diff --git a/callcontrol/__init__.py b/callcontrol/__init__.py index ff3b962..5eb8b46 100644 --- a/callcontrol/__init__.py +++ b/callcontrol/__init__.py @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ """SIP Callcontrol""" __version__ = "2.2.3" -configuration_filename = 'config.ini' +configuration_file = 'config.ini' backup_calls_file = 'calls.dat' diff --git a/callcontrol/controller.py b/callcontrol/controller.py index f7f7dcc..f3d6726 100644 --- a/callcontrol/controller.py +++ b/callcontrol/controller.py @@ -1,560 +1,561 @@ """Implementation of a call control server for OpenSIPS.""" import os import grp import re import cPickle import time from application.configuration import ConfigSection, ConfigSetting from application.process import process from application import log from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory from twisted.protocols.basic import LineOnlyReceiver from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from twisted.python import failure from callcontrol.scheduler import RecurrentCall, KeepRunning from callcontrol.raddb import RadiusDatabase, RadiusDatabaseError from callcontrol.sip import Call from callcontrol.rating import RatingEngineConnections -from callcontrol import configuration_filename, backup_calls_file +from callcontrol import configuration_file, backup_calls_file class TimeLimit(int): """A positive time limit (in seconds) or None""" def __new__(typ, value): if value.lower() == 'none': return None try: limit = int(value) except: raise ValueError("invalid time limit value: %r" % value) if limit < 0: raise ValueError("invalid time limit value: %r. should be positive." % value) return limit class TimeoutDetection(str): _values = ('dialog', 'radius') def __init__(self, value): value = value.lower() if value not in self._values: raise ValueError("invalid timeout detection value: %r" % value) if value == 'radius': self.use_radius = True else: self.use_radius = False def __new__(cls, value): return str.__new__(cls, value.lower()) class CallControlConfig(ConfigSection): - __cfgfile__ = configuration_filename + __cfgfile__ = configuration_file __section__ = 'CallControl' + socket = "%s/socket" % process.runtime_directory group = 'opensips' limit = ConfigSetting(type=TimeLimit, value=None) timeout = 24*60*60 ## timeout calls that are stale for more than 24 hours. setupTime = 90 ## timeout calls that take more than 1'30" to setup. checkInterval = 60 ## check for staled calls and calls that did timeout at every minute. timeout_detection = TimeoutDetection('dialog') ## whether or not to use the radius database to find out terminated calls ## Classes class CommandError(Exception): pass class InvalidRequestError(Exception): pass class CallsMonitor(object): """Check for staled calls and calls that did timeout and were closed by external means""" def __init__(self, period, application): self.application = application self.reccall = RecurrentCall(period, self.run) def run(self): if CallControlConfig.timeout_detection.use_radius: ## Find out terminated calls deferred1 = self.application.db.getTerminatedCalls(self.application.calls) deferred1.addCallbacks(callback=self._clean_calls, errback=self._err_handle, callbackArgs=[self._handle_terminated]) deferred2 = self.application.db.getTimedoutCalls(self.application.calls) deferred2.addCallbacks(callback=self._clean_calls, errback=self._err_handle, callbackArgs=[self._handle_timedout]) defer.DeferredList([deferred1, deferred2]).addCallback(self._finish_checks) else: self._finish_checks(None) return KeepRunning def shutdown(self): self.reccall.cancel() def _clean_calls(self, calls, clean_function): for callid, callinfo in calls.items(): call = self.application.calls.get(callid) if call: self.application.clean_call(callid) clean_function(call, callinfo) def _err_handle(self, fail): log.error("Couldn't query database for terminated/timedout calls: %s" % fail.value) def _handle_terminated(self, call, callinfo): call.end(calltime=callinfo['duration'], reason='calls monitor as terminated') def _handle_timedout(self, call, callinfo): call.end(reason='calls monitor as timedout', sendbye=True) def _finish_checks(self, value): ## Also do the rest of the checking now = time.time() staled = [] nosetup = [] for callid, call in self.application.calls.items(): if not call.complete and (now - call.created >= CallControlConfig.setupTime): self.application.clean_call(callid) nosetup.append(call) elif call.inprogress and call.timer is not None: continue ## this call will be expired by its own timer elif now - call.created >= CallControlConfig.timeout: self.application.clean_call(callid) staled.append(call) ## Terminate staled for call in staled: call.end(reason='calls monitor as staled', sendbye=True) ## Terminate calls that didn't setup in setupTime for call in nosetup: call.end(reason="calls monitor as it didn't setup in %d seconds" % CallControlConfig.setupTime) class CallControlProtocol(LineOnlyReceiver): def lineReceived(self, line): if line.strip() == "": if self.line_buf: self._process() self.line_buf = [] else: self.line_buf.append(line.strip()) def _process(self): try: req = Request(self.line_buf[0], self.line_buf[1:]) except InvalidRequestError, e: self._send_error_reply(failure.Failure(e)) else: # log.debug("Got request: %s" % str(req)) #DEBUG def _unknown_handler(req): req.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(CommandError(req))) try: getattr(self, '_CC_%s' % req.cmd, _unknown_handler)(req) except Exception, e: self._send_error_reply(failure.Failure(e)) else: req.deferred.addCallbacks(callback=self._send_reply, errback=self._send_error_reply) def connectionMade(self): self.line_buf = [] def _send_reply(self, msg): # log.debug('Sent reply: %s' % msg) #DEBUG self.sendLine(msg) def _send_error_reply(self, fail): log.error(fail.value) # log.debug("Sent 'Error' reply") #DEBUG self.sendLine('Error') def _CC_init(self, req): try: call = self.factory.application.calls[req.callid] except KeyError: call = Call(req, self.factory.application) if call.billingParty is None: req.deferred.callback('Error') return self.factory.application.calls[req.callid] = call # log.debug("Call id %s added to list of controlled calls" % (call.callid)) #DEBUG else: if call.token != req.call_token: log.error("Call id %s is duplicated" % call.callid) req.deferred.callback('Duplicated callid') return # The call was previously setup which means it could be in the the users table try: user_calls = self.factory.application.users[call.billingParty] user_calls.remove(call.callid) if len(user_calls) == 0: del self.factory.application.users[call.billingParty] self.factory.application.engines.remove_user(call.billingParty) except (ValueError, KeyError): pass deferred = call.setup(req) deferred.addCallbacks(callback=self._CC_finish_init, errback=self._CC_init_failed, callbackArgs=[req], errbackArgs=[req]) def _CC_finish_init(self, value, req): try: call = self.factory.application.calls[req.callid] except KeyError: log.error("Call id %s disappeared before we could finish initializing it" % req.callid) req.deferred.callback('Error') else: if req.call_limit is not None and len(self.factory.application.users.get(call.billingParty, ())) >= req.call_limit: self.factory.application.clean_call(req.callid) call.end() req.deferred.callback('Call limit reached') elif call.locked: ## prepaid account already locked by another call log.info("Call id %s of %s to %s forbidden because the account is locked" % (req.callid, call.user, call.ruri)) self.factory.application.clean_call(req.callid) call.end() req.deferred.callback('Locked') elif call.timelimit == 0: ## prepaid account with no credit log.info("Call id %s of %s to %s forbidden because credit is too low" % (req.callid, call.user, call.ruri)) self.factory.application.clean_call(req.callid) call.end() req.deferred.callback('No credit') elif req.call_limit is not None or call.timelimit is not None: ## call limited by credit value, a global time limit or number of calls log.info("User %s can make %s concurrent calls" % (call.billingParty, req.call_limit or "unlimited")) self.factory.application.users.setdefault(call.billingParty, []).append(call.callid) req.deferred.callback('Limited') else: ## no limit for call log.info("Call id %s of %s to %s is postpaid not limited" % (req.callid, call.user, call.ruri)) self.factory.application.clean_call(req.callid) call.end() req.deferred.callback('No limit') def _CC_init_failed(self, fail, req): self._send_error_reply(fail) self.factory.application.clean_call(req.callid) def _CC_start(self, req): try: call = self.factory.application.calls[req.callid] except KeyError: req.deferred.callback('Not found') else: call.start(req) req.deferred.callback('Ok') def _CC_stop(self, req): try: call = self.factory.application.calls[req.callid] except KeyError: req.deferred.callback('Not found') else: self.factory.application.clean_call(req.callid) call.end(reason='user') req.deferred.callback('Ok') def _CC_debug(self, req): debuglines = [] if req.show == 'sessions': for callid, call in self.factory.application.calls.items(): if not req.user or call.user.startswith(req.user): debuglines.append('Call id %s of %s to %s: %s' % (callid, call.user, call.ruri, call.status)) elif req.show == 'session': try: call = self.factory.application.calls[req.callid] except KeyError: debuglines.append('Call id %s does not exist' % req.callid) else: for key, value in call.items(): debuglines.append('%s: %s' % (key, value)) req.deferred.callback('\r\n'.join(debuglines)+'\r\n') def _CC_terminate(self, req): try: call = self.factory.application.calls[req.callid] except KeyError: req.deferred.callback('Call id %s does not exist\r\n' % req.callid) else: self.factory.application.clean_call(req.callid) call.end(reason='admin', sendbye=True) req.deferred.callback('Ok\r\n') class CallControlFactory(Factory): protocol = CallControlProtocol def __init__(self, application): self.application = application class CallControlServer(object): def __init__(self, path=None, group=None): self.path = path or CallControlConfig.socket self.group = group or CallControlConfig.group try: os.unlink(self.path) except OSError: pass self.listening = None self.engines = None self.monitor = None if CallControlConfig.timeout_detection.use_radius: self.db = RadiusDatabase() else: self.db = None self.calls = {} self.users = {} self._restore_calls() def clean_call(self, callid): try: call = self.calls[callid] except KeyError: return else: del self.calls[callid] user_calls = self.users.get(call.billingParty, []) try: user_calls.remove(callid) except ValueError: pass if not user_calls: self.users.pop(call.billingParty, None) self.engines.remove_user(call.billingParty) # log.debug("Call id %s removed from the list of controlled calls" % callid) #DEBUG def run(self): ## Add a callback for the startup/shutdown stuff reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'startup', self.on_startup) reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', self.on_shutdown) ## And start reactor reactor.run() ## And do the shutdown def stop(self): reactor.stop() def on_startup(self): ## First set up listening on the unix socket try: gid = grp.getgrnam(self.group)[2] mode = 0660 except (KeyError, IndexError): gid = -1 mode = 0666 self.listening = reactor.listenUNIX(address=self.path, factory=CallControlFactory(self)) ## Make it writable only to the SIP proxy group members try: os.chown(self.path, -1, gid) os.chmod(self.path, mode) except OSError: log.warn("Couldn't set access rights for %s" % self.path) log.warn("OpenSIPS may not be able to communicate with us!") ## Then setup the CallsMonitor self.monitor = CallsMonitor(CallControlConfig.checkInterval, self) ## Open the connection to the rating engines self.engines = RatingEngineConnections() def on_shutdown(self): should_close = [] if self.listening is not None: self.listening.stopListening() if self.engines is not None: should_close.append(self.engines.shutdown()) if self.monitor is not None: self.monitor.shutdown() if self.db is not None: should_close.append(self.db.close()) d = defer.DeferredList(should_close) d.addBoth(self._save_calls) return d def _save_calls(self, result): if self.calls: log.info('Saving calls') calls_file = '%s/%s' % (process.runtime_directory, backup_calls_file) try: f = open(calls_file, 'w') except: pass else: for call in self.calls.values(): call.application = None ## we will mark timers with 'running' or 'idle', depending on their current state, ## to be able to correctly restore them later (Timer objects cannot be pickled) if call.timer is not None: if call.inprogress: call.timer.cancel() call.timer = 'running' ## temporary mark that this timer was running else: call.timer = 'idle' ## temporary mark that this timer was not running failed_dump = False try: try: cPickle.dump(self.calls, f) except Exception, why: log.warn("Failed to dump call list: %s" % why) failed_dump = True finally: f.close() if failed_dump: try: os.unlink(calls_file) except: pass else: log.info("Saved calls: %s" % str(self.calls.keys())) self.calls = {} def _restore_calls(self): calls_file = '%s/%s' % (process.runtime_directory, backup_calls_file) try: f = open(calls_file, 'r') except: pass else: try: self.calls = cPickle.load(f) except Exception, why: log.warn("Failed to load calls saved in the previous session: %s" % why) f.close() try: os.unlink(calls_file) except: pass if self.calls: log.info("Restoring calls saved previously: %s" % str(self.calls.keys())) ## the calls in the 2 sets below are never overlapping because closed and terminated ## calls have different database fingerprints. so the dictionary update below is safe try: db = self.db if self.db is not None else RadiusDatabase() try: terminated = db.query(RadiusDatabase.RadiusTask(None, 'terminated', calls=self.calls)) ## calls terminated by caller/called didtimeout = db.query(RadiusDatabase.RadiusTask(None, 'timedout', calls=self.calls)) ## calls closed by mediaproxy after a media timeout finally: if self.db is None: db.close() except RadiusDatabaseError, e: log.error("Could not query database: %s" % e) else: for callid, call in self.calls.items(): callinfo = terminated.get(callid) or didtimeout.get(callid) if callinfo: ## call already terminated or did timeout in mediaproxy del self.calls[callid] callinfo['call'] = call call.timer = None continue ## close all calls that were already terminated or did timeout count = 0 for callinfo in terminated.values(): call = callinfo.get('call') if call is not None: call.end(calltime=callinfo['duration']) count += 1 for callinfo in didtimeout.values(): call = callinfo.get('call') if call is not None: call.end(sendbye=True) count += 1 if count > 0: log.info("Removed %d already terminated call%s" % (count, 's'*(count!=1))) for callid, call in self.calls.items(): call.application = self if call.timer == 'running': now = time.time() remain = call.starttime + call.timelimit - now if remain < 0: call.timelimit = int(round(now - call.starttime)) remain = 0 call._setup_timer(remain) call.timer.start() elif call.timer == 'idle': call._setup_timer() # also restore users table self.users.setdefault(call.billingParty, []).append(callid) class Request(object): """A request parsed into a structure based on request type""" __methods = {'init': ('callid', 'diverter', 'ruri', 'sourceip', 'from'), 'start': ('callid', 'dialogid'), 'stop': ('callid',), 'debug': ('show',), 'terminate': ('callid',)} def __init__(self, cmd, params): if cmd not in self.__methods.keys(): raise InvalidRequestError("Unknown request: %s" % cmd) try: parameters = dict([re.split(r':\s+', l, 1) for l in params]) except ValueError: raise InvalidRequestError("Badly formatted request") for p in self.__methods[cmd]: try: parameters[p] except KeyError: raise InvalidRequestError("Missing %s from request" % p) self.cmd = cmd self.deferred = defer.Deferred() self.__dict__.update(parameters) try: getattr(self, '_RE_%s' % self.cmd)() except AttributeError: pass def _RE_init(self): self.from_ = self.__dict__['from'] if self.cmd=='init' and self.diverter.lower()=='none': self.diverter = None try: self.prepaid except AttributeError: self.prepaid = None else: if self.prepaid.lower() == 'true': self.prepaid = True elif self.prepaid.lower() == 'false': self.prepaid = False else: self.prepaid = None try: self.call_limit = int(self.call_limit) except (AttributeError, ValueError): self.call_limit = None else: if self.call_limit <= 0: self.call_limit = None try: self.call_token except AttributeError: self.call_token = None else: if not self.call_token or self.call_token.lower() == 'none': self.call_token = None try: self.sip_application except AttributeError: self.sip_application = '' def _RE_debug(self): if self.show == 'session': try: if not self.callid: raise InvalidRequestError("Missing callid from request") except AttributeError: raise InvalidRequestError("Missing callid from request") elif self.show == 'sessions': try: self.user except AttributeError: self.user = None else: raise InvalidRequestError("Illegal value for 'show' attribute in request") def __str__(self): if self.cmd == 'init': return "%(cmd)s: callid=%(callid)s from=%(from_)s ruri=%(ruri)s diverter=%(diverter)s sourceip=%(sourceip)s prepaid=%(prepaid)s call_limit=%(call_limit)s" % self.__dict__ elif self.cmd == 'start': return "%(cmd)s: callid=%(callid)s dialogid=%(dialogid)s" % self.__dict__ elif self.cmd == 'stop': return "%(cmd)s: callid=%(callid)s" % self.__dict__ elif self.cmd == 'debug': return "%(cmd)s: show=%(show)s" % self.__dict__ elif self.cmd == 'terminate': return "%(cmd)s: callid=%(callid)s" % self.__dict__ else: return object.__str__(self) diff --git a/callcontrol/opensips.py b/callcontrol/opensips.py index e290c85..01c1391 100644 --- a/callcontrol/opensips.py +++ b/callcontrol/opensips.py @@ -1,249 +1,249 @@ import json import socket import urlparse from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty from application import log from application.configuration import ConfigSection from application.python.types import Singleton from application.process import process from application.system import unlink from random import getrandbits from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from twisted.internet.protocol import DatagramProtocol from twisted.python.failure import Failure -from callcontrol import configuration_filename +from callcontrol import configuration_file class OpenSIPSConfig(ConfigSection): - __cfgfile__ = configuration_filename + __cfgfile__ = configuration_file __section__ = 'OpenSIPS' socket_path = '/var/run/opensips/socket' location_table = 'location' class Error(Exception): pass class TimeoutError(Error): pass class OpenSIPSError(Error): pass class NegativeReplyError(OpenSIPSError): def __init__(self, code, message): super(NegativeReplyError, self).__init__(code, message) self.code = code self.message = message def __repr__(self): return '{0.__class__.__name__}({0.code!r}, {0.message!r})'.format(self) def __str__(self): return '[{0.code}] {0.message}'.format(self) class Request(object): __metaclass__ = ABCMeta method = abstractproperty() @abstractmethod def __init__(self, *args): self.id = '{:x}'.format(getrandbits(32)) self.args = list(args) self.deferred = defer.Deferred() @property def __data__(self): return dict(jsonrpc='2.0', id=self.id, method=self.method, params=self.args) @abstractmethod def process_response(self, response): raise NotImplementedError # noinspection PyAbstractClass class BooleanRequest(Request): """A request that returns True if successful, False otherwise""" def process_response(self, response): return not isinstance(response, Failure) class AddressReload(BooleanRequest): method = 'address_reload' def __init__(self): super(AddressReload, self).__init__() class DomainReload(BooleanRequest): method = 'domain_reload' def __init__(self): super(DomainReload, self).__init__() class EndDialog(BooleanRequest): method = 'dlg_end_dlg' def __init__(self, dialog_id): super(EndDialog, self).__init__(dialog_id) class RefreshWatchers(BooleanRequest): method = 'refresh_watchers' def __init__(self, account, refresh_type): super(RefreshWatchers, self).__init__('sip:{}'.format(account), 'presence', refresh_type) class UpdateSubscriptions(BooleanRequest): method = 'rls_update_subscriptions' def __init__(self, account): super(UpdateSubscriptions, self).__init__('sip:{}'.format(account)) class GetOnlineDevices(Request): method = 'ul_show_contact' def __init__(self, account): super(GetOnlineDevices, self).__init__(OpenSIPSConfig.location_table, account) def process_response(self, response): if isinstance(response, Failure): if response.type is NegativeReplyError and response.value.code == 404: return [] return response return [ContactData(contact) for contact in response[u'Contacts']] class ContactData(dict): __fields__ = {u'contact', u'expires', u'received', u'user_agent'} def __init__(self, data): super(ContactData, self).__init__({key: value for key, value in ((key.lower().replace(u'-', u'_'), value) for key, value in data.iteritems()) if key in self.__fields__}) self.setdefault(u'user_agent', None) if u'received' in self: parsed_received = urlparse.parse_qs(self[u'received']) if u'target' in parsed_received: self[u'NAT_contact'] = parsed_received[u'target'][0] else: self[u'NAT_contact'] = self[u'received'] del self[u'received'] else: self[u'NAT_contact'] = self[u'contact'] class UNIXSocketProtocol(DatagramProtocol): noisy = False def datagramReceived(self, data, address): log.debug('Got MI response: {}'.format(data)) try: response = json.loads(data) except ValueError: code, _, message = data.partition(' ') try: code = int(code) except ValueError: log.error('Received un-parsable response from OpenSIPS: {!r}'.format(data)) return # we got one of the 'code message' type of replies. This means either parsing error or internal error in OpenSIPS. # if we only have one request pending, we can associate the response with it, otherwise is impossible to tell to # which request the response corresponds. The failed request will fail with timeout later. if len(self.transport.requests) == 1: _, request = self.transport.requests.popitem() request.deferred.errback(Failure(NegativeReplyError(code, message))) log.error('MI request {.method} failed with: {} {}'.format(request, code, message)) else: log.error('Got non-JSON error reply from OpenSIPS that cannot be associated with a request: {!r}'.format(data)) else: try: request_id = response['id'] except KeyError: log.error('MI JSON response from OpenSIPS lacks id field: {!r}'.format(response)) return if request_id not in self.transport.requests: log.error('Received MI response from OpenSIPS with unknown id: {!r}'.format(response)) return request = self.transport.requests.pop(request_id) if 'result' in response: request.deferred.callback(response['result']) elif 'error' in response: log.error('MI request {0.method} failed with: {1[error][code]} {1[error][message]}'.format(request, response)) request.deferred.errback(Failure(NegativeReplyError(response['error']['code'], response['error']['message']))) else: log.error('Got invalid MI response from OpenSIPS: {!r}'.format(response)) request.deferred.errback(Failure(OpenSIPSError('Invalid response from OpenSIPS'))) class UNIXSocketConnection(object): timeout = 3 def __init__(self): socket_path = process.runtime_file('opensips.sock') unlink(socket_path) self.path = socket_path self.transport = reactor.listenUNIXDatagram(self.path, UNIXSocketProtocol()) self.transport.requests = {} reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('during', 'shutdown', self.close) def close(self): for request in self.transport.requests.values(): if not request.deferred.called: request.deferred.errback(Error('shutting down')) self.transport.requests.clear() self.transport.stopListening() unlink(self.path) def send(self, request): try: self.transport.write(json.dumps(request.__data__), OpenSIPSConfig.socket_path) except socket.error as e: log.error("cannot write request to %s: %s" % (OpenSIPSConfig.socket_path, e[1])) request.deferred.errback(Failure(Error("Cannot send MI request %s to OpenSIPS" % request.method))) else: self.transport.requests[request.id] = request request.deferred.addBoth(request.process_response) reactor.callLater(self.timeout, self._did_timeout, request) log.debug('Send MI request: {}'.format(request.__data__)) return request.deferred def _did_timeout(self, request): if not request.deferred.called: request.deferred.errback(Failure(TimeoutError("OpenSIPS command did timeout"))) self.transport.requests.pop(request.id) class ManagementInterface(object): __metaclass__ = Singleton def __init__(self): self.connection = UNIXSocketConnection() def reload_domains(self): return self.connection.send(DomainReload()) def reload_addresses(self): return self.connection.send(AddressReload()) def end_dialog(self, dialog_id): return self.connection.send(EndDialog(dialog_id)) def get_online_devices(self, account): return self.connection.send(GetOnlineDevices(account)) def refresh_watchers(self, account, refresh_type): return self.connection.send(RefreshWatchers(account, refresh_type)) def update_subscriptions(self, account): return self.connection.send(UpdateSubscriptions(account)) diff --git a/callcontrol/raddb.py b/callcontrol/raddb.py index 44376d7..4fb551a 100644 --- a/callcontrol/raddb.py +++ b/callcontrol/raddb.py @@ -1,154 +1,155 @@ """RadiusDatabase related API""" import time import sqlobject from application.configuration import ConfigSection from application.python.queue import EventQueue from application import log from twisted.internet import defer, reactor, threads from twisted.python import failure -from callcontrol import configuration_filename +from callcontrol import configuration_file class RadacctTable(str): """A radacct table name""" @property def normalized(self): return time.strftime(self) class RadiusDatabaseConfig(ConfigSection): - __cfgfile__ = configuration_filename + __cfgfile__ = configuration_file __section__ = 'RadiusDatabase' + user = '' password = '' host = 'localhost' database = 'radius' table = RadacctTable('radacct%Y%m') sessionIdField = 'AcctSessionId' durationField = 'AcctSessionTime' stopTimeField = 'AcctStopTime' stopInfoField = 'ConnectInfo_stop' mediaInfoField = 'MediaInfo' fromTagField = 'SipFromTag' toTagField = 'SipToTag' class RadiusDatabaseError(Exception): pass class RadiusDatabase(object): """Interface with the Radius database""" class RadiusTask(object): def __init__(self, deferred, tasktype, **kwargs): self.deferred = deferred self.tasktype = tasktype self.args = kwargs def __init__(self): self.queue = EventQueue(handler=self._handle_task, name='RadiusQueue') self.queue.start() credentials = RadiusDatabaseConfig.user and ( "%s%s@" % (RadiusDatabaseConfig.user, RadiusDatabaseConfig.password and ":%s" % (RadiusDatabaseConfig.password) or '') ) or '' self.conn = sqlobject.connectionForURI("mysql://%s%s/%s" % (credentials, RadiusDatabaseConfig.host, RadiusDatabaseConfig.database)) def close(self): return threads.deferToThread(self._close) def _close(self): self.queue.stop() self.queue.join() self.conn.close() def getTerminatedCalls(self, calls): """ Retrieve those calls from the ones in progress that were already terminated by caller/called. Returns a Deferred. Callback will be called with list of call ids. """ deferred = defer.Deferred() self.queue.put(RadiusDatabase.RadiusTask(deferred, 'terminated', calls=calls)) return deferred def getTimedoutCalls(self, calls): """ Retrieve those calls from the ones in progress that did timeout and were closed by mediaproxy. Returns a Deferred. Callback will be called with list of call ids. """ deferred = defer.Deferred() self.queue.put(RadiusDatabase.RadiusTask(deferred, 'timedout', calls=calls)) return deferred def query(self, task): def _unknown_task(task): raise RadiusDatabaseError("Got unknown task to handle: %s" % task.tasktype) return getattr(self, '_RD_%s' % task.tasktype, _unknown_task)(task) def _handle_task(self, task): try: reactor.callFromThread(task.deferred.callback, self.query(task)) except Exception, e: reactor.callFromThread(task.deferred.errback, failure.Failure(e)) def _RD_terminated(self, task): calls = dict([(call.callid, call) for call in task.args['calls'].values() if call.inprogress]) if not calls: return {} ids = "(%s)" % ','.join(["'" + key + "'" for key in calls.keys()]) query = """SELECT %(session_id_field)s AS callid, %(duration_field)s AS duration, %(from_tag_field)s AS fromtag, %(to_tag_field)s AS totag FROM %(table)s WHERE %(session_id_field)s IN %(ids)s AND (%(stop_info_field)s IS NOT NULL OR %(stop_time_field)s IS NOT NULL)""" % {'session_id_field': RadiusDatabaseConfig.sessionIdField, 'duration_field': RadiusDatabaseConfig.durationField, 'from_tag_field': RadiusDatabaseConfig.fromTagField, 'to_tag_field': RadiusDatabaseConfig.toTagField, 'stop_info_field': RadiusDatabaseConfig.stopInfoField, 'stop_time_field': RadiusDatabaseConfig.stopTimeField, 'table': RadiusDatabaseConfig.table.normalized, 'ids': ids} try: rows = self.conn.queryAll(query) except Exception, e: log.error("Query failed: %s" % query) raise RadiusDatabaseError("Exception while querying for terminated calls %s." % e) def find(row, calls): try: call = calls[row[0]] except KeyError: return False return call.fromtag==row[2] and call.totag==row[3] return dict([(row[0], {'callid': row[0], 'duration': row[1], 'fromtag': row[2], 'totag': row[3]}) for row in rows if find(row, calls)]) def _RD_timedout(self, task): calls = dict([(call.callid, call) for call in task.args['calls'].values() if call.inprogress]) if not calls: return {} ids = "(%s)" % ','.join(["'" + key + "'" for key in calls.keys()]) query = '''SELECT %(session_id_field)s AS callid, %(duration_field)s AS duration, %(from_tag_field)s AS fromtag, %(to_tag_field)s AS totag FROM %(table)s WHERE %(session_id_field)s IN %(ids)s AND %(media_info_field)s = 'timeout' AND %(stop_info_field)s IS NULL''' % {'session_id_field': RadiusDatabaseConfig.sessionIdField, 'duration_field': RadiusDatabaseConfig.durationField, 'from_tag_field': RadiusDatabaseConfig.fromTagField, 'to_tag_field': RadiusDatabaseConfig.toTagField, 'media_info_field': RadiusDatabaseConfig.mediaInfoField, 'stop_info_field': RadiusDatabaseConfig.stopInfoField, 'table': RadiusDatabaseConfig.table.normalized, 'ids': ids} try: rows = self.conn.queryAll(query) except Exception, e: log.error("Query failed: %s" % query) raise RadiusDatabaseError("Exception while querying for timedout calls %s." % e) def find(row, calls): try: call = calls[row[0]] except KeyError: return False return call.fromtag==row[2] and call.totag==row[3] return dict([(row[0], {'callid': row[0], 'duration': row[1], 'fromtag': row[2], 'totag': row[3]}) for row in rows if find(row, calls)]) diff --git a/callcontrol/rating/__init__.py b/callcontrol/rating/__init__.py index 4a69e2d..d0acbcf 100644 --- a/callcontrol/rating/__init__.py +++ b/callcontrol/rating/__init__.py @@ -1,347 +1,350 @@ """Rating engine interface implementation.""" import random from collections import deque from application.configuration import ConfigSection, ConfigSetting from application.configuration.datatypes import EndpointAddress from application import log from application.python.types import Singleton from twisted.internet.protocol import ReconnectingClientFactory from twisted.internet.error import TimeoutError from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from twisted.protocols.basic import LineOnlyReceiver from twisted.python import failure -from callcontrol import configuration_filename +from callcontrol import configuration_file ## ## Rating engine configuration ## class ThorNodeConfig(ConfigSection): - __cfgfile__ = configuration_filename + __cfgfile__ = configuration_file __section__ = 'ThorNetwork' enabled = False class RatingConfig(ConfigSection): - __cfgfile__ = configuration_filename + __cfgfile__ = configuration_file __section__ = 'CDRTool' + timeout = 500 + class TimeLimit(int): """A positive time limit (in seconds) or None""" def __new__(typ, value): if value.lower() == 'none': return None try: limit = int(value) except: raise ValueError("invalid time limit value: %r" % value) if limit < 0: raise ValueError("invalid time limit value: %r. should be positive." % value) return limit class CallControlConfig(ConfigSection): - __cfgfile__ = configuration_filename + __cfgfile__ = configuration_file __section__ = 'CallControl' + prepaid_limit = ConfigSetting(type=TimeLimit, value=None) limit = ConfigSetting(type=TimeLimit, value=None) class RatingError(Exception): pass class RatingEngineError(RatingError): pass class RatingEngineTimeoutError(TimeoutError): pass class RatingRequest(str): def __init__(self, command, reliable=True, **kwargs): self.command = command self.reliable = reliable self.kwargs = kwargs self.deferred = defer.Deferred() def __new__(cls, command, reliable=True, **kwargs): reqstr = command + (kwargs and (' ' + ' '.join("%s=%s" % (name, value) for name, value in kwargs.items())) or '') obj = str.__new__(cls, reqstr) return obj class RatingEngineProtocol(LineOnlyReceiver): delimiter = '\n\n' def __init__(self): self.connected = False self.__request = None self.__timeout_call = None self._request_queue = deque() def connectionMade(self): log.info("Connected to Rating Engine at %s:%d" % (self.transport.getPeer().host, self.transport.getPeer().port)) self.connected = True self.factory.application.connectionMade(self.transport.connector) if self._request_queue: self._send_next_request() def connectionLost(self, reason=None): log.info("Disconnected from Rating Engine at %s:%d" % (self.transport.getPeer().host, self.transport.getPeer().port)) self.connected = False if self.__request is not None: if self.__request.reliable: self._request_queue.appendleft(self.__request) self.__request = None else: self._respond("Connection with the Rating Engine is down: %s" % reason, success=False) self.factory.application.connectionLost(self.transport.connector, reason, self) def timeoutConnection(self): log.info("Connection to Rating Engine at %s:%d timedout" % (self.transport.getPeer().host, self.transport.getPeer().port)) self.transport.loseConnection(RatingEngineTimeoutError()) def lineReceived(self, line): # log.debug("Got reply from rating engine: %s" % line) #DEBUG if not line: return if self.__timeout_call is not None: self.__timeout_call.cancel() if self.__request is None: log.warn("Got reply for unexisting request: %s" % line) return try: self._respond(getattr(self, '_PE_%s' % self.__request.command.lower())(line)) except AttributeError: self._respond("Unknown command in request. Cannot handle reply. Reply is: %s" % line, success=False) except Exception, e: self._respond(str(e), success=False) def _PE_maxsessiontime(self, line): lines = line.splitlines() try: limit = lines[0].strip().capitalize() except IndexError: raise ValueError("Empty reply from rating engine") try: limit = int(limit) except: if limit == 'None': limit = None elif limit == 'Locked': pass else: raise ValueError("limit must be a non-negative number, None or Locked: %s" % limit) else: if limit < 0: raise ValueError("limit must be a non-negative number, None or Locked: %s" % limit) info = dict(line.split('=', 1) for line in lines[1:]) if 'type' in info: type = info['type'].lower() if type == 'prepaid': prepaid = True elif type == 'postpaid': prepaid = False else: raise ValueError("prepaid must be either True or False: %s" % type) else: prepaid = limit is not None return limit, prepaid def _PE_debitbalance(self, line): valid_answers = ('Ok', 'Failed', 'Not prepaid') lines = line.splitlines() try: result = lines[0].strip().capitalize() except IndexError: raise ValueError("Empty reply from rating engine") if result not in valid_answers: log.error("Invalid reply from rating engine: `%s'" % lines[0].strip()) log.warn("Rating engine possible failed query: %s" % self.__request) raise RatingEngineError('Invalid rating engine response') elif result == 'Failed': log.warn("Rating engine failed query: %s" % self.__request) raise RatingEngineError('Rating engine failed query') else: try: timelimit = int(lines[1].split('=', 1)[1].strip()) totalcost = lines[2].strip() except: log.error("Invalid reply from rating engine for DebitBalance on lines 2, 3: `%s'" % ("', `".join(lines[1:3]))) timelimit = None totalcost = 0 return timelimit, totalcost def _send_next_request(self): if self.connected: self.__request = self._request_queue.popleft() self.sendLine(self.__request) self._set_timeout() # log.debug("Sent request to rating engine: %s" % self.__request) #DEBUG else: self.__request = None def _respond(self, result, success=True): if self.__request is not None: req = self.__request self.__request = None try: if success: req.deferred.callback(result) else: req.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(RatingEngineError(result))) except defer.AlreadyCalledError: log.debug("Request %s was already responded to" % str(req)) if self._request_queue: self._send_next_request() def _set_timeout(self, timeout=None): if timeout is None: timeout = self.factory.timeout self.__timeout_call = reactor.callLater(timeout/1000.0, self.timeoutConnection) def send_request(self, request): if not request.reliable and not self.connected: request.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(RatingEngineError("Connection with the Rating Engine is down"))) return request self._request_queue.append(request) if self.__request is None: self._send_next_request() return request class RatingEngineFactory(ReconnectingClientFactory): protocol = RatingEngineProtocol timeout = RatingConfig.timeout # reconnect parameters maxDelay = 15 factor = maxDelay initialDelay = 1.0/factor delay = initialDelay def __init__(self, application): self.application = application def buildProtocol(self, addr): self.resetDelay() return ReconnectingClientFactory.buildProtocol(self, addr) def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): if self.application.disconnecting: return ReconnectingClientFactory.clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason) def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason): if self.application.disconnecting: return ReconnectingClientFactory.clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason) class DummyRatingEngine(object): def getCallLimit(self, call, max_duration=CallControlConfig.prepaid_limit, reliable=True): return defer.fail(failure.Failure(RatingEngineError("Connection with the Rating Engine not yet established"))) def debitBalance(self, call, reliable=True): return defer.fail(failure.Failure(RatingEngineError("Connection with the Rating Engine not yet established"))) class RatingEngine(object): def __init__(self, address): self.address = address self.disconnecting = False self.connector = reactor.connectTCP(self.address[0], self.address[1], factory=RatingEngineFactory(self)) self.connection = None self.__unsent_req = deque() def shutdown(self): self.disconnecting = True self.connector.disconnect() def connectionMade(self, connector): self.connection = connector.transport self.connection.protocol._request_queue.extend(self.__unsent_req) for req in self.__unsent_req: log.debug("Requeueing request for the rating engine: %s" % (req,)) self.__unsent_req.clear() def connectionLost(self, connector, reason, protocol): while protocol._request_queue: req = protocol._request_queue.pop() if not req.reliable: log.debug("Request is considered failed: %s" % (req,)) req.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(RatingEngineError("Connection with the Rating Engine is down"))) else: log.debug("Saving request to be requeued later: %s" % (req,)) self.__unsent_req.appendleft(req) self.connection = None def getCallLimit(self, call, max_duration=CallControlConfig.prepaid_limit, reliable=True): max_duration = max_duration or CallControlConfig.limit or 36000 args = {} if call.inprogress: args['State'] = 'Connected' req = RatingRequest('MaxSessionTime', reliable=reliable, CallId=call.callid, From=call.billingParty, To=call.ruri, Gateway=call.sourceip, Duration=max_duration, Application=call.sip_application, **args) if self.connection is not None: return self.connection.protocol.send_request(req).deferred else: self.__unsent_req.append(req) return req.deferred def debitBalance(self, call, reliable=True): req = RatingRequest('DebitBalance', reliable=reliable, CallId=call.callid, From=call.billingParty, To=call.ruri, Gateway=call.sourceip, Duration=call.duration, Application=call.sip_application) if self.connection is not None: return self.connection.protocol.send_request(req).deferred else: self.__unsent_req.append(req) return req.deferred class RatingEngineAddress(EndpointAddress): default_port = 9024 name = 'rating engine address' class RatingEngineConnections(object): __metaclass__ = Singleton def __init__(self): self.user_connections = {} if not ThorNodeConfig.enabled: from callcontrol.rating.backends.opensips import OpensipsBackend self.backend = OpensipsBackend() else: from callcontrol.rating.backends.sipthor import SipthorBackend self.backend = SipthorBackend() @staticmethod def getConnection(call=None): engines = RatingEngineConnections() try: conn = random.choice(engines.backend.connections) except IndexError: return DummyRatingEngine() if call is None: return conn return engines.user_connections.setdefault(call.billingParty, conn) def remove_user(self, user): try: del self.user_connections[user] except KeyError: pass def shutdown(self): return defer.maybeDeferred(self.backend.shutdown) diff --git a/callcontrol/rating/backends/opensips.py b/callcontrol/rating/backends/opensips.py index 575664e..dd7f3f9 100644 --- a/callcontrol/rating/backends/opensips.py +++ b/callcontrol/rating/backends/opensips.py @@ -1,47 +1,48 @@ import socket from application.configuration import ConfigSection, ConfigSetting from application.system import host from application import log -from callcontrol import configuration_filename +from callcontrol import configuration_file from callcontrol.rating import RatingEngine, RatingEngineAddress ## ## Rating engine configuration ## class RatingEngineAddresses(list): def __new__(cls, engines): engines = engines.split() engines = [RatingEngineAddress(engine) for engine in engines] return engines class RatingConfig(ConfigSection): - __cfgfile__ = configuration_filename + __cfgfile__ = configuration_file __section__ = 'CDRTool' + address = ConfigSetting(type=RatingEngineAddresses, value=[]) timeout = 500 class OpensipsBackend(object): def __init__(self): self.connections = [] if not RatingConfig.address: try: RatingConfig.address = RatingEngineAddresses('cdrtool.' + socket.gethostbyaddr(host.default_ip)[0].split('.', 1)[1]) except Exception: log.fatal('Cannot resolve hostname %s' % ('cdrtool.' + socket.gethostbyaddr(host.default_ip)[0].split('.', 1)[1])) for engine in RatingConfig.address: self.connections.append(RatingEngine(engine)) def shutdown(self): for connection in self.connections: connection.shutdown() diff --git a/callcontrol/rating/backends/sipthor.py b/callcontrol/rating/backends/sipthor.py index 93de0df..c4c311d 100644 --- a/callcontrol/rating/backends/sipthor.py +++ b/callcontrol/rating/backends/sipthor.py @@ -1,129 +1,129 @@ from application.version import Version from application.configuration import ConfigSection, ConfigSetting from application.system import host from application import log from application.python.types import Singleton from gnutls.interfaces.twisted import TLSContext, X509Credentials from thor import __version__ as thor_version from thor.eventservice import EventServiceClient, ThorEvent from thor.entities import ThorEntitiesRoleMap, GenericThorEntity as ThorEntity from callcontrol.tls import Certificate, PrivateKey from callcontrol.rating import RatingEngine, RatingEngineAddress -from callcontrol import configuration_filename, __version__ +from callcontrol import configuration_file, __version__ from twisted.internet import defer, reactor if Version.parse(thor_version) < Version.parse('1.1.21'): raise RuntimeError('Thor version is smaller than 1.1.21 (%s)' % thor_version) class ThorNodeConfig(ConfigSection): - __cfgfile__ = configuration_filename + __cfgfile__ = configuration_file __section__ = 'ThorNetwork' enabled = False domain = "sipthor.net" multiply = 1000 certificate = ConfigSetting(type=Certificate, value=None) private_key = ConfigSetting(type=PrivateKey, value=None) ca = ConfigSetting(type=Certificate, value=None) class CallcontrolNode(EventServiceClient): __metaclass__ = Singleton topics = ["Thor.Members"] def __init__(self): self.node = ThorEntity(host.default_ip, ['call_control'], version=__version__) self.networks = {} self.rating_connections = {} self.presence_message = ThorEvent('Thor.Presence', self.node.id) self.shutdown_message = ThorEvent('Thor.Leave', self.node.id) credentials = X509Credentials(ThorNodeConfig.certificate, ThorNodeConfig.private_key, [ThorNodeConfig.ca]) credentials.verify_peer = True tls_context = TLSContext(credentials) EventServiceClient.__init__(self, ThorNodeConfig.domain, tls_context) def publish(self, event): self._publish(event) def stop(self): return self._shutdown() def connectionLost(self, connector, reason): """Called when an event server connection goes away""" self.connections.discard(connector.transport) def connectionFailed(self, connector, reason): """Called when an event server connection has an unrecoverable error""" connector.failed = True def _disconnect_all(self, result): for conn in self.connectors: conn.disconnect() def _shutdown(self): if self.disconnecting: return self.disconnecting = True self.dns_monitor.cancel() if self.advertiser: self.advertiser.cancel() if self.shutdown_message: self._publish(self.shutdown_message) requests = [conn.protocol.unsubscribe(*self.topics) for conn in self.connections] d = defer.DeferredList([request.deferred for request in requests]) d.addCallback(self._disconnect_all) return d def handle_event(self, event): reactor.callFromThread(self._handle_event, event) def _handle_event(self, event): networks = self.networks role_map = ThorEntitiesRoleMap(event.message) # mapping between role names and lists of nodes with that role role = 'rating_server' try: network = networks[role] except KeyError: from thor import network as thor_network network = thor_network.new(ThorNodeConfig.multiply) networks[role] = network new_nodes = set([node.ip for node in role_map.get(role, [])]) old_nodes = set(network.nodes) added_nodes = new_nodes - old_nodes removed_nodes = old_nodes - new_nodes if added_nodes: for node in added_nodes: network.add_node(node) address = RatingEngineAddress(node) self.rating_connections[address] = RatingEngine(address) plural = 's' if len(added_nodes) != 1 else '' log.msg("Added rating node%s: %s" % (plural, ', '.join(added_nodes))) if removed_nodes: for node in removed_nodes: network.remove_node(node) address = RatingEngineAddress(node) self.rating_connections[address].shutdown() del self.rating_connections[address] plural = 's' if len(removed_nodes) != 1 else '' log.msg("Removed rating node%s: %s" % (plural, ', '.join(removed_nodes))) class SipthorBackend(object): def __init__(self): self.node = CallcontrolNode() @property def connections(self): return self.node.rating_connections.values() def shutdown(self): for connection in self.connections: connection.shutdown() return self.node.stop()