diff --git a/mediaproxy/mediacontrol.py b/mediaproxy/mediacontrol.py index 9e983d2..b89868b 100644 --- a/mediaproxy/mediacontrol.py +++ b/mediaproxy/mediacontrol.py @@ -1,883 +1,883 @@ import hashlib import struct import socket from application import log from application.system import host from base64 import b64encode as base64_encode from itertools import chain from collections import deque from operator import attrgetter from time import time from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet.interfaces import IReadDescriptor from twisted.internet.protocol import DatagramProtocol from twisted.internet.error import CannotListenError from twisted.python.log import Logger from zope.interface import implementer from mediaproxy.configuration import RelayConfig from mediaproxy.interfaces.system import _conntrack from mediaproxy.iputils import is_routable_ip from mediaproxy.scheduler import RecurrentCall, KeepRunning UDP_TIMEOUT_FILE = '/proc/sys/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_udp_timeout_stream' rtp_payloads = { 0: 'G711u', 1: '1016', 2: 'G721', 3: 'GSM', 4: 'G723', 5: 'DVI4', 6: 'DVI4', 7: 'LPC', 8: 'G711a', 9: 'G722', 10: 'L16', 11: 'L16', 14: 'MPA', 15: 'G728', 18: 'G729', 25: 'CelB', 26: 'JPEG', 28: 'nv', 31: 'H261', 32: 'MPV', 33: 'MP2T', 34: 'H263' } class RelayPortsExhaustedError(Exception): pass if RelayConfig.relay_ip is None: raise RuntimeError('Could not determine default host IP; either add default route or specify relay IP manually') class SessionLogger(log.ContextualLogger): def __init__(self, session): super(SessionLogger, self).__init__(logger=log.get_logger()) # use the main logger as backend self.session_id = session.call_id def apply_context(self, message): return '[session {0.session_id}] {1}'.format(self, message) if message != '' else '' class Address(object): """Representation of an endpoint address""" def __init__(self, host, port, in_use=True, got_rtp=False): self.host = host self.port = port self.in_use = self.__bool__() and in_use self.got_rtp = got_rtp def __len__(self): return 2 def __bool__(self): return None not in (self.host, self.port) def __getitem__(self, index): return (self.host, self.port)[index] def __contains__(self, item): return item in (self.host, self.port) def __iter__(self): yield self.host yield self.port def __str__(self): return self.__bool__() and ('%s:%d' % (self.host, self.port)) or 'Unknown' def __repr__(self): return '%s(%r, %r, in_use=%r, got_rtp=%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.host, self.port, self.in_use, self.got_rtp) def forget(self): self.host, self.port, self.in_use, self.got_rtp = None, None, False, False @property def unknown(self): return None in (self.host, self.port) @property def obsolete(self): return self.__bool__() and not self.in_use class Counters(dict): def __add__(self, other): n = Counters(self) for k, v in other.items(): n[k] += v return n def __iadd__(self, other): for k, v in other.items(): self[k] += v return self @property def caller_bytes(self): return self['caller_bytes'] @property def callee_bytes(self): return self['callee_bytes'] @property def caller_packets(self): return self['caller_packets'] @property def callee_packets(self): return self['callee_packets'] @property def relayed_bytes(self): return self['caller_bytes'] + self['callee_bytes'] @property def relayed_packets(self): return self['caller_packets'] + self['callee_packets'] class StreamListenerProtocol(DatagramProtocol): noisy = False def __init__(self): self.cb_func = None self.sdp = None self.send_packet_count = 0 self.stun_queue = [] def datagramReceived(self, data, addr): (host, port) = addr if self.cb_func is not None: self.cb_func(host, port, data) def set_remote_sdp(self, ip, port): if is_routable_ip(ip): self.sdp = ip, port else: self.sdp = None def send(self, data, is_stun, ip=None, port=None): if is_stun: self.stun_queue.append(data) if ip is None or port is None: # this means that we have not received any packets from this host yet, # so we have not learnt its address if self.sdp is None: # we can't do anything if we haven't received the SDP IP yet or # it was in a private range return ip, port = self.sdp # we learnt the IP, empty the STUN packets queue if self.stun_queue: for data in self.stun_queue: try: self.transport.write(data, (ip, port)) except socket.error as e: - self.logger.info('FATAL: cannot write to network socket: %s' % str(e)) + self.logger.critical('FATAL: cannot write to network socket: %s' % str(e)) self.stun_queue = [] if not is_stun: if not self.send_packet_count % RelayConfig.userspace_transmit_every: try: self.transport.write(data, (ip, port)) except socket.error as e: - self.logger.info('FATAL: cannot write to network socket: %s' % str(e)) + self.logger.critical('FATAL: cannot write to network socket: %s' % str(e)) self.send_packet_count += 1 def _stun_test(data): # Check if data is a STUN request and if it's a binding request if len(data) < 20: return False, False msg_type, msg_len, magic = struct.unpack('!HHI', data[:8]) if msg_type & 0xc == 0 and magic == 0x2112A442: if msg_type == 0x0001: return True, True else: return True, False else: return False, False class MediaSubParty(object): def __init__(self, substream, listener): self.substream = substream self.logger = substream.logger self.listener = listener self.listener.protocol.cb_func = self.got_data self.remote = Address(None, None) host = self.listener.protocol.transport.getHost() self.local = Address(host.host, host.port) self.timer = None self.codec = 'Unknown' self.got_stun_probing = False self.reset() def reset(self): if self.timer and self.timer.active(): self.timer.cancel() self.timer = reactor.callLater(RelayConfig.stream_timeout, self.substream.expired, 'no-traffic timeout', RelayConfig.stream_timeout) self.remote.in_use = False # keep remote address around but mark it as obsolete self.remote.got_rtp = False self.got_stun_probing = False self.listener.protocol.send_packet_count = 0 def before_hold(self): if self.timer and self.timer.active(): self.timer.cancel() self.timer = reactor.callLater(RelayConfig.on_hold_timeout, self.substream.expired, 'on hold timeout', RelayConfig.on_hold_timeout) def after_hold(self): if self.timer and self.timer.active(): self.timer.cancel() if not self.remote.in_use: self.timer = reactor.callLater(RelayConfig.stream_timeout, self.substream.expired, 'no-traffic timeout', RelayConfig.stream_timeout) def got_data(self, host, port, data): if (host, port) == tuple(self.remote): if self.remote.obsolete: # the received packet matches the previously used IP/port, # which has been made obsolete, so ignore it return else: if self.remote.in_use: # the received packet is different than the recorded IP/port, # so we will discard it return # we have learnt the remote IP/port self.remote.host, self.remote.port = host, port self.remote.in_use = True self.logger.info('discovered peer: %s' % self.substream.stream) is_stun, is_binding_request = _stun_test(data) self.substream.send_data(self, data, is_stun) if not self.remote.got_rtp and not is_stun: # This is the first RTP packet received self.remote.got_rtp = True if self.timer: if self.timer.active(): self.timer.cancel() self.timer = None if self.codec == 'Unknown' and self.substream is self.substream.stream.rtp: try: pt = data[1] & 127 except IndexError: pass else: if pt > 95: self.codec = 'Dynamic(%d)' % pt elif pt in rtp_payloads: self.codec = rtp_payloads[pt] else: self.codec = 'Unknown(%d)' % pt self.substream.check_create_conntrack() if is_binding_request: self.got_stun_probing = True def cleanup(self): if self.timer and self.timer.active(): self.timer.cancel() self.timer = None self.listener.protocol.cb_func = None self.substream = None class MediaSubStream(object): def __init__(self, stream, listener_caller, listener_callee): self.stream = stream self.logger = stream.logger self.forwarding_rule = None self.caller = MediaSubParty(self, listener_caller) self.callee = MediaSubParty(self, listener_callee) self._counters = Counters(caller_bytes=0, callee_bytes=0, caller_packets=0, callee_packets=0) @property def counters(self): """Accumulated counters from all the forwarding rules the stream had""" if self.forwarding_rule is None: return self._counters else: try: self.logger.debug(', '.join([f"{key}={self.forwarding_rule.counters[key]}" for key in self.forwarding_rule.counters.keys()])) return self._counters + self.forwarding_rule.counters except _conntrack.Error: return self._counters def _stop_relaying(self): if self.forwarding_rule is not None: try: self.logger.info(', '.join([f"{key}={self.forwarding_rule.counters[key]}" for key in self.forwarding_rule.counters.keys()])) self._counters += self.forwarding_rule.counters except _conntrack.Error: pass self.forwarding_rule = None def reset(self, party): if party == 'caller': self.caller.reset() else: self.callee.reset() self._stop_relaying() def check_create_conntrack(self): if self.stream.first_media_time is None: self.stream.first_media_time = time() if self.caller.remote.in_use and self.caller.remote.got_rtp and self.callee.remote.in_use and self.callee.remote.got_rtp: self.forwarding_rule = _conntrack.ForwardingRule(self.caller.remote, self.caller.local, self.callee.remote, self.callee.local, self.stream.session.mark) self.forwarding_rule.expired_func = self.conntrack_expired def send_data(self, source, data, is_stun): if source is self.caller: dest = self.callee else: dest = self.caller if dest.remote: # if we have already learnt the remote address of the destination, use that ip, port = dest.remote.host, dest.remote.port dest.listener.protocol.send(data, is_stun, ip, port) else: # otherwise use the IP/port specified in the SDP, if public dest.listener.protocol.send(data, is_stun) def conntrack_expired(self): try: timeout_wait = int(open(UDP_TIMEOUT_FILE).read()) except: timeout_wait = 0 self.expired('conntrack timeout', timeout_wait) def expired(self, reason, timeout_wait): self._stop_relaying() self.stream.substream_expired(self, reason, timeout_wait) def cleanup(self): self.caller.cleanup() self.callee.cleanup() self._stop_relaying() self.stream = None class MediaParty(object): def __init__(self, stream, party): self.manager = stream.session.manager self.logger = stream.logger self._remote_sdp = None self.is_on_hold = False self.uses_ice = False while True: self.listener_rtp = None self.ports = port_rtp, port_rtcp = self.manager.get_ports() listen_ip = None if RelayConfig.auto_detect_interfaces and not RelayConfig.advertised_ip: if party == 'callee' and stream.session.destination_ip: listen_ip = host.outgoing_ip_for(stream.session.destination_ip) else: listen_ip = host.outgoing_ip_for(stream.session.caller_ip) try: self.listener_rtp = reactor.listenUDP(port_rtp, StreamListenerProtocol(), interface=listen_ip or RelayConfig.relay_ip) self.listener_rtcp = reactor.listenUDP(port_rtcp, StreamListenerProtocol(), interface=listen_ip or RelayConfig.relay_ip) except CannotListenError: if self.listener_rtp is not None: self.listener_rtp.stopListening() self.manager.set_bad_ports(self.ports) self.logger.warning('Cannot use port pair %d/%d' % self.ports) else: break def _get_remote_sdp(self): return self._remote_sdp def _set_remote_sdp(self, addr): (ip, port) = addr self._remote_sdp = ip, port self.listener_rtp.protocol.set_remote_sdp(ip, port) remote_sdp = property(_get_remote_sdp, _set_remote_sdp) def cleanup(self): self.listener_rtp.stopListening() self.listener_rtcp.stopListening() self.manager.free_ports(self.ports) self.manager = None class MediaStream(object): def __init__(self, session, media_type, media_ip, media_port, direction, media_parameters, initiating_party): self.is_alive = True self.session = session # type: Session self.logger = session.logger self.media_type = media_type self.caller = MediaParty(self, 'caller') self.callee = MediaParty(self, 'callee') self.rtp = MediaSubStream(self, self.caller.listener_rtp, self.callee.listener_rtp) self.rtcp = MediaSubStream(self, self.caller.listener_rtcp, self.callee.listener_rtcp) getattr(self, initiating_party).remote_sdp = (media_ip, media_port) getattr(self, initiating_party).uses_ice = (media_parameters.get('ice', 'no') == 'yes') self.check_hold(initiating_party, direction, media_ip) self.create_time = time() self.first_media_time = None self.start_time = None self.end_time = None self.status = 'active' self.timeout_wait = 0 def __str__(self): if self.caller.remote_sdp is None: src = 'Unknown' else: src = '%s:%d' % self.caller.remote_sdp if self.caller.is_on_hold: src += ' ON HOLD' if self.caller.uses_ice: src += ' (ICE)' if self.callee.remote_sdp is None: dst = 'Unknown' else: dst = '%s:%d' % self.callee.remote_sdp if self.callee.is_on_hold: dst += ' ON HOLD' if self.callee.uses_ice: dst += ' (ICE)' rtp = self.rtp rtcp = self.rtcp return '(%s) %s (RTP: %s, RTCP: %s) <-> %s <-> %s <-> %s (RTP: %s, RTCP: %s)' % ( self.media_type, src, rtp.caller.remote, rtcp.caller.remote, rtp.caller.local, rtp.callee.local, dst, rtp.callee.remote, rtcp.callee.remote) @property def counters(self): return self.rtp.counters + self.rtcp.counters @property def uses_ice(self): return self.caller.uses_ice and self.callee.uses_ice @property def is_on_hold(self): return self.caller.is_on_hold or self.callee.is_on_hold def check_hold(self, party, direction, ip): previous_hold = self.is_on_hold party = getattr(self, party) if direction == 'sendonly' or direction == 'inactive': party.is_on_hold = True elif ip == '': party.is_on_hold = True else: party.is_on_hold = False if previous_hold and not self.is_on_hold: for substream in [self.rtp, self.rtcp]: for subparty in [substream.caller, substream.callee]: self.status = 'active' subparty.after_hold() if not previous_hold and self.is_on_hold: for substream in [self.rtp, self.rtcp]: for subparty in [substream.caller, substream.callee]: self.status = 'on hold' subparty.before_hold() def reset(self, party, media_ip, media_port): self.rtp.reset(party) self.rtcp.reset(party) getattr(self, party).remote_sdp = (media_ip, media_port) def substream_expired(self, substream, reason, timeout_wait): if substream is self.rtp and self.caller.uses_ice and self.callee.uses_ice: reason = 'unselected ICE candidate' self.logger.info('RTP stream expired: {}'.format(reason)) if not substream.caller.got_stun_probing and not substream.callee.got_stun_probing: self.logger.info('unselected ICE candidate, but no STUN was received') if substream is self.rtcp: # Forget about the remote addresses, this will cause any # re-occurrence of the same traffic to be forwarded again substream.caller.remote.forget() substream.caller.listener.protocol.send_packet_count = 0 substream.callee.remote.forget() substream.callee.listener.protocol.send_packet_count = 0 else: session = self.session self.cleanup(reason) self.timeout_wait = timeout_wait session.stream_expired(self) def cleanup(self, status='closed'): if self.is_alive: self.is_alive = False self.status = status self.caller.cleanup() self.callee.cleanup() self.rtp.cleanup() self.rtcp.cleanup() self.session = None self.end_time = time() class Session(object): def __init__(self, manager, dispatcher, call_id, from_tag, from_uri, to_tag, to_uri, cseq, user_agent, media_list, is_downstream, is_caller_cseq, mark=0, caller_ip=None, destination_ip=None): self.manager = manager self.dispatcher = dispatcher self.session_id = base64_encode(hashlib.md5(call_id.encode()).digest()).rstrip(b'=') self.call_id = call_id self.caller_ip = caller_ip self.destination_ip = destination_ip self.from_tag = from_tag self.to_tag = None self.mark = mark self.from_uri = from_uri self.to_uri = to_uri self.caller_ua = None self.callee_ua = None self.cseq = None self.previous_cseq = None self.streams = {} self.start_time = None self.end_time = None self.logger = SessionLogger(self) self.logger.info('created: from-tag {0.from_tag})'.format(self)) self.update_media(cseq, to_tag, user_agent, media_list, is_downstream, is_caller_cseq) def update_media(self, cseq, to_tag, user_agent, media_list, is_downstream, is_caller_cseq): if self.cseq is None: old_cseq = (0, 0) else: old_cseq = self.cseq if is_caller_cseq: cseq = (cseq, old_cseq[1]) if self.to_tag is None and to_tag is not None: self.to_tag = to_tag else: cseq = (old_cseq[0], cseq) if is_downstream: party = 'caller' if self.caller_ua is None: self.caller_ua = user_agent else: party = 'callee' if self.callee_ua is None: self.callee_ua = user_agent if self.cseq is None or cseq > self.cseq: if not media_list: return self.logger.info('got SDP offer') self.streams[cseq] = new_streams = [] if self.cseq is None: old_streams = [] else: old_streams = self.streams[self.cseq] for media_type, media_ip, media_port, media_direction, media_parameters in media_list: for old_stream in old_streams: old_remote = getattr(old_stream, party).remote_sdp if old_remote is not None: old_ip, old_port = old_remote else: old_ip, old_port = None, None if old_stream.is_alive and old_stream.media_type == media_type and ((media_ip, media_port) in ((old_ip, old_port), ('', old_port), (old_ip, 0))): stream = old_stream stream.check_hold(party, media_direction, media_ip) if media_port == 0: self.logger.info('disabled stream: %s', stream) else: self.logger.info('retained stream: %s', stream) break else: stream = MediaStream(self, media_type, media_ip, media_port, media_direction, media_parameters, party) self.logger.info('proposed stream: %s' % stream) if media_port == 0: stream.cleanup() new_streams.append(stream) if self.previous_cseq is not None: for stream in self.streams[self.previous_cseq]: if stream not in self.streams[self.cseq] + new_streams: stream.cleanup() self.previous_cseq = self.cseq self.cseq = cseq elif self.cseq == cseq: self.logger.info('got SDP answer') now = time() if self.start_time is None: self.start_time = now current_streams = self.streams[cseq] for stream in current_streams: if stream.start_time is None: stream.start_time = now if to_tag is not None and not media_list: return if len(media_list) < len(current_streams): for stream in current_streams[len(media_list):]: self.logger.info('removed! stream: %s' % stream) stream.cleanup('rejected') for stream, (media_type, media_ip, media_port, media_direction, media_parameters) in zip(current_streams, media_list): if stream.media_type != media_type: raise ValueError('Media types do not match: %r and %r' % (stream.media_type, media_type)) if media_port == 0: if stream.is_alive: self.logger.info('rejected stream: %s' % stream) else: self.logger.info('disabled stream: %s' % stream) stream.cleanup('rejected') continue stream.check_hold(party, media_direction, media_ip) party_info = getattr(stream, party) party_info.uses_ice = (media_parameters.get('ice', 'no') == 'yes') if party_info.remote_sdp is None or party_info.remote_sdp[0] == '': party_info.remote_sdp = (media_ip, media_port) self.logger.info('accepted stream: %s' % stream) else: if party_info.remote_sdp[1] != media_port or (party_info.remote_sdp[0] != media_ip != ''): stream.reset(party, media_ip, media_port) self.logger.info('updating stream: %s' % stream) else: self.logger.info('retained stream: %s' % stream) if self.previous_cseq is not None: for stream in [stream for stream in self.streams[self.previous_cseq] if stream not in current_streams]: self.logger.info('removing stream: %s' % stream) stream.cleanup() else: self.logger.info('got old CSeq %d:%d, ignoring' % cseq) def get_local_media(self, is_downstream, cseq, is_caller_cseq): if is_caller_cseq: pos = 0 else: pos = 1 try: cseq = max(key for key in list(self.streams.keys()) if key[pos] == cseq) except ValueError: return None if is_downstream: retval = [(stream.status in ['active', 'on hold']) and tuple(stream.rtp.callee.local) or (stream.rtp.callee.local.host, 0) for stream in self.streams[cseq]] else: retval = [(stream.status in ['active', 'on hold']) and tuple(stream.rtp.caller.local) or (stream.rtp.caller.local.host, 0) for stream in self.streams[cseq]] self.logger.info('SDP media ip for %s set to %s:%d' % ("callee" if is_downstream else "caller", retval[0][0], retval[0][1])) return retval def cleanup(self): self.end_time = time() for cseq in [self.previous_cseq, self.cseq]: if cseq is not None: for stream in self.streams[cseq]: stream.cleanup() def stream_expired(self, stream): active_streams = set() for cseq in [self.previous_cseq, self.cseq]: if cseq is not None: active_streams.update({stream for stream in self.streams[cseq] if stream.is_alive}) if len(active_streams) == 0: self.manager.session_expired(self.call_id, self.from_tag) @property def duration(self): if self.start_time is not None: if self.end_time is not None: return int(self.end_time - self.start_time) else: return int(time() - self.start_time) else: return 0 @property def broken(self): uses_ice = False for s in self.streams.values(): for m in s: if m.uses_ice: uses_ice = True break #uses_ice = any(s for s in self.streams.values() if s.uses_ice) return self.duration > 90 and not self.relayed_bytes and not uses_ice @property def relayed_bytes(self): return sum(stream.counters.relayed_bytes for stream in set(chain(*iter(self.streams.values())))) @property def statistics(self): all_streams = set(chain(*iter(self.streams.values()))) attributes = ('call_id', 'from_tag', 'from_uri', 'to_tag', 'to_uri', 'start_time', 'duration') stats = dict((name, getattr(self, name)) for name in attributes) stats['caller_ua'] = self.caller_ua or 'Unknown' stats['callee_ua'] = self.callee_ua or 'Unknown' stats['streams'] = streams = [] stream_attributes = ('media_type', 'status', 'timeout_wait') streams_to_sort = [] for stream in all_streams: try: if stream and stream.start_time: streams_to_sort.append(stream) except AttributeError: pass for stream in sorted(streams_to_sort, key=attrgetter('start_time')): # type: MediaStream info = dict((name, getattr(stream, name)) for name in stream_attributes) info['caller_codec'] = stream.rtp.caller.codec info['callee_codec'] = stream.rtp.callee.codec if stream.start_time is None: info['start_time'] = info['end_time'] = None elif self.start_time is None: info['start_time'] = info['end_time'] = 0 else: info['start_time'] = max(int(stream.start_time - self.start_time), 0) if stream.status == 'rejected': info['end_time'] = info['start_time'] else: if stream.end_time is None: info['end_time'] = stats['duration'] else: info['end_time'] = min(int(stream.end_time - self.start_time), self.duration) if stream.first_media_time is None: info['post_dial_delay'] = None else: info['post_dial_delay'] = stream.first_media_time - stream.create_time caller = stream.rtp.caller callee = stream.rtp.callee info.update(stream.counters) info['caller_local'] = str(caller.local) info['callee_local'] = str(callee.local) info['caller_remote'] = str(caller.remote) info['callee_remote'] = str(callee.remote) streams.append(info) return stats class SessionManager(Logger): @implementer(IReadDescriptor) def __init__(self, relay, start_port, end_port): self.relay = relay self.ports = deque((i, i + 1) for i in range(start_port, end_port, 2)) self.bad_ports = deque() self.sessions = {} self.watcher = _conntrack.ExpireWatcher() self.active_byte_counter = 0 # relayed byte counter for sessions active during last speed measurement self.closed_byte_counter = 0 # relayed byte counter for sessions closed after last speed measurement self.bps_relayed = 0 if RelayConfig.traffic_sampling_period > 0: self.speed_calculator = RecurrentCall(RelayConfig.traffic_sampling_period, self._measure_speed) else: self.speed_calculator = None reactor.addReader(self) def _measure_speed(self): start_time = time() current_byte_counter = sum(session.relayed_bytes for session in self.sessions.values()) self.bps_relayed = 8 * (current_byte_counter + self.closed_byte_counter - self.active_byte_counter) / RelayConfig.traffic_sampling_period self.active_byte_counter = current_byte_counter self.closed_byte_counter = 0 us_taken = int((time() - start_time) * 1000000) if us_taken > 10000: log.warning('Aggregate speed calculation time exceeded 10ms: %d us for %d sessions' % (us_taken, len(self.sessions))) return KeepRunning # implemented for IReadDescriptor def fileno(self): return self.watcher.fd def doRead(self): stream = self.watcher.read() if stream: stream.expired_func() def connectionLost(self, reason): reactor.removeReader(self) @property def broken_sessions(self): return set(session.call_id for session in self.sessions.values() if session.broken) # port management def get_ports(self): if len(self.bad_ports) > len(self.ports): log.debug('Excessive amount of bad ports, doing cleanup') self.ports.extend(self.bad_ports) self.bad_ports = deque() try: return self.ports.popleft() except IndexError: raise RelayPortsExhaustedError() def set_bad_ports(self, ports): self.bad_ports.append(ports) def free_ports(self, ports): self.ports.append(ports) # called by higher level def _find_session_key(self, call_id, from_tag, to_tag): key_from = (call_id, from_tag) if key_from in self.sessions: return key_from if to_tag: key_to = (call_id, to_tag) if key_to in self.sessions: return key_to return None def has_session(self, call_id, from_tag, to_tag=None, **kw): return any((call_id, tag) in self.sessions for tag in (from_tag, to_tag) if tag is not None) def update_session(self, dispatcher, call_id, from_tag, from_uri, to_uri, cseq, user_agent, type, media=[], to_tag=None, **kw): key = self._find_session_key(call_id, from_tag, to_tag) try: (signaling_ip, destination_ip) = kw['signaling_ip'].split("_") except ValueError: signaling_ip = kw['signaling_ip'] destination_ip = None if key: session = self.sessions[key] is_downstream = (session.from_tag != from_tag) ^ (type == 'request') is_caller_cseq = (session.from_tag == from_tag) session.update_media(cseq, to_tag, user_agent, media, is_downstream, is_caller_cseq) elif type == 'reply' and not media: return None else: is_downstream = type == 'request' is_caller_cseq = True session = Session(self, dispatcher, call_id, from_tag, from_uri, to_tag, to_uri, cseq, user_agent, media, is_downstream, is_caller_cseq, caller_ip=signaling_ip, destination_ip=destination_ip) self.sessions[(call_id, from_tag)] = session self.relay.add_session(dispatcher) return session.get_local_media(is_downstream, cseq, is_caller_cseq) def remove_session(self, call_id, from_tag, to_tag=None, **kw): key = self._find_session_key(call_id, from_tag, to_tag) try: session = self.sessions[key] except KeyError: log.warning('The dispatcher tried to remove a session which is no longer present on the relay') return None session.logger.info('removed') session.cleanup() self.closed_byte_counter += session.relayed_bytes del self.sessions[key] reactor.callLater(0, self.relay.remove_session, session.dispatcher) return session def session_expired(self, call_id, from_tag): key = (call_id, from_tag) try: session = self.sessions[key] except KeyError: log.warning('A session expired but is no longer present on the relay') return session.logger.info('expired') session.cleanup() self.closed_byte_counter += session.relayed_bytes del self.sessions[key] self.relay.session_expired(session) self.relay.remove_session(session.dispatcher) def cleanup(self): if self.speed_calculator is not None: self.speed_calculator.cancel() for key in list(self.sessions.keys()): self.session_expired(*key) @property def statistics(self): return [session.statistics for session in self.sessions.values()] @property def stream_count(self): stream_count = {} for session in self.sessions.values(): for stream in set(chain(*iter(session.streams.values()))): if stream.is_alive: stream_count[stream.media_type] = stream_count.get(stream.media_type, 0) + 1 return stream_count