
<table class='table table-striped table-condensed'>
<th>Start Time</th>
<th>SIP Caller</th>
<th>Caller Location</th>
<th>Sip Proxy</th>
<th>SIP Destination</th>
} else {
print "id,StartTime,StopTime,SIPBillingParty,SIPBillingDomain,RemotePartyId,CallerParty,CalledParty,DestinationId,DestinationName,RemoteAddress,CanonicalURI,Duration,Price,SIPProxy,Applications,Caller KBIn,Called KBIn,CallingUserAgent,CalledUserAgent,StatusCode,StatusName,Codec,Application\n";
function showTableHeaderStatistics() {
if (!$this->export) {
print "
<table class='table table-striped table-condensed'>
<th colspan=2>Success</th>
<th colspan=2>Failure</th>
} else {
print "id,Calls,Seconds,Minutes,Hours,Price,TrafficIn(MB),TrafficOut(MB),Success(%),Success(calls),Failure(%),Failure(calls),$group_byPrint,Description\n";
function initForm() {
// form els added below must have global vars
foreach ($this->FormElements as $_el) {
global ${$_el};
${$_el} = trim($_REQUEST[$_el]);
$action = "search";
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['gateway']) {
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) {
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']) {
$Realm = $this->CDRTool['filter']['domain'];
if (!$maxrowsperpage) $maxrowsperpage=15;
$this->f = new form;
if (isset($this->CDRTool['dataSourcesAllowed'])) {
while (list($k,$v)=each($this->CDRTool['dataSourcesAllowed'])) {
if ($this->DATASOURCES[$v]['invisible']) continue;
if (!$cdr_source) $cdr_source=$cdr_source_els[0]['value'];
"extrahtml"=>"class=span2 onChange=\"document.datasource.submit.disabled = true; location.href = 'callsearch.phtml?cdr_source=' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value\"",
foreach ($this->tables as $_table) {
if (preg_match("/^.*(\d{6})$/",$_table,$m)) {
} else {
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"cdr_table",
if ($begin_datetime) {
preg_match("/^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s+(\d\d):(\d\d)/", "$begin_datetime", $parts);
$begin_year =date(Y,$begin_datetime);
$begin_day =date(d,$begin_datetime);
$begin_hour =date(H,$begin_datetime);
$begin_min =date(i,$begin_datetime);
} else {
$begin_day = $_REQUEST["begin_day"];
$begin_month = $_REQUEST["begin_month"];
$begin_year = $_REQUEST["begin_year"];
$begin_hour = $_REQUEST["begin_hour"];
$begin_min = $_REQUEST["begin_min"];
if ($end_datetime) {
preg_match("/^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s+(\d\d):(\d\d)/", "$end_datetime", $parts);
$end_year =date(Y,$end_datetime);
$end_month =date(m,$end_datetime);
$end_day =date(d,$end_datetime);
$end_hour =date(H,$end_datetime);
$end_min =date(i,$end_datetime);
} else {
$end_day = $_REQUEST["end_day"];
$end_month = $_REQUEST["end_month"];
$end_year = $_REQUEST["end_year"];
$end_hour = $_REQUEST["end_hour"];
$end_min = $_REQUEST["end_min"];
// corect last day of the month to be valid day
$begin_day = validDay($begin_month,$begin_day,$begin_year);
$end_day = validDay($end_month,$end_day,$end_year);
$default_year = Date("Y");
$default_month = Date("m");
$default_day = Date("d");
$default_hour = Date(H,time());
if ($default_hour > 1) $default_hour=$default_hour-1;
$default_hour = preg_replace("/^(\d)$/","0$1",$default_hour);
$default_min = Date("i");
if ($default_min > 10) {
if (!$begin_hour) $begin_hour = $default_hour;
if (!$begin_min) $begin_min = $default_min;
if (!$begin_day) $begin_day = $default_day;
if (!$begin_month) $begin_month = $default_month;
if (!$begin_year) $begin_year = $default_year;
if (!$end_hour) $end_hour = 23;
if (!$end_min) $end_min = 55;
if (!$end_day) $end_day = $default_day;
if (!$end_month) $end_month = $default_month;
if (!$end_year) $end_year = $default_year;
while ($m<24) {
if ($m<10) { $v="0".$m; } else { $v=$m; }
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"end_hour",
while ($m<60) {
if ($m<10) { $v="0".$m; } else { $v=$m; }
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"begin_min",
while ($m<32) {
if ($m<10) { $v="0".$m; } else { $v=$m; }
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"begin_day",
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"end_day",
while ($m<13) {
if ($m<10) { $v="0".$m; } else { $v=$m; }
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"begin_month",
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"end_month",
while ($y>$thisYear-6) {
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"begin_year",
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"end_year",
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"call_id",
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"UserName",
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"a_number",
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"BillingId",
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"c_number",
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"sip_status",
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"sip_status_class",
if (!$this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) {
$durations_els = array(
array("label"=>"All calls","value"=>""),
array("label"=>"0 seconds","value"=>"zero"),
array("label"=>"non 0 seconds","value"=>"nonzero"),
array("label"=>"non 0 seconds without price","value"=>"zeroprice"),
array("label"=>"less than 5 seconds","value"=>"< 5"),
array("label"=>"more than 5 seconds","value"=>"> 5"),
array("label"=>"less than 60 seconds","value"=>"< 60"),
array("label"=>"greater than 1 hour","value"=>"> 3600"),
array("label"=>"one hour","value"=>"onehour"),
array("label"=>"greater than 5 hours","value"=>"> 18000"),
array("label"=>"Un-normalized calls","value"=>"unnormalized"),
array("label"=>"Un-normalized calls > 0s","value"=>"unnormalized_duration"),
array("label"=>"One way media","value"=>"onewaymedia"),
array("label"=>"No media","value"=>"nomedia")
} else {
$durations_els = array(
array("label"=>"All calls","value"=>""),
array("label"=>"0 seconds call","value"=>"zero"),
array("label"=>"Succesfull calls","value"=>"nonzero"),
array("label"=>"less than 60 seconds","value"=>"< 60"),
array("label"=>"greater than 1 hour","value"=>"> 3600")
'UserName' => 'SIP Billing Party',
'CallingStationId' => 'SIP Caller Party',
'DestinationId' => 'SIP Destination Id',
'SipApplicationType' => 'Application',
' ' => '-------------',
'hour' => 'Hour of day',
'DAYOFWEEK' => 'Day of Week',
'DAYOFMONTH' => 'Day of Month',
'DAYOFYEAR' => 'Day of Year',
'BYMONTH' => 'Month',
'BYYEAR' => 'Year'
$flow_els = array(
array("label"=>"Any Call Flow","value"=>""),
array("label"=>"On Net","value"=>"on-net"),
array("label"=>"Diverted On Net","value"=>"diverted-on-net"),
array("label"=>"Diverted Off Net","value"=>"diverted-off-net"),
array("label"=>"On Net Diverted On Net","value"=>"on-net-diverted-on-net"),
array("label"=>"On Net Diverted Off Net","value"=>"on-net-diverted-off-net"),
array("label"=>"Unknown Flow","value"=>"Sip-Session")
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"flow",
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"duration",
$comp_ops_els = array(
array("label"=>"Begins with","value"=>"begin"),
array("label"=>"Is empty","value"=>"empty"),
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"a_number_comp",
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"c_number_comp",
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"UserName_comp",
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"Realm",
array("label"=>"ICE session","value"=>"ICE session")
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"media_info",
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"maxrowsperpage",
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"order_type",
array("label"=>"Billing Party","value"=>"UserName"),
array("label"=>"Remote Party Id","value"=>"SipRPID"),
array("label"=>"Caller Party","value"=>"CallingStationId"),
array("label"=>"Input traffic","value"=>"AcctInputOctets"),
array("label"=>"Output traffic","value"=>"AcctOutputOctets"),
array("label"=>"Group by","value"=>"group_by")
while (list($k,$v)=each($this->GROUPBY)) {
array("label"=>"Any Application", "value"=>""),
array("label"=>"Audio", "value"=>"audio"),
array("label"=>"Video", "value"=>"video"),
array("label"=>"Message" , "value"=>"message"),
array("label"=>"IM Chat" , "value"=>"chat"),
array("label"=>"Audio + Chat" , "value"=>"audio=2C chat"),
array("label"=>"File Transfer","value"=>"file-transfer")
$this->f->add_element(array( "name"=>"ExcludeDestinations",
function searchForm() {
global $perm;
print "<table id='search' class='table table-bordered table-condensed' cellpadding=5 width=100% align=center>";
$this->showDataSources ($this->f);
$this->showDateTimeElements ($this->f);
// freeze some form els
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) {
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']) {
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['gateway']) {
if (count($ff)) {
print "
<td align=left>
<b>SIP Call Id / Source IP</b>
<div class=\"input-prepend\">
<div class=\"input-append\">";
print "<span class=\"add-on\">/</span></div>";
print "</div>
Sip Proxy ";
print "
print "
<td align=left>
<b>User Agent / Media Codecs</b>
<td >
print " Codec: ";
print "
print "
<td align=left>
<b>SIP Billing Party (Username)</b>
print "
<div class=\"input-prepend\">
<div class=\"input-append\">
print "<span class=\"add-on\">@</span></div>";
print "</div> Tech prefix: ";
print "</div>
print "
<td align=left>
SIP Caller Party (From URI)
<td valign=top>
print "&nbsp;";
print "
print "
<td align=left>
<b>SIP Destination (Canonical URI)
<td valign=top> ";
print "&nbsp;";
print " Exclude: ";
print "
print "
<td align=left>
<b>Application / Call Flow</b>
<td valign=top> ";
print "&nbsp;";
print " Media Info: ";
print "
print "
<td align=left>
<b>Duration / Status</b>
<td valign=top> ";
print "&nbsp;";
print "&nbsp;";
print "
print "
<td align=left>
<b>Order by / Group by</b>
<td valign=top>
print "&nbsp;";
if ($perm->have_perm("statistics")) {
print " Group by ";
print " Max results per page ";
print "</nobr>&nbsp";
if (!$perm->have_perm('readonly')) {
print ";&nbsp;&nbsp; <nobr>ReNormalize ";
print "<input type=checkbox name=ReNormalize value=1>
print "
print "
print "
function searchFormSubscriber() {
global $perm;
print "
- <table cellpadding=5 CELLSPACING=0 border=6 width=100% align=center>
+ <table id='search' class='table table-bordered table-condensed' cellpadding=5 width=100% align=center>
$this->showDataSources ($this->f);
$this->showDateTimeElements ($this->f);
// freeze some form els
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) {
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']) {
if ($this->CDRTool["filter"]["gateway"]) {
if (count($ff)) {
print "
<td align=left>
SIP Caller Party
<td valign=top>
print "
print "
<td align=left>
SIP Billing Party
<td valign=top>
print "
print "
<td align=left>
SIP Destination
<td valign=top> ";
print "
print "
<td align=left>
<b>SIP Session duration</b>
<td valign=top> ";
print " Application ";
print "
print "
<td align=left>
<b>Order by</b>
<td valign=top>
if ($perm->have_perm("statistics")) {
print " Group by ";
print " Max results per page ";
print "
print "
print "
function show() {
global $perm;
if (!is_object($this->CDRdb)) {
$log=sprintf("Error: CDR database is not initalized");
print $log;
return false;
foreach ($this->FormElements as $_el) {
${$_el} = trim($_REQUEST[$_el]);
// overwrite some elements based on user rights
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['gateway']) {
$gateway =$this->CDRTool['filter']['gateway'];
if (!$this->export) {
if (!$begin_datetime) {
$begin_datetime="$begin_year-$begin_month-$begin_day $begin_hour:$begin_min";
$begin_datetime_timestamp=mktime($begin_hour, $begin_min, 0, $begin_month,$begin_day,$begin_year);
} else {
$begin_datetime=Date("Y-m-d H:i",$begin_datetime);
if (!$end_datetime) {
$end_datetime_timestamp=mktime($end_hour, $end_min, 0, $end_month,$end_day,$end_year);
$end_datetime="$end_year-$end_month-$end_day $end_hour:$end_min";
} else {
$end_datetime=Date("Y-m-d H:i",$end_datetime);
} else {
$begin_datetime=Date("Y-m-d H:i",$begin_datetime);
$end_datetime=Date("Y-m-d H:i",$end_datetime);
if (!$order_by || (!$group_by && $order_by == "group_by")) {
if (!$cdr_table) $cdr_table=$this->table;
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']) {
$this->url .= sprintf("&Realms=%s",urlencode($this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']));
$Realms = explode(" ",$this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']);
} else if ($Realms) {
$this->url .= sprintf("&Realms=%s",urlencode($Realms));
$Realms = explode(" ",$Realms);
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) {
$this->url .= sprintf("&UserName=%s",urlencode($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']));
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['after_date']) {
$where .= sprintf(" and %s >= '%s' ",addslashes($this->startTimeField),addslashes($this->CDRTool['filter']['after_date']));
if ($order_by) {
if (!$call_id && $begin_datetime && $end_datetime) {
$where .= sprintf(" (%s >= '%s' and %s < '%s') ",addslashes($this->startTimeField),addslashes($begin_datetime),addslashes($this->startTimeField), addslashes($end_datetime));
} else {
$where .= sprintf(" (%s >= '1970-01-01' ) ",addslashes($this->startTimeField));
$where .= sprintf(" and %s like '%s%s' ", addslashes($this->startTimeField), addslashes($MONTHYEAR), '%');
$this->url.= sprintf("&MONTHYEAR=%s",urlencode($MONTHYEAR));
if ($flow) {
$where .= sprintf(" and %s = '%s' ", addslashes($this->flowField), addslashes($flow));
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) {
// force user to see only CDRS with his a_numbers
$where .= sprintf(" and ( %s = '%s' or %s = '%s') ",
if ($UserName_comp == "empty") {
$where .= sprintf(" and %s = ''", addslashes($this->usernameField));
} else if (strlen($UserName) && !$this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) {
if (!$UserName_comp) $UserName_comp='begin';
if ($UserName_comp=="begin") {
$where .= sprintf(" and %s like '%s%s'", addslashes($this->usernameField), addslashes($UserName), '%');
} elseif ($UserName_comp=="contain") {
$where .= sprintf(" and %s like '%s%s%s'", addslashes($this->usernameField), '%s', addslashes($UserName), '%');
} elseif ($UserName_comp=="equal") {
$where .= sprintf(" and %s = '%s'", addslashes($this->usernameField), addslashes($UserName));
} else {
$where .= sprintf(" and %s = ''", addslashes($this->usernameField));
if ($a_number_comp == "empty") {
$where .= sprintf(" and %s = ''", addslashes($this->aNumberField));
} else if (strlen($a_number)) {
if (!$a_number_comp) $a_number_comp="equal";
if ($a_number_comp=="begin") {
$where .= sprintf(" and %s like '%s%s'", addslashes($this->aNumberField), addslashes($a_number), '%');
} elseif ($a_number_comp=="contain") {
$where .= sprintf(" and %s like '%s%s%s'", addslashes($this->aNumberField), '%s', addslashes($a_number), '%s');
} elseif ($a_number_comp=="equal") {
$where .= sprintf(" and %s = '%s'", addslashes($this->aNumberField), addslashes($a_number));
if ($c_number_comp == "empty") {
$where .= sprintf(" and %s = ''", addslashes($this->CanonicalURIField));
} else if (strlen($c_number)) {
if (!$c_number_comp) $c_number_comp="begin";
if (!$c_number_comp || $c_number_comp=="begin") {
$where .= sprintf(" and %s like '%s%s'", addslashes($this->CanonicalURIField), addslashes($c_number), '%');
} elseif ($c_number_comp=="contain") {
$where .= sprintf(" and %s like '%s%s%s'", addslashes($this->CanonicalURIField), '%', addslashes($c_number), '%');
} elseif ($c_number_comp=="equal") {
$where .= sprintf(" and %s = '%s'", addslashes($this->CanonicalURIField), addslashes($c_number));
if ($Realms) {
$where .= sprintf("and %s in (",$this->domainField);
foreach ($Realms as $realm) {
$where .= sprintf("'%s',",addslashes($realm));
$where=rtrim($where, ",");
$where .= ") ";
} else if ($Realm) {
$where .= sprintf(" and %s = '%s' ", $this->domainField, addslashes($Realm));
if (preg_match("/^\d+$/",$BillingId) && $this->BillingIdField) {
$where .= " and $this->BillingIdField = '".addslashes($BillingId)."'";
if ($application) {
$where .= " and $this->applicationField like '%".addslashes($application)."%'";
if ($DestinationId) {
if ($DestinationId=="empty") {
} else {
$where .= " and $this->DestinationIdField = '".addslashes($DestinationIdSQL)."'";
if (strlen(trim($ExcludeDestinations))) {
$ExcludeDestArray=explode(" ",trim($ExcludeDestinations));
foreach ($ExcludeDestArray as $exclDst) {
if (preg_match("/^0+(\d+)$/",$exclDst,$m)) {
} else {
$where .= " and ".
" not like '".
if ($call_id) {
$where .= " and $this->callIdField = '".addslashes($call_id)."'";
if ($sip_proxy) {
$where .= " and $this->SipProxyServerField = '".addslashes($sip_proxy)."'";
if ($SipCodec) {
if ($SipCodec != "empty") {
$where .= " and $this->SipCodecField = '".addslashes($SipCodec)."'";
} else {
$where .= " and $this->SipCodecField = ''";
if ($SipRPID) {
if ($SipRPID != "empty") {
$where .= " and $this->SipRPIDField = '".addslashes($SipRPID)."'";
} else {
$where .= " and $this->SipRPIDField = ''";
if ($UserAgent) {
$where .= " and $this->UserAgentField like '%".addslashes($UserAgent)."%'";
if (strlen($sip_status)) {
$where .= " and $this->disconnectField ='".addslashes($sip_status)."'";
if ($sip_status_class) {
$where .= " and $this->disconnectField like '$sip_status_class%'";
if ($this->CDRTool[filter]["gateway"]) {
$where .= " and $this->gatewayField = '".addslashes($gatewayFilter)."'";
} else if ($gateway) {
$where .= " and $this->gatewayField = '".addslashes($gateway)."'";
if ($duration) {
if (preg_match("/\d+/",$duration) ) {
$where .= " and ($this->durationField > 0 and $this->durationField $duration) ";
} elseif (preg_match("/onehour/",$duration) ) {
$where .= " and ($this->durationField < 3610 and $this->durationField > 3530) ";
} elseif ($duration == "zero") {
$where .= " and $this->durationField = 0";
} elseif ($duration == "zeroprice" && $this->priceField) {
$where .= " and $this->durationField > 0 and ($this->priceField = '' or $this->priceField is NULL)";
$mongo_where[$this->priceField] = '';
} elseif ($duration == "nonzero") {
$where .= " and $this->durationField > 0";
} elseif ($duration == "onewaymedia") {
$where .= " and (($this->inputTrafficField > 0 && $this->outputTrafficField = 0) || ($this->inputTrafficField = 0 && $this->outputTrafficField > 0)) " ;
} elseif ($duration == "nomedia") {
$where .= " and ($this->inputTrafficField = 0 && $this->outputTrafficField = 0) " ;
if ($media_info) {
$where .= sprintf(" and %s = '%s' ",addslashes($this->MediaInfoField), addslashes($media_info));
$url_calls = $this->scriptFile.$this->url."&action=search";
if ($group_by) {
$this->url_edit = $this->scriptFile.$this->url."&action=edit";
$this->url_run = $this->scriptFile.$this->url."&action=search";
$this->url_export = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].$this->url."&action=search&export=1";
if ($duration == "unnormalized") {
$where .= " and $this->normalizedField = '0' ";
if ($duration == "unnormalized_duration") {
$where .= " and $this->normalizedField = '0' and $this->durationField > 0 ";
if ($group_by) {
if ($group_by=="hour") {
} else if (preg_match("/^DAY/",$group_by)) {
} else if (preg_match("/BYMONTH/",$group_by)) {
} else if (preg_match("/BYYEAR/",$group_by)) {
} else if ($group_by=="UserAgentType") {
$group_by="SUBSTRING_INDEX($this->SipUserAgentsField, ' ', '1')";
if ($group_by==$this->callIdField) {
$having=sprintf(" having count(%s) > 1 ", addslashes($group_by));
$query= sprintf("select sum(%s) as duration, SEC_TO_TIME(sum(%s)) as duration_print, count(%s) as calls, %s from %s where %s group by %s %s ",
} else {
$query = sprintf("select count(*) as records from %s where ", addslashes($cdr_table)). $where;
if ($this->CDRdb->query($query)) {
if ($group_by) {
$rows = $this->CDRdb->num_rows();
} else {
$rows = $this->CDRdb->f('records');
} else {
printf ("%s",$this->CDRdb->Error);
$rows = 0;
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) {
} else {
if (!$this->next) {
} else {
if ($rows>0) {
if ($call_id && $ReNormalize) {
$query=sprintf("update %s
set %s = '0'
where %s = '%s'",
if ($UnNormalizedCalls=$this->getUnNormalized($where,$cdr_table)) {
if (!$this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['skipNormalizeOnPageLoad']) {
if ($UnNormalizedCalls < $this->maxCDRsNormalizeWeb) {
if (!$this->export && $this->status['normalized'] ) {
print "<div class=\"alert alert-info\">";
printf ("<b><span class=\"alert-heading\">%d</span></b> CDRs normalized. ",$this->status['normalized']);
if ($this->status['cached_keys']['saved_keys']) {
printf ("Quota usage updated for <b><span class=\"alert-heading\">%d</span></b> accounts. ",$this->status['cached_keys']['saved_keys']);
print "</div>";
if ($rows > $this->maxrowsperpage) {
if ($maxrows > $rows) {
} else {
if ($duration == "unnormalized") {
// if display un normalized calls we must substract
// the amount of calls normalized above
if ($group_by) {
if ($order_by=="group_by") {
} else {
if ($order_by == $this->inputTrafficField ||
$order_by == $this->outputTrafficField ||
$order_by == $this->durationField ||
$order_by == $this->priceField ||
$order_by == "zeroP" ||
$order_by == "nonzeroP" ) {
} else {
$query= "
select sum($this->durationField) as $this->durationField,
SEC_TO_TIME(sum($this->durationField)) as hours,
count($group_by) as calls,
2*sum($this->inputTrafficField)/1024/1024 as $this->inputTrafficField,
2*sum($this->outputTrafficField)/1024/1024 as $this->outputTrafficField,
SUM($this->durationField = '0') as zero,
SUM($this->durationField > '0') as nonzero,
if ($order_by=="zeroP" || $order_by=="nonzeroP") {
SUM($this->durationField = '0')/count($group_by)*100 as zeroP,
SUM($this->durationField > '0')/count($group_by)*100 as nonzeroP,
sum($this->inputTrafficField)*8*2/1024/sum($this->durationField) as netrate_in,
sum($this->outputTrafficField)*8*2/1024/sum($this->durationField) as netrate_out
if ($this->priceField) {
$query.= ", sum($this->priceField) as $this->priceField ";
$query.= "
, $group_by as mygroup
from $cdr_table
where $where
group by $group_by
order by $order_by1 $order_type
limit $i,$this->maxrowsperpage
while ($i<$maxrows) {
$calls = $this->CDRdb->f('calls');
$seconds = $this->CDRdb->f($this->durationField);
$seconds = $this->CDRdb->f($this->durationField);
$seconds_print = number_format($this->CDRdb->f($this->durationField),0);
$minutes = number_format($this->CDRdb->f($this->durationField)/60,0,"","");
$minutes_print = number_format($this->CDRdb->f($this->durationField)/60,0);
$hours = $this->CDRdb->f('hours');
$AcctInputOctets = number_format($this->CDRdb->f($this->inputTrafficField),2,".","");
$AcctOutputOctets = number_format($this->CDRdb->f($this->outputTrafficField),2,".","");
$NetRateIn = $this->CDRdb->f('netrate_in');
$NetRateOut = $this->CDRdb->f('netrate_out');
$SipMethod = $this->CDRdb->f($this->callTypeField);
$AcctTerminateCause = $this->CDRdb->f($this->disconnectField);
$mygroup = $this->CDRdb->f('mygroup');
$zero = $this->CDRdb->f('zero');
$nonzero = $this->CDRdb->f('nonzero');
$success = number_format($nonzero/$calls*100,2,".","");
$failure = number_format($zero/$calls*100,2,".","");
$NetworkRateIn = number_format($NetRateIn,2);
$NetworkRateOut = number_format($NetRateOut,2);
$NetworkRate = max($NetworkRateIn,$NetworkRateOut);
if ($this->priceField) {
$price = $this->CDRdb->f($this->priceField);
if ($mod ==0) {
} else {
if ($this->group_byOrig==$this->DestinationIdField) {
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['domain'] && $this->destinations[$this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']]) {
} else {
if ($mygroup) {
} else {
} else if ($this->group_byOrig==$this->aNumberField) {
# Normalize Called Station Id
} else if ($this->group_byOrig==$this->CanonicalURIField) {
} else if ($this->group_byOrig==$this->SipProxyServerField) {
} else if ($this->group_byOrig==$this->SipCodecField) {
} else if (preg_match("/UserAgent/",$this->group_byOrig)) {
} else if (preg_match("/^BY/",$this->group_byOrig)) {
} else if ($this->group_byOrig==$this->callIdField) {
} else if ($this->group_byOrig=="DAYOFWEEK") {
if ($mygroup == "1") {
} else if ($mygroup == "2") {
} else if ($mygroup == "3") {
} else if ($mygroup == "4") {
} else if ($mygroup == "5") {
} else if ($mygroup == "6") {
} else if ($mygroup == "7") {
} else if ($this->group_byOrig=="DAYOFMONTH") {
$description =$this->CDRdb->f('day');
} else if ($this->group_byOrig=="DAYOFYEAR") {
$description =$this->CDRdb->f('day');
} else if ($this->group_byOrig=="SourceIP") {
} else if ($this->group_byOrig=="SipResponseCode") {
$description =$this->disconnectCodesDescription[$mygroup];
} else if ($this->group_byOrig=="SipApplicationType") {
} else if ($this->group_byOrig=="ServiceType") {
} else {
if (!$traceField) {
$traceField = $group_by;
if (!$traceValue) {
$traceValue = $mygroup;
if (!$traceValue) {
} else {
if (!$this->export) {
print "
<td align=right>$calls</td>
<td align=right>$seconds_print</td>
<td align=right>$minutes_print</td>
<td align=right>$hours</td>
if ($perm->have_perm("showPrice")) {
} else {
print "
<td align=right>$pricePrint</td>
<td align=right>$AcctInputOctets</td>
<td align=right>$AcctOutputOctets</td>
<td align=right>$success%</td>
<td align=right>($nonzero calls)</td>
<td align=right>$failure%</td>
<td align=right>($zero calls)</td>
printf("<a href=%s&%s=%s&%s_comp=%s target=_new>Display calls</a></td>",$url_calls,$traceField,$traceValue_enc,$traceField,$comp_type);
print "
} else {
print "$found,";
print "$calls,";
print "$seconds,";
print "$minutes,";
print "$hours,";
if ($perm->have_perm("showPrice")) {
} else {
print "$pricePrint,";
print "$AcctInputOctets,";
print "$AcctOutputOctets,";
print "$success,";
print "$nonzero,";
print "$failure,";
print "$zero,";
print "$mygroup_print,";
print "$description";
print "\n";
if (!$this->export) {
print "
} else {
if (!$this->export) {
printf ("<div class='alert alert-info'><i style='font-size:13px' class='icon-info-sign'></i> For more information about each call click on its Id column.</div>");
if ($order_by=="zeroP" || $order_by=="nonzeroP") {
$query=sprintf("select *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP($this->startTimeField) as timestamp
from %s where %s order by %s %s limit %d, %d",
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) {
} else {
if (!$this->export) {
} else {
while ($i<$maxrows) {
global $found;
$CDR = new $this->CDR_class($this, $Structure);
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) {
} else {
if (!$this->export) {
} else {
if (!$this->export) {
print "
function LoadDomains() {
if (!$this->db_subscribers) {
$log=printf("Error: Cannot load domains because db_subscribers is not defined in datasource %s",$this->cdr_source);
print $log;
return false;
if (!is_object($this->AccountsDB)) {
$log=printf("Error: AccountsDB is not a valid database object");
print $log;
return false;
if (strlen($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['enableThor'])) {
$this->domain_table = "sip_domains";
} else {
$this->domain_table = "domain";
$query=sprintf("select * from %s",$this->domain_table);
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) {
$query.= sprintf(" where domain = '%s' ", addslashes($els[1]));
} else if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']) {
$query.=sprintf(" where domain = '%s' ", addslashes($fdomain));
if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) {
$log=sprintf ("Database %s error: %s (%d) %s\n",$this->db_subscribers,$this->AccountsDB->Error,$this->AccountsDB->Errno,$query);
print $log;
return false;
while($this->AccountsDB->next_record()) {
if ($this->AccountsDB->f('domain')) {
$this->localDomains[$this->AccountsDB->f('domain')]=array('name' => $this->AccountsDB->f('domain'),
'reseller' => intval($this->AccountsDB->f('reseller_id'))
return count($this->localDomains);
function LoadTrustedPeers() {
if (!$this->db_subscribers) {
$log=printf("Error: Cannot load trusted peers because db_subscribers is not defined in datasource %s",$this->cdr_source);
print $log;
return false;
if (!is_object($this->AccountsDB)) {
$log=printf("Error: AccountsDB is not a valid database object");
print $log;
return false;
if (strlen($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['enableThor'])) {
$this->trusted_table = "sip_trusted";
} else {
$this->trusted_table = "trusted_peers";
$query=sprintf("select * from %s",addslashes($this->trusted_table));
if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) {
$log=sprintf ("Database %s error: %s (%d) %s\n",$this->db_subscribers,$this->AccountsDB->Error,$this->AccountsDB->Errno,$query);
print $log;
return false;
while($this->AccountsDB->next_record()) {
if ($this->AccountsDB->f('ip')) {
$this->trustedPeers[$this->AccountsDB->f('ip')]=array('ip' => $this->AccountsDB->f('ip'),
'reseller' => intval($this->AccountsDB->f('reseller_id'))
return count($this->trustedPeers);
function getQuota($account) {
if (!$this->quotaEnabled) return true;
if (!$account) return;
if (!is_object($this->AccountsDB)) {
$log=printf("Error: AccountsDB is not a valid database object");
print $log;
return false;
list($username,$domain) = explode("@",$account);
if ($this->enableThor) {
$query=sprintf("select * from sip_accounts where username = '%s' and domain = '%s'",addslashes($username),addslashes($domain));
if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) {
$log=sprintf ("Database error for query 1 %s: %s (%s)",$query,$this->AccountsDB->Error,$this->AccountsDB->Errno);
return 0;
if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) {
return $_profile->quota;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
$query=sprintf("select quota from subscriber where username = '%s' and domain = '%s'",addslashes($username),addslashes($domain));
if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) {
$log=sprintf ("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)",$query,$this->AccountsDB->Error,$this->AccountsDB->Errno);
return 0;
if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) {
return $this->AccountsDB->f('quota');
} else {
return 0;
function getBlockedByQuotaStatus($account) {
if (!$this->quotaEnabled) return true;
if (!$account) return 0;
if (!is_object($this->AccountsDB)) {
$log=printf("Error: AccountsDB is not a valid database object");
print $log;
return false;
list($username,$domain) = explode("@",$account);
if ($this->enableThor) {
$query=sprintf("select * from sip_accounts where username = '%s' and domain = '%s'",addslashes($username),addslashes($domain));
if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) {
$log=sprintf ("Database error for query2 %s: %s (%s)",$query,$this->AccountsDB->Error,$this->AccountsDB->Errno);
return 0;
if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) {
if (in_array('quota',$_profile->groups)) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
$query=sprintf("select CONCAT(username,'@',domain) as account from grp where grp = 'quota' and username = '%s' and domain = '%s'",addslashes($username),addslashes($domain));
if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) {
$log=sprintf ("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)",$query,$this->AccountsDB->Error,$this->AccountsDB->Errno);
return 0;
if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
return 0;
function notifyLastSessions($count='200',$account='') {
// send emails with last missed and received sessions to subscribers in group $this->missed_calls_group
if (!$this->getNormalizeLock($lockName)) {
return true;
if (strlen($account)) {
if (!strlen($username) || !strlen($domain)) return false;
} else {
$query=sprintf("select * from memcache where `key` = '%s'",'notifySessionsLastRun');
if ($this->cdrtool->num_rows()) {
if (Date('Y-m-d') == $lastRun) {
$log=sprintf("Notify sessions script already run for date %s\n",$lastRun);
print $log;
return true;
if ($this->enableThor) {
$query=sprintf("select * from sip_accounts");
if (strlen($account)) {
$query=sprintf("select * from sip_accounts where username = '%s' and domain = '%s'",addslashes($username),addslashes($domain));
if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) {
$log=sprintf ("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)",$query,$this->AccountsDB->Error,$this->AccountsDB->Errno);
return 0;
if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) {
while ($this->AccountsDB->next_record()) {
if (in_array($this->missed_calls_group,$_profile->groups)) {
$this->notifySubscribers[$this->AccountsDB->f('username').'@'.$this->AccountsDB->f('domain')]=array('email'=>$this->AccountsDB->f('email'),'timezone' => $_profile->timezone);
} else {
return 0;
} else {
$query=sprintf("select CONCAT(username,'@',domain) as account,email_address,timezone from grp join subscriber on grp.subscriber_id where grp = '%s'",
if (strlen($account)) {
$query.= sprintf (" and username = '%s' and domain = '%s' ",$username,$domain);
if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) {
$log=sprintf ("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)",$query,$this->AccountsDB->Error,$this->AccountsDB->Errno);
return 0;
if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) {
while ($this->AccountsDB->next_record()) {
$this->notifySubscribers[$this->AccountsDB->f('account')]=array('email'=>$this->AccountsDB->f('email_address'),'timezone' => $this->AccountsDB->f('timezone'));
} else {
return 0;
if (!count($this->notifySubscribers)) return 0;
foreach (array_keys($this->notifySubscribers) as $_subscriber) {
$query = sprintf("SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(%s) as timestamp FROM %s where (%s = '%s' or %s = '%s') and %s > DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -1 day) order by %s desc limit 200",
if (!$this->CDRdb->query($query)) {
$log=sprintf ("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)",$query,$this->CDRdb->Error,$this->CDRdb->Errno);
print $log;
return 0;
if (Date('d')== 1) {
while ($this->CDRdb->next_record()) {
$_last_sessions[]=array('duration' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->durationField),
'from' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->aNumberField),
'to' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->cNumberField),
'username' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->usernameField),
'canonical' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->CanonicalURIField),
'date' => getlocaltime($this->notifySubscribers[$_subscriber]['timezone'],$this->CDRdb->f('timestamp'))
if (preg_match("/^(\w+)(\d{4})(\d{2})$/",$this->table,$m)) {
$previousTable=$m[1].date('Ym', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m[3]-1, "01", $m[2]));
$query = sprintf("SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(%s) as timestamp FROM %s where %s = '%s' and %s > DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -1 day) order by %s desc limit 200",
if (!$this->CDRdb->query($query)) {
$log=sprintf ("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)",$query,$this->CDRdb->Error,$this->CDRdb->Errno);
print $log;
return 0;
while ($this->CDRdb->next_record()) {
$_last_sessions[]=array('duration' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->durationField),
'from' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->aNumberField),
'to' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->cNumberField),
'username' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->usernameField),
'canonical' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->CanonicalURIField),
'date' => getlocaltime($this->notifySubscribers[$_subscriber]['timezone'],$this->CDRdb->f('timestamp'))
} else {
while ($this->CDRdb->next_record()) {
$_last_sessions[]=array('duration' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->durationField),
'from' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->aNumberField),
'to' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->cNumberField),
'username' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->usernameField),
'canonical' => $this->CDRdb->f($this->CanonicalURIField),
'date' => getlocaltime($this->notifySubscribers[$_subscriber]['timezone'],$this->CDRdb->f('timestamp'))
if (!count($_last_sessions)) continue;
$sessions=array('missed' => array(),
'received' => array(),
'diverted' => array()
foreach ($_last_sessions as $_s) {
if ($_s['duration'] == 0 && $_s['canonical'] == $_subscriber) {
if ($_s['duration'] > 0 && $_s['canonical'] == $_subscriber) {
if ($_s['from'] != $_subscriber && $_s['canonical'] != $_subscriber) {
if (!$have_sessions) continue;;
if (count($sessions['missed'])) {
// missed sessions
$textBody .= sprintf ("Missed sessions\n\n
$htmlBody .= sprintf ("<h2>Missed Calls</h2>
<table border=0>
<th>Date and Time
foreach ($sessions['missed'] as $_session) {
if ($i >= $count) break;
$htmlBody.=sprintf ("<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td><a href=sip:%s>sip:%s</a></td></tr>",
$txtBody.=sprintf ("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n",
if (count($sessions['diverted'])) {
// diverted sessions
$textBody .= sprintf ("Diverted Calls\n\n
Id,Date,From,Diverted to\n
$htmlBody .= sprintf ("<h2>Diverted Calls</h2>
<table border=0>
<th>Date and Time
<th>Diverted to
foreach ($sessions['diverted'] as $_session) {
if ($i >= $count) break;
$htmlBody.=sprintf ("<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td><a href=sip:%s>sip:%s</a></td><td>%s</td></tr>",
$txtBody.=sprintf ("%s,%s,%s,%s\n",
if (count($sessions['received'])) {
// received sessions
$textBody .= sprintf ("Received Calls\n\n
$htmlBody .= sprintf ("<h2>Received Calls</h2>
<table border=0>
<th>Date and Time
foreach ($sessions['received'] as $_session) {
if ($i >= $count) break;
$htmlBody.=sprintf ("<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td><a href=sip:%s>sip:%s</a></td><td>%s</td></tr>",
$txtBody.=sprintf ("%s,%s,%s,%s\n",
$htmlBody.="<p>This is an automatically generated message, do not reply.";
$txtBody.="\nThis is an automatically generated message, do not reply.\n";
$crlf = "\n";
$hdrs = array(
'From'=> $this->CDRTool['provider']['fromEmail'],
'Subject' => sprintf("Incoming Calls for %s on %s",$_subscriber,date('Y-m-d'))
$mime = new Mail_mime($crlf);
$body = $mime->get();
$hdrs = $mime->headers($hdrs);
$mail =& Mail::factory('mail');
$mail->send($this->notifySubscribers[$_subscriber]['email'], $hdrs, $body);
$log=sprintf("Notify %s at %s with last %d sessions\n",
print $log;
$query=sprintf("update memcache set `value` = '%s' where `key` = '%s'",Date('Y-m-d'),'notifySessionsLastRun');
if (!$this->cdrtool->query($query)) {
$log=sprintf("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)",$query,$this->cdrtool->Error,$this->cdrtool->Errno);
print $log;
return false;
if (!$this->cdrtool->affected_rows()) {
$query=sprintf("insert into memcache (`value`,`key`) values ('%s','%s')",Date('Y-m-d'),'notifySessionsLastRun');
if (!$this->cdrtool->query($query)) {
if ($this->cdrtool->Errno != 1062) {
$log=sprintf("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)",$query,$this->cdrtool->Error,$this->cdrtool->Errno);
print $log;
return false;
function getCallerId($account) {
if (!$account) {
return NULL;
if ($this->callerid_cache[$account]) {
return $this->callerid_cache[$account];
list($username,$domain) = explode('@',$account);
if ($this->enableThor) {
$query=sprintf("select * from sip_accounts where username = '%s' and domain = '%s'",addslashes($username),addslashes($domain));
if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) {
$log=sprintf ("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)",$query,$this->AccountsDB->Error,$this->AccountsDB->Errno);
return NULL;
if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) {
return $_profile->rpid;
} else {
$query=sprintf("select rpid from subscriber where username = '%s' and domain = '%s'",addslashes($username),addslashes($domain));
if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) {
$log=sprintf ("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)",$query,$this->AccountsDB->Error,$this->AccountsDB->Errno);
return NULL;
if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) {
$rpid = $this->AccountsDB->f('rpid');
return $rpid;
return NULL;
function rate_on_net_enabled($username, $domain) {
if ($this->enableThor) {
$query=sprintf("select * from sip_accounts where username = '%s' and domain = '%s'",addslashes($username),addslashes($domain));
if (!$this->AccountsDB->query($query)) {
$log=sprintf ("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)",$query,$this->AccountsDB->Error,$this->AccountsDB->Errno);
return false;
if ($this->AccountsDB->num_rows()) {
while ($this->AccountsDB->next_record()) {
if (in_array($this->rate_on_net_group,$_profile->groups)) {
return true;
return false;
class CDR_opensips extends CDR {
function CDR_opensips($parent, $CDRfields) {
$this->CDRS = $parent;
$this->cdr_source = $this->CDRS->cdr_source;
foreach (array_keys($this->CDRS->CDRFields) as $field) {
$this->$field = $CDRfields[$this->CDRS->CDRFields[$field]];
if ($this->CanonicalURI) {
$this->CanonicalURI = quoted_printable_decode($this->CanonicalURI);
if ($this->RemoteAddress) {
$this->RemoteAddress = quoted_printable_decode($this->RemoteAddress);
if ($this->BillingPartyId) {
$this->BillingPartyId = quoted_printable_decode($this->BillingPartyId);
if ($this->aNumber) {
$this->aNumber = quoted_printable_decode($this->aNumber);
if ($this->cNumber) {
$this->cNumber = quoted_printable_decode($this->cNumber);
if ($this->SipRPID) {
$this->SipRPID = quoted_printable_decode($this->SipRPID);
if (!$this->application && $this->SipMethod) {
if ($_method == 'message') {
$this->application = 'message';
} else {
$this->application = 'audio';
if ($this->application == 'message') {
$this->FromHeaderPrint = quoted_printable_decode($this->FromHeader);
if (strstr($this->FromHeaderPrint,';')) {
$this->FromHeaderPrint = htmlentities($this->FromHeaderPrint);
$this->UserAgentPrint = quoted_printable_decode($this->UserAgent);
if (strstr($this->application,'audio')) {
if (!in_array($this->application,$this->supportedApplicationTypes)) {
$this->application = $this->defaultApplicationType;
if ($this->aNumber) {
$NormalizedNumber = $this->CDRS->NormalizeNumber($this->aNumber,"source");
$this->aNumberPrint = $NormalizedNumber['NumberPrint'];
$this->aNumberNormalized = $NormalizedNumber['Normalized'];
$this->aNumberUsername = $NormalizedNumber['username'];
$this->aNumberDomain = $NormalizedNumber['domain'];
if (!$this->BillingPartyId || $this->BillingPartyId == 'n/a') {
// calculate reseller
if ($this->isBillingPartyLocal()) {
$this->ResellerId = $this->CDRS->localDomains[$_billing_party_els[1]]['reseller'];
} else {
if (!strlen($_billing_party_els[0])) $this->BillingPartyId=$_billing_party_els[1];
if (count($_billing_party_els)==2) {
if (!$this->domain) $this->domain=$_billing_party_els[1];
if ($this->CDRS->localDomains[$_billing_party_els[1]]['reseller']) {
$this->ResellerId = $this->CDRS->localDomains[$_billing_party_els[1]]['reseller'];
} else if ($this->CDRS->trustedPeers[$_billing_party_els[1]]['reseller']) {
$this->ResellerId = $this->CDRS->trustedPeers[$_billing_party_els[1]]['reseller'];
} else if (count($_billing_party_els)==1) {
if (!strlen($this->ResellerId)) {
$this->ResellerId = 0;
$this->domainNormalized = $this->domain;
if (is_array($this->CDRS->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['domainTranslation_SourceIP']) &&
in_array($this->SourceIP,array_keys($this->CDRS->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['domainTranslation_SourceIP'])) &&
strlen($this->CDRS->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['domainTranslation_SourceIP'][$this->SourceIP])) {
} else if (is_array($this->CDRS->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['domainTranslation']) &&
in_array($this->domain,array_keys($this->CDRS->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['domainTranslation'])) &&
strlen($this->CDRS->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['domainTranslation'][$this->domain])) {
$this->dayofweek = date("w",$this->timestamp);
$this->hourofday = date("G",$this->timestamp);
$this->dayofyear = date("Y-m-d",$this->timestamp);
// Called Station ID or cNumber should not be used for rating purposes because
// it is chosen by the subscriber but the Proxy rewrites it into a different
// final destination (the Canonical URI)
// Canonical URI is the final logical SIP destination after all
// lookups like aliases, usrloc , call forwarding, ENUM
// mappings or PSTN gateways but before the DNS lookup
// Canonical URI must be saved in the SIP Proxy and added as an extra
// Radius attribute in the Radius START packet
if (!$this->CanonicalURI) {
if ($this->RemoteAddress) {
} else if ($this->cNumber) {
if ($this->CanonicalURI) {
$this->CanonicalURIPrint = $this->CanonicalURI;
$NormalizedNumber = $this->CDRS->NormalizeNumber($this->CanonicalURI,"destination",$this->BillingPartyId,$this->domain,$this->gateway,'',$this->ENUMtld,$this->ResellerId);
$this->CanonicalURINormalized = $NormalizedNumber['Normalized'];
$this->CanonicalURIUsername = $NormalizedNumber['username'];
$this->CanonicalURIDomain = $NormalizedNumber['domain'];
$this->CanonicalURIPrint = $NormalizedNumber['NumberPrint'];
$this->CanonicalURIDelimiter = $NormalizedNumber['delimiter'];
$this->CanonicalURIE164 = $NormalizedNumber['E164'];
// Destination Id is used for rating purposes
$this->DestinationId = $NormalizedNumber['DestinationId'];
$this->destinationName = $NormalizedNumber['destinationName'];
$this->region = $NormalizedNumber['region'];
if ($this->cNumber) {
$NormalizedNumber = $this->CDRS->NormalizeNumber($this->cNumber,"destination",$this->BillingPartyId,$this->domain,$this->gateway,'',$this->ENUMtld,$this->ResellerId);
$this->cNumberNormalized = $NormalizedNumber['Normalized'];
$this->cNumberUsername = $NormalizedNumber['username'];
$this->cNumberDomain = $NormalizedNumber['domain'];
$this->cNumberPrint = $NormalizedNumber['username'].$NormalizedNumber['delimiter'].$NormalizedNumber['domain'];
$this->cNumberDelimiter = $NormalizedNumber['delimiter'];
$this->cNumberE164 = $NormalizedNumber['E164'];
if ($this->RemoteAddress) {
// Next hop is the real destination after all lookups including DNS
$NormalizedNumber = $this->CDRS->NormalizeNumber($this->RemoteAddress,"destination",$this->BillingPartyId,$this->domain,$this->gateway,'',$this->ENUMtld,$this->ResellerId);
$this->RemoteAddressPrint = $NormalizedNumber['NumberPrint'];
$this->RemoteAddressNormalized = $NormalizedNumber['Normalized'];
$this->RemoteAddressDestinationId = $NormalizedNumber['DestinationId'];
$this->RemoteAddressDestinationName = $NormalizedNumber['destinationName'];
$this->RemoteAddressUsername = $NormalizedNumber['username'];
$this->RemoteAddressDelimiter = $NormalizedNumber['delimiter'];
$this->RemoteAddressE164 = $NormalizedNumber['E164'];
$this->remoteGateway = $NormalizedNumber['domain'];
$this->remoteUsername = $NormalizedNumber['username'];
if ($this->CallerIsLocal) {
if ($this->aNumberPrint == $this->BillingPartyId) {
// call is not diverted
if ($this->CalleeIsLocal) {
$this->flow = 'on-net';
} else {
$this->flow = 'outgoing';
} else {
// call is diverted
if ($this->CalleeIsLocal) {
$this->flow = 'on-net-diverted-on-net';
} else {
$this->flow = 'on-net-diverted-off-net';
} else {
if ($this->isBillingPartyLocal()) {
// call is diverted by local user
if ($this->CalleeIsLocal) {
$this->flow = 'diverted-on-net';
} else {
$this->flow = 'diverted-off-net';
} else if ($this->CalleeIsLocal) {
$this->flow = 'incoming';
} else {
// transit from trusted peer
$this->flow = 'transit';
if (($this->flow == 'on-net' || $this->flow == 'diverted-on-net' || $this->flow == 'on-net-diverted-on-net') &&
$this->application == 'audio' &&
$this->CDRS->rating_settings['rate_on_net_calls'] &&
$this->CDRS->rate_on_net_enabled($_billing_party_els[0], $_billing_party_els[1]) &&
!$this->DestinationId &&
$this->CalleeCallerId) {
$_dest = preg_replace("/^\+(\d+)$/","00$1", $this->CalleeCallerId);
$NormalizedNumber = $this->CDRS->NormalizeNumber($_dest,"destination",$this->BillingPartyId,$this->domain,$this->gateway,'',$this->ENUMtld,$this->ResellerId);
$this->DestinationId = $NormalizedNumber['DestinationId'];
$this->destinationName = $NormalizedNumber['destinationName'];
if ($this->application == "presence") {
$this->destinationPrint = $this->cNumberUsername.$this->cNumberDelimiter.$this->cNumberDomain;
$this->DestinationForRating = $this->cNumberNormalized;
} else {
if (!$this->DestinationId) {
if ($this->CanonicalURIDomain) {
$this->destinationPrint = $this->CanonicalURIUsername.$this->CanonicalURIDelimiter.$this->CanonicalURIDomain;
} else {
$this->destinationPrint = $this->cNumberUsername.$this->cNumberDelimiter.$this->cNumberDomain;
if (strstr($this->CanonicalURINormalized,'@')) {
$this->DestinationForRating = $this->CanonicalURINormalized;
} else {
$this->DestinationForRating = $this->RemoteAddressNormalized;
} else {
$this->DestinationForRating = $this->CanonicalURINormalized;
$this->destinationPrint = $this->CanonicalURIPrint;
if ($this->inputTraffic) {
$this->inputTrafficPrint = number_format($this->inputTraffic/1024,2);
} else {
if ($this->outputTraffic) {
$this->outputTrafficPrint = number_format($this->outputTraffic/1024,2);
} else {
if (!$CDRfields['skip_fix_prepaid_duration']) {
if (!$this->normalized && $this->callId) {
// fix the duration of prepaid sessions if the prepaid duration is different than radius calculated duration
$query=sprintf("select duration from prepaid_history
where session = '%s'
and destination = '%s'
order by id desc limit 1",
addslashes($this->destinationPrint) // must be synced with maxsession time
if ($this->CDRS->cdrtool->query($query)) {
if ($this->CDRS->cdrtool->num_rows()) {
$this->durationNormalized = $this->CDRS->cdrtool->f('duration');
$this->durationPrint = sec2hms($this->durationNormalized);
} else {
$this->durationPrint = sec2hms($this->duration);
} else {
$log=sprintf("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)",$query,$this->CDRS->cdrtool->Error,$this->CDRS->cdrtool->Errno);
} else {
$this->durationPrint = sec2hms($this->duration);
} else {
$this->durationPrint = sec2hms($this->duration);
if ($this->disconnect) {
$this->disconnectPrint = $this->NormalizeDisconnect($this->disconnect);
if ($this->CDRS->rating) {
global $perm;
if (is_object($perm) && $perm->have_perm("showPrice")) {
} else {
function buildMongoCDR() {
# TODO = remove me
$this->mongo_cdr = array();
$int_values = array('duration', 'inputTraffic', 'outputTraffic', 'timestamp', 'disconnect');
foreach (array_keys($this->CDRS->CDRFields) as $field) {
if (in_array($field, $int_values)) {
$this->mongo_cdr[$field] = intval($this->$field);
} else {
$this->mongo_cdr[$field] = $this->$field;
if ($this->CanonicalURI) {
$this->mongo_cdr['CanonicalURI'] = $this->CanonicalURI;
if ($this->RemoteAddress) {
$this->mongo_cdr['RemoteAddress'] = $this->RemoteAddress;
if ($this->BillingPartyId) {
$this->mongo_cdr['BillingPartyId'] = $this->BillingPartyId;
if ($this->aNumber) {
$this->mongo_cdr['aNumber'] = $this->aNumber;
if ($this->cNumber) {
$this->mongo_cdr['cNumber'] = $this->cNumber;
if ($this->SipRPID) {
$this->mongo_cdr['SipRPID'] = $this->SipRPID;
function buildCDRdetail() {
global $perm;
global $found;
if (!is_object($perm)) return;
<div class=\"alert alert-info\" style='color: black'>
<div class='row-fluid'>
<div class='span4'>
<h5>SIP Signalling</h5>
$this->cdr_details.= sprintf("
<a href=%s&call_id=%s><font color=orange>Click here to show only this call id</font></a>
if ($this->CDRS->sipTrace) {
$trace_datasource = $this->CDRS->sipTrace;
$callid_enc = urlencode(quoted_printable_decode($this->callId));
$fromtag_enc = urlencode(quoted_printable_decode($this->SipFromTag));
$totag_enc = urlencode(quoted_printable_decode($this->SipToTag));
$this->traceLink="<a href=\"javascript:void(null);\" onClick=\"return'sip_trace.phtml?cdr_source=$trace_datasource&callid=$callid_enc&fromtag=$fromtag_enc&totag=$totag_enc&proxyIP=$this->SipProxyServer', 'Trace',
'toolbar=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=1300px,height=600')\"><font color=red>Click here for the SIP trace</font></a> &nbsp;";
$this->cdr_details.= "
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span3\">Call id:</div>
<div class=\"span9\">$this->callId </div>
$this->cdr_details.= sprintf("
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span12\">%s</div>
", $this->traceLink);
$this->cdr_details.= "
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span3\">From tag: </div>
<div class=\"span9\">$this->SipFromTag</div>
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span3\">To tag: </div>
<div class=\"span9\">$this->SipToTag</div>
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span3\">Start Time:</div>
<div class=\"span9\">$this->startTime $providerTimezone</div>
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span3\">Stop Time:</div>
<div class=\"span9\">$this->stopTime</div>
$this->cdr_details.= sprintf("
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span3\">Country:</div>
<div class=\"span9\">%s</div>
$this->cdr_details.= "
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span3\">Method:</div>
<div class=\"span9\">$this->SipMethod from <i>$this->SourceIP:$this->SourcePort</i></div>
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span3\">From:</div>
<div class=\"span9\">$this->aNumberPrint</div>
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span3\">From Header:</div>
<div class=\"span9\">$this->FromHeaderPrint</div>
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span3\">User Agent:</div>
<div class=\"span9\">$this->UserAgentPrint</div>
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span3\">Domain:</div>
<div class=\"span9\">$this->domain</div>
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span3\">To (dialed URI):</div>
<div class=\"span9\">$this->cNumberPrint</div>
if ($this->CanonicalURI) {
$this->cdr_details.= sprintf("
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span3\">Canonical URI: </div>
<div class=\"span9\">%s</div>
$this->cdr_details.= sprintf("
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span3\">Next Hop URI:</div>
<div class=\"span9\">%s</div>
if ($this->DestinationId) {
$this->cdr_details.= "
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span3\">Destination: </div>
<div class=\"span9\">$this->destinationName ($this->DestinationId)</div>
if ($this->ENUMtld && $this->ENUMtld != 'none' && $this->ENUMtld != 'N/A') {
$this->cdr_details.= "
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span3\">ENUM TLD: </div>
<div class=\"span9\">$this->ENUMtld</div>
if ($this->SipRPID) {
$this->cdr_details .= "
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span3\">Caller ID: </div>
<div class=\"span9\">$this->SipRPIDPrint</div>
if ($this->CalleeCallerId) {
$this->cdr_details .= "
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span3\">Called ID: </div>
<div class=\"span9\">$this->CalleeCallerId</div>
$this->cdr_details.= "
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span3\">Billing Party:</div>
<div class=\"span9\"><font color=brown>$this->BillingPartyIdPrint</font></div>
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span3\">Reseller:</div>
<div class=\"span9\"><font color=brown>$this->ResellerId</font></div>
$this->cdr_details.= "
<div class='span3'>
if ($this->application != 'message') {
$this->cdr_details.= "
<h5>Media Streams</h5>
if ($this->CDRS->mediaTrace) {
$media_trace_datasource = $this->CDRS->mediaTrace;
$this->mediaTraceLink="<a href=\"javascript:void(null);\" onClick=\"return'media_trace.phtml?cdr_source=$media_trace_datasource&callid=$callid_enc&fromtag=$fromtag_enc&totag=$totag_enc&proxyIP=$this->SipProxyServer', 'Trace',
'toolbar=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=800,height=730')\">Click here for media information</a> &nbsp;";
$this->cdr_details.= sprintf("
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class='span12'>%s</div>
", $this->mediaTraceLink);
$this->SipCodec = quoted_printable_decode($this->SipCodec);
if ($this->SipCodec) {
$this->cdr_details.= "
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span5\">Codecs: </div>
<div class=\"span7\">$this->SipCodec</div>
$this->cdr_details.= "
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span5\">Caller RTP: </div>
<div class=\"span7\">$this->inputTrafficPrint KB</div>
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span5\">Called RTP: </div>
<div class=\"span7\">$this->outputTrafficPrint KB</div>
if ($this->MediaInfo) {
$this->cdr_details.= "
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span5\">Media Info:</div>
<div class=\"span7\"><font color=red>$this->MediaInfo</font></div>
$this->cdr_details.= "
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span5\">Applications: </div>
<div class=\"span7\">$this->application_print</div>
if ($this->SipUserAgents) {
$this->SipUserAgents = quoted_printable_decode($this->SipUserAgents);
$this->cdr_details.= "
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span5\">Caller SIP UA: </div>
<div class=\"span7\">$callerUA</div>
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
<div class=\"span5\">Called SIP UA: </div>
<div class=\"span7\">$calledUA</div>
$this->cdr_details.= "
if ($perm->have_perm("showPrice") && $this->normalized) {
$this->cdr_details.= "
<div class=\"span3\">
if ($this->price > 0 || $this->rate) {
$this->cdr_details.= "
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
} else {
$this->cdr_details.= "
<div class=\"row-fluid\">
Free call
$this->cdr_details.= "
$this->cdr_details.= "
function traceIn () {
if (!$datasource || !$DATASOURCES[$datasource]) {
$tplus = $this->timestamp+$this->duration+300;
$tmin = $this->timestamp-300;
$c_number = $this->remoteUsername;
$cdr_table = Date('Ym',time($this->timestamp));
"<a href=callsearch.phtml".
" target=bottom>".
function traceOut () {
if (!$datasource || !$DATASOURCES[$datasource]) {
$tplus = $this->timestamp+$this->duration+300;
$tmin = $this->timestamp-300;
$c_number = preg_replace("/^(0+)/","",$this->remoteUsername);
$cdr_table = Date('Ym',time($this->timestamp));
"<a href=callsearch.phtml".
" target=bottom>".
function show() {
global $found;
global $perm;
if ($mod ==0) {
} else {
if ($this->CDRS->Accounts[$this->BillingPartyId]['timezone']) {
} else {
if ($this->normalized) $found_print.='N';
print "
<tr bgcolor=$inout_color>
<td valign=top onClick=\"return toggleVisibility('row$found')\"><a href=#>$found_print</a></td>
<td valign=top onClick=\"return toggleVisibility('row$found')\"><nobr>$this->startTime</nobr></td>
<td valign=top onClick=\"return toggleVisibility('row$found')\"><nobr>$this->flow</nobr></td>
<td valign=top onClick=\"return toggleVisibility('row$found')\"><nobr>$this->aNumberPrint</td>
<td valign=top onClick=\"return toggleVisibility('row$found')\"><nobr>$this->geo_location</td>
<td valign=top onClick=\"return toggleVisibility('row$found')\">$this->SipProxyServer</td>
<td valign=top onClick=\"return toggleVisibility('row$found')\">$this->application</td>
<td valign=top><nobr>$this->destinationPrint</nobr>
if ($this->DestinationId) {
if ($this->DestinationId != $this->CanonicalURI) {
print " ($this->destinationName $this->DestinationId)";
} else {
print " ($this->destinationName)";
print "</td>";
if (!$this->normalized){
if ($this->duration > 0 ) {
print "<td valign=top align=left colspan=4><font color=red>$this->duration(s)</a></td>";
} else {
print "<td valign=top align=left colspan=4><font color=red>in progress</a></td>";
} else {
print "
<td valign=top align=right>$this->durationPrint</td>
<td valign=top align=right>$this->pricePrint</td>
<td valign=top align=right>$this->inputTrafficPrint </td>
<td valign=top align=right>$this->outputTrafficPrint</td>
if ($SIPclass=="6") {
$status_color="<span class=\"pull-right label label-important\">";
} else if ($SIPclass=="5" ) {
$status_color="<span class=\"pull-right label label-important\">";
} else if ($SIPclass=="4" ) {
$status_color="<span class=\"pull-right label label-info\">";
} else if ($SIPclass=="3" ) {
$status_color="<span class=\"pull-right label label-success\">";
} else if ($SIPclass=="2" ) {
$status_color="<span class=\"pull-right label label-success\">";
} else {
$status_color="<span class=\"pull-right label\">";
print "
<td valign=top align=right>$this->SipCodec</td>
<td valign=top align=right>$status_color $this->disconnectPrint</span></td>
<tr class=extrainfo id='row$found'>
<td colspan=13>$this->cdr_details</th>
function export() {
global $found;
$disconnectName = $this->CDRS->disconnectCodesDescription[$this->disconnect];
$UserAgents = explode("+",$this->SipUserAgents);
$CallingUserAgent = trim($UserAgents[0]);
$CalledUserAgent = trim($UserAgents[1]);
print "$found";
print ",$this->startTime";
print ",$this->stopTime";
print ",$this->BillingPartyIdPrint";
print ",$this->domain";
print ",$this->SipRPIDPrint";
print ",$this->aNumberPrint";
print ",$this->destinationPrint";
print ",$this->DestinationId";
print ",$this->destinationName";
print ",$this->RemoteAddressPrint";
print ",$this->CanonicalURIPrint";
print ",$this->duration";
print ",$this->price";
print ",$this->SipProxyServer";
print ",$this->inputTraffic";
print ",$this->outputTraffic";
print ",$this->disconnect";
print ",$disconnectName";
print ",$this->application";
print "\n";
function showSubscriber() {
global $found;
if ($mod ==0) {
} else {
if (!$this->CDRS->export) {
if ($this->normalized) $found_print.='N';
print "
<tr bgcolor=$inout_color>
<td valign=top onClick=\"return toggleVisibility('row$found')\"><a href=#>$found_print</a></td>
<td valign=top onClick=\"return toggleVisibility('row$found')\"><nobr>$this->startTime $timezone_print</nobr></td>
<td valign=top><nobr>$this->aNumberPrint</nobr></td>
<td valign=top onClick=\"return toggleVisibility('row$found')\"><nobr>$this->geo_location</td>
<td valign=top onClick=\"return toggleVisibility('row$found')\">$this->SipProxyServer</td>
<td valign=top><nobr>$this->destinationPrint $this->destinationName</td>
<td valign=top align=right>$this->durationPrint</td>
if ($this->CDRS->rating) {
print "<td valign=top align=right>$this->pricePrint</td>";
print "
<td valign=top align=right>$this->inputTrafficPrint </td>
<td valign=top align=right>$this->outputTrafficPrint</td>
print "
<td colspan=11>$this->cdr_details</td>
} else {
print "$found,$this->startTime,$this->stopTime,$this->BillingPartyId,$this->domain,$this->aNumberPrint,$this->cNumberPrint,$this->DestinationId,$this->destinationName,$this->RemoteAddressPrint,$this->duration,$this->price,$this->SipProxyServer,$this->inputTraffic,$this->outputTraffic,$CallingUserAgent,$CalledUserAgent,$this->disconnect,$disconnectName,$this->SipCodec,$this->application\n";
function isBillingPartyLocal() {
if ($els[1] && in_array($els[1],array_keys($this->CDRS->localDomains))) {
return true;
return false;
function isCallerLocal() {
if (in_array($this->aNumberDomain,array_keys($this->CDRS->localDomains))) {
$this->SipRPID = $this->CDRS->getCallerId($this->BillingPartyId);
$this->SipRPIDPrint = $this->SipRPID;
#$this->SipRPIDPrint = quoted_printable_decode($this->SipRPID);
function isCalleeLocal() {
if (in_array($this->CanonicalURIDomain,array_keys($this->CDRS->localDomains)) && !preg_match("/^0/",$this->CanonicalURIUsername)) {
function obfuscateCallerId() {
global $obfuscateCallerId;
if ($obfuscateCallerId) {
//Caller party
if (is_numeric($caller_els[0]) && strlen($caller_els[0]>3)) {
} else {
if (count($caller_els)== 2) {
} else {
//Billing party
if (is_numeric($caller_els[0]) && strlen($caller_els[0]>3)) {
} else {
// Destination
if (is_numeric($caller_els[0]) && strlen($caller_els[0]>3)) {
} else {
if (count($caller_els)== 2) {
} else {
if (is_numeric($caller_els[0]) && strlen($caller_els[0]>3)) {
} else {
if (count($caller_els)== 2) {
} else {
if (is_numeric($caller_els[0]) && strlen($caller_els[0]>3)) {
} else {
if (count($caller_els)== 2) {
} else {
// Canonical URI
if (is_numeric($caller_els[0]) && strlen($caller_els[0]>3)) {
} else {
if (count($caller_els)== 2) {
} else {
if (is_numeric($this->SipRPIDPrint) && strlen($this->SipRPIDPrint) > 3) {
} else {
// IP address
class CDRS_opensips_mongo extends CDRS_opensips {
var $CDR_class = "CDR_opensips_mongo";
var $mongo_db_ro = NULL;
var $mongo_db_rw = NULL;
function getCDRtables() {
if (!is_object($this->mongo_db_rw) && !$this->initDatabaseConnection) {
return array();
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
printf("<p>Caught Mongo exception in getCDRtables(): %s", $e->getMessage());
if ($this->table) $this->tables[]=$this->table;
foreach ($_tables as $_table) {
if (preg_match("/^.*\.(radacct\d{6})$/",$_table,$m)) {
if ($list_t > 24) break;
if (!in_array($m[1], $this->tables)) {
function initDatabaseConnection() {
if ($this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['mongo_db']) {
$mongo_db = $this->CDRTool['mongo_db'][$this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['mongo_db']];
$mongo_uri = $mongo_db['uri'];
$mongo_replicaSet = $mongo_db['replicaSet'];
$mongo_database = $mongo_db['database'];
try {
$mongo_connection_ro = new Mongo("mongodb://$mongo_uri?readPreference=secondaryPreferred", array("replicaSet" => $mongo_replicaSet));
$this->mongo_db_ro = $mongo_connection_ro->selectDB($mongo_database);
$mongo_connection_rw = new Mongo("mongodb://$mongo_uri?readPreference=primaryPreferred", array("replicaSet" => $mongo_replicaSet));
$this->mongo_db_rw = $mongo_connection_rw->selectDB($mongo_database);
return true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
printf("<p>Caught exception in initDatabaseConnection(): %s", $e->getMessage());
return false;
return true;
function getMongoTable($table, $rw=false) {
try {
if ($rw) {
if (!$this->mongo_db_rw && !$this->initDatabaseConnection()) {
return NULL;
$table = $this->mongo_db_rw->selectCollection($table);
} else {
if (!$this->mongo_db_ro && !$this->initDatabaseConnection()) {
return NULL;
$table = $this->mongo_db_ro->selectCollection($table);
return $table;
} catch (Exception $e) {
printf("<p>Caught exception in getMongoTable(): %s", $e->getMessage());
return NULL;
function initCDRFields() {
// init names of CDR fields
foreach (array_keys($this->CDRFields) as $field) {
function _readCDRFieldsFromDB($mongo_result) {
foreach (array_keys($this->CDRFields) as $field) {
$CDRStructure[$this->CDRFields[$field]] = $mongo_result[$field];
return $CDRStructure;
function getUnNormalized($where="",$table) {
return 0;
function show() {
global $perm;
foreach ($this->FormElements as $_el) {
${$_el} = trim($_REQUEST[$_el]);
// overwrite some elements based on user rights
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['gateway']) {
$gateway =$this->CDRTool['filter']['gateway'];
if (!$this->export) {
if (!$begin_datetime) {
$begin_datetime="$begin_year-$begin_month-$begin_day $begin_hour:$begin_min";
$begin_datetime_timestamp=mktime($begin_hour, $begin_min, 0, $begin_month,$begin_day,$begin_year);
} else {
$begin_datetime=Date("Y-m-d H:i",$begin_datetime);
if (!$end_datetime) {
$end_datetime_timestamp=mktime($end_hour, $end_min, 0, $end_month,$end_day,$end_year);
$end_datetime="$end_year-$end_month-$end_day $end_hour:$end_min";
} else {
$end_datetime=Date("Y-m-d H:i",$end_datetime);
} else {
$begin_datetime=Date("Y-m-d H:i",$begin_datetime);
$end_datetime=Date("Y-m-d H:i",$end_datetime);
if (!$order_by || (!$group_by && $order_by == "group_by")) {
$mongo_where = array();
if (!$cdr_table) $cdr_table=$this->table;
$mongo_table_ro = $this->getMongoTable($cdr_table);
$mongo_table_rw = $this->getMongoTable($cdr_table, true);
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']) {
$this->url .= sprintf("&Realms=%s",urlencode($this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']));
$Realms = explode(" ",$this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']);
} else if ($Realms) {
$this->url .= sprintf("&Realms=%s",urlencode($Realms));
$Realms = explode(" ",$Realms);
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) {
$this->url .= sprintf("&UserName=%s",urlencode($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']));
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['after_date']) {
$mongo_where[$this->startTimeField] = array('$gte' => $this->CDRTool['filter']['after_date']);
if ($order_by) {
if (!$call_id && $begin_datetime && $end_datetime) {
$mongo_where[$this->startTimeField] = array('$gte' => $begin_datetime, '$lt' => $end_datetime);
} else {
$mongo_where[$this->startTimeField] = array('$gte' => '1970-01-01');
$mongo_where[$this->startTimeField] = new MongoRegex("/^$MONTHYEAR/");
$this->url.= sprintf("&MONTHYEAR=%s",urlencode($MONTHYEAR));
if ($flow) {
$mongo_where[$this->flowField] = $flow;
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) {
// force user to see only CDRS with his a_numbers
$mongo_where['$or'] = array(array($this->usernameField => $this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']), array($this->CanonicalURIField => $this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']));
if ($UserName_comp == "empty") {
$mongo_where[$this->usernameField] = '';
} else if (strlen($UserName) && !$this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) {
if (!$UserName_comp) $UserName_comp='begin';
if ($UserName_comp=="begin") {
$mongo_where[$this->usernameField] = new MongoRegex("/^$UserName/");
} elseif ($UserName_comp=="contain") {
$mongo_where[$this->usernameField] = new MongoRegex("/$UserName/");
} elseif ($UserName_comp=="equal") {
$mongo_where[$this->usernameField] = $UserName;
} else {
$mongo_where[$this->usernameField] = '';
if ($a_number_comp == "empty") {
$mongo_where[$this->aNumberField] = '';
} else if (strlen($a_number)) {
if (!$a_number_comp) $a_number_comp="equal";
if ($a_number_comp=="begin") {
$mongo_where[$this->aNumberField] = new MongoRegex("/^$a_number/");
} elseif ($a_number_comp=="contain") {
$mongo_where[$this->aNumberField] = new MongoRegex("/$a_number/");
} elseif ($a_number_comp=="equal") {
$mongo_where[$this->aNumberField] = $a_number;
if ($c_number_comp == "empty") {
$mongo_where[$this->CanonicalURIField] = '';
} else if (strlen($c_number)) {
if (!$c_number_comp) $c_number_comp="begin";
if (!$c_number_comp || $c_number_comp=="begin") {
$mongo_where[$this->CanonicalURIField] = new MongoRegex("/^$c_number/");
} elseif ($c_number_comp=="contain") {
$mongo_where[$this->CanonicalURIField] = new MongoRegex("/$c_number/");
} elseif ($c_number_comp=="equal") {
$mongo_where[$this->CanonicalURIField] = $c_number;
if ($Realms) {
foreach ($Realms as $realm) {
$d_array[] = array($this->domainField => $realm);
$mongo_where['$or'] = $d_array;
} else if ($Realm) {
$mongo_where[$this->domainField] = $Realm;
if (preg_match("/^\d+$/",$BillingId) && $this->BillingIdField) {
$mongo_where[$this->BillingIdField] = $BillingId;
if ($application) {
$mongo_where[$this->applicationField] = new MongoRegex("/$application/");
if ($DestinationId) {
if ($DestinationId=="empty") {
} else {
$mongo_where[$this->DestinationIdField] = $DestinationIdSQL;
if (strlen(trim($ExcludeDestinations))) {
# TODO: migrateb clause to mongo
$ExcludeDestArray=explode(" ",trim($ExcludeDestinations));
foreach ($ExcludeDestArray as $exclDst) {
if (preg_match("/^0+(\d+)$/",$exclDst,$m)) {
} else {
$where .= " and ".
" not like '".
if ($call_id) {
$mongo_where[$this->callIdField] = $call_id;
if ($sip_proxy) {
$mongo_where[$this->SipProxyServerField] = $sip_proxy;
if ($SipCodec) {
if ($SipCodec != "empty") {
$mongo_where[$this->SipCodecField] = $SipCodec;
} else {
$mongo_where[$this->SipCodecField] = '';
if ($SipRPID) {
if ($SipRPID != "empty") {
$mongo_where[$this->SipRPIDField] = $SipRPID;
} else {
$mongo_where[$this->SipRPIDField] = '';
if ($UserAgent) {
$mongo_where[$this->UserAgentField] = $UserAgent;
if (strlen($sip_status)) {
$mongo_where[$this->disconnectField] = $sip_status;
if ($sip_status_class) {
$mongo_where[$this->disconnectField] = new MongoRegex("/^$sip_status_class/");
if ($this->CDRTool[filter]["gateway"]) {
$mongo_where[$this->gatewayField] = $this->CDRTool[filter]["gateway"];
} else if ($gateway) {
$mongo_where[$this->gatewayField] = $gateway;
if ($duration) {
if (preg_match("/\d+/",$duration) ) {
$mongo_where[$this->durationField] = array('$gt' => 0);;
} elseif (preg_match("/onehour/",$duration) ) {
$mongo_where[$this->durationField] = array('$lt' => 3610, '$gt' => 3530);
} elseif ($duration == "zero") {
$mongo_where[$this->durationField] = 0;
} elseif ($duration == "zeroprice" && $this->priceField) {
$mongo_where[$this->durationField] = array('$gt' => 0);
$mongo_where[$this->priceField] = NULL;
} elseif ($duration == "nonzero") {
$mongo_where[$this->durationField] = array('$gt' => 0);
} elseif ($duration == "onewaymedia") {
$mongo_where['$or'] = array(array($this->outputTrafficField => 0), array($this->inputTrafficField => 0));
} elseif ($duration == "nomedia") {
$mongo_where[$this->inputTrafficField] = 0;
$mongo_where[$this->outputTrafficField] = 0;
if ($media_info) {
$mongo_where[$this->MediaInfoField] = $media_info;
$url_calls = $this->scriptFile.$this->url."&action=search";
if ($group_by) {
$this->url_edit = $this->scriptFile.$this->url."&action=edit";
$this->url_run = $this->scriptFile.$this->url."&action=search";
$this->url_export = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].$this->url."&action=search&export=1";
if ($duration == "unnormalized") {
$mongo_where[$this->normalizedField] = '0';
if ($duration == "unnormalized_duration") {
$mongo_where[$this->normalizedField] = '0';
$mongo_where[$this->durationField] = array('$gt' => 0);
if ($group_by) {
if ($group_by=="hour") {
} else if (preg_match("/^DAY/",$group_by)) {
} else if (preg_match("/BYMONTH/",$group_by)) {
} else if (preg_match("/BYYEAR/",$group_by)) {
} else if ($group_by=="UserAgentType") {
$group_by="SUBSTRING_INDEX($this->SipUserAgentsField, ' ', '1')";
if ($group_by==$this->callIdField) {
$having=sprintf(" having count(%s) > 1 ", addslashes($group_by));
$field = array_search($group_by, $this->CDRFields);
array('$match' => $mongo_where),
array('$group' => array("_id" => sprintf('$%s', $field),
'calls' => array('$sum' => 1))),
array('$match' => array('calls' => array('$gte' => 0)))
$rows = 0;
if ($mongo_table_ro) {
try {
$group_results = $mongo_table_ro->aggregate($pipeline);
$rows = count($group_results);
} catch (Exception $e) {
printf("<p>Caught Mongo exception in show(): %s", $e->getMessage());
} else {
$rows = 0;
if ($mongo_table_ro) {
try {
$rows = $mongo_table_ro->find($mongo_where)->slaveOkay()->count();
} catch (Exception $e) {
printf("<p>Caught Mongo exception in show(): %s", $e->getMessage());
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) {
} else {
if (!$this->next) {
} else {
if ($rows>0) {
if ($call_id && $ReNormalize) {
if ($mongo_table_rw) {
$mongo_table_rw->update(array($this->normalizedField=>0), array('$set' => array($this->callIdField => $call_id)));
if ($UnNormalizedCalls=$this->getUnNormalized($mongo_where,$cdr_table)) {
if (!$this->DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['skipNormalizeOnPageLoad']) {
if ($UnNormalizedCalls < $this->maxCDRsNormalizeWeb) {
if (!$this->export && $this->status['normalized'] ) {
print "<div class=\"alert alert-info\">";
printf ("<b><span class=\"alert-heading\">%d</span></b> CDRs normalized. ",$this->status['normalized']);
if ($this->status['cached_keys']['saved_keys']) {
printf ("Quota usage updated for <b><span class=\"alert-heading\">%d</span></b> accounts. ",$this->status['cached_keys']['saved_keys']);
print "</div>";
if ($rows > $this->maxrowsperpage) {
if ($maxrows > $rows) {
} else {
if ($duration == "unnormalized") {
// if display un normalized calls we must substract
// the amount of calls normalized above
$mongo_order_by = '_id';
if ($order_type == DESC) {
$mongo_order_type = -1;
} else {
$mongo_order_type = 1;
if ($group_by) {
if ($order_by == "group_by") {
$mongo_order_by = '_id';
} else {
$_tmp = array_search($order_by, $this->CDRFields);
if (in_array($_tmp, array('price', 'duration','inputTraffic', 'outputTraffic'))) {
$mongo_order_by = $_tmp;
} else {
$mongo_order_by = 'calls';
array('$match' => $mongo_where),
array('$group' => array('_id' => sprintf('$%s', $field),
'calls' => array( '$sum' => 1),
'duration' => array( '$sum' => '$duration'),
'inputTraffic' => array( '$sum' => '$inputTraffic'),
'outputTraffic' => array( '$sum' => '$outputTraffic'),
'price' => array( '$sum' => '$price'),
'zero' => array( '$sum' => array('$cond'=> array(array('$eq' => array('$duration', 0)), 1, 0 ))),
'nonzero' => array( '$sum' => array('$cond'=> array(array('$gt' => array('$duration', 0)), 1, 0 )))
array('$match' => array('calls' => array('$gte' => 0))),
array('$sort' => array($mongo_order_by => $mongo_order_type)),
array('$skip' => intval($i)),
array('$limit' => intval($this->maxrowsperpage))
try {
$group_results = $mongo_table_ro->aggregate($pipeline);
} catch (Exception $e) {
printf("<p>Caught Mongo exception in show(): %s", $e->getMessage());
foreach ($group_results as $result) {
$mygroup = $result['_id'];
$calls = $result['calls'];
$seconds = $result['duration'];
$price = $result['price'];
$zero = $result['zero'];
$zeroP = $calls/$zero * 100;
$nonzero = $result['nonzero'];
$nonzeroP = $calls/$nonzero * 100;
$seconds_print = number_format($seconds,0);
$minutes = number_format($seconds/60,0,"","");
$minutes_print = number_format($seconds/60,0);
$hours = sec2hms($seconds);
$AcctInputOctets = number_format($result['inputTraffic'] * 2/ 1024/1024,2,".","");
$AcctOutputOctets = number_format($result['outputTraffic'] * 2/ 1024/1024,2,".","");
$NetRateIn = $result['inputTraffic']*8*2/1024/$seconds;
$NetRateOut = $result['outputTraffic']*8*2/1024/$seconds;
$success = number_format($nonzero/$calls*100,2,".","");
$failure = number_format($zero/$calls*100,2,".","");
$NetworkRateIn = number_format($NetRateIn,2);
$NetworkRateOut = number_format($NetRateOut,2);
$NetworkRate = max($NetworkRateIn,$NetworkRateOut);
if ($mod ==0) {
} else {
if ($this->group_byOrig==$this->DestinationIdField) {
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['domain'] && $this->destinations[$this->CDRTool['filter']['domain']]) {
} else {
if ($mygroup) {
} else {
} else if ($this->group_byOrig==$this->aNumberField) {
# Normalize Called Station Id
} else if ($this->group_byOrig==$this->CanonicalURIField) {
} else if ($this->group_byOrig==$this->SipProxyServerField) {
} else if ($this->group_byOrig==$this->SipCodecField) {
} else if (preg_match("/UserAgent/",$this->group_byOrig)) {
} else if (preg_match("/^BY/",$this->group_byOrig)) {
} else if ($this->group_byOrig==$this->callIdField) {
} else if ($this->group_byOrig=="SourceIP") {
$traceField = "gateway";
} else if ($this->group_byOrig=="SipResponseCode") {
$description = $this->disconnectCodesDescription[$mygroup];
} else if ($this->group_byOrig=="SipApplicationType") {
} else if ($this->group_byOrig=="ServiceType") {
} else {
if (!$traceField) {
$traceField = $group_by;
if (!$traceValue) {
$traceValue = $mygroup;
if (!$traceValue) {
} else {
if (!$this->export) {
print "
<td align=right>$calls</td>
<td align=right>$seconds_print</td>
<td align=right>$minutes_print</td>
<td align=right>$hours</td>
if ($perm->have_perm("showPrice")) {
} else {
print "
<td align=right>$pricePrint</td>
<td align=right>$AcctInputOctets</td>
<td align=right>$AcctOutputOctets</td>
<td align=right>$success%</td>
<td align=right>($nonzero calls)</td>
<td align=right>$failure%</td>
<td align=right>($zero calls)</td>
printf("<a href=%s&%s=%s&%s_comp=%s target=_new>Display calls</a></td>",$url_calls,$traceField,$traceValue_enc,$traceField,$comp_type);
print "
} else {
print "$found,";
print "$calls,";
print "$seconds,";
print "$minutes,";
print "$hours,";
if ($perm->have_perm("showPrice")) {
} else {
print "$pricePrint,";
print "$AcctInputOctets,";
print "$AcctOutputOctets,";
print "$success,";
print "$nonzero,";
print "$failure,";
print "$zero,";
print "$mygroup_print,";
print "$description";
print "\n";
if (!$this->export) {
print "
} else {
if (!$this->export) {
// printf ("<div class='alert alert-info'><i style='font-size:13px' class='icon-info-sign'></i> For more information about each call click on its Id column.</div>");
if ($order_by=="zeroP" || $order_by=="nonzeroP") {
if ($mongo_table_ro) {
$cursor = $mongo_table_ro->find($mongo_where)->sort(array($mongo_order_by=>$mongo_order_type))->skip($i)->limit($this->maxrowsperpage)->slaveOkay();
} else {
$cursor = array();
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) {
} else {
if (!$this->export) {
} else {
foreach ($cursor as $result) {
global $found;
$CDR = new $this->CDR_class($this, $Structure);
if ($this->CDRTool['filter']['aNumber']) {
} else {
if (!$this->export) {
} else {
if (!$this->export) {
print "
class CDR_opensips_mongo extends CDR_opensips {
class SIP_trace {
var $enableThor = false;
var $trace_array = array();
var $traced_ip = array();
var $SIPProxies = array();
var $mediaTrace = false;
var $thor_nodes = array();
var $hostnames = array();
function SIP_trace ($cdr_source) {
global $DATASOURCES, $auth;
$this->cdr_source = $cdr_source;
$this->cdrtool = new DB_CDRTool();
if (!is_array($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source])) {
$log=sprintf("Error: datasource '%s' is not defined",$this->cdr_source);
print $log;
return 0;
if (strlen($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['enableThor'])) {
$this->enableThor = $DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['enableThor'];
if (strlen($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['mediaTrace'])) {
$this->mediaTrace = $DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['mediaTrace'];
if ($this->enableThor) {
if ($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['soapEngineId'] && in_array($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['soapEngineId'],array_keys($soapEngines))) {
$this->SOAPlogin = array(
"username" => $soapEngines[$this->soapEngineId]['username'],
"password" => $soapEngines[$this->soapEngineId]['password'],
"admin" => true
$this->SoapAuth = array('auth', $this->SOAPlogin , 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro', 0, '');
// Instantiate the SOAP client
$this->soapclient = new WebService_NGNPro_SipPort($this->SOAPurl);
$this->soapclient->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5);
$this->soapclient->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
$this->soapclient->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
if (is_array($soapEngines[$this->soapEngineId]['hostnames'])) {
} else {
printf ("<p><font color=red>Error: soapEngineID not defined in datasource %s</font>",$this->cdr_source);
return false;
} else {
$this->table = $DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['table'];
$db_class = $DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['db_class'];
$this->purgeRecordsAfter = $DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['purgeRecordsAfter'];
if (class_exists($db_class)) {
$this->db = new $db_class;
} else {
printf("<p><font color=red>Error: database class '%s' is not defined</font>",$db_class);
return false;
if (is_object($auth)) $this->isAuthorized=1;
if (is_array($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['SIPProxies'])) {
function isProxy($ip,$sip_proxy='') {
if (!$ip) return false;
if (!$this->enableThor) {
if (!is_array($this->SIPProxies)) {
return false;
if (in_array($ip,array_keys($this->SIPProxies))) {
return true;
} else if ($sip_proxy) {
if ($this->thor_nodes[$ip]) {
return true;
} else {
if (isThorNode($ip,$sip_proxy)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
return false;
function getTrace ($proxyIP,$callid,$fromtag,$totag) {
if ($this->enableThor) {
// get trace using soap request
if (!$proxyIP || !$callid || !$fromtag) return false;
if (!is_object($this->soapclient)) {
print "Error: soap client is not defined.";
return false;
$filter=array('nodeIp' => $proxyIP,
'callId' => $callid,
'fromTag' => $fromtag,
'toTag' => $totag
$result = $this->soapclient->getSipTrace($filter);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
$error_msg = $result->getMessage();
$error_fault = $result->getFault();
$error_code = $result->getCode();
printf("<font color=red>Error from %s: %s (%s)</font>",$this->SOAPurl,
return false;
foreach ($traces as $_trace) {
if (preg_match("/^(udp|tcp|tls):(.*):(.*)$/",$_trace->to_ip,$m)) {
$toip = $m[2];
$transport = $m[1];
$toport = $m[3];
} else if (preg_match("/^(.*):(.*)$/",$_trace->to_ip,$m)) {
$toip = $m[1];
$transport = 'udp';
$toport = $m[2];
} else {
$toip = $_trace->to_ip;
$transport = 'udp';
$toport = '5060';
if (preg_match("/^(udp|tcp|tls):(.*):(.*)$/",$_trace->from_ip,$m)) {
$fromip = $m[2];
$fromport = $m[3];
} else if (preg_match("/^(.*):(.*)$/",$_trace->from_ip,$m)) {
$fromip = $m[1];
$fromport = $m[2];
} else {
$fromip = $_trace->from_ip;
if (!$this->seen_ip[$toip] && $this->isProxy($toip)) {
if (!$this->seen_ip[$fromip] && $this->isProxy($fromip)) {
if (!$this->column[$fromip]) {
$this->column[$fromip] = $columns+1;
if (!$this->column[$toip]) {
$this->column[$toip] = $columns+1;
preg_match("/^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)$/",$_trace->time_stamp,$m);
$timestamp = mktime($m[4],$m[5],$m[6],$m[2],$m[3],$m[1]);
array (
'id' => $idx,
'direction' => $_trace->direction,
'fromip' => $fromip,
'toip' => $toip,
'fromport' => $fromport,
'toport' => $toport,
'method' => $_trace->method,
'transport' => $transport,
'date' => $_trace->time_stamp,
'status' => $_trace->status,
'timestamp' => $timestamp,
'msg' => $_trace->message,
'md5' => md5($_trace->message)
$this->rows = count($this->trace_array);
} else {
// get trace from SQL
if (!is_object($this->db)) {
print "<p><font color=red>Error: no database connection defined</font>";
return false;
$query=sprintf("select *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time_stamp) as timestamp
from %s where callid = '%s' order by id asc",
if (!$this->db->query($query)) {
printf ("Database error for query %s: %s (%s)",$query,$this->db->Error,$this->db->Errno);
return false;
$this->rows = $this->db->num_rows();
$columns = 0;
while ($this->db->next_record()) {
if (preg_match("/^(udp|tcp|tls):(.*):(.*)$/",$this->db->f('toip'),$m)) {
$toip = $m[2];
$transport = $m[1];
$toport = $m[3];
} else if (preg_match("/^(.*):(.*)$/",$this->db->f('toip'),$m)) {
$toip = $m[1];
$transport = 'udp';
$toport = $m[2];
} else {
$toip = $this->db->f('toip');
$toport = '5060';
if (preg_match("/^(udp|tcp|tls):(.*):(.*)$/",$this->db->f('fromip'),$m)) {
$fromip = $m[2];
$fromport = $m[3];
} else if (preg_match("/^(.*):(.*)$/",$this->db->f('fromip'),$m)) {
$fromip = $m[1];
$fromport = $m[2];
} else {
$fromip = $this->db->f('fromip');
$transport = 'udp';
$fromport = '5060';
if (!$this->seen_ip[$toip] && $this->isProxy($toip)) {
if (!$this->seen_ip[$fromip] && $this->isProxy($fromip)) {
if (!$this->column[$fromip]) {
if (!$this->column[$toip]) {
array (
'id' => $this->db->f('id'),
'direction' => $this->db->f('direction'),
'fromip' => $fromip,
'toip' => $toip,
'method' => $this->db->f('method'),
'fromport' => $fromport,
'toport' => $toport,
'transport' => $transport,
'date' => $this->db->f('time_stamp'),
'status' => $this->db->f('status'),
'timestamp' => $this->db->f('timestamp'),
'msg' => $this->db->f('msg'),
'md5' => md5($this->db->f('msg'))
function show($proxyIP,$callid,$fromtag,$totag) {
$action = $_REQUEST['action'];
$toggleVisibility = $_REQUEST['toggleVisibility'];
if ($action=='toggleVisibility') {
if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "on") {
$protocolURL = "https://";
} else {
$protocolURL = "http://";
if (!count($this->trace_array)) {
print "<p>
SIP trace for session id $callid is not available.";
print "<div class=container-fluid><div id=trace class=main>
<h1 class='page-header'>CDRTool SIP trace
<small>SIP session $callid $authorizei</small></h1>
<div class=row-fluid>
<div class=span9>
<form class=form-inline method=post name=visibility>
if ($this->isAuthorized) {
$query=sprintf("select * from memcache where `key` = '%s'",addslashes($key));
if ($this->cdrtool->num_rows()) {
} else {
print "
This SIP trace is visible
<select class=span3 name=toggleVisibility onChange=\"document.visibility.submit.disabled = true; location.href = '$basicURL&action=toggleVisibility&toggleVisibility=' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value\">
<option $selected_toggleVisibility[public] value=1>without authorization
<option $selected_toggleVisibility[private] value=0>only to authorized users
<input type=hidden name=action value=toggleVisibility>
print "URLs for this trace: <a href=$fullURL>HTML</a> | <a href=$fullURL&format=text>TEXT</a></td>";
} else {
print "";
if ($this->mediaTrace) {
$this->mediaTraceLink=sprintf("<p class=pull-right><a href=\"javascript:void(null);\" onClick=\"return'media_trace.phtml?cdr_source=%s&callid=%s&fromtag=%s&totag=%s&proxyIP=%s', 'mediatrace',
'toolbar=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=800,height=730')\">Click here for RTP media information</a></p>",
print "
<div class='span3'>
<p class='pull-right'>
Click on each packet to expand its body content</p>
foreach (array_keys($this->trace_array) as $key) {
if ($this->trace_array[$key]['direction'] == 'in') {
if (is_array($this->SIPProxies)) {
if ($this->isProxy($thisIP[0],$proxyIP)) {
$this->trace_array[$key]['isProxy'] = 1;
if ($this->trace_array[$key]['fromip'] == $this->trace_array[$key]['toip']) {
$this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_align'] = "left";
} else if ($this->column[$this->trace_array[$key]['fromip']] < $this->column[$this->trace_array[$key]['toip']]) {
$this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_align'] = "right";
} else {
$this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_align'] = "left";
$this->trace_array[$key]['msg_possition'] = $this->column[$this->trace_array[$key]['toip']];
$this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_possition'] = $this->column[$this->trace_array[$key]['fromip']];
$this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_direction'] = $arrow_direction;
} else {
if ($this->trace_array[$key]['fromip'] == $this->trace_array[$key]['toip']) {
$this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_align'] = "left";
} else if ($this->column[$this->trace_array[$key]['fromip']] < $this->column[$this->trace_array[$key]['toip']]) {
$this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_align'] = "left";
} else {
$this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_align'] = "right";
$this->trace_array[$key]['msg_possition'] = $this->column[$this->trace_array[$key]['fromip']];
$this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_possition'] = $this->column[$this->trace_array[$key]['toip']];
$this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_direction'] = $arrow_direction;
print "
<a name=#top>
<table class='table table-condensed table-hover' cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%>
<th align=center><b>Packet</b></th>
<th align=center><b>Size</b></th>
<th align=center><b>Time</b></th>
foreach (array_keys($this->column) as $_key) {
if ($this->hostnames[$IPels[0]]) {
} else {
print "<th align=center class=border>";
if ($proxyIP != $IPels[0] && $this->isProxy($IPels[0],$proxyIP)) {
$trace_link=sprintf("<a href=\"javascript:void(null);\" onClick=\"return'sip_trace.phtml?cdr_source=%s&callid=%s&fromtag=%s&totag=%s&proxyIP=%s', 'Trace',
'toolbar=0,status=1,menubar=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=1000,height=600')\"><font color=red><b>%s:%s (Trace) </b></font></a>",
printf ("<b><font color=blue>%s</b>",$trace_link);
} else {
printf ("<b>%s</b>",$_hostname);
print "</th>";
print "</tr>
foreach (array_keys($this->trace_array) as $key) {
$id = $this->trace_array[$key]['id'];
$msg = $this->trace_array[$key]['msg'];
$fromip = $this->trace_array[$key]['fromip'];
$toip = $this->trace_array[$key]['toip'];
$date = substr($this->trace_array[$key]['date'],11);
$status = $this->trace_array[$key]['status'];
$direction = $this->trace_array[$key]['direction'];
$timestamp = $this->trace_array[$key]['timestamp'];
$method = $this->trace_array[$key]['method'];
$isProxy = $this->trace_array[$key]['isProxy'];
$transport = $this->trace_array[$key]['transport'];
$msg_possition = $this->trace_array[$key]['msg_possition'];
$arrow_possition = $this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_possition'];
$arrow_direction = $this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_direction'];
$arrow_align = $this->trace_array[$key]['arrow_align'];
$md5 = $this->trace_array[$key]['md5'];
if ($i==1) $begin_timestamp = $timestamp;
if ($seen_msg[$md5]) continue;
if ($SIPclass=="6") {
$status_color="<font color=red>";
} else if ($SIPclass=="5" ) {
$status_color="<font color=red>";
} else if ($SIPclass=="4" ) {
$status_color="<font color=blue>";
} else if ($SIPclass=="3" ) {
$status_color="<font color=green>";
} else if ($SIPclass=="2" ) {
$status_color="<font color=green>";
} else if ($SIPclass=="1" ) {
$status_color="<font color=\"#cc6600\">";
} else {
$status_color="<font color=black>";
if (preg_match("/^(.*) SIP/",$_lines[0],$m)) {
} else if (preg_match("/^SIP\/2\.0 (.*)/",$_lines[0],$m)) {
foreach ($_lines as $_line) {
if (preg_match("/^(Diversion: ).*;(.*)$/",$_line,$m)) {
if (preg_match("/^Cseq:\s*\d+\s*(.*)$/i",$_line,$m)) {
if (preg_match("/^Contact:\s*.*@(.*:\d+).*$/i",$_line,$m)) {
if (preg_match("/^c=IN \w+ ([\d|\w\.]+)/i",$_line,$m)) {
if (preg_match("/^m=(\w+) (\d+) /i",$_line,$m)) {
$media['streams'][$media_index]=array('type' => $m[1],
'ip' => $media['ip'],
'port' => $m[2],
'ice' => ''
if ($search_ip && preg_match("/^c=IN \w+ ([\d|\w\.]+)/i",$_line,$m)) {
if ($search_ice && preg_match("/^a=ice/i",$_line,$m)) {
$cell_content = "<a name=\"packet$i\">
$status_color $_els[0]</font>
if ($status) $cell_content.=" <font color=black>for ".$status_for_method."</font>";
if ($contact_header) {
$cell_content.=sprintf("<br>Contact: %s",htmlspecialchars($contact_header));
if (is_array($diversions)) {
foreach ($diversions as $_diversion) {
if (is_array($media['streams'])) {
foreach (array_keys($media['streams']) as $_key) {
$_stream=sprintf("%s->%s:%s %s",$media['streams'][$_key]['type'],
if ($media['streams'][$_key]['port']) {
} else {
$cell_content.="<br><b><font color=red>$_stream</font></b>";
print "
<tr class=border onClick=\"return toggleVisibility('row$i')\">
if ($timeline && !$_seen_timeline[$timeline]) {
printf ("%s+%ds </font>",$status_color,$timeline);
print "
<td class=bbot>$status_color$i/$this->rows&nbsp;</font></td>
<td class=bbot>$len bytes</td>
<td class=bbot><nobr>$status_color$date</nobr></font>
while ($column_current <= count($this->column)) {
if ($arrow_possition==$column_current) {
if ($direction=='out') {
if ($arrow_direction == 'left') {
} else if ($arrow_direction == 'right') {
} else if ($arrow_direction == 'loop'){
} else {
if ($arrow_direction == 'left') {
} else if ($arrow_direction == 'right') {
} else if ($arrow_direction == 'loop'){
if ($arrow_possition==$column_current) {
print "<td class=bbot align=$arrow_align>";
if ($arrow_direction == 'left') {
print "<img src=images/$arrow border=0>";
if (!$isProxy && $direction=='in' && $sip_phone_img && $sip_phone_img!='unknown.png')
print "<img src=images/30/$sip_phone_img border=0>";
} else {
if (!$isProxy && $direction=='in' && $sip_phone_img && $sip_phone_img!='unknown.png')
print "<img src=images/30/$sip_phone_img border=0>";
print "<img src=images/$arrow border=0>";
print "<br>";
if ($transport == 'tls') print "<span style='font-size:16px'><i class='icon-lock'></i></span> ";
if ($direction == 'in') {
printf ("%s port %d",strtoupper($transport),$this->trace_array[$key]['fromport']);
} else {
printf ("%s port %d",strtoupper($transport),$this->trace_array[$key]['toport']);
} else {
print "<td class=bbot>";
if ($msg_possition == $column_current) {
print $cell_content;
print "<br>";
if ($direction == 'in') {
printf ("%s port %d",strtoupper($transport),$this->trace_array[$key]['toport']);
} else {
printf ("%s port %d",strtoupper($transport),$this->trace_array[$key]['fromport']);
} else {
print "&nbsp;";
print "
if ($arrow_direction=='loop') $seen_msg[$md5]++;
print "</tr>";
if (is_array($this->SIPProxies)) {
foreach (array_keys($this->SIPProxies) as $localProxy) {
if ($localProxy==$justIP) {
print "
<tr class=extrainfo id=row$i >
<td colspan=$trace_span>
print "<div class='alert alert-info'>
<div class=row-fluid><div class='span2'><div class='row-fluid'><div class='span12'>";
if ($direction == "out") {
print "
<h1>SIP Proxy</h1></nobr>
} else {
if ($sip_phone_img) print "<img style='max-width:none' src=images/$sip_phone_img>";
print "</div></div><div class=row-fluid><div class='span12'>";
if ($timeline > 0) {
printf ("<p>+%s s<br>(%s)",$timeline,sec2hms($timeline));
print "</div></div></div><div class=span10>";
print "
$status_color $msg
print "
print "
function showText($proxyIP,$callid,$fromtag,$totag) {
print "<pre>";
if (!count($this->trace_array)) {
print "SIP trace for session id $callid is not available.";
return false;
printf ("SIP trace on proxy %s for session %s\n--\n\n",$proxyIP,$callid);
foreach (array_keys($this->trace_array) as $key) {
printf ("Packet %d at %s from %s to %s (%s)\n",
printf ("\n%s\n",htmlspecialchars($this->trace_array[$key]['msg']));
print "---\n";
print "</pre>";
function togglePublicVisibility($callid,$fromtag,$public='0') {
if (!$public) {
$query=sprintf("delete from memcache where `key` = '%s'",addslashes($key));
} else {
$query=sprintf("delete from memcache where `key` = '%s'",addslashes($key));
$query=sprintf("insert into memcache values ('%s','public')",addslashes($key));
function purgeRecords($days='') {
if ($this->enableThor) {
return true;
if ($days) {
} else if (!$this->purgeRecordsAfter) {
$beforeDate=Date("Y-m-d", time()-$this->purgeRecordsAfter*3600*24);
$query=sprintf("select id as min, time_stamp from %s order by id ASC limit 1",
if ($this->db->query($query)) {
if ($this->db->num_rows()) {
} else {
$log=sprintf("No records found in %s\n",$this->table);
print $log;
return false;
} else {
$log=sprintf("Error: %s (%s)\n",$this->db->Error,$query);
print $log;
return false;
$query=sprintf("select id as max from %s where time_stamp < '%s' order by id DESC limit 1",
if ($this->db->query($query) && $this->db->num_rows()) {
} else {
$log=sprintf("No records found in %s before %s, records start after %s\n",
print $log;
return false;
$found = 0;
print "$rows2delete traces to delete between $min and $max\n";
while ($i<=$max) {
if ($i + $interval < $max) {
} else {
$query=sprintf("delete low_priority from %s
where id >= '%d' and id <='%d'",
if ($this->db->query($query)) {
} else {
$log=sprintf("Error: %s (%s)",$this->db->Error,$this->db->Errno);
return false;
if ($found > $progress*$rows2delete/100) {
if ($progress%10==0) {
print "$progress% ";
print "\n";
$e =time();
$d =$e-$b;
if ($deleted && $d) $rps=$deleted/$d;
$log=sprintf("%s records before %s from %s deleted in %d s @ %.0f rps\n",$deleted,$beforeDate,$this->table,$d,$rps);
print $log;
return true;
class Media_trace {
var $enableThor = false;
var $table = 'media_sessions';
function Media_trace ($cdr_source) {
$this->cdr_source = $cdr_source;
$this->cdrtool = new DB_CDRTool();
if (!is_array($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source])) {
$log=sprintf("Error: datasource '%s' is not defined",$this->cdr_source);
print $log;
return 0;
if (strlen($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['enableThor'])) {
$this->enableThor = $DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['enableThor'];
if ($this->enableThor) {
if ($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['soapEngineId'] && in_array($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['soapEngineId'],array_keys($soapEngines))) {
$this->SOAPlogin = array(
"username" => $soapEngines[$this->soapEngineId]['username'],
"password" => $soapEngines[$this->soapEngineId]['password'],
"admin" => true
$this->SoapAuth = array('auth', $this->SOAPlogin , 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro', 0, '');
// Instantiate the SOAP client
$this->soapclient = new WebService_NGNPro_SipPort($this->SOAPurl);
$this->soapclient->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5);
$this->soapclient->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
$this->soapclient->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
} else {
print "Error: soapEngineID not defined in datasource $this->cdr_source";
return false;
} else {
if ($DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['table']) {
$this->table = $DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['table'];
$db_class = $DATASOURCES[$this->cdr_source]['db_class'];
if (class_exists($db_class)) {
$this->db = new $db_class;
} else {
printf("<p><font color=red>Error: database class %s is not defined in datasource %s</font>",$db_class,$this->cdr_source);
return false;
function getTrace ($proxyIP,$callid,$fromtag,$totag) {
if ($this->enableThor) {
// get trace using soap request
if (!$proxyIP || !$callid || !$fromtag) {
print "<p><font color=red>Error: proxyIP or callid or fromtag are not defined</font>";
return false;
if (!is_object($this->soapclient)) {
print "<p><font color=red>Error: soap client is not defined</font>";
return false;
$filter=array('nodeIp' => $proxyIP,
'callId' => $callid,
'fromTag' => $fromtag,
'toTag' => $totag
$result = $this->soapclient->getMediaTrace($filter);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
$error_msg = $result->getMessage();
$error_fault = $result->getFault();
$error_code = $result->getCode();
if ($error_fault->detail->exception->errorcode != 1060) {
printf("<font color=red>Error from %s: %s (%s)</font>",
return false;
$this->info = json_decode($result);
} else {
if (!is_object($this->db)) {
print "<p><font color=red>Error: no database connection defined</font>";
return false;
// get trace from SQL
$query=sprintf("select info from %s where call_id = '%s' and from_tag = '%s' and to_tag= '%s'",
if (!$this->db->query($query)) {
printf ("<p><font color=red>Database error for query %s: %s (%s)</font>",$query,$this->db->Error,$this->db->Errno);
return false;
if ($this->db->num_rows()) {
$this->info = json_decode($this->db->f('info'));
function show($proxyIP,$callid,$fromtag,$totag) {
if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "on") {
$protocolURL = "https://";
} else {
$protocolURL = "http://";
print "<div class=container-fluid'><div id=trace class='main'>";
if (!is_object($this->info)) {
print "<p>No information available.";
return false;
if (!count($this->info->streams)) {
print "<p>
No RTP media streams have been established";
print "
<h1 class=page-header>CDRTool Media Trace
<small>Media Session $callid</small></h1>
foreach (array_values($this->info->streams) as $_val) {
print "<h2>Media Information</h2>";
print "<table border=0>";
printf ("<tr><td class=border>Call duration</td><td class=border>%s</td></tr>",$this->info->duration);
printf ("<tr><td class=border>Media relay</td><td class=border>%s</td></tr>",$relay_ip);
print "</table>";
print "<h2>Media Streams</h2>";
print "<table class='table table-condensed table-striped' style='width:300px' border=0>";
print "<thead><tr><th></th>";
foreach (array_values($media_types) as $_type) {
printf ("<th>%s</th>",ucfirst($_type));
print "</tr></thead>";
foreach ($this->info->streams[0] as $_val => $_value) {
printf ("<tr><td class=border>%s</td>",ucfirst(preg_replace("/_/"," ",$_val)));
while ($j < count($media_types)) {
printf ("<td class=border>%s</td>",$this->info->streams[$j]->$_val);
printf ("</tr>\n");
print "</table>";
print "<br><h2>Stream Succession</h2>";
print "<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 width=$w_table>";
foreach (array_values($this->info->streams) as $_val) {
if ($_val->status == 'unselected ice candidate') continue;
$_duration = $_val->end_time-$_val->start_time;
$_timeout = $_val->timeout_wait;
$duration_print= $_duration;
if ($_val->status == 'conntrack timeout') {
$w_duration = intval(($_duration-$_timeout)*$w_legend_bar/$this->info->duration);
$w_timeout = intval($_timeout*$w_legend_bar/$this->info->duration);
$duration_print = $_duration - $_timeout;
} else if ($_val->status == 'no-traffic timeout') {
$w_duration = intval($_duration*$w_legend_bar/$this->info->duration);
$w_timeout = intval($_timeout*$w_legend_bar/$this->info->duration);
} else if ($_val->status == 'closed' ) {
$w_duration = intval($_duration * $w_legend_bar / $this->info->duration);
$w_timeout = 0;
$w_start_time = intval($_index*$w_legend_bar/$this->info->duration);
$w_rest = $w_legend_bar-$w_duration-$w_timeout-$w_start_time;
$w_duration_p = ($w_legend_bar/$w_duration) * 100;
$w_timeout_p = ($w_legend_bar/$w_timeout)* 100;
$w_start_p = ($w_legend_bar/$w_start)* 100;
//printf ("%s, %s, %s, %s<br>\n",$w_start_p,$w_duration_p,$w_timeout_p,$w_rest);
if ($_val->caller_packets != '0' && $_val->callee_packets != '0'){
print "<tr><td width=$w_text class=border>$_val->media_type</td>";
print "<td width=$w_legend_bar>\n";
//print "<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr>\n";
print "<div class='progress progress-striped'>";
print "<div class=bar style='width:$w_start_p%'></div>\n";
print "<div class='bar bar-success' style='width:$w_duration_p% ; text-align:center'><font color=white>$duration_print</font></div>\n";
if ($_val->timeout_wait) {
print "<div class='bar bar-danger' style='width:$w_timeout%; text-align:center'><font color=white>$_timeout</font></div>\n";
} else {
print "<div class='bar bar-warning' style='width:$w_timeout%; text-align:center'></div>\n";
//print "<td width=$w_rest bgcolor=white align=center></td>\n";
//print "</table>\n";
print "</td></tr>";
} elseif ( $_val->status == 'unselected ICE candidate') {
print "<tr><td>ICE session</td></tr>";
} else {
print "<tr><td>No stream data found</td></tr>";
print "</table>";
print "<br><strong>Legend</strong>";
print "<p><table border=0>
<tr><td width=50><div class='progress progress-striped progress-success'><div class='bar' style='width:100%'></div></div></td><td>Session data</td></tr>
<tr><td><div class='progress progress-striped progress-danger'><div class='bar' style='width:100%'></div></div></td><td>Timeout period</td></tr>
function getImageForUserAgent($msg) {
global $userAgentImages;
foreach($msg_lines as $line) {
if (strtolower($els[0]) == 'user-agent' || strtolower($els[0]) == 'server') {
foreach ($userAgentImages as $agentRegexp => $image) {
if (preg_match("/^(user-agent|server):.*$agentRegexp/i", $line)) {
return $image;
return "unknown.png";
function isThorNode($ip,$sip_proxy) {
if (!$ip || !$sip_proxy) return false;
$socket = fsockopen($sip_proxy, 9500, $errno, $errstr, 1);
if (!$socket) {
return false;
$request=sprintf("is_online %s as sip_proxy",$ip);
if (fputs($socket,"$request\r\n") !== false) {
$ret = trim(fgets($socket,4096));
} else {
return false;
if ($ret == 'Yes') {
return true;
} else {
return false;
diff --git a/phplib/ b/phplib/
index 016a325..4bba9bb 100644
--- a/phplib/
+++ b/phplib/
@@ -1,1275 +1,1293 @@
class CDRTool_CT_Sql extends CT_Sql {
var $database_class = "DB_CDRTool"; ## Which database to connect...
var $database_table = "active_sessions"; ## and find our session data in this table.
class CDRTool_Session extends Session {
var $classname = "CDRTool_Session";
var $auto_init = "";
var $cookiename = "CDRc"; ## defaults to classname
var $magic = "bzssdgaune"; ## ID seed
var $mode = "cookie"; ## We propagate session IDs with cookies
var $fallback_mode = "get";
var $allowcache = "no";
var $allowcache_expires = "5";
var $lifetime = 0; ## 0 = do session cookies, else minutes
var $that_class = "CDRTool_CT_Sql"; ## name of data storage container
var $gc_probability = 5;
class CDRTool_User extends User {
var $classname = "CDRTool_User";
var $magic = "Abraacdascadabra"; ## ID seed
var $that_class = "CDRTool_CT_Sql"; ## data storage container
class CDRTool_Auth extends Auth {
var $classname = "CDRTool_Auth";
var $lifetime = 240;
var $database_class = "DB_CDRTool";
var $database_table = "auth_user";
function auth_loginform() {
global $sess;
global $_PHPLIB;
global $max_login_attempts;
global $CDRTool;
$username = $_POST["username"];
$sendotp = $_POST["sendotp"];
$password = $_POST["password"];
$challenge = $_POST["challenge"];
$response = $_POST["response"];
if (!$challenge) {
$challenge = md5(uniqid($this->magic));
$query=sprintf("select * from spam where ip = '%s'",addslashes($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
if ($this->db->num_rows()) {
$spam_login_ip = $this->db->f('ip');
$spam_login_tries = $this->db->f('tries');
$spam_login_stamp = $this->db->f('stamp');
$next_try = $spam_login_stamp+120;
$remains = $next_try-time();
$next_try = Date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$next_try);
$now = Date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time());
if ($remains < 0) {
$query=sprintf("delete from spam where ip = '%s'", addslashes($spam_login_ip));
if ($this->db->query($query)) {
if ($spam_login_tries < $max_login_attempts) {
if (is_readable("/etc/cdrtool/local/header.phtml")) {
} else {
$layout = new pageLayoutLocal();
} else {
if ($spam_login_tries == $max_login_attempts) {
$log_time=Date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time());
$log_query=sprintf("insert into log (date,login,ip,description,results)
values ('%s','%s','%s','%s attempts to wrong login', 'IP blocked until %s')",
$query=sprintf("update spam
set tries = tries + 1
where ip = '%s' ",addslashes($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
print "
<p>The current time on this system is $now.
<p>Too many wrong attempts to login, wait until
$next_try (over $remains seconds) and try again.
If you forgot your password please contact your system administrator for obtaining a new one.
function auth_validatelogin() {
global $d_cli, $d_card, $prepaid_login, $cust_form, $codeFilter, $aNumberFilter,$login_for;
global $CDRTool;
global $otp_error, $otpasswd;
global $verbose;
$username = $_POST["username"];
$sendotp = $_POST["sendotp"];
$password = $_POST["password"];
$challenge = $_POST["challenge"];
$response = $_POST["response"];
if(isset($username)) {
$this->auth["uname"]=$username; ## This provides access for "loginform.ihtml"
$uid = false;
if ($username) {
if (preg_match ("/\@/",$username)) {
$domainAuth = new DomainAuthLocal();
if ($ret[0]) {
foreach ($ret[2] as $allowedDS) {
if ($ret[1] == "subscriber") {
$CDRTool[filter][aNumber] = $username;
$this->auth["perm"] = "callsearch,statistics,showPrice,showCallerId";
} else {
$CDRTool[filter][domain] = $a[1];
$this->auth["perm"] = "callsearch,statistics,showPrice,showCallerId";
return $ret[0];
} else {
$query = sprintf("select * from auth_user where username = '%s' and expire > NOW()", addslashes($username));
$otp_enabled_db =$this->db->f('otp_enable');
$otp_email =$this->db->f('email');
$otp_tel =$this->db->f('tel');
$otp_passwd =$this->db->f('otp_passwd');
$otp_passwd_md5 =md5($this->db->f('otp_passwd'));
if ($sendotp) {
if ($otp_email || $otp_tel) {
print "<p>Sending OneTimePassword ";
$expire_otp= date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime(date("H"),date("i")+$interval,0,date("m") ,date("d"),date("Y")));
$update=sprintf("update auth_user set otp_passwd='%s', otp_expire = '%s' where username = '%s'",
if ($this->db->query($update)) {
if ($otp_email) {
$body=sprintf("%s valid until %s CET (GMT+1) requested from %s",$random_otp,$expire_otp,$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
mail($otp_email, "OTP for CDRTool", $body, "From:");
if ($otp_tel) {
$body=sprintf("Password is %s valid until %s CET (GMT+1) from %s",$random_otp,$expire_otp,$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
otp_sms($otp_tel, $body,"1");
print "<p>
Password will expire at: $expire_otp (in $interval minutes)<br>";
} else {
print "<p>No OTP recipient exists for this account. ";
select *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(otp_expire) as timestamp_otp ,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP() as timestamp_now ".
" from %s ".
" where username = '%s' " .
" and expire > NOW() " ,
$uid = $this->db->f("user_id");
$perm = $this->db->f("perms");
if ($CDRTool['provider']['clear_text_passwords']!=1) {
// Update hashed pass if none set and we need hashed ones
if ( $this->db->f("password_hashed") == '' && $this->db->f("password") != '') {
"UPDATE %s".
" set password_hashed='%s', password=''".
" where username='%s'",
$pass = $newpassmd5;
$pass_md5 = $newpassmd5;
} else {
$pass = $this->db->f("password_hashed");
$pass_md5 = $this->db->f("password_hashed");
} else {
$pass = $this->db->f("password");
$pass_md5 = md5($this->db->f("password"));
$otp_passwd = $this->db->f("otp_passwd");
if (strlen($this->db->f('otp_passwd'))) {
$otp_passwd_md5 =md5($this->db->f('otp_passwd'));
} else {
$timestamp_otp = $this->db->f("timestamp_otp");
$timestamp_now = $this->db->f("timestamp_now");
$CDRTool['loginName'] = $this->db->f("name");
$CDRTool['loginEmail'] = $this->db->f("email");
$_dataSourcesAllowed = explode(",",$this->db->f("sources"));
$_datasourceDefined = array_keys($DATASOURCES);
$CDRTool['dataSourcesAllowed'] = array_intersect($_dataSourcesAllowed,$_datasourceDefined);
// limits per CDRTool login account
$CDRTool['filter']['user_id'] = $this->db->f("user_id");
$CDRTool['filter']['aNumber'] = $this->db->f('aNumberFilter');
$CDRTool['filter']['displayA'] = $this->db->f('display_cli');
$CDRTool['filter']['domain'] = $this->db->f('domainFilter');
$CDRTool['filter']['gateway'] = $this->db->f('gatewayFilter');
$CDRTool['filter']['compid'] = $this->db->f('compidFilter');
$CDRTool['filter']['cscode'] = $this->db->f('cscodeFilter');
if (preg_match("/^(\d+)\.(\d+)$/",$this->db->f('impersonate'),$m)) {
$CDRTool['filter']['customer'] = $m[1];
$CDRTool['filter']['reseller'] = $m[2];
} else if (preg_match("/^(\d+)$/",$this->db->f('impersonate'),$m)) {
$CDRTool['filter']['customer'] = $m[1];
$CDRTool['filter']['reseller'] = $m[1];
} else {
$CDRTool['filter']['customer'] = '';
$CDRTool['filter']['reseller'] = '';
$CDRTool['impersonate'] = $this->db->f('impersonate');
if ($this->db->f('afterDateFilter') && $this->db->f('afterDateFilter') != "0000-00-00") {
if ($CDRTool['filter']['customer']) {
// get soap credentials from NGNPro database
global $soapEngines ;
"username" => $soapEngines[$CDRTool['ngnpro_reseller_engine']]['username'],
"password" => $soapEngines[$CDRTool['ngnpro_reseller_engine']]['password'],
"admin" => true
$this->SoapAuth = array('auth', $this->SOAPlogin , 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro', 0, '');
$this->CustomerPort = new WebService_NGNPro_CustomerPort($soapEngines[$CDRTool['ngnpro_reseller_engine']]['url']);
$this->CustomerPort->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5);
$this->CustomerPort->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
$this->CustomerPort->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
$filter = array('customer' => intval($CDRTool['filter']['customer']));
$range = array('start' => 0,'count' => 1);
$orderBy = array('attribute' => 'customer', 'direction' => 'ASC');
$Query=array('filter' => $filter,'orderBy' => $orderBy,'range' => $range);
// Call function
$result = $this->CustomerPort->getCustomers($Query);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
$error_msg = $result->getMessage();
$error_fault= $result->getFault();
$error_code = $result->getCode();
$log = sprintf ("SOAP request error from %s: %s (%s): %s",$this->SoapEngine->SOAPurl,$error_msg, $error_fault->detail->exception->errorcode,$error_fault->detail->exception->errorstring);
syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log);
} else {
if (count($result->accounts) == 1) {
if ($result->accounts[0]->impersonate) {
// get the credentials of the impersonate field
$filter = array('customer' => intval($result->accounts[0]->impersonate), 'reseller' => intval($result->accounts[0]->reseller));
$range = array('start' => 0,'count' => 1);
$orderBy = array('attribute' => 'customer', 'direction' => 'ASC');
$Query=array('filter' => $filter,'orderBy' => $orderBy,'range' => $range);
// Call function
$result = $this->CustomerPort->getCustomers($Query);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
$error_msg = $result->getMessage();
$error_fault= $result->getFault();
$error_code = $result->getCode();
$log = sprintf ("SOAP request error from %s: %s (%s): %s",$this->SoapEngine->SOAPurl,$error_msg, $error_fault->detail->exception->errorcode,$error_fault->detail->exception->errorstring);
syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log);
} else {
if (count($result->accounts) == 1) {
$CDRTool["soap_username"] = $result->accounts[0]->username;
$CDRTool["soap_password"] = $result->accounts[0]->password;
} else {
print "<p>Error retrieving customer data from the provisioning server, there is no such impersonate id. ";
} else {
$CDRTool["soap_username"] = $result->accounts[0]->username;
$CDRTool["soap_password"] = $result->accounts[0]->password;
} else {
print "<p>Error retrieving customer data from the provisioning server, there is no such customer id. ";
$expected_response = md5("$username:$pass_md5:$challenge");
## True when JS is disabled
if ($response == "") {
if ($CDRTool['provider']['clear_text_passwords']!= 1 ) {
if ($password == $pass || ($password == $otp_passwd && $timestamp_otp > $timestamp_now)) {
$this->auth["perm"] = $perm;
return $uid;
} else {
return false;
} else {
## Response is set, JS is enabled
// we check if either otp or normal password match
//print "<p>$response == $expected_response <p>$response == $expect_otp";
if ($expected_response == $response || ($response == $expect_otp && $timestamp_otp > $timestamp_now)) {
$this->auth["perm"] = $perm;
return $uid;
} else {
return false;
class CDRTool_Perm extends Perm {
var $classname = "CDRTool_Perm";
var $permissions = array(
"admin" => 1,
"callsearch" => 2,
"statistics" => 4,
"sqlquery" => 8,
"soapclient" => 16,
"rates" => 32,
"showCallerId" => 64,
"showPrice" => 128,
"provisioning" => 256,
"readonly" => 512
function perm_invalid($does_have, $must_have) {
global $perm, $auth, $sess;
global $_PHPLIB;
include($_PHPLIB["libdir"] . "perminvalid.phtml");
class SIP_Subscriber_Session extends Session {
var $classname = "SIP_Subscriber_Session";
var $auto_init = "";
var $cookiename = "SIPCookie2"; ## defaults to classname
var $magic = "3333jhjjjss13"; ## ID seed
var $mode = "cookie"; ## We propagate session IDs with cookies
var $fallback_mode = "get";
var $allowcache = "public";
var $lifetime = 0; ## 0 = do session cookies, else minutes
var $that_class = "CDRTool_CT_Sql"; ## name of data storage container
var $gc_probability = 5;
class SIP_Subscriber_Auth extends Auth {
// use this auth for SIP accounts
var $classname = "SIP_Subscriber_Auth";
var $lifetime = 0;
var $magic = "d66mmmg111dsgzz"; ## Challenge seed
function auth_loginform() {
global $sess;
global $max_login_attempts;
$username = $_POST["username"];
$password = $_POST["password"];
$challenge = $_POST["challenge"];
$step = $_POST["step"];
if (!$challenge) {
$challenge = md5(uniqid($this->magic));
function auth_validatelogin() {
global $SIP;
$username = $_POST["username"];
$password = $_POST["password"];
$challenge = $_POST["challenge"];
$response = $_POST["response"];
$response_ha1= $_POST["response_ha1"];
if(isset($username)) {
$domain= $a[1];
if (count($a) !=2 ) return false;
global $domainFilters, $resellerFilters, $soapEngines ;
$SIP['account'] = $username;
if ($domainFilters[$domain]['sip_engine']) {
$SIP['engine'] = $domainFilters[$domain]['sip_engine'];
} else if ($domainFilters['default']['sip_engine']) {
} else {
print "Error: cannot authenticate SIP subscriber, no domainFilter defined in";
return false;
"username" => $soapEngines[$SIP['engine']]['username'],
"password" => $soapEngines[$SIP['engine']]['password'],
"admin" => true
$this->SoapAuth = array('auth', $this->SOAPlogin , 'urn:AGProjects:NGNPro', 0, '');
$this->SipPort = new WebService_NGNPro_SipPort($soapEngines[$SIP['engine']]['url']);
$this->SipPort->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5);
$this->SipPort->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
$this->SipPort->setOpt('curl', CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
$result = $this->SipPort->getAccount(array("username" =>$a[0],"domain" =>$domain));
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
$error_msg = $result->getMessage();
$error_fault= $result->getFault();
$error_code = $result->getCode();
$log = printf ("SOAP error from %s (SipPort): %s (%s): %s",$soapEngines[$SIP['engine']]['url'],$error_msg, $error_fault->detail->exception->errorcode,$error_fault->detail->exception->errorstring);
syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log);
return false;
foreach ($result->properties as $_property) {
if ($_property->name == 'web_password') {
if (!$web_password) $web_password=$result->password;
$pass_md5 = md5($web_password);
$expected_response = md5("$username:$pass_md5:$challenge");
$SIP['customer'] = $result->customer;
$SIP['reseller'] = $result->reseller;
if ($result->ha1 && $result->ha1 == $response_ha1) {
$log=sprintf("SIP settings page: %s logged in from %s", $username, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log);
return true;
if ($expected_response == $response) {
$log=sprintf("SIP settings page: %s logged in from %s", $username, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
syslog(LOG_NOTICE, $log);
return true;
return false;
function otp_sms($tel,$message,$hideoutput) {
if (!$tel || !$message) return 0;
$cmd="/usr/bin/sms --destination $tel --message \"$message\"";
if ($returnCode == "0") {
if (!$hideoutput) {
print "<p>";
printf (_("SMS sent succesfully to %s. "), $tel);
} else {
print "<p>";
print "<b>";
print "OTP ";
print _("Error");
function random_passwd_gen() {
# Calculating random password
while($i < 5) {
$randval = rand(0,28);
return $random_otp;
function dprint($msg="") {
global $verbose;
if ($verbose) {
print "<br>$msg\n";
function dprint_r($obj) {
global $verbose;
if ($verbose) {
print "<pre>\n";
print "</pre>\n";
function checkEmail($email) {
global $verbose;
dprint ("<b>checkEmail($email) </b>");
if (stristr($email,"-.") ||
!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*@([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/i",$email)) {
return 0;
return 1;
class OpenSIPS_DomainAuth {
function OpenSIPS_DomainAuth () {
$this->userDB = new DB_opensips;
$this->allowedDataSourcesSubscriber = array('opensips_radius','sip_trace','media_trace');
function validate ($user, $domain, $password) {
$ha1 = md5($user. ':' . $domain . ':' . $password);
$query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM subscriber
WHERE username = '%s'
AND domain = '%s'
AND ( password = '%s' or ha1 = '%s') ",
if ($this->userDB->query($query)) {
$uid = $this->userDB->f('username');
if ($uid) {
return array($uid, "subscriber", $this->allowedDataSourcesSubscriber);
class SipThor_DomainAuth {
function SipThor_DomainAuth () {
$this->userDB = new DB_sipthor;
$this->allowedDataSourcesSubscriber = array('sipthor','sip_trace_thor','media_trace_thor');
function validate ($user, $domain, $password,$response) {
$query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM sip_accounts
WHERE username = '%s'
AND domain = '%s'
if ($this->userDB->query($query)) {
if ($profile['properties']['web_password']) {
$check_password = $profile['properties']['web_password'];
} else {
$check_password = $profile['password'];
$check_password_md5 = md5("$check_password");
$expected_response = md5("$user@$domain:$check_password_md5:$challenge");
if ($expected_response == $response) {
$uid = $this->userDB->f('username');
if ($uid) {
return array($uid, "subscriber", $this->allowedDataSourcesSubscriber);
} else if ($check_password == $password) {
$uid = $this->userDB->f('username');
if ($uid) {
return array($uid, "subscriber", $this->allowedDataSourcesSubscriber);
class pageLayout {
function showLoginForm(&$parentAuth) {
global $username, $otp_error, $CDRTool;
print "
<script language=javascript src=md5.js></script>
<script language=javascript>
function doChallengeResponse() {
str = document.login.username.value + \":\" +
MD5(document.login.password.value) + \":\" +
document.login.response.value = MD5(str);
document.login.password.value = \"\";
print "
<div id=wrapper2>
print "<center><a href= target=agprojects><img src=$logo border=0></a></center><br>";
print "
<form class=form-horizontal action=\"$url\" method=post name=login>
if ($CDRTool[provider][sampleLoginSubscriber]) {
$sampleLoginSubscriber = $CDRTool[provider][sampleLoginSubscriber];
} else {
if ($CDRTool[provider][sampleLoginDomain]) {
$sampleLoginDomain = $CDRTool[provider][sampleLoginDomain];
} else {
print "
<div class=control-group>
<label class=control-label>
<div class=controls>
<input rel='popover'
placeholder='Please identify yourself'
data-original-title='User name types supported'
data-content=' <ul>
<li>Subscriber account<br>(e.g. $sampleLoginSubscriber)</li>
<li>Domain account<br>(e.g. $sampleLoginDomain)</li>
<li>Administrator account
type=text name=username value=\"$web_username\" size=40 maxlength=255>
<div class=control-group>
<label class=control-label>
<div class=controls>
<input type=password name=password size=40 maxlength=32>
<div class='controls'>
<input onClick=\"doChallengeResponse(); return false;\" type=submit name=submitbtn class='btn btn-primary' value=\"Login\">
if ( isset($username)) {
if (!$sendotp || $username) {
print "
<p class='alert alert-error'>
Invalid username/password combination. <br>
$spam=new DB_CDRTool;
$query=sprintf("select * from spam where ip = '%s'",addslashes($_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]));
if (!$spam->num_rows()) {
$query=sprintf("insert into spam (ip,tries,login,stamp)
values ('%s','1','%s','%s')
} else {
$query=sprintf("update spam set
tries = tries +1 where ip = '%s'", addslashes($_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]));
} else {
print "Please fill in your One Time Password!";
print "
<div class='well well-small'>
<div class=row-fluid>
<div class=pull-left>
If you make use of <b>O</b>ne <b>T</b>ime <b>P</b>asswords:
<ul class=s>
<li>Fill in your username
<li>Press the Send OTP button
<li>Collect the password
<li>Fill it in the password field
<li>Press the Login Now button to login
</ul></div><div class=pull-right style='height:100px; vertical-align:bottom'>
<input class='btn' type=submit name=sendotp style='position:relative; top:60px;' value=\"Send OTP\">
print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"response\" value=\"\">";
print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"challenge\" value=\"$challenge\">";
print "
<script language=JavaScript>
if (document.login.username.value != '') {
} else {
// -->
function showHeader($title='') {
function showTopMenu($title='') {
global $DATASOURCES, $CDRTool, $cdr_source, $perm;
print '
<div class="navbar navbar-fixed-top">
<div class="navbar-inner">
<div class="container-fluid">
<a class="btn btn-navbar" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".nav-collapse">
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
$now_print=Date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time());
if (is_readable($CDRTool['Path']."/images/logo.gif")) {
printf ("<span style='margin-left: -20px; padding: 0px 20px 0px; float:left'><img style=\"height: 35px\" src=\"%s/images/logo.gif\"></span>\n",$CDRTool['tld']);
} else if (is_readable($CDRTool['Path']."/images/logo.jpg")) {
printf ("span style='margin-left: -20px; padding: 0px 20px 0px; float:left'><img style=\"height:35px\" src=\"%s/images/logo.jpg\"></span>\n",$CDRTool['tld']);
} else if (is_readable($CDRTool['Path']."/images/logo.png")) {
printf ("<span style='margin-left: -20px; padding: 0px 20px 0px; float:left'><img style=\"height: 35px\" src=\"%s/images/logo.png\"></span>\n",$CDRTool['tld']);
} else {
print '<a class="brand" href= target=agprojects>CDRTool</a>';
<div id="menu" class="btn-group pull-right">
<a class="btn dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">
<i class="icon-user"></i> ';
print $CDRTool['loginName'];
print '
<span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<a style="font-size: 11px" href="" target=changelog>About v. ';
print "$version";
print ' </a></li>
<li class="divider"></li>
<li><a href=logout.phtml target=_top>Logout</a></li>
<div class="nav-collapse">
<ul class="nav">';
if ($perm->have_perm("callsearch")) {
print "
<li><a href=callsearch.phtml>CDR</a></li>";
if ($perm->have_perm("rates")) {
print "
<li><a href=rating_tables.phtml>Rating</a></li>";
print "
<li><a href=rating_tables.phtml?table=prepaid>Prepaid</a></li>";
print "
<li><a href=rating_tables.phtml?table=quota_usage>Quota</a></li>";
if ($perm->have_perm("statistics")) {
print "
<li><a href=network_status.phtml>Network</a></li>";
print "
<li><a href=media_sessions.phtml>Sessions</a></li>";
print "
<li><a href=sip_usage.phtml>Usage</a></li>";
if ($perm->have_perm("admin")) {
print "<li><a href=mysql_replication_status.phtml>Replication</a></li>";
if ($perm->have_perm("provisioning")) {
print "<li><a href=provisioning.phtml>Provisioning</a></li>";
print "<li><a href=accounts.phtml>Accounts</a></li>";
print "<li><a href=log.phtml>Logs</a></li>";
print '
</div><!--/.nav-collapse -->
print "<div class='container-fluid' ><div class='main'>";
print "<div class=\"page-header\">";
print "<h1>";
print "$title";
print $DATASOURCES[$cdr_source]['name'];
print "</h1></div>";
// print "<table width=100% cellpadding=5 CELLSPACING=0 border=5 align=center>
// <tr>
// ";
// if (is_readable($CDRTool['Path']."/images/logo.gif")) {
// printf ("<td valign=middle><img src=\"%s/images/logo.gif\"></td>",$CDRTool['tld']);
// } else if (is_readable($CDRTool['Path']."/images/logo.jpg")) {
// printf ("<td valign=middle><img src=\"%s/images/logo.jpg\"></td>",$CDRTool['tld']);
// } else if (is_readable($CDRTool['Path']."/images/logo.png")) {
// printf ("<td valign=middle><img src=\"%s/images/logo.png\"></td>",$CDRTool['tld']);
// } else {
// $this->hasAGProjectslogo=1;
// print "<td>";
// printf ("<a href= target=agprojects><img src='%s/images/CDRTool.png' border=0></a>",$CDRTool['tld']);
// print "</td>";
// }
// print "
// <td width=100%>
// <table width=100%>
// </tr>
// <td>";
// print "<h1>$title";
// print " ";
// print $DATASOURCES[$cdr_source]['name'];
// print "</h1><p>";
// print "<td align=right>";
// print "</td></tr>
// </table>
// ";
// print "<table width=100%>
// <tr>
// <td align=left>
// <table border=0 width=100%>
// <tr>
// ";
// if ($perm->have_perm("callsearch")) {
// print " <td class=tab><a href=callsearch.phtml>CDRs</a></td> ";
// }
// if ($perm->have_perm("rates")) {
// print " <td class=tab><a href=rating_tables.phtml>Rating</a></td>";
// print " <td class=tab><a href=rating_tables.phtml?table=prepaid>Prepaid</a></td>";
// print " <td class=tab><a href=rating_tables.phtml?table=quota_usage>Quota</a></td>";
// }
// if ($perm->have_perm("statistics")) {
// print " <td class=tab><a href=network_status.phtml>Network</a></td>";
// print " <td class=tab><a href=media_sessions.phtml>Sessions</a></td>";
// print " <td class=tab><a href=status/usage/index.phtml target=usage>Usage</a></td>";
// }
// if ($perm->have_perm("admin")) {
// print " <td class=tab><a href=mysql_replication_status.phtml>Replication</a></td>";
// }
// if ($perm->have_perm("provisioning")) {
// print " <td class=tab><a href=provisioning.phtml>Provisioning</a></td>";
// }
// print " <td class=tab><a href=accounts.phtml>Accounts</a></td>";
// print " <td class=tab><a href=log.phtml>Logs</a></td>";
// $now_print=Date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time());
// $tz=$CDRTool['provider']['timezone'];
// //print " <td>$now_print | <a href=doc/changelog target=changelog>v. $version</a></td>";
// print " <td><a href=doc/changelog target=changelog>v. $version</a></td>";
// print "
// </tr>
// </table>
// </td>
// <td align=right>
// ";
// printf ("<a href=logout.phtml target=_top><b>Logout %s</b></a>",$CDRTool['loginName']);
// print "
// </tr>
// </table>
// </td>
// </tr>
// </table>
// <p>
function showTopMenuSubscriber($title="") {
global $DATASOURCES, $CDRTool, $cdr_source, $perm;
- print "<table width=100% cellpadding=5 CELLSPACING=0 border=5 align=center>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <table width=100%>
- </tr>
- <td>";
- print "<h1>$title";
- print " ";
- print $DATASOURCES[$cdr_source]['name'];
- print "</h1><p>";
- print "<td align=right>";
- print "</td></tr>
- </table>
- ";
- print "<table width=100%>
- <tr>
- <td align=left>
- ";
- if ($perm->have_perm("callsearch")) {
- print " <a href=callsearch.phtml>Call detail records</a>";
- }
$now_print=Date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time());
- print " | $now_print ($tz) | v. $version";
- print "
- </td>
- <td align=right>
- ";
- printf ("<a href=logout.phtml target=_top><b>Logout %s</b></a>",$CDRTool['loginName']);
- print "
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <p>
- ";
+ print '
+ <div class="navbar navbar-fixed-top">
+ <div class="navbar-inner">
+ <div class="container-fluid">
+ <a class="btn btn-navbar" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".nav-collapse">
+ <span class="icon-bar"></span>
+ <span class="icon-bar"></span>
+ <span class="icon-bar"></span>
+ </a>
+ ';
+ print "<a class=\"brand\" href= target=agprojects>CDRTool</a>";
+ print'
+ <div id="menu" class="btn-group pull-right">
+ <a class="btn dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">
+ <i class="icon-user"></i> ';
+ print $CDRTool['loginName'];
+ print '
+ <span class="caret"></span>
+ </a>
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu">
+ <li>
+ <a style="font-size: 11px" href="" target=changelog>About v. ';
+ print "$version";
+ print ' </a></li>
+ <li class="divider"></li>
+ <li><a href=logout.phtml target=_top>Logout</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <div class="nav-collapse">
+ <ul class="nav">';
+ if ($perm->have_perm("callsearch")) {
+ print "
+ <li><a href=callsearch.phtml>Call cetail records</a></li>";
+ }
+ print '
+ </ul>
+ </div><!--/.nav-collapse -->
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>';
+ print "<div class='container-fluid' ><div class='main'>";
+ print "<div class=\"page-header\">";
+ print "<h1>";
+ print "$title";
+ print $DATASOURCES[$cdr_source]['name'];
+ print "</h1></div>";
function showLegalNotice () {
global $loginname, $CDRTool;
$legalNotice="Legal Notice".
"This software is intended for the use of $CDRTool_company, ".
"resellers of $CDRTool_company and the customers of $CDRTool_company. ".
"The use of this software by any natural or legal person that does ".
"not belong to $CDRTool_company, its Resellers or is a not a ".
"customer of $CDRTool_company or its resellers is therefore ".
"expressly prohibited.".
"All the information stored on, and accessible through this software ".
"are personal data protected as such by international and domestic ".
"legislation relating to the processing of personal data and ".
"the protection of the right to privacy. For these reasons: ".
"1. This software shall exclusively be used to the extent that it ".
"is necessary for the provision of services to $CDRTool_company ".
"customers and its resellers; ".
"2. No information displayed on, and accessible through this software ".
"shall be communicated to any natural or legal person outside ".
"$CDRTool_company and its resellers, without prejudice to the ".
"possibility for competent authorities (namely government bodies, ".
"courts, regulatory authorities) to be informed of billing or ".
"traffic data in conformity with the applicable legislation. ".
print "
<div id=wrapper2>
<a href= target=agprojects><img src=images/CDRTool.png border=0></a>
<h2 class=page-header>Terms and conditions</h2>
<div class='row-fluid'>
<form class='form-horizontal' action=callsearch.phtml method=post>
<textarea class=span12 name=legal rows=20 cols=60 wrap=virtual readonly=yes>$legalNotice</textarea>
You are currently logged in as $loginname
If you agree with the Terms and Conditions, <br>
press on <b>I agree</b> button to continue.</p>
<input type=submit class=btn value=\"I agree\">
<input type=hidden name=previous_page value=license_page>
function showFooter() {
global $CDRTool;
if (!$CDRTool['filter']['aNumber'] && !$this->hasAGProjectslogo) {
print "
<table width=100% border=0 align=center>
<td align=right>
<a href= target=agprojects><img src=images/PoweredbyAGProjects.png border=0>
function showLogout ($loginname) {
print "
<table width=70% align=center>
You have been logged in as $loginname.</b>
You have been logged out.
<a href=index.phtml>Login again</a>
function unLockTables ($dbid) {
$dbid->query("unlock tables");
function changeLanguage($lang='en',$domain='cdrtool') {
// run dpkg-reconfigure locales and select support languages .utf8
$lang = languageCodeFor(isset($lang) ? $lang : 'en');
setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang);
bindtextdomain($domain, '/var/www/CDRTool/po/locale');
// return full language code for given 2 letter language code
function languageCodeFor($lang='en') {
$lang = isset($lang) ? strtolower($lang) : 'en';
switch ($lang) {
case 'en': return 'en_US'; // this can be C or en_US
case 'ja': return 'ja_JP';
default : return ($lang . '_' . strtoupper($lang));
return 'C'; // this will never be reached
function RandomString($len=11) {
while($i < $len) {
$randval = rand(0,28);
return $string;
function RandomNumber($len=5,$skipzero=false) {
if (!$skipzero) $alf[]="0";
while($i < $len) {
$randval = rand(0,9);
return $string;
function microtime_float() {
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
function sec2hms ($duration) {
// return seconds in HH:MM:SS format
if ($duration_hour > 0) {
if ($duration_min > 0) {
if ($duration_min < 10) {
} else {
if ($sum1< 10 ) {
} else {
return $duration_print;
function get_location($ip) {
$geo_location['country'] = '';
$geo_location['city'] = '' ;
$geo_location['code'] = '';
$geo_location['region'] = '';
if ($_loc=geoip_record_by_name($ip)) {
if ($_loc['city']) {
$geo_location['city'] = $_loc['city'];
$geo_location['country'] = $_loc['country_name'];
$geo_location['code'] = $_loc['country_code'];
$geo_location['region'] = $_loc['region'];
return json_encode($geo_location);

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 28, 4:52 PM (1 d, 4 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(268 KB)

Event Timeline