
Version 9 (Adrian Georgescu, 02/06/2014 07:27 am)

1 1 Adrian Georgescu
h1. XCAP Storage
2 1 Adrian Georgescu
3 7 Adrian Georgescu
SIP2SIP provides XCAP storage for user uploaded documents related to contacts storage and presence policy. 
4 7 Adrian Georgescu
5 7 Adrian Georgescu
The server implements several standards: 
6 6 Adrian Georgescu
7 6 Adrian Georgescu
* "RFC4825":http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4825
8 6 Adrian Georgescu
* "RFC4826":http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4826 
9 6 Adrian Georgescu
* "RFC4827":http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4827
10 6 Adrian Georgescu
* "RFC5025":http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5025 
11 6 Adrian Georgescu
* "RFC5874":http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5874
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13 4 Adrian Georgescu
h2. XCAP Root
14 1 Adrian Georgescu
15 4 Adrian Georgescu
The server is reachable at the following address:
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17 3 Adrian Georgescu
18 3 Adrian Georgescu
19 5 Adrian Georgescu
h2. XCAP applications
20 1 Adrian Georgescu
21 2 Adrian Georgescu
h3. XCAP capabilities
22 1 Adrian Georgescu
23 2 Adrian Georgescu
auid = xcap-caps 
24 2 Adrian Georgescu
25 1 Adrian Georgescu
Lists the capabilities of the server
26 1 Adrian Georgescu
27 2 Adrian Georgescu
h3. XCAP directory
28 1 Adrian Georgescu
29 2 Adrian Georgescu
auid = org.openmobilealliance.xcap-directory
30 2 Adrian Georgescu
31 1 Adrian Georgescu
Lists the documents stored in the XCAP server for a given user
32 1 Adrian Georgescu
33 2 Adrian Georgescu
h3. Resource lists 
34 1 Adrian Georgescu
35 2 Adrian Georgescu
auid = resource-lists
36 2 Adrian Georgescu
37 1 Adrian Georgescu
A resource lists application is any application that needs access to a list of resources, identified by a URI, to which operations, such as subscriptions, can be applied.
38 1 Adrian Georgescu
39 2 Adrian Georgescu
h3. Presence rules 
40 1 Adrian Georgescu
41 9 Adrian Georgescu
auid = org.openmobilealliance.pres-rules 
42 2 Adrian Georgescu
43 1 Adrian Georgescu
A Presence Rules application is an application which uses authorization policies, also known as authorization rules, to specify what presence information can be given to which watchers, and when.
44 1 Adrian Georgescu
45 9 Adrian Georgescu
Note that plain IETF pres-rules application is not supported as its definition is to broad and is impossible to have multiple clients manage the same document reliably.
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h3. RLS services
48 1 Adrian Georgescu
49 2 Adrian Georgescu
auid = rls-services
50 2 Adrian Georgescu
51 1 Adrian Georgescu
A Resource List Server (RLS) services application is Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) application whereby a server receives SIP SUBSCRIBE requests for resource, and generates subscriptions towards the resource list. See the README file for more details about of the implementation.
52 1 Adrian Georgescu
53 2 Adrian Georgescu
h3. PIDF manipulation 
54 1 Adrian Georgescu
55 2 Adrian Georgescu
auid = pidf-manipulation 
56 2 Adrian Georgescu
57 1 Adrian Georgescu
Pidf-manipulation application usage defines how XCAP is used to manipulate the contents of PIDF based presence documents.
58 2 Adrian Georgescu
59 1 Adrian Georgescu
h3. Icon
60 1 Adrian Georgescu
61 9 Adrian Georgescu
auid = org.openmobilealliance.pres-content / oma_status-icon
62 2 Adrian Georgescu
63 8 Adrian Georgescu
Manipulate the user icon for a given user and provide icon download capability from HTTP clients.
64 1 Adrian Georgescu
65 2 Adrian Georgescu
h3. Watchers
66 2 Adrian Georgescu
67 2 Adrian Georgescu
auid = org.openxcap.watchers
68 2 Adrian Georgescu
69 1 Adrian Georgescu
This application returns the list of watchers from OpenSIPS presence agent.
70 4 Adrian Georgescu
71 4 Adrian Georgescu
h3. Purge
72 4 Adrian Georgescu
73 4 Adrian Georgescu
auid = org.openxcap.purge
74 4 Adrian Georgescu
75 4 Adrian Georgescu
This application delete all stored documents for a given user.