if 'armv7' in platform.platform() and settings.audio.echo_canceller.enabled:
self.output.put("Disable echo canceller on ARM architecture\n")
settings.audio.echo_canceller.enabled = False
for account in account_manager.iter_accounts():
if isinstance(account, Account):
account.sip.register = False
account.presence.enabled = False
account.xcap.enabled = False
account.message_summary.enabled = False
if self.options.account is None:
self.account = account_manager.default_account
possible_accounts = [account for account in account_manager.iter_accounts() if self.options.account in account.id and account.enabled]
if len(possible_accounts) > 1:
self.output.put('More than one account exists which matches %s: %s\n' % (self.options.account, ', '.join(sorted(account.id for account in possible_accounts))))
elif len(possible_accounts) == 0:
self.output.put('No enabled account that matches %s was found. Available and enabled accounts: %s\n' % (self.options.account, ', '.join(sorted(account.id for account in account_manager.get_accounts() if account.enabled))))
- self.output.put("Initiating SIP audio session from '%s' to '%s' via %s...\n" % (local_identity, remote_identity, session.route))
+ self.output.put("Initiating SIP %s session from '%s' to '%s' via %s...\n" % ('video' if self.enable_video else 'audio', local_identity, remote_identity, session.route))
on_hold_streams = [stream for stream in chain(*(session.streams for session in self.started_sessions)) if stream is not notification.sender and stream.on_hold]
if not on_hold_streams and self.hold_tone.is_active:
description = 'This script can sit idle waiting for an incoming audio session, or initiate an outgoing audio session to a SIP address. The program will close the session and quit when Ctrl+D is pressed.'
parser.add_option('-a', '--account', type='string', dest='account', help='The account name to use for any outgoing traffic. If not supplied, the default account will be used.', metavar='NAME')
parser.add_option('-c', '--config-directory', type='string', dest='config_directory', help='The configuration directory to use. This overrides the default location.')
parser.add_option('-s', '--trace-sip', action='store_true', dest='trace_sip', default=False, help='Dump the raw contents of incoming and outgoing SIP messages.')
parser.add_option('-n', '--trace-notifications', action='store_true', dest='trace_notifications', default=False, help='Print all notifications (disabled by default).')
parser.add_option('-S', '--disable-sound', action='store_true', dest='disable_sound', default=False, help='Disables initializing the sound card.')
parser.set_default('auto_answer_interval', None)
parser.add_option('--auto-answer', action='callback', callback=parse_handle_call_option, callback_args=('auto_answer_interval',), help='Interval after which to answer an incoming session (disabled by default). If the option is specified but the interval is not, it defaults to 0 (accept the session as soon as it starts ringing).', metavar='[INTERVAL]')
parser.add_option('-u', '--auto-answer-uris', type='string', dest='auto_answer_uris', default="", help='Optional list of SIP URIs for which auto-answer is allowed')
parser.add_option('-i', '--external-id', type='string', dest='external_id', help='id used for call control from external application')
parser.add_option('-v', '--spool-dir', type='string', dest='spool_dir', default='/var/spool/sipclients/sessions', help='Spool dir for call control from external applications, default is /var/spool/sipclients/sessions')
+ parser.add_option('-V', '--enable-video', action='store_true', dest='enable_video', default=False, help='Enable video if camera is available')
parser.set_default('auto_hangup_interval', None)
parser.add_option('--auto-hangup', action='callback', callback=parse_handle_call_option, callback_args=('auto_hangup_interval',), help='Interval after which to hang up an established session (disabled by default). If the option is specified but the interval is not, it defaults to 0 (hangup the session as soon as it connects).', metavar='[INTERVAL]')
parser.add_option('-b', '--batch', action='store_true', dest='batch_mode', default=False, help='Run the program in batch mode: reading input from the console is disabled and the option --auto-answer is implied. This is particularly useful when running this script in a non-interactive environment.')
parser.add_option('-d', '--daemonize', action='store_true', dest='daemonize', default=False, help='Enable running this program as a deamon.')
options, args = parser.parse_args()
target = args[0] if args and not options.auto_answer_uris else None