diff --git a/sipsimple/core/_core.ua.pxi b/sipsimple/core/_core.ua.pxi index e9f4224c..7ffd82fd 100644 --- a/sipsimple/core/_core.ua.pxi +++ b/sipsimple/core/_core.ua.pxi @@ -1,1243 +1,1242 @@ import errno import heapq import re import random import sys import time import traceback import os import tempfile cdef class Timer: cdef int schedule(self, float delay, timer_callback callback, object obj) except -1: cdef PJSIPUA ua = _get_ua() if delay < 0: raise ValueError("delay must be a non-negative number") if callback == NULL: raise ValueError("callback must be non-NULL") if self._scheduled: raise RuntimeError("already scheduled") self.schedule_time = PyFloat_AsDouble(time.time() + delay) self.callback = callback self.obj = obj ua._add_timer(self) self._scheduled = 1 return 0 cdef int cancel(self) except -1: cdef PJSIPUA ua = _get_ua() if not self._scheduled: return 0 ua._remove_timer(self) self._scheduled = 0 return 0 cdef int call(self) except -1: self._scheduled = 0 self.callback(self.obj, self) def __richcmp__(self, other, op): cdef double diff if not isinstance(self, Timer) or not isinstance(other, Timer): return NotImplemented diff = (self).schedule_time - (other).schedule_time if op == 0: # < return diff < 0.0 elif op == 1: # <= return diff <= 0.0 elif op == 2: # == return diff == 0.0 elif op == 3: # != return diff != 0.0 elif op == 4: # > return diff > 0.0 elif op == 5: # >= return diff >= 0.0 return cdef class PJSIPUA: def __cinit__(self, *args, **kwargs): global _ua if _ua != NULL: raise SIPCoreError("Can only have one PJSUPUA instance at the same time") _ua = self self._threads = [] self._timers = list() self._events = {} self._incoming_events = set() self._incoming_requests = set() self._sent_messages = set() def __init__(self, event_handler, *args, **kwargs): global _event_queue_lock cdef object event cdef object method cdef list accept_types cdef int status cdef PJSTR message_method = PJSTR(b"MESSAGE") cdef PJSTR refer_method = PJSTR(b"REFER") cdef PJSTR str_norefersub = PJSTR(b"norefersub") cdef PJSTR str_gruu = PJSTR(b"gruu") self._event_handler = event_handler if kwargs["log_level"] < 0 or kwargs["log_level"] > PJ_LOG_MAX_LEVEL: raise ValueError("Log level should be between 0 and %d" % PJ_LOG_MAX_LEVEL) pj_log_set_level(kwargs["log_level"]) pj_log_set_decor(PJ_LOG_HAS_YEAR | PJ_LOG_HAS_MONTH | PJ_LOG_HAS_DAY_OF_MON | PJ_LOG_HAS_TIME | PJ_LOG_HAS_MICRO_SEC | PJ_LOG_HAS_SENDER | PJ_LOG_HAS_INDENT) pj_log_set_log_func(_cb_log) self._pjlib = PJLIB() pj_srand(random.getrandbits(32)) # rely on python seed for now self._caching_pool = PJCachingPool() self._pjmedia_endpoint = PJMEDIAEndpoint(self._caching_pool) self._pjsip_endpoint = PJSIPEndpoint(self._caching_pool, kwargs["ip_address"], kwargs["udp_port"], kwargs["tcp_port"], kwargs["tls_port"], kwargs["tls_verify_server"], kwargs["tls_ca_file"], kwargs["tls_cert_file"], kwargs["tls_privkey_file"], kwargs["tls_timeout"]) status = pj_mutex_create_simple(self._pjsip_endpoint._pool, "event_queue_lock", &_event_queue_lock) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not initialize event queue mutex", status) self._ip_address = kwargs["ip_address"].encode() if kwargs["ip_address"] else None self.codecs = list(codec.encode() for codec in kwargs["codecs"] if codec in self.available_codecs) self.video_codecs = list(codec.encode() for codec in kwargs["video_codecs"] if codec in self.available_video_codecs) self._module_name = PJSTR(b"mod-core") self._module.name = self._module_name.pj_str self._module.id = -1 self._module.priority = PJSIP_MOD_PRIORITY_APPLICATION self._module.on_rx_request = _PJSIPUA_cb_rx_request self._module.on_tsx_state = _Request_cb_tsx_state status = pjsip_endpt_register_module(self._pjsip_endpoint._obj, &self._module) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not load application module", status) status = pjsip_endpt_add_capability(self._pjsip_endpoint._obj, &self._module, PJSIP_H_ALLOW, NULL, 1, &message_method.pj_str) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not add MESSAGE method to supported methods", status) status = pjsip_endpt_add_capability(self._pjsip_endpoint._obj, &self._module, PJSIP_H_ALLOW, NULL, 1, &refer_method.pj_str) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not add REFER method to supported methods", status) status = pjsip_endpt_add_capability(self._pjsip_endpoint._obj, NULL, PJSIP_H_SUPPORTED, NULL, 1, &str_norefersub.pj_str) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not add 'norefsub' to Supported header", status) status = pjsip_endpt_add_capability(self._pjsip_endpoint._obj, NULL, PJSIP_H_SUPPORTED, NULL, 1, &str_gruu.pj_str) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not add 'gruu' to Supported header", status) self._opus_fix_module_name = PJSTR(b"mod-core-opus-fix") self._opus_fix_module.name = self._opus_fix_module_name.pj_str self._opus_fix_module.id = -1 self._opus_fix_module.priority = PJSIP_MOD_PRIORITY_TRANSPORT_LAYER+1 self._opus_fix_module.on_rx_request = _cb_opus_fix_rx self._opus_fix_module.on_rx_response = _cb_opus_fix_rx self._opus_fix_module.on_tx_request = _cb_opus_fix_tx self._opus_fix_module.on_tx_response = _cb_opus_fix_tx status = pjsip_endpt_register_module(self._pjsip_endpoint._obj, &self._opus_fix_module) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not load opus-fix module", status) self._trace_module_name = PJSTR(b"mod-core-sip-trace") self._trace_module.name = self._trace_module_name.pj_str self._trace_module.id = -1 self._trace_module.priority = 0 self._trace_module.on_rx_request = _cb_trace_rx self._trace_module.on_rx_response = _cb_trace_rx self._trace_module.on_tx_request = _cb_trace_tx self._trace_module.on_tx_response = _cb_trace_tx status = pjsip_endpt_register_module(self._pjsip_endpoint._obj, &self._trace_module) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not load sip trace module", status) self._ua_tag_module_name = PJSTR(b"mod-core-ua-tag") self._ua_tag_module.name = self._ua_tag_module_name.pj_str self._ua_tag_module.id = -1 self._ua_tag_module.priority = PJSIP_MOD_PRIORITY_TRANSPORT_LAYER+1 self._ua_tag_module.on_tx_request = _cb_add_user_agent_hdr self._ua_tag_module.on_tx_response = _cb_add_server_hdr status = pjsip_endpt_register_module(self._pjsip_endpoint._obj, &self._ua_tag_module) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not load User-Agent/Server header tagging module", status) self._event_module_name = PJSTR(b"mod-core-events") self._event_module.name = self._event_module_name.pj_str self._event_module.id = -1 self._event_module.priority = PJSIP_MOD_PRIORITY_DIALOG_USAGE status = pjsip_endpt_register_module(self._pjsip_endpoint._obj, &self._event_module) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not load events module", status) self._trace_sip = int(bool(kwargs["trace_sip"])) self._detect_sip_loops = int(bool(kwargs["detect_sip_loops"])) self._enable_colorbar_device = int(bool(kwargs["enable_colorbar_device"])) self._user_agent = PJSTR(kwargs["user_agent"].encode()) self.rtp_port_range = kwargs["rtp_port_range"] self.zrtp_cache = kwargs["zrtp_cache"].encode() if kwargs["zrtp_cache"] else None status = pjmedia_aud_dev_set_observer_cb(_cb_audio_dev_process_event); if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not set audio_change callbacks", status) status = pj_rwmutex_create(self._pjsip_endpoint._pool, "ua_audio_change_rwlock", &self.audio_change_rwlock) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not initialize audio change rwmutex", status) status = pj_mutex_create_recursive(self._pjsip_endpoint._pool, "ua_video_lock", &self.video_lock) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not initialize video mutex", status) for event, accept_types in kwargs["events"].iteritems(): self.add_event(event, accept_types) for event in kwargs["incoming_events"]: if event not in self._events.keys(): raise ValueError('Event "%s" is not known' % event) self._incoming_events.add(event) for method in kwargs["incoming_requests"]: - if method in (b"ACK", b"BYE", b"INVITE", b"REFER", b"SUBSCRIBE"): + if method in ("ACK", "BYE", "INVITE", "REFER", "SUBSCRIBE"): raise ValueError('Handling incoming "%s" requests is not allowed' % method) - self._incoming_requests.add(method) - + self._incoming_requests.add(method.encode()) pj_stun_config_init(&self._stun_cfg, &self._caching_pool._obj.factory, 0, pjmedia_endpt_get_ioqueue(self._pjmedia_endpoint._obj), pjsip_endpt_get_timer_heap(self._pjsip_endpoint._obj)) property trace_sip: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return bool(self._trace_sip) def __set__(self, value): self._check_self() self._trace_sip = int(bool(value)) property detect_sip_loops: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return bool(self._detect_sip_loops) def __set__(self, value): self._check_self() self._detect_sip_loops = int(bool(value)) property enable_colorbar_device: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return bool(self._enable_colorbar_device) def __set__(self, value): self._check_self() self._enable_colorbar_device = int(bool(value)) self.refresh_video_devices() property events: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return self._events.copy() property ip_address: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return self._ip_address def add_event(self, object event, list accept_types): cdef pj_str_t event_pj cdef pj_str_t accept_types_pj[PJSIP_MAX_ACCEPT_COUNT] cdef int index cdef object accept_type cdef int accept_cnt = len(accept_types) cdef int status self._check_self() if accept_cnt == 0: raise SIPCoreError("Need at least one of accept_types") if accept_cnt > PJSIP_MAX_ACCEPT_COUNT: raise SIPCoreError("Too many accept_types") _str_to_pj_str(event, &event_pj) for index, accept_type in enumerate(accept_types): _str_to_pj_str(accept_type, &accept_types_pj[index]) status = pjsip_evsub_register_pkg(&self._event_module, &event_pj, 3600, accept_cnt, accept_types_pj) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not register event package", status) self._events[event] = accept_types[:] property incoming_events: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return self._incoming_events.copy() def add_incoming_event(self, object event): self._check_self() if event not in self._events.keys(): raise ValueError('Event "%s" is not known' % event) self._incoming_events.add(event) def remove_incoming_event(self, object event): self._check_self() if event not in self._events.keys(): raise ValueError('Event "%s" is not known' % event) self._incoming_events.discard(event) property incoming_requests: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return self._incoming_requests.copy() def add_incoming_request(self, object method): self._check_self() - if method in (b"ACK", b"BYE", b"INVITE", b"REFER", b"SUBSCRIBE"): + if method in ("ACK", "BYE", "INVITE", "REFER", "SUBSCRIBE"): raise ValueError('Handling incoming "%s" requests is not allowed' % method) - self._incoming_requests.add(method) + self._incoming_requests.add(method.encode()) def remove_incoming_request(self, object method): self._check_self() - if method in (b"ACK", b"BYE", b"INVITE", b"REFER", b"SUBSCRIBE"): + if method in ("ACK", "BYE", "INVITE", "REFER", "SUBSCRIBE"): raise ValueError('Handling incoming "%s" requests is not allowed' % method) - self._incoming_requests.discard(method) + self._incoming_requests.discard(method.encode()) cdef pj_pool_t* create_memory_pool(self, bytes name, int initial_size, int resize_size): cdef pj_pool_t *pool cdef char *c_pool_name cdef pjsip_endpoint *endpoint c_pool_name = name endpoint = self._pjsip_endpoint._obj with nogil: pool = pjsip_endpt_create_pool(endpoint, c_pool_name, initial_size, resize_size) if pool == NULL: raise SIPCoreError("Could not allocate memory pool") return pool cdef void release_memory_pool(self, pj_pool_t* pool): cdef pjsip_endpoint *endpoint endpoint = self._pjsip_endpoint._obj if pool != NULL: with nogil: pjsip_endpt_release_pool(endpoint, pool) cdef void reset_memory_pool(self, pj_pool_t* pool): if pool != NULL: with nogil: pj_pool_reset(pool) cdef object _get_sound_devices(self, int is_output): cdef int count cdef pjmedia_aud_dev_info info cdef list retval = list() cdef int status with nogil: status = pj_rwmutex_lock_read(self.audio_change_rwlock) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError('Could not acquire audio_change_rwlock', status) try: for i in range(pjmedia_aud_dev_count()): with nogil: status = pjmedia_aud_dev_get_info(i, &info) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not get audio device info", status) if is_output: count = info.output_count else: count = info.input_count if count: retval.append(decode_device_name(info.name)) return retval finally: pj_rwmutex_unlock_read(self.audio_change_rwlock) cdef object _get_default_sound_device(self, int is_output): cdef pjmedia_aud_dev_info info cdef int dev_id cdef int status with nogil: status = pj_rwmutex_lock_read(self.audio_change_rwlock) if status != 0: raise SIPCoreError('Could not acquire audio_change_rwlock', status) try: if is_output: dev_id = PJMEDIA_AUD_DEFAULT_PLAYBACK_DEV else: dev_id = PJMEDIA_AUD_DEFAULT_CAPTURE_DEV with nogil: status = pjmedia_aud_dev_get_info(dev_id, &info) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not get audio device info", status) return decode_device_name(info.name) finally: pj_rwmutex_unlock_read(self.audio_change_rwlock) property default_output_device: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return self._get_default_sound_device(1) property default_input_device: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return self._get_default_sound_device(0) property output_devices: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return self._get_sound_devices(1) property input_devices: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return self._get_sound_devices(0) property sound_devices: def __get__(self): self._check_self() cdef int count cdef pjmedia_aud_dev_info info cdef list retval = list() cdef int status with nogil: status = pj_rwmutex_lock_read(self.audio_change_rwlock) if status != 0: raise SIPCoreError('Could not acquire audio_change_rwlock', status) try: for i in range(pjmedia_aud_dev_count()): with nogil: status = pjmedia_aud_dev_get_info(i, &info) if status == 0: retval.append(decode_device_name(info.name)) return retval finally: pj_rwmutex_unlock_read(self.audio_change_rwlock) def refresh_sound_devices(self): self._check_self() cdef int status cdef dict event_dict self.old_devices = self.sound_devices with nogil: status = pj_rwmutex_lock_write(self.audio_change_rwlock) if status != 0: raise SIPCoreError('Could not acquire audio_change_rwlock', status) with nogil: pjmedia_aud_dev_refresh() status = pj_rwmutex_unlock_write(self.audio_change_rwlock) if status != 0: raise SIPCoreError('Could not release audio_change_rwlock', status) event_dict = dict() event_dict["old_devices"] = self.old_devices event_dict["new_devices"] = self.sound_devices _add_event("AudioDevicesDidChange", event_dict) cdef object _get_video_devices(self): cdef pjmedia_vid_dev_info info cdef list retval = list() cdef int direction cdef int status for i in range(pjmedia_vid_dev_count()): with nogil: status = pjmedia_vid_dev_get_info(i, &info) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not get video device info", status) direction = info.dir if direction in (PJMEDIA_DIR_CAPTURE, PJMEDIA_DIR_CAPTURE_PLAYBACK): if (not self._enable_colorbar_device and bytes(info.driver) == "Colorbar") or bytes(info.driver) == "Null": continue retval.append(decode_device_name(info.name)) return retval cdef object _get_default_video_device(self): cdef pjmedia_vid_dev_info info cdef int status with nogil: status = pjmedia_vid_dev_get_info(PJMEDIA_VID_DEFAULT_CAPTURE_DEV, &info) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not get default video device info", status) if (not self._enable_colorbar_device and bytes(info.driver) == "Colorbar") or bytes(info.driver) == "Null": raise SIPCoreError("Could not get default video device") return decode_device_name(info.name) def refresh_video_devices(self): self._check_self() cdef int status cdef dict event_dict self.old_video_devices = self.video_devices with nogil: pjmedia_vid_dev_refresh() event_dict = dict() event_dict["old_devices"] = self.old_video_devices event_dict["new_devices"] = self.video_devices _add_event("VideoDevicesDidChange", event_dict) property default_video_device: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return self._get_default_video_device() property video_devices: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return self._get_video_devices() property available_codecs: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return self._pjmedia_endpoint._get_all_codecs() property codecs: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return self._pjmedia_endpoint._get_current_codecs() def __set__(self, value): self._check_self() self._pjmedia_endpoint._set_codecs(value) property available_video_codecs: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return self._pjmedia_endpoint._get_all_video_codecs() property video_codecs: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return self._pjmedia_endpoint._get_current_video_codecs() def __set__(self, value): self._check_self() self._pjmedia_endpoint._set_video_codecs(value) property udp_port: def __get__(self): self._check_self() if self._pjsip_endpoint._udp_transport == NULL: return None return self._pjsip_endpoint._udp_transport.local_name.port def set_udp_port(self, value): cdef int port self._check_self() if value is None: if self._pjsip_endpoint._udp_transport == NULL: return self._pjsip_endpoint._stop_udp_transport() else: port = value if not (0 <= port <= 65535): raise ValueError("Not a valid UDP port: %d" % value) if self._pjsip_endpoint._udp_transport != NULL: if port == self._pjsip_endpoint._udp_transport.local_name.port: return self._pjsip_endpoint._stop_udp_transport() self._pjsip_endpoint._start_udp_transport(port) property tcp_port: def __get__(self): self._check_self() if self._pjsip_endpoint._tcp_transport == NULL: return None return self._pjsip_endpoint._tcp_transport.addr_name.port def set_tcp_port(self, value): cdef int port self._check_self() if value is None: if self._pjsip_endpoint._tcp_transport == NULL: return self._pjsip_endpoint._stop_tcp_transport() else: port = value if not (0 <= port <= 65535): raise ValueError("Not a valid TCP port: %d" % value) if self._pjsip_endpoint._tcp_transport != NULL: if port == self._pjsip_endpoint._tcp_transport.addr_name.port: return self._pjsip_endpoint._stop_tcp_transport() self._pjsip_endpoint._start_tcp_transport(port) property tls_port: def __get__(self): self._check_self() if self._pjsip_endpoint._tls_transport == NULL: return None return self._pjsip_endpoint._tls_transport.addr_name.port property rtp_port_range: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return (self._rtp_port_start, self._rtp_port_start + self._rtp_port_count) def __set__(self, value): cdef int _rtp_port_start cdef int _rtp_port_stop cdef int _rtp_port_count cdef int _rtp_port_usable_count cdef int port self._check_self() for port in value: if not (0 <= port <= 65535): raise SIPCoreError("RTP port range values should be between 0 and 65535") _rtp_port_start, _rtp_port_stop = value _rtp_port_count = _rtp_port_stop - _rtp_port_start _rtp_port_usable_count = _rtp_port_count - _rtp_port_count % 2 # we need an even number of ports, so we won't use the last one if an odd number is provided if _rtp_port_usable_count < 2: raise SIPCoreError("RTP port range should contain at least 2 ports") self._rtp_port_start = _rtp_port_start self._rtp_port_count = _rtp_port_count self._rtp_port_usable_count = _rtp_port_usable_count self._rtp_port_index = 0 property user_agent: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return self._user_agent.str def __set__(self, value): self._check_self() self._user_agent = PJSTR(b"value") property log_level: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return pj_log_get_level() def __set__(self, value): self._check_self() if value < 0 or value > PJ_LOG_MAX_LEVEL: raise ValueError("Log level should be between 0 and %d" % PJ_LOG_MAX_LEVEL) pj_log_set_level(value) property tls_verify_server: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return bool(self._pjsip_endpoint._tls_verify_server) property tls_ca_file: def __get__(self): self._check_self() if self._pjsip_endpoint._tls_ca_file is None: return None else: return self._pjsip_endpoint._tls_ca_file.str property tls_cert_file: def __get__(self): self._check_self() if self._pjsip_endpoint._tls_cert_file is None: return None else: return self._pjsip_endpoint._tls_cert_file.str property tls_privkey_file: def __get__(self): self._check_self() if self._pjsip_endpoint._tls_privkey_file is None: return None else: return self._pjsip_endpoint._tls_privkey_file.str property tls_timeout: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return self._pjsip_endpoint._tls_timeout def set_tls_options(self, port=None, verify_server=False, ca_file=None, cert_file=None, privkey_file=None, int timeout=3000): cdef int c_port self._check_self() if port is None: if self._pjsip_endpoint._tls_transport == NULL: return self._pjsip_endpoint._stop_tls_transport() else: c_port = port if not (0 <= c_port <= 65535): raise ValueError("Not a valid TCP port: %d" % port) if ca_file is not None and not os.path.isfile(ca_file): raise ValueError("Cannot find the specified CA file: %s" % ca_file) if cert_file is not None and not os.path.isfile(cert_file): raise ValueError("Cannot find the specified certificate file: %s" % cert_file) if privkey_file is not None and not os.path.isfile(privkey_file): raise ValueError("Cannot find the specified private key file: %s" % privkey_file) if timeout < 0: raise ValueError("Invalid TLS timeout value: %d" % timeout) if self._pjsip_endpoint._tls_transport != NULL: self._pjsip_endpoint._stop_tls_transport() self._pjsip_endpoint._tls_verify_server = int(bool(verify_server)) if ca_file is None: self._pjsip_endpoint._tls_ca_file = None else: self._pjsip_endpoint._tls_ca_file = PJSTR(ca_file.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())) if cert_file is None: self._pjsip_endpoint._tls_cert_file = None else: self._pjsip_endpoint._tls_cert_file = PJSTR(cert_file.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())) if privkey_file is None: self._pjsip_endpoint._tls_privkey_file = None else: self._pjsip_endpoint._tls_privkey_file = PJSTR(privkey_file.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())) self._pjsip_endpoint._tls_timeout = timeout self._pjsip_endpoint._start_tls_transport(c_port) def detect_nat_type(self, stun_server_address, stun_server_port=PJ_STUN_PORT, object user_data=None): cdef pj_str_t stun_server_address_pj cdef pj_sockaddr_in stun_server cdef int status self._check_self() if not _is_valid_ip(pj_AF_INET(), stun_server_address.encode()): raise ValueError("Not a valid IPv4 address: %s" % stun_server_address) _str_to_pj_str(stun_server_address.encode(), &stun_server_address_pj) status = pj_sockaddr_in_init(&stun_server, &stun_server_address_pj, stun_server_port) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not init STUN server address", status) status = pj_stun_detect_nat_type(&stun_server, &self._stun_cfg, user_data, _cb_detect_nat_type) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not start NAT type detection", status) Py_INCREF(user_data) def set_nameservers(self, list nameservers): self._check_self() return self._pjsip_endpoint._set_dns_nameservers([n for n in nameservers if _re_ipv4.match(n)]) def set_h264_options(self, profile, level): self._check_self() self._pjmedia_endpoint._set_h264_options(str(profile), int(level.replace('.', ''))) def set_video_options(self, max_resolution, int max_framerate, object max_bitrate): self._check_self() self._pjmedia_endpoint._set_video_options(tuple(max_resolution), max_framerate, max_bitrate or 0.0) property zrtp_cache: def __get__(self): self._check_self() return self._zrtp_cache def __set__(self, value): self._check_self() if value is None: value = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'zrtp_cache_%d.db' % os.getpid()) self._zrtp_cache = value def __dealloc__(self): self.dealloc() def dealloc(self): global _ua, _dealloc_handler_queue, _event_queue_lock if _ua == NULL: return self._check_thread() pjmedia_aud_dev_set_observer_cb(NULL) if self.audio_change_rwlock != NULL: pj_rwmutex_destroy(self.audio_change_rwlock) self.audio_change_rwlock = NULL if self.video_lock != NULL: pj_mutex_destroy(self.video_lock) self.video_lock = NULL _process_handler_queue(self, &_dealloc_handler_queue) if _event_queue_lock != NULL: pj_mutex_lock(_event_queue_lock) pj_mutex_destroy(_event_queue_lock) _event_queue_lock = NULL self._pjsip_endpoint = None self._pjmedia_endpoint = None self._caching_pool = None self._pjlib = None _ua = NULL self._poll_log() cdef int _poll_log(self) except -1: cdef object event_name cdef dict event_params cdef list events events = _get_clear_event_queue() for event_name, event_params in events: self._event_handler(event_name, **event_params) def poll(self): global _post_poll_handler_queue cdef int status cdef double now cdef object retval = None cdef float max_timeout cdef pj_time_val pj_max_timeout cdef list timers cdef Timer timer self._check_self() max_timeout = 0.100 while self._timers: if not (self._timers[0])._scheduled: # timer was cancelled heapq.heappop(self._timers) else: max_timeout = min(max((self._timers[0]).schedule_time - time.time(), 0.0), max_timeout) break pj_max_timeout.sec = int(max_timeout) pj_max_timeout.msec = int(max_timeout * 1000) % 1000 with nogil: status = pjsip_endpt_handle_events(self._pjsip_endpoint._obj, &pj_max_timeout) IF UNAME_SYSNAME == "Darwin": if status not in [0, PJ_ERRNO_START_SYS + errno.EBADF]: raise PJSIPError("Error while handling events", status) ELSE: if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Error while handling events", status) _process_handler_queue(self, &_post_poll_handler_queue) timers = list() now = time.time() while self._timers: if not (self._timers[0])._scheduled: # timer was cancelled heapq.heappop(self._timers) elif (self._timers[0]).schedule_time <= now: # timer needs to be processed timer = heapq.heappop(self._timers) timers.append(timer) else: break for timer in timers: timer.call() self._poll_log() if self._fatal_error: return True else: return False cdef int _handle_exception(self, int is_fatal) except -1: cdef object exc_type cdef object exc_val cdef object exc_tb exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() if is_fatal: self._fatal_error = is_fatal _add_event("SIPEngineGotException", dict(type=exc_type, value=exc_val, traceback="".join(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)))) return 0 cdef int _check_self(self) except -1: global _ua if _ua == NULL: raise SIPCoreError("The PJSIPUA is no longer running") self._check_thread() cdef int _check_thread(self) except -1: if not pj_thread_is_registered(): self._threads.append(PJSIPThread()) return 0 cdef int _add_timer(self, Timer timer) except -1: heapq.heappush(self._timers, timer) return 0 cdef int _remove_timer(self, Timer timer) except -1: # Don't remove it from the heap, just mark it as not scheduled timer._scheduled = 0 return 0 cdef int _cb_rx_request(self, pjsip_rx_data *rdata) except 0: global _event_hdr_name cdef int status cdef int bad_request cdef pjsip_tx_data *tdata = NULL cdef pjsip_hdr_ptr_const hdr_add cdef IncomingRequest request cdef Invitation inv cdef IncomingSubscription sub cdef IncomingReferral ref cdef list extra_headers cdef dict event_dict cdef dict message_params cdef pj_str_t tsx_key cdef pjsip_via_hdr *top_via cdef pjsip_via_hdr *via cdef pjsip_transaction *tsx = NULL cdef unsigned int options = PJSIP_INV_SUPPORT_100REL cdef pjsip_event_hdr *event_hdr cdef object method_name = _pj_str_to_bytes(rdata.msg_info.msg.line.req.method.name) if method_name != b"ACK": if self._detect_sip_loops: # Temporarily trick PJSIP into believing the last Via header is actually the first top_via = via = rdata.msg_info.via while True: rdata.msg_info.via = via via = pjsip_msg_find_hdr(rdata.msg_info.msg, PJSIP_H_VIA, ( via).next) if via == NULL: break status = pjsip_tsx_create_key(rdata.tp_info.pool, &tsx_key, PJSIP_ROLE_UAC, &rdata.msg_info.msg.line.req.method, rdata) rdata.msg_info.via = top_via if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not generate transaction key for incoming request", status) tsx = pjsip_tsx_layer_find_tsx(&tsx_key, 0) if tsx != NULL: status = pjsip_endpt_create_response(self._pjsip_endpoint._obj, rdata, 482, NULL, &tdata) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not create response", status) elif method_name in self._incoming_requests: request = IncomingRequest() request.init(self, rdata) elif method_name == b"OPTIONS": status = pjsip_endpt_create_response(self._pjsip_endpoint._obj, rdata, 200, NULL, &tdata) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not create response", status) for hdr_type in [PJSIP_H_ALLOW, PJSIP_H_ACCEPT, PJSIP_H_SUPPORTED]: hdr_add = pjsip_endpt_get_capability(self._pjsip_endpoint._obj, hdr_type, NULL) if hdr_add != NULL: pjsip_msg_add_hdr(tdata.msg, pjsip_hdr_clone(tdata.pool, hdr_add)) elif method_name == b"INVITE": status = pjsip_inv_verify_request(rdata, &options, NULL, NULL, self._pjsip_endpoint._obj, &tdata) if status == 0: inv = Invitation() inv.init_incoming(self, rdata, options) elif method_name == b"SUBSCRIBE": event_hdr = pjsip_msg_find_hdr_by_name(rdata.msg_info.msg, &_event_hdr_name.pj_str, NULL) if event_hdr == NULL or _pj_str_to_bytes(event_hdr.event_type) not in self._incoming_events: status = pjsip_endpt_create_response(self._pjsip_endpoint._obj, rdata, 489, NULL, &tdata) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not create response", status) else: sub = IncomingSubscription() sub.init(self, rdata, _pj_str_to_bytes(event_hdr.event_type)) elif method_name == b"REFER": ref = IncomingReferral() ref.init(self, rdata) elif method_name == b"MESSAGE": bad_request = 0 extra_headers = list() message_params = dict() event_dict = dict() _pjsip_msg_to_dict(rdata.msg_info.msg, event_dict) message_params["request_uri"] = event_dict["request_uri"] message_params["from_header"] = event_dict["headers"].get("From", None) message_params["to_header"] = event_dict["headers"].get("To", None) message_params["headers"] = event_dict["headers"] message_params["body"] = event_dict["body"] content_type = message_params["headers"].get("Content-Type", None) if content_type is not None: message_params["content_type"] = content_type.content_type if message_params["headers"].get("Content-Length", 0) > 0 and message_params["body"] is None: bad_request = 1 extra_headers.append(WarningHeader(399, "local", "Missing body")) else: message_params["content_type"] = None if message_params["headers"].get("Content-Length", 0) > 0 and message_params["body"] is None: bad_request = 1 extra_headers.append(WarningHeader(399, "local", "Missing Content-Type header")) if bad_request: status = pjsip_endpt_create_response(self._pjsip_endpoint._obj, rdata, 400, NULL, &tdata) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not create response", status) _add_headers_to_tdata(tdata, extra_headers) else: _add_event("SIPEngineGotMessage", message_params) status = pjsip_endpt_create_response(self._pjsip_endpoint._obj, rdata, 200, NULL, &tdata) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not create response", status) elif method_name != b"ACK": status = pjsip_endpt_create_response(self._pjsip_endpoint._obj, rdata, 405, NULL, &tdata) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Could not create response", status) if tdata != NULL: status = pjsip_endpt_send_response2(self._pjsip_endpoint._obj, rdata, tdata, NULL, NULL) if status != 0: pjsip_tx_data_dec_ref(tdata) raise PJSIPError("Could not send response", status) return 1 cdef class PJSIPThread: def __cinit__(self): str_id = "python_%d" % id(self) cdef object thread_name = str_id.encode() cdef int status status = pj_thread_register(thread_name, self._thread_desc, &self._obj) if status != 0: raise PJSIPError("Error while registering thread", status) # callback functions cdef void _cb_audio_dev_process_event(pjmedia_aud_dev_event event) with gil: cdef PJSIPUA ua event_dict = dict() try: ua = _get_ua() except: return try: if event in (PJMEDIA_AUD_DEV_DEFAULT_INPUT_CHANGED, PJMEDIA_AUD_DEV_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_CHANGED): event_dict["changed_input"] = event == PJMEDIA_AUD_DEV_DEFAULT_INPUT_CHANGED event_dict["changed_output"] = event == PJMEDIA_AUD_DEV_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_CHANGED _add_event("DefaultAudioDeviceDidChange", event_dict) elif event == PJMEDIA_AUD_DEV_LIST_WILL_REFRESH: ua.old_devices = ua.sound_devices with nogil: status = pj_rwmutex_lock_write(ua.audio_change_rwlock) if status != 0: raise SIPCoreError('Could not acquire audio_change_rwlock for writing', status) elif event == PJMEDIA_AUD_DEV_LIST_DID_REFRESH: with nogil: status = pj_rwmutex_unlock_write(ua.audio_change_rwlock) if status != 0: raise SIPCoreError('Could not release the audio_change_rwlock', status) event_dict["old_devices"] = ua.old_devices event_dict["new_devices"] = ua.sound_devices _add_event("AudioDevicesDidChange", event_dict) except: ua._handle_exception(1) cdef void _cb_detect_nat_type(void *user_data, pj_stun_nat_detect_result_ptr_const res) with gil: cdef PJSIPUA ua cdef dict event_dict cdef object user_data_obj = user_data Py_DECREF(user_data_obj) try: ua = _get_ua() except: return try: event_dict = dict() event_dict["succeeded"] = res.status == 0 event_dict["user_data"] = user_data_obj if res.status == 0: event_dict["nat_type"] = res.nat_type_name else: event_dict["error"] = res.status_text _add_event("SIPEngineDetectedNATType", event_dict) except: ua._handle_exception(0) cdef int _PJSIPUA_cb_rx_request(pjsip_rx_data *rdata) with gil: cdef PJSIPUA ua try: ua = _get_ua() except: return 0 try: return ua._cb_rx_request(rdata) except: ua._handle_exception(0) cdef int _cb_opus_fix_tx(pjsip_tx_data *tdata) with gil: cdef PJSIPUA ua cdef pjsip_msg_body *body cdef pjsip_msg_body *new_body cdef pjmedia_sdp_session *sdp cdef pjmedia_sdp_media *media cdef pjmedia_sdp_attr *attr cdef pj_str_t new_value try: ua = _get_ua() except: return 0 try: if tdata != NULL and tdata.msg != NULL: body = tdata.msg.body if body != NULL and _pj_str_to_str(body.content_type.type).lower() == "application" and _pj_str_to_str(body.content_type.subtype).lower() == "sdp": new_body = pjsip_msg_body_clone(tdata.pool, body) sdp = new_body.data for i in range(sdp.media_count): media = sdp.media[i] if _pj_str_to_str(media.desc.media).lower() != "audio": continue for j in range(media.attr_count): attr = media.attr[j] if _pj_str_to_str(attr.name).lower() != "rtpmap": continue attr_value = _pj_str_to_str(attr.value).lower() pos = attr_value.find("opus") if pos == -1: continue # this is the opus rtpmap attribute opus_line = attr_value[:pos] + "opus/48000/2" opus_line = opus_line.encode() new_value.slen = len(opus_line) new_value.ptr = pj_pool_alloc(tdata.pool, new_value.slen) memcpy(new_value.ptr, PyBytes_AsString(opus_line), new_value.slen) attr.value = new_value break tdata.msg.body = new_body except: ua._handle_exception(0) return 0 cdef int _cb_opus_fix_rx(pjsip_rx_data *rdata) with gil: cdef PJSIPUA ua cdef pjsip_msg_body *body cdef int pos1 cdef int pos2 cdef char *body_ptr try: ua = _get_ua() except: return 0 try: if rdata != NULL and rdata.msg_info.msg != NULL: body = rdata.msg_info.msg.body if body != NULL and _pj_str_to_str(body.content_type.type).lower() == "application" and _pj_str_to_str(body.content_type.subtype).lower() == "sdp": body_ptr = body.data body_str = _pj_buf_len_to_str(body_ptr, body.len).decode().lower() pos1 = body_str.find("opus/48000") if pos1 != -1: pos2 = body_str.find("opus/48000/2") if pos2 != -1: memcpy(body_ptr + pos2 + 11, b'1', 1) else: # old opus, we must make it fail memcpy(body_ptr + pos1 + 5, b'XXXXX', 5) except: ua._handle_exception(0) return 0 cdef int _cb_trace_rx(pjsip_rx_data *rdata) with gil: cdef PJSIPUA ua try: ua = _get_ua() except: return 0 try: if ua._trace_sip: _add_event("SIPEngineSIPTrace", dict(received=True, source_ip=rdata.pkt_info.src_name.decode(), source_port=rdata.pkt_info.src_port, destination_ip=_pj_str_to_str(rdata.tp_info.transport.local_name.host), destination_port=rdata.tp_info.transport.local_name.port, data=_pj_buf_len_to_str(rdata.pkt_info.packet, rdata.pkt_info.len), transport=rdata.tp_info.transport.type_name.decode())) except: ua._handle_exception(0) return 0 cdef int _cb_trace_tx(pjsip_tx_data *tdata) with gil: cdef PJSIPUA ua try: ua = _get_ua() except: return 0 try: if ua._trace_sip: _add_event("SIPEngineSIPTrace", dict(received=False, source_ip=_pj_str_to_str(tdata.tp_info.transport.local_name.host), source_port=tdata.tp_info.transport.local_name.port, destination_ip=tdata.tp_info.dst_name.decode(), destination_port=tdata.tp_info.dst_port, data=_pj_buf_len_to_str(tdata.buf.start, tdata.buf.cur - tdata.buf.start), transport=tdata.tp_info.transport.type_name.decode())) except: ua._handle_exception(0) return 0 cdef int _cb_add_user_agent_hdr(pjsip_tx_data *tdata) with gil: cdef PJSIPUA ua cdef pjsip_hdr *hdr cdef void *found_hdr try: ua = _get_ua() except: return 0 try: found_hdr = pjsip_msg_find_hdr_by_name(tdata.msg, &_user_agent_hdr_name.pj_str, NULL) if found_hdr == NULL: hdr = pjsip_generic_string_hdr_create(tdata.pool, &_user_agent_hdr_name.pj_str, &ua._user_agent.pj_str) if hdr == NULL: raise SIPCoreError('Could not add "User-Agent" header to outgoing request') pjsip_msg_add_hdr(tdata.msg, hdr) except: ua._handle_exception(0) return 0 cdef int _cb_add_server_hdr(pjsip_tx_data *tdata) with gil: cdef PJSIPUA ua cdef pjsip_hdr *hdr cdef void *found_hdr try: ua = _get_ua() except: return 0 try: found_hdr = pjsip_msg_find_hdr_by_name(tdata.msg, &_server_hdr_name.pj_str, NULL) if found_hdr == NULL: hdr = pjsip_generic_string_hdr_create(tdata.pool, &_server_hdr_name.pj_str, &ua._user_agent.pj_str) if hdr == NULL: raise SIPCoreError('Could not add "Server" header to outgoing response') pjsip_msg_add_hdr(tdata.msg, hdr) except: ua._handle_exception(0) return 0 # functions cdef PJSIPUA _get_ua(): global _ua cdef PJSIPUA ua if _ua == NULL: raise SIPCoreError("PJSIPUA is not instantiated") ua = _ua ua._check_thread() return ua cdef int deallocate_weakref(object weak_ref, object timer) except -1 with gil: Py_DECREF(weak_ref) # globals cdef void *_ua = NULL cdef PJSTR _user_agent_hdr_name = PJSTR(b"User-Agent") cdef PJSTR _server_hdr_name = PJSTR(b"Server") cdef PJSTR _event_hdr_name = PJSTR(b"Event") cdef object _re_ipv4 = re.compile(r"^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$")