
Version 2 (Tijmen de Mes, 12/19/2011 05:23 pm) → Version 3/5 (Tijmen de Mes, 12/19/2011 05:26 pm)

== Android CSipSimple ==

[[TOC(SipDevices*, depth=2)]]

* Enable DNS SRV in settings/network

Choose add account
* Select Basic
* Set your sip2sip username as account name
* Set your sip2sip username as username
* Set as server sip2sip.info

The account is now configured to work over Wifi.

If you want it to work also over UMTS go to the network in settings and check use 3G

It is also good to enable use DNS SRV

|| Account Name || 2233XXXXXX or your sip2sip username ||
|| Username || sip2sip username ||
||Server name || sip2sip.info ||
|| Password || xxx