diff --git a/xcap/dbutil.py b/xcap/dbutil.py index 47ade7f..80da08c 100644 --- a/xcap/dbutil.py +++ b/xcap/dbutil.py @@ -1,138 +1,139 @@ # Copyright (c) 2007-2010 AG Projects. See LICENSE for details. # """Database utilities""" import time import random from hashlib import md5 from twisted.enterprise import adbapi from twisted.python import reflect db_modules = {"mysql": "MySQLdb"} def make_random_etag(uri): return md5("%s%s%s" % (uri, time.time(), random.random())).hexdigest() def make_etag(uri, document): return md5("%s%s" % (uri, document)).hexdigest() def parseURI(uri): schema, rest = uri.split(':', 1) assert rest.startswith('//'), "DB URIs must start with scheme:// -- you did not include a / (in %r)" % rest rest = rest[2:] if rest.find('/') != -1: host, rest = rest.split('/', 1) else: raise ValueError("You MUST specify a database in the DB URI.") if host and host.find('@') != -1: user, host = host.split('@', 1) if user.find(':') != -1: user, password = user.split(':', 1) else: password = None if not user: raise ValueError("You MUST specify a user in the DB URI.") else: raise ValueError("You MUST specify a host in the DB URI.") if host and host.find(':') != -1: host, port = host.split(':') try: port = int(port) except ValueError: raise ValueError, "port must be integer, got '%s' instead" % port if not (1 <= port <= 65535): raise ValueError, "port must be integer in the range 1-65535, got '%d' instead" % port else: port = None db = rest return schema, user, password, host, port, db def connectionForURI(uri): """Return a Twisted adbapi connection pool for a given database URI.""" schema, user, password, host, port, db = parseURI(uri) try: module = db_modules[schema] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Database scheme '%s' is not supported." % schema) # Reconnecting is safe since we don't use transactions. # the following code prefers MySQLdb native reconnect if it's available, # falling back to twisted's cp_reconnect. # mysql's reconnect is preferred because it's better tested than twisted's # MySQLdb reconnect just works with version 1.2.2 it has been removed after kwargs = {} if module == 'MySQLdb': MySQLdb = reflect.namedModule(module) if MySQLdb.version_info[:3] == (1, 2, 2): kwargs.setdefault('reconnect', 1) kwargs.setdefault('host', host or 'localhost') + kwargs.setdefault('port', int(port or '3306')) kwargs.setdefault('user', user or '') kwargs.setdefault('passwd', password or '') kwargs.setdefault('db', db) args = () if 'reconnect' not in kwargs: # note that versions other than 1.2.2 of MySQLdb don't provide reconnect parameter. # hopefully, if underlying reconnect was enabled, twisted will never see # a disconnect and its reconnection code won't interfere. kwargs.setdefault('cp_reconnect', 1) kwargs.setdefault('cp_noisy', False) pool = adbapi.ConnectionPool(module, *args, **kwargs) pool.schema = schema return pool def repeat_on_error(N, errorinfo, func, *args, **kwargs): d = func(*args, **kwargs) counter = [N] def try_again(error): if isinstance(error.value, errorinfo) and counter[0]>0: counter[0] -= 1 d = func(*args, **kwargs) d.addErrback(try_again) return d return error d.addErrback(try_again) return d if __name__=='__main__': from twisted.internet import defer def s(): print 's()' return defer.succeed(True) def f(): print 'f()' return defer.fail(ZeroDivisionError()) def getcb(msg): def callback(x): print '%s callback: %r' % (msg, x) def errback(x): print '%s errback: %r' % (msg, x) return callback, errback # calls s()'s callback d = repeat_on_error(1, Exception, s) d.addCallbacks(*getcb('s')) # calls f() for 4 times (1+3), then gives up and calls last f()'s errback d = repeat_on_error(3, Exception, f) d.addCallbacks(*getcb('f')) x = Exception() x.lst = [f, f, s] def bad_func(): f, x.lst = x.lst[0], x.lst[1:] return f() d = repeat_on_error(1, Exception, bad_func) d.addCallbacks(*getcb('bad_func'))