diff --git a/app/app.js b/app/app.js index 69658ea..d4561b7 100644 --- a/app/app.js +++ b/app/app.js @@ -1,6072 +1,6074 @@ // copyright AG Projects 2020-2021 import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react'; import { Alert, View, SafeAreaView, ImageBackground, AppState, Linking, Platform, StyleSheet, Vibration, PermissionsAndroid} from 'react-native'; import { DeviceEventEmitter, BackHandler } from 'react-native'; import { Provider as PaperProvider, DefaultTheme } from 'react-native-paper'; import { registerGlobals } from 'react-native-webrtc'; import { Router, Route, Link, Switch } from 'react-router-native'; import history from './history'; import Logger from "../Logger"; import autoBind from 'auto-bind'; import { firebase } from '@react-native-firebase/messaging'; import VoipPushNotification from 'react-native-voip-push-notification'; import uuid from 'react-native-uuid'; import { getUniqueId, getBundleId, isTablet, getPhoneNumber} from 'react-native-device-info'; import RNDrawOverlay from 'react-native-draw-overlay'; import PushNotificationIOS from "@react-native-community/push-notification-ios"; import Contacts from 'react-native-contacts'; import BackgroundTimer from 'react-native-background-timer'; import DeepLinking from 'react-native-deep-linking'; import base64 from 'react-native-base64'; import SoundPlayer from 'react-native-sound-player'; import RNSimpleCrypto from "react-native-simple-crypto"; import OpenPGP from "react-native-fast-openpgp"; registerGlobals(); import * as sylkrtc from 'react-native-sylkrtc'; import InCallManager from 'react-native-incall-manager'; import RNCallKeep, { CONSTANTS as CK_CONSTANTS } from 'react-native-callkeep'; import RegisterBox from './components/RegisterBox'; import ReadyBox from './components/ReadyBox'; import Call from './components/Call'; import Conference from './components/Conference'; import FooterBox from './components/FooterBox'; import StatusBox from './components/StatusBox'; import ImportPrivateKeyModal from './components/ImportPrivateKeyModal'; import IncomingCallModal from './components/IncomingCallModal'; import LogsModal from './components/LogsModal'; import NotificationCenter from './components/NotificationCenter'; import LoadingScreen from './components/LoadingScreen'; import NavigationBar from './components/NavigationBar'; import Preview from './components/Preview'; import CallManager from './CallManager'; import SQLite from 'react-native-sqlite-storage'; //SQLite.DEBUG(true); SQLite.enablePromise(true); import xss from 'xss'; import moment from 'moment'; import momentFormat from 'moment-duration-format'; import utils from './utils'; import config from './config'; import storage from './storage'; var randomString = require('random-string'); const RNFS = require('react-native-fs'); const logfile = RNFS.DocumentDirectoryPath + '/logs.txt'; import styles from './assets/styles/blink/root.scss'; const backgroundImage = require('./assets/images/dark_linen.png'); const logger = new Logger("App"); function checkIosPermissions() { return new Promise(resolve => PushNotificationIOS.checkPermissions(resolve)); } const KeyOptions = { cipher: "aes256", compression: "zlib", hash: "sha512", RSABits: 4096, compressionLevel: 5 } const theme = { ...DefaultTheme, dark: true, roundness: 2, colors: { ...DefaultTheme.colors, primary: '#337ab7', // accent: '#f1c40f', }, }; const URL_SCHEMES = [ 'sylk://', ]; const ONE_SECOND_IN_MS = 1000; const VIBRATION_PATTERN = [ 1 * ONE_SECOND_IN_MS, 1 * ONE_SECOND_IN_MS, 4 * ONE_SECOND_IN_MS ]; let bundleId = `${getBundleId()}`; const deviceId = getUniqueId(); const version = '1.0.0'; const MAX_LOG_LINES = 300; if (Platform.OS == 'ios') { bundleId = `${bundleId}.${__DEV__ ? 'dev' : 'prod'}`; //bundleId = 'com.agprojects.sylk-ios.dev'; } const mainStyle = StyleSheet.create({ MainContainer: { flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', margin: 0 } }); function _parseSQLDate(key, value) { return new Date(value); } (function() { if ( typeof Object.id == "undefined" ) { var id = 0; Object.id = function(o) { if ( o && typeof o.__uniqueid == "undefined" ) { Object.defineProperty(o, "__uniqueid", { value: ++id, enumerable: false, // This could go either way, depending on your // interpretation of what an "id" is writable: false }); } return o ? o.__uniqueid : null; }; } })(); const requestCameraPermission = async () => { if (Platform.OS !== 'android') { return; } try { const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.request( PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.CAMERA, { title: "Sylk camera permission", message: "Sylk needs access to your camera " + "so you can have video chat.", buttonNeutral: "Ask Me Later", buttonNegative: "Cancel", buttonPositive: "OK" } ); if (granted === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED) { //console.log("You can use the camera"); } else { console.log("Camera permission denied"); } } catch (err) { console.warn(err); } try { const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.request( PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.RECORD_AUDIO, { title: "Sylk microphone permission", message: "Sylk needs access to your microphone " + "so you can have audio calls.", buttonNeutral: "Ask Me Later", buttonNegative: "Cancel", buttonPositive: "OK" } ); if (granted === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED) { //console.log("You can use the microphone"); } else { console.log("Microphone permission denied"); } } catch (err) { console.warn(err); } }; class Sylk extends Component { constructor() { super(); autoBind(this) this._loaded = false; this._initialState = { appState: null, autoLogin: true, inFocus: false, accountId: '', password: '', displayName: '', organization: '', account: null, registrationState: null, registrationKeepalive: false, incomingCall: null, currentCall: null, connection: null, showIncomingModal: false, showScreenSharingModal: false, status: null, targetUri: '', missedTargetUri: '', loading: null, syncCoversations: false, localMedia: null, generatedVideoTrack: false, contacts: [], devices: {}, speakerPhoneEnabled: null, orientation : 'portrait', Height_Layout : '', Width_Layout : '', outgoingCallUUID: null, incomingCallUUID: null, hardware: '', phoneNumber: '', isTablet: isTablet(), refreshHistory: false, refreshFavorites: false, myPhoneNumber: null, localHistory: [], favoriteUris: [], blockedUris: [], initialUrl: null, reconnectingCall: false, muted: false, participantsToInvite: [], myInvitedParties: {}, myContacts: {}, defaultDomain: config.defaultDomain, declineReason: null, showLogsModal: false, logs: '', proximityEnabled: true, messages: {}, selectedContact: null, callsState: {}, keys: null, showImportPrivateKeyModal: false, privateKey: null, privateKeyImportStatus: '', privateKeyImportSuccess: false, inviteContacts: false, selectedContacts: [], pinned: false, callContact: null, messageLimit: 100, messageZoomFactor: 1, messageStart: 0 }; utils.timestampedLog('Init app'); this.syncTimer = null; this.lastSyncedMessageId = null; this.outgoingMedia = null; this.participantsToInvite = []; this.tokenSent = false; this.mustLogout = false; this.currentRoute = null; this.pushtoken = null; this.pushkittoken = null; this.intercomDtmfTone = null; this.registrationFailureTimer = null; this.contacts = []; this.startedByPush = false; this.heartbeats = 0; this.sql_contacts_keys = []; this._onFinishedPlayingSubscription = null this._onFinishedLoadingSubscription = null this._onFinishedLoadingFileSubscription = null this._onFinishedLoadingURLSubscription = null this.sync_pending_items = []; this.cachedHistory = []; // used for caching server history this.state = Object.assign({}, this._initialState); this.myParticipants = {}; this.mySyncJournal = {}; this._historyConferenceParticipants = new Map(); // for saving to local history this._terminatedCalls = new Map(); this.__notificationCenter = null; this.redirectTo = null; this.prevPath = null; this.shouldUseHashRouting = false; this.goToReadyTimer = null; this.msg_sound_played_ts = null; storage.initialize(); this.callKeeper = new CallManager(RNCallKeep, this.acceptCall, this.rejectCall, this.hangupCall, this.timeoutCall, this.callKeepStartConference, this.startCallFromCallKeeper, this.toggleMute, this.getConnection, this.addConferenceHistoryEntry, this.changeRoute, this.respawnConnection, this.isUnmounted ); if (InCallManager.recordPermission !== 'granted') { InCallManager.requestRecordPermission() .then((requestedRecordPermissionResult) => { //console.log("InCallManager.requestRecordPermission() requestedRecordPermissionResult: ", requestedRecordPermissionResult); }) .catch((err) => { //console.log("InCallManager.requestRecordPermission() catch: ", err); }); } requestCameraPermission(); // Load camera/mic preferences storage.get('devices').then((devices) => { if (devices) { this.setState({devices: devices}); } }); storage.get('history').then((history) => { if (history) { //console.log('Loaded', history.length, 'local history entries'); this.setState({localHistory: history}); } else { //console.log('Loaded 0 local history entries'); } }); storage.get('keys').then((keys) => { if (keys) { const public_key = keys.public.replace(/\r/g,''); const private_key = keys.private.replace(/\r/g, '').trim(); keys.public = public_key; keys.private = private_key; this.setState({keys: keys}); console.log("Loaded PGP public key"); } }).catch((err) => { console.log("PGP keys loading error:", err); }); storage.get('cachedHistory').then((history) => { if (history) { //console.log('Loaded', history.length, 'cached history entries'); this.cachedHistory = history; } }); storage.get('myParticipants').then((myParticipants) => { if (myParticipants) { this.myParticipants = myParticipants; //console.log('My participants', this.myParticipants); } }); storage.get('mySyncJournal').then((mySyncJournal) => { if (mySyncJournal) { this.mySyncJournal = mySyncJournal; } }); storage.get('lastSyncedMessageId').then((lastSyncedMessageId) => { if (lastSyncedMessageId) { this.lastSyncedMessageId = lastSyncedMessageId; } }); storage.get('proximityEnabled').then((proximityEnabled) => { this.setState({proximityEnabled: proximityEnabled}); }); if (this.state.proximityEnabled) { utils.timestampedLog('Proximity sensor enabled'); } else { utils.timestampedLog('Proximity sensor disabled'); } this.loadPeople(); for (let scheme of URL_SCHEMES) { DeepLinking.addScheme(scheme); } this.sqlTableVersions = {'messages': 2, 'contacts': 2, 'keys': 1} this.updateTableQueries = {'messages': {1: [], 2: ['delete from messages']}, 'contacts': {2: ['alter table contacts add column participants TEXT']}, 'keys': {1: []} }; this.db = null; this.initSQL(); } async saveKeySql(keys) { this.setState({keys: {private: keys.private, public: keys.public}}); if (this.state.account) { this.state.account.syncConversations(); } let current_datetime = new Date(); const unixTime = Math.floor(current_datetime / 1000); let params = [this.state.accountId, keys.private, keys.public, unixTime]; await this.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO keys (account, private_key, public_key, timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", params).then((result) => { console.log('SQL inserted private key'); }).catch((error) => { if (error.message.indexOf('UNIQUE constraint failed') > -1) { this.updateKeySql(keys); } else { console.log('Save keys SQL error:', error); } }); } async updateKeySql(keys) { let current_datetime = new Date(); const unixTime = Math.floor(current_datetime / 1000); let params = [keys.private, keys.public, unixTime, this.state.accountId]; await this.ExecuteQuery("update keys set private_key = ?, public_key = ?, timestamp = ? where account = ?", params).then((result) => { console.log('SQL updated private key'); }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL error:', error); }); } loadKeysFromSQL() { let keys = {}; this.ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM keys where account = ?",[this.state.accountId]).then((results) => { let rows = results.rows; if (rows.length === 1) { var item = rows.item(0); keys.public = item.public_key; keys.private = item.private_key; console.log('Loaded private key from SQL database'); this.setState({keys: keys}); } else { if (this.state.keys && this.state.keys.private) { this.saveKeySql(this.state.keys); console.log('Migrated private keys to SQL storage'); //storage.remove('keys'); } else { if (!this.lastSyncedMessageId || !this.state.keys) { this.setState({showImportPrivateKeyModal: !this.state.showImportPrivateKeyModal}) } //this.generateKeys(); } } }); } async generateKeys(force=false) { if (this.state.keys && this.state.keys.public.indexOf('-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----') > -1 && !force) { return; } const Options = { comment: 'Sylk key', email: this.state.accountId, name: this.state.displayName || this.state.accountId, keyOptions: KeyOptions } console.log('Generating key pair with options', Options); await OpenPGP.generate(Options).then((keys) => { const public_key = keys.publicKey.replace(/\r/g, '').trim(); const private_key = keys.privateKey.replace(/\r/g, '').trim(); keys.public = public_key; keys.private = private_key; console.log("PGP keypair generated"); this.saveKeySql(keys); }).catch((error) => { console.log("PGP keys generation error:", error); }); } loadSylkContacts() { let myContacts = {}; let blockedUris = []; let favoriteUris = []; let myInvitedParties = {}; this.ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM contacts",[]).then((results) => { let rows = results.rows; if (rows.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var item = rows.item(i); this.sql_contacts_keys.push(item.uri); myContacts[item.uri] = this.newContact(item.uri); myContacts[item.uri].name = item.name; myContacts[item.uri].organization = item.organization; myContacts[item.uri].favorite = item.favorite === 1 ? true: false; myContacts[item.uri].blocked = item.blocked === 1 ? true: false; myContacts[item.uri].publicKey = item.public_key; myContacts[item.uri].tags = item.tags ? item.tags.split(',') : []; myContacts[item.uri].participants = item.participants ? item.participants.split(',') : []; myContacts[item.uri].unread = item.unread ? item.unread.split(',') : []; myContacts[item.uri].lastMessageId = item.last_message_id === '' ? null : item.last_message_id; myContacts[item.uri].lastMessage = item.last_message === '' ? null : item.last_message; myContacts[item.uri].timestamp = new Date(item.timestamp * 1000); //console.log('Loaded contact', myContacts[item.uri]); if(item.participants) { myInvitedParties[item.uri.split('@')[0]] = myContacts[item.uri].participants; } if (item.blocked) { blockedUris.push(item.uri); } if (item.favorite) { favoriteUris.push(item.uri); } } console.log('Loaded', rows.length, 'contacts from SQL database'); this.setState({myContacts: myContacts, favoriteUris: favoriteUris, myInvitedParties: myInvitedParties, blockedUris: blockedUris}); } else { if (Object.keys(this.state.myContacts).length > 0) { Object.keys(this.state.myContacts).forEach((key) => { this.saveSylkContact(key, this.state.myContacts[key]); }); console.log('Migrated contacts to SQL storage'); storage.set('contactStorage', 'sql'); storage.remove('myContacts'); } } }); this.loadKeysFromSQL(); } loadPeople() { let blockedUris = []; let myContacts = {}; let favoriteUris = []; let displayName = null; storage.get('displayName').then((displayName) => { //console.log('My display name is', displayName); this.setState({displayName: displayName}); }).catch((error) => { console.log('get displayName error:', error); }); storage.get('organization').then((organization) => { //console.log('My organization is', organization); this.setState({organization: organization}); }).catch((error) => { console.log('get organization error:', error); }); storage.get('contactStorage').then((contactStorage) => { if (contactStorage !== 'sql') { storage.get('myContacts').then((myContacts) => { let myContactsObjects = {}; if (myContacts) { Object.keys(myContacts).forEach((key) => { if (!Array.isArray(myContacts[key]['unread'])) { myContacts[key]['unread'] = []; } if(typeof(myContacts[key]) == 'string') { console.log('Convert display name object'); myContactsObjects[key] = {'name': myContacts[key]} } else { myContactsObjects[key] = myContacts[key]; } }); myContacts = myContactsObjects; } else { myContacts = {}; } console.log('Loaded', Object.keys(myContacts).length, 'contacts'); this.setState({myContacts: myContacts}); storage.get('favoriteUris').then((favoriteUris) => { favoriteUris = favoriteUris.filter(item => item !== null); //console.log('My favorites:', favoriteUris); this.setState({favoriteUris: favoriteUris}); favoriteUris.forEach((uri) => { if (uri in myContacts) { myContacts[uri].favorite = true; } else { myContacts[uri] = {name: '', favorite: true}; } }); storage.remove('favoriteUris'); }).catch((error) => { //console.log('get favoriteUris error:', error); let uris = Object.keys(myContacts); uris.forEach((uri) => { if (myContacts[uri].favorite) { favoriteUris.push(uri); } }); console.log('Loaded', favoriteUris.length, 'favorites'); this.setState({favoriteUris: favoriteUris}); }); storage.get('blockedUris').then((blockedUris) => { blockedUris = blockedUris.filter(item => item !== null); console.log('My blockedUris:', blockedUris); this.setState({blockedUris: blockedUris}); blockedUris.forEach((uri) => { if (uri in myContacts) { myContacts[uri].blocked = true; } else { myContacts[uri] = {name: '', blocked: true}; } }); storage.remove('blockedUris'); }).catch((error) => { //console.log('get favoriteUris error:', error); let uris = Object.keys(myContacts); uris.forEach((uri) => { if (myContacts[uri].blocked) { blockedUris.push(uri); } }); console.log('Loaded', blockedUris.length, 'blocked uris'); this.setState({blockedUris: blockedUris}); }); }).catch((error) => { console.log('get myContacts error:', error); }); } }); } async initSQL() { const database_name = "sylk.db"; const database_version = "1.0"; const database_displayname = "Sylk Database"; const database_size = 200000; await SQLite.openDatabase(database_name, database_version, database_displayname, database_size).then((DB) => { this.db = DB; console.log('SQL database', database_name, 'opened'); //this.dropTables(); this.createTables(); }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL database error:', error); }); } dropTables() { console.log('Drop SQL tables...') this.ExecuteQuery("DROP TABLE if exists 'chat_uris';"); this.ExecuteQuery("DROP TABLE if exists 'recipients';"); this.ExecuteQuery("DROP TABLE 'messages';"); this.ExecuteQuery("DROP TABLE 'versions';"); } createTables() { //console.log('Create SQL tables...') let create_versions_table = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'versions' ( \ 'id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, \ 'table' TEXT UNIQUE, \ 'version' INTEGER NOT NULL );\ "; this.ExecuteQuery(create_versions_table).then((success) => { //console.log('SQL version table created'); }).catch((error) => { console.log(create_versions_table); console.log('SQL version table creation error:', error); }); let create_table_messages = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'messages' ( \ 'id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, \ 'msg_id' TEXT UNIQUE, \ 'timestamp' TEXT, \ 'content' BLOB, \ 'content_type' TEXT, \ 'from_uri' TEXT, \ 'to_uri' TEXT, \ 'sent' INTEGER, \ 'sent_timestamp' TEXT, \ 'encrypted' INTEGER, \ 'received' INTEGER, \ 'received_timestamp' TEXT, \ 'expire_interval' INTEGER, \ 'deleted' INTEGER, \ 'pinned' INTEGER, \ 'pending' INTEGER, \ 'system' INTEGER, \ 'url' TEXT, \ 'direction' TEXT) \ "; this.ExecuteQuery(create_table_messages).then((success) => { //console.log('SQL messages table OK'); }).catch((error) => { console.log(create_table_messages); console.log('SQL messages table creation error:', error); }); let create_table_contacts = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'contacts' ( \ 'uri' TEXT PRIMARY KEY, \ 'account' TEXT, \ 'name' TEXT, \ 'organization' TEXT, \ 'tags' TEXT, \ 'participants' TEXT, \ 'public_key' TEXT, \ 'timestamp' INTEGER, \ 'blocked' INTEGER default 0, \ 'favorite' INTEGER default 0, \ 'last_message' TEXT, \ 'last_message_id' TEXT, \ 'unread_messages' TEXT ) \ "; this.ExecuteQuery(create_table_contacts).then((success) => { //console.log('SQL contacts table OK'); }).catch((error) => { console.log(create_table_contacts); console.log('SQL messages table creation error:', error); }); let create_table_keys = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'keys' ( \ 'account' TEXT PRIMARY KEY, \ 'private_key' TEXT, \ 'checksum' TEXT, \ 'public_key' TEXT, \ 'timestamp' INTEGER ) \ "; this.ExecuteQuery(create_table_keys).then((success) => { //console.log('SQL keys table OK'); }).catch((error) => { console.log(create_table_keys); console.log('SQL keys table creation error:', error); }); this.upgradeSQLTables(); } upgradeSQLTables() { //console.log('Upgrade SQL tables') let query; let update_queries; let update_sub_queries; let version_numbers; /* this.ExecuteQuery("ALTER TABLE 'messages' add column received_timestamp TEXT after received"); this.ExecuteQuery("ALTER TABLE 'messages' add column sent_timestamp TEXT after sent"); */ query = "SELECT * FROM versions"; let currentVersions = {}; this.ExecuteQuery(query,[]).then((results) => { let rows = results.rows; for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var item = rows.item(i); currentVersions[item.table] = item.version; } for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(this.sqlTableVersions)) { if (currentVersions[key] == null) { query = "INSERT INTO versions ('table', 'version') values ('" + key + "', '" + this.sqlTableVersions[key] + "')"; //console.log(query); this.ExecuteQuery(query); } else { if (this.sqlTableVersions[key] > currentVersions[key]) { console.log('Table', key, 'must have version', value, 'and it has', currentVersions[key]); update_queries = this.updateTableQueries[key]; version_numbers = Object.keys(update_queries); version_numbers.sort(function(a, b){return a-b}); version_numbers.forEach((version) => { if (version <= currentVersions[key]) { return; } update_sub_queries = update_queries[version]; update_sub_queries.forEach((query) => { console.log('Run query for table', key, 'version', version, ':', query); this.ExecuteQuery(query); }); }); query = "update versions set version = " + this.sqlTableVersions[key] + " where \"table\" = '" + key + "';"; //console.log(query); this.ExecuteQuery(query); } else { //console.log('No upgrade required for table', key); } } } }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL query:', query); console.log('SQL error:', error); }); } /* * Execute sql queries * * @param sql * @param params * * @returns {resolve} results */ ExecuteQuery = (sql, params = []) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { //console.log('-- Execute SQL query:', sql, params); this.db.transaction((trans) => { trans.executeSql(sql, params, (trans, results) => { resolve(results); }, (error) => { reject(error); }); }); }); async loadDeviceContacts() { Contacts.checkPermission((err, permission) => { if (permission === Contacts.PERMISSION_UNDEFINED) { Contacts.requestPermission((err, requestedContactsPermissionResult) => { if (err) { console.log("Contacts.requestPermission()catch: ", err); } console.log("Contacts.requestPermission() requestPermission: ", requestedContactsPermissionResult); }) } }) Contacts.getAll((err, contacts) => { if (err === 'denied'){ console.log('Access to contacts denied') } else { // contacts returned in Array let contact_cards = []; let name; let photo; let seen_uris = new Map(); var arrayLength = contacts.length; for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { photo = null; contact = contacts[i]; if (contact['givenName'] && contact['familyName']) { name = contact['givenName'] + ' ' + contact['familyName']; } else if (contact['givenName']) { name = contact['givenName']; } else if (contact['familyName']) { name = contact['familyName']; } else if (contact['company']) { name = contact['company']; } else { continue; } if (contact.hasThumbnail) { photo = contact.thumbnailPath; } else { photo = null; } //console.log(name); contact['phoneNumbers'].forEach(function (number, index) { let number_stripped = number['number'].replace(/\s|\-|\(|\)/g, ''); if (number_stripped) { if (!seen_uris.has(number_stripped)) { //console.log(' ----> ', number['label'], number_stripped); var contact_card = {id: uuid.v4(), displayName: name, remoteParty: number_stripped, type: 'contact', photo: photo, label: number['label'], tags: ['contact']}; contact_cards.push(contact_card); seen_uris.set(number_stripped, true); var contact_card = {id: uuid.v4(), displayName: name, remoteParty: number_stripped, type: 'contact', photo: photo, label: number['label'], tags: ['contact'] }; } } }); contact['emailAddresses'].forEach(function (email, index) { let email_stripped = email['email'].replace(/\s|\(|\)/g, ''); if (!seen_uris.has(email_stripped)) { //console.log(name, email['label'], email_stripped); //console.log(' ----> ', email['label'], email_stripped); var contact_card = {id: uuid.v4(), displayName: name, remoteParty: email_stripped, type: 'contact', photo: photo, label: email['label'], tags: ['contact'] }; contact_cards.push(contact_card); seen_uris.set(email_stripped, true); } }); } this.contacts = contact_cards; } }) } get _notificationCenter() { // getter to lazy-load the NotificationCenter ref if (!this.__notificationCenter) { this.__notificationCenter = this.refs.notificationCenter; } return this.__notificationCenter; } findObjectByKey(array, key, value) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i][key] === value) { return array[i]; } } return null; } _detectOrientation() { if(this.state.Width_Layout > this.state.Height_Layout && this.state.orientation !== 'landscape') { this.setState({orientation: 'landscape'}); } else { this.setState({orientation: 'portrait'}); } } changeRoute(route, reason) { utils.timestampedLog('Change route', route, 'with reason:', reason); if (this.currentRoute === route) { if (route === '/ready' && this.state.selectedContact) { this.setState({ selectedContact: null, targetUri: '', messageZoomFactor: 1 }); } return; } if (this.currentRoute !== route) { utils.timestampedLog('Change route:', this.currentRoute, '->', route, reason); } if (route === '/conference') { this.backToForeground(); this.setState({inviteContacts: false}); } if (route === '/call') { this.backToForeground(); } if (route === '/ready' && reason !== 'back to home') { Vibration.cancel(); if (reason === 'conference_really_ended' && this.callKeeper.countCalls) { utils.timestampedLog('Change route cancelled because we still have calls'); return; } this.startedByPush = false; this.setState({ outgoingCallUUID: null, currentCall: null, callContact: null, inviteContacts: false, selectedContacts: [], incomingCall: (reason === 'accept_new_call' || reason === 'user_hangup_call') ? this.state.incomingCall: null, reconnectingCall: false, muted: false }); if (this.currentRoute === '/call' || this.currentRoute === '/conference') { if (reason !== 'user_hangup_call') { this.stopRingback(); InCallManager.stop(); } this.closeLocalMedia(); if (reason === 'accept_new_call') { if (this.state.incomingCall) { // then answer the new call if any let hasVideo = (this.state.incomingCall && this.state.incomingCall.mediaTypes && this.state.incomingCall.mediaTypes.video) ? true : false; this.getLocalMedia(Object.assign({audio: true, video: hasVideo}), '/call'); } } else if (reason === 'escalate_to_conference') { const uri = `${utils.generateSillyName()}@${config.defaultConferenceDomain}`; const options = {audio: this.outgoingMedia ? this.outgoingMedia.audio: true, video: this.outgoingMedia ? this.outgoingMedia.video: true, participants: this.participantsToInvite} this.callKeepStartConference(uri.toLowerCase(), options); } else { if (this.state.account && this._loaded) { setTimeout(() => { this.updateServerHistory() }, 1500); } } } if (reason === 'registered') { setTimeout(() => { this.updateServerHistory() }, 1500); } if (reason === 'no_more_calls') { this.updateServerHistory() } } this.currentRoute = route; history.push(route); } componentWillUnmount() { utils.timestampedLog('App will unmount'); AppState.removeEventListener('change', this._handleAppStateChange); this._onFinishedPlayingSubscription.remove(); this._onFinishedLoadingSubscription.remove(); this._onFinishedLoadingURLSubscription.remove(); this._onFinishedLoadingFileSubscription.remove(); this.callKeeper.destroy(); this.closeConnection(); this._loaded = false; } get unmounted() { return !this._loaded; } isUnmounted() { return this.unmounted; } backPressed() { console.log('Back button pressed in route', this.currentRoute); if (this.currentRoute === '/ready' && this.state.selectedContact) { this.goBackToHome(); } if (this.currentRoute === '/call' || this.currentRoute === '/conference') { let call = this.state.currentCall || this.state.incomingCall; if (call && call.id) { this.hangupCall(call.id, 'user_hangup_call'); } } return true; } async componentDidMount() { utils.timestampedLog('App did mount'); this._loaded = true; BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress', this.backPressed); // Start a timer that runs once after X milliseconds BackgroundTimer.runBackgroundTimer(() => { // this will be executed once after 10 seconds // even when app is the the background this.heartbeat(); }, 5000); try { await RNCallKeep.supportConnectionService (); //utils.timestampedLog('Connection service is enabled'); } catch(err) { utils.timestampedLog(err); } try { await RNCallKeep.hasPhoneAccount(); //utils.timestampedLog('Phone account is enabled'); } catch(err) { utils.timestampedLog(err); } if (Platform.OS === 'android') { RNDrawOverlay.askForDispalayOverOtherAppsPermission() .then(res => { //utils.timestampedLog("Display over other apps was granted"); // res will be true if permission was granted }) .catch(e => { utils.timestampedLog("Display over other apps was declined"); // permission was declined }) } // prime the ref //logger.debug('NotificationCenter ref: %o', this._notificationCenter); this._boundOnPushkitRegistered = this._onPushkitRegistered.bind(this); this._boundOnPushRegistered = this._onPushRegistered.bind(this); this._detectOrientation(); getPhoneNumber().then(phoneNumber => { this.setState({myPhoneNumber: phoneNumber}); this.loadDeviceContacts(); }); this.listenforPushNotifications(); this.listenforSoundNotifications(); } listenforSoundNotifications() { // Subscribe to event(s) you want when component mounted this._onFinishedPlayingSubscription = SoundPlayer.addEventListener('FinishedPlaying', ({ success }) => { //console.log('finished playing', success) }) this._onFinishedLoadingSubscription = SoundPlayer.addEventListener('FinishedLoading', ({ success }) => { //console.log('finished loading', success) }) this._onFinishedLoadingFileSubscription = SoundPlayer.addEventListener('FinishedLoadingFile', ({ success, name, type }) => { //console.log('finished loading file', success, name, type) }) this._onFinishedLoadingURLSubscription = SoundPlayer.addEventListener('FinishedLoadingURL', ({ success, url }) => { //console.log('finished loading url', success, url) }) } listenforPushNotifications() { if (this.state.appState === null) { this.setState({appState: 'active'}); } else { return; } if (Platform.OS === 'android') { Linking.getInitialURL().then((url) => { if (url) { utils.timestampedLog('Initial external URL: ' + url); this.eventFromUrl(url); this.changeRoute('/login', 'start up'); } else { this.changeRoute('/login', 'start up'); } }).catch(err => { logger.error({ err }, 'Error getting external URL'); }); firebase.messaging().getToken() .then(fcmToken => { if (fcmToken) { this._onPushRegistered(fcmToken); } }); Linking.addEventListener('url', this.updateLinkingURL); } else if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { this.changeRoute('/login', 'start up'); VoipPushNotification.addEventListener('register', this._boundOnPushkitRegistered); VoipPushNotification.registerVoipToken(); PushNotificationIOS.addEventListener('register', this._boundOnPushRegistered); //let permissions = await checkIosPermissions(); //if (!permissions.alert) { PushNotificationIOS.requestPermissions(); //} } this.boundProximityDetect = this._proximityDetect.bind(this); DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('Proximity', this.boundProximityDetect); AppState.addEventListener('change', this._handleAppStateChange); if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { this._boundOnNotificationReceivedBackground = this._onNotificationReceivedBackground.bind(this); this._boundOnLocalNotificationReceivedBackground = this._onLocalNotificationReceivedBackground.bind(this); VoipPushNotification.addEventListener('notification', this._boundOnNotificationReceivedBackground); VoipPushNotification.addEventListener('localNotification', this._boundOnLocalNotificationReceivedBackground); } else if (Platform.OS === 'android') { AppState.addEventListener('focus', this._handleAndroidFocus); AppState.addEventListener('blur', this._handleAndroidBlur); firebase .messaging() .requestPermission() .then(() => { // User has authorised }) .catch(error => { // User has rejected permissions }); this.messageListener = firebase .messaging() .onMessage((message: RemoteMessage) => { // this will just wake up the app to receive // the web-socket invite handled by this.incomingCall() let event = message.data.event; const callUUID = message.data['session-id']; const from = message.data['from_uri']; const to = message.data['to_uri']; const displayName = message.data['from_display_name']; const outgoingMedia = {audio: true, video: message.data['media-type'] === 'video'}; const mediaType = message.data['media-type'] || 'audio'; if (this.unmounted) { return; } if (event === 'incoming_conference_request') { utils.timestampedLog('Push notification: incoming conference', callUUID); this.incomingConference(callUUID, to, from, displayName, outgoingMedia); } else if (event === 'incoming_session') { utils.timestampedLog('Push notification: incoming call', callUUID); this.incomingCallFromPush(callUUID, from, displayName, mediaType); } else if (event === 'cancel') { this.cancelIncomingCall(callUUID); } }); } } cancelIncomingCall(callUUID) { if (this.unmounted) { return; } if (this.callKeeper._acceptedCalls.has(callUUID)) { return; } utils.timestampedLog('Push notification: cancel call', callUUID); let call = this.callKeeper._calls.get(callUUID); if (!call) { if (!this.callKeeper._cancelledCalls.has(callUUID)) { utils.timestampedLog('Cancel incoming call that did not arrive on web socket', callUUID); this.callKeeper.endCall(callUUID, CK_CONSTANTS.END_CALL_REASONS.REMOTE_ENDED); this.startedByPush = false; if (this.startedByPush) { this.changeRoute('/ready', 'incoming_call_cancelled'); } } return; } if (call.state === 'incoming') { utils.timestampedLog('Cancel incoming call that was not yet accepted', callUUID); this.callKeeper.endCall(callUUID, CK_CONSTANTS.END_CALL_REASONS.REMOTE_ENDED); if (this.startedByPush) { this.changeRoute('/ready', 'incoming_call_cancelled'); } } } _proximityDetect(data) { //utils.timestampedLog('Proximity changed, isNear is', data.isNear); if (!this.state.proximityEnabled) { return; } if (data.isNear) { this.speakerphoneOff(); } else { this.speakerphoneOn(); } } startCallWhenReady(targetUri, options) { this.resetGoToReadyTimer(); if (options.conference) { this.startConference(targetUri, options); } else { this.startCall(targetUri, options); } } _sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } _onPushkitRegistered(token) { this.pushkittoken = token; } _onPushRegistered(token) { this.pushtoken = token; } _sendPushToken(account) { if ((this.pushtoken && !this.tokenSent)) { let token = null; if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { token = `${this.pushkittoken}-${this.pushtoken}`; } else if (Platform.OS === 'android') { token = this.pushtoken; } utils.timestampedLog('Push token sent to server'); account.setDeviceToken(token, Platform.OS, deviceId, true, bundleId); this.tokenSent = true; } } _handleAndroidFocus = nextFocus => { //utils.timestampedLog('----- APP in focus'); this.setState({inFocus: true}); this.respawnConnection(); } _handleAndroidBlur = nextBlur => { //utils.timestampedLog('----- APP out of focus'); this.setState({inFocus: false}); } _handleAppStateChange = nextAppState => { //utils.timestampedLog('----- APP state changed', this.state.appState, '->', nextAppState); if (nextAppState === this.state.appState) { return; } if (this.callKeeper.countCalls === 0 && !this.state.outgoingCallUUID) { /* utils.timestampedLog('----- APP state changed', this.state.appState, '->', nextAppState); if (this.callKeeper.countCalls) { utils.timestampedLog('- APP state changed, we have', this.callKeeper.countCalls, 'calls'); } if (this.callKeeper.countPushCalls) { utils.timestampedLog('- APP state changed, we have', this.callKeeper.countPushCalls, 'push calls'); } if (this.startedByPush) { utils.timestampedLog('- APP state changed, started by push in', nextAppState, 'state'); } if (this.state.connection) { utils.timestampedLog('- APP state changed from', this.state.appState, 'to', nextAppState, 'with connection', Object.id(this.state.connection)); } else { utils.timestampedLog('- APP state changed from', this.state.appState, 'to', nextAppState); } */ } if (this.state.appState === 'background' && nextAppState === 'active') { this.respawnConnection(nextAppState); } this.setState({appState: nextAppState}); } respawnConnection(state) { if (!this.state.connection) { utils.timestampedLog('Web socket does not exist'); } else if (!this.state.connection.state) { utils.timestampedLog('Web socket is waiting for connection...'); } else { /* if (this.state.connection.state !== 'ready' && this.state.connection.state !== 'connecting') { utils.timestampedLog('Web socket', Object.id(this.state.connection), 'reconnecting because', this.state.connection.state); this.state.connection.reconnect(); utils.timestampedLog('Web socket', Object.id(this.state.connection), 'new state is', this.state.connection.state); } */ } if (this.state.account) { if (!this.state.connection) { utils.timestampedLog('Active account without connection removed'); this.setState({account: null}); } } else { utils.timestampedLog('No active account'); } if (this.state.accountId && (!this.state.connection || !this.state.account)) { this.handleRegistration(this.state.accountId, this.state.password); } } closeConnection(reason='unmount') { if (!this.state.connection) { return; } if (!this.state.account && this.state.connection) { this.state.connection.removeListener('stateChanged', this.connectionStateChanged); this.state.connection.close(); utils.timestampedLog('Web socket', Object.id(this.state.connection), 'will close'); this.setState({connection: null, account: null}); } else if (this.state.connection && this.state.account) { this.state.connection.removeListener('stateChanged', this.connectionStateChanged); this.state.account.removeListener('outgoingCall', this.outgoingCall); this.state.account.removeListener('conferenceCall', this.outgoingConference); this.state.account.removeListener('incomingCall', this.incomingCallFromWebSocket); this.state.account.removeListener('missedCall', this.missedCall); this.state.account.removeListener('conferenceInvite', this.conferenceInviteFromWebSocket); this.state.connection.removeAccount(this.state.account, (error) => { if (error) { utils.timestampedLog('Failed to remove account:', error); } else { //utils.timestampedLog('Account removed'); } if (this.state.connection) { utils.timestampedLog('Web socket', Object.id(this.state.connection), 'will close'); this.state.connection.close(); } this.setState({connection: null, account: null}); } ); } else { this.setState({connection: null, account: null}); } } startCallFromCallKeeper(data) { utils.timestampedLog('Starting call from OS...'); let callUUID = data.callUUID || uuid.v4(); let is_conf = data.handle.search('videoconference.') === -1 ? false: true; this.backToForeground(); if (is_conf) { this.callKeepStartConference(data.handle, {audio: true, video: data.video || true, callUUID: callUUID}); } else { this.callKeepStartCall(data.handle, {audio: true, video: data.video, callUUID: callUUID}); } this._notificationCenter.removeNotification(); } selectContact(contact) { this.setState({selectedContact: contact}); } connectionStateChanged(oldState, newState) { if (this.unmounted) { return; } const connection = this.getConnection(); if (oldState) { utils.timestampedLog('Web socket', connection, 'state changed:', oldState, '->' , newState); } switch (newState) { case 'closed': if (this.state.connection) { utils.timestampedLog('Web socket was terminated'); this.state.connection.removeListener('stateChanged', this.connectionStateChanged); this._notificationCenter.postSystemNotification('Connection lost'); } //this.setState({connection: null, account: null}); this.setState({account: null}); break; case 'ready': this._notificationCenter.removeNotification(); this.processRegistration(this.state.accountId, this.state.password); this.callKeeper.setAvailable(true); break; case 'disconnected': if (this.registrationFailureTimer) { clearTimeout(this.registrationFailureTimer); this.registrationFailureTimer = null; } if (this.state.currentCall && this.state.currentCall.direction === 'outgoing') { this.hangupCall(this.state.currentCall.id, 'outgoing_connection_failed'); } if (this.state.incomingCall) { this.hangupCall(this.state.incomingCall.id, 'connection_failed'); } this.setState({ registrationState: 'failed', generatedVideoTrack: false, }); if (this.currentRoute === '/login') { this.changeRoute('/ready', 'websocket disconnected'); } break; default: if (this.state.registrationKeepalive !== true) { this.setState({loading: 'Connecting...'}); } break; } } notificationCenter() { return this._notificationCenter; } showRegisterFailure(reason) { const connection = this.getConnection(); utils.timestampedLog('Registration error: ' + reason, 'on web socket', connection); this.setState({ loading : null, registrationState: 'failed', status : { msg : 'Sign In failed: ' + reason, level : 'danger' } }); if (this.startedByPush) { // TODO: hangup incoming call } if (this.currentRoute === '/login') { this.changeRoute('/ready', 'register failure'); } } registrationStateChanged(oldState, newState, data) { if (this.unmounted) { return; } const connection = this.getConnection(); if (oldState) { utils.timestampedLog('Registration state changed:', oldState, '->', newState, 'on web socket', connection); } if (!this.state.account) { utils.timestampedLog('Account disabled'); return; } if (newState === 'failed') { let reason = data.reason; if (reason === 904) { // Sofia SIP: WAT reason = 'Wrong account or password'; } else if (reason === 408) { reason = 'Timeout'; } this.showRegisterFailure(reason); if (this.state.registrationKeepalive === true) { if (this.state.connection !== null && this.state.connection.state === 'ready') { utils.timestampedLog('Retry to register...'); this.state.account.register(); } } else { // add a timer to retry register after awhile if (reason >= 500 || reason === 408) { utils.timestampedLog('Retry to register after 5 seconds delay...'); setTimeout(this.state.account.register(), 5000); } else { if (this.registrationFailureTimer) { utils.timestampedLog('Cancel registration timer'); clearTimeout(this.registrationFailureTimer); this.registrationFailureTimer = null; } } } if (this.currentRoute === '/login') { this.changeRoute('/ready', 'register failed'); } } else if (newState === 'registered') { if (this.registrationFailureTimer) { clearTimeout(this.registrationFailureTimer); this.registrationFailureTimer = null; } this.setState({loading: null, registrationKeepalive: true, registrationState: 'registered', defaultDomain: this.state.account ? this.state.account.id.split('@')[1]: null }); if (this.state.keys && this.state.keys.private) { utils.timestampedLog('Request sync messages from server', this.lastSyncedMessageId); this.state.account.syncConversations(this.lastSyncedMessageId); } this.replayJournal(); //if (this.currentRoute === '/login' && (!this.startedByPush || Platform.OS === 'ios')) { // TODO if the call does not arrive, we never get back to ready if (this.currentRoute === '/login') { this.changeRoute('/ready', 'registered'); } return; } else { this.setState({status: null, registrationState: newState }); } if (this.mustLogout) { this.logout(); } } showInternalAlertPanel() { this.setState({showIncomingModal: true}); //Vibration.vibrate(VIBRATION_PATTERN, true); setTimeout(() => { Vibration.cancel(); }, 30000); } hideInternalAlertPanel() { Vibration.cancel(); this.setState({showIncomingModal: false}); } heartbeat() { if (this.unmounted) { return; } this.heartbeats = this.heartbeats + 1; if (this.heartbeats % 40 == 0) { this.trimLogs(); } if (this.state.connection) { //console.log('Check calls in', this.state.appState, 'with connection', Object.id(this.state.connection), this.state.connection.state); } else { //console.log('Check calls in', this.state.appState, 'with no connection'); } let callState; if (this.state.currentCall && this.state.incomingCall && this.state.incomingCall === this.state.currentCall) { //utils.timestampedLog('We have an incoming call:', this.state.currentCall ? (this.state.currentCall.id + ' ' + this.state.currentCall.state): 'None'); callState = this.state.currentCall.state; } else if (this.state.incomingCall) { //utils.timestampedLog('We have an incoming call:', this.state.incomingCall ? (this.state.incomingCall.id + ' ' + this.state.incomingCall.state): 'None'); callState = this.state.incomingCall.state; } else if (this.state.currentCall) { //utils.timestampedLog('We have an outgoing call:', this.state.currentCall ? (this.state.currentCall.id + ' ' + this.state.currentCall.state): 'None'); callState = this.state.currentCall.state; } else if (this.state.outgoingCallUUID) { //utils.timestampedLog('We have a pending outgoing call:', this.state.outgoingCallUUID); } else { //utils.timestampedLog('We have no calls'); if (this.state.appState === 'background' && this.state.connection && this.state.connection.state === 'ready') { //this.closeConnection('background with no calls'); } } this.callKeeper.heartbeat(); } stopRingback() { //utils.timestampedLog('Stop ringback'); InCallManager.stopRingback(); } resetGoToReadyTimer() { if (this.goToReadyTimer !== null) { clearTimeout(this.goToReadyTimer); this.goToReadyTimer = null; } } goToReadyNowAndCancelTimer() { if (this.goToReadyTimer !== null) { clearTimeout(this.goToReadyTimer); this.goToReadyTimer = null; this.changeRoute('/ready', 'cancel_timer_incoming_call'); } } isConference(call) { const _call = call || this.state.currentCall; if (_call && _call.hasOwnProperty('_participants')) { return true; } return false; } callStateChanged(oldState, newState, data) { if (this.unmounted) { return; } // outgoing accepted: null -> progress -> accepted -> established -> terminated // outgoing accepted: null -> progress -> established -> accepted -> terminated (with early media) // incoming accepted: null -> incoming -> accepted -> established -> terminated // 2nd incoming call is automatically rejected by sylkrtc library /* utils.timestampedLog('---currentCall start:', this.state.currentCall); utils.timestampedLog('---incomingCall start:', this.state.incomingCall); */ let call = this.callKeeper._calls.get(data.id); if (!call) { utils.timestampedLog("callStateChanged error: call", data.id, 'not found in callkeep manager'); return; } let callUUID = call.id; const connection = this.getConnection(); utils.timestampedLog('Sylkrtc call', callUUID, 'state change:', oldState, '->', newState, 'on web socket', connection); /* if (newState === 'established' || newState === 'accepted') { // restore the correct UI state if it has transitioned illegally to /ready state if (call.hasOwnProperty('_participants')) { this.changeRoute('/conference', 'correct call state'); } else { this.changeRoute('/call', 'correct call state'); } } */ let newCurrentCall; let newincomingCall; let direction = call.direction; let hasVideo = false; let mediaType = 'audio'; let tracks; let readyDelay = 5000; if (this.state.incomingCall && this.state.currentCall) { if (newState === 'terminated') { if (this.state.incomingCall == this.state.currentCall) { newCurrentCall = null; newincomingCall = null; } if (this.state.incomingCall.id === call.id) { if (oldState === 'incoming') { //utils.timestampedLog('Call state changed:', 'incoming call must be cancelled'); this.hideInternalAlertPanel(); } if (oldState === 'established' || oldState === 'accepted') { //utils.timestampedLog('Call state changed:', 'incoming call ended'); this.hideInternalAlertPanel(); } // new call must be cancelled newincomingCall = null; newCurrentCall = this.state.currentCall; } if (this.state.currentCall != this.state.incomingCall && this.state.currentCall.id === call.id) { if (oldState === 'established' || newState === 'accepted') { //utils.timestampedLog('Call state changed:', 'outgoing call must be hangup'); // old call must be closed } newCurrentCall = null; newincomingCall = this.state.incomingCall; } } else if (newState === 'accepted') { if (this.state.incomingCall === this.state.currentCall) { newCurrentCall = this.state.incomingCall; newincomingCall = this.state.incomingCall; } else { newCurrentCall = this.state.currentCall; } this.backToForeground(); } else if (newState === 'established') { if (this.state.incomingCall === this.state.currentCall) { //utils.timestampedLog("Incoming call media started"); newCurrentCall = this.state.incomingCall; newincomingCall = this.state.incomingCall; } else { //utils.timestampedLog("Outgoing call media started"); newCurrentCall = this.state.currentCall; } } else { //utils.timestampedLog('Call state changed:', 'We have two calls in unclear state'); } } else if (this.state.incomingCall) { //this.backToForeground(); //utils.timestampedLog('Call state changed: We have one incoming call'); newincomingCall = this.state.incomingCall; newCurrentCall = this.state.incomingCall; if (this.state.incomingCall.id === call.id) { if (newState === 'terminated') { this.startedByPush = false; //utils.timestampedLog("Incoming call was cancelled"); this.setState({showIncomingModal: false}); this.hideInternalAlertPanel(); newincomingCall = null; newCurrentCall = null; readyDelay = 10; } else if (newState === 'accepted') { //utils.timestampedLog("Incoming call was accepted"); this.hideInternalAlertPanel(); this.backToForeground(); } else if (newState === 'established') { //utils.timestampedLog("Incoming call media started"); this.hideInternalAlertPanel(); } } } else if (this.state.currentCall) { //utils.timestampedLog('Call state changed: We have one current call'); newCurrentCall = newState === 'terminated' ? null : call; newincomingCall = null; if (newState !== 'terminated') { this.setState({reconnectingCall: false}); } } else { newincomingCall = null; newCurrentCall = null; } /* utils.timestampedLog('---currentCall:', newCurrentCall); utils.timestampedLog('---incomingCall:', newincomingCall); */ let callsState; switch (newState) { case 'progress': this.callKeeper.setCurrentCallActive(callUUID); this.backToForeground(); this.resetGoToReadyTimer(); tracks = call.getLocalStreams()[0].getVideoTracks(); mediaType = (tracks && tracks.length > 0) ? 'video' : 'audio'; if (mediaType === 'video') { this.speakerphoneOn(); } else { this.speakerphoneOff(); } if (!this.isConference(call)){ InCallManager.startRingback('_BUNDLE_'); } break; case 'established': callsState = this.state.callsState; callsState[callUUID] = {startTime: new Date()}; this.setState({callsState: callsState}); this.callKeeper.setCurrentCallActive(callUUID); this.backToForeground(); this.resetGoToReadyTimer(); tracks = call.getLocalStreams()[0].getVideoTracks(); mediaType = (tracks && tracks.length > 0) ? 'video' : 'audio'; InCallManager.start({media: mediaType}); if (direction === 'outgoing') { this.stopRingback(); if (this.state.speakerPhoneEnabled) { this.speakerphoneOn(); } else { this.speakerphoneOff(); } } else { if (mediaType === 'video') { this.speakerphoneOn(); } else { this.speakerphoneOff(); } } break; case 'accepted': callsState = this.state.callsState; callsState[callUUID] = {startTime: new Date()}; this.setState({callsState: callsState}); this.callKeeper.setCurrentCallActive(callUUID); this.backToForeground(); this.resetGoToReadyTimer(); if (direction === 'outgoing') { this.stopRingback(); } break; case 'terminated': let startTime; if (callUUID in this.state.callsState) { callsState = this.state.callsState; startTime = callsState[callUUID].startTime; delete callsState[callUUID]; this.setState({callsState: callsState}); } this._terminatedCalls.set(callUUID, true); utils.timestampedLog(callUUID, direction, 'terminated with reason', data.reason); if (this.state.incomingCall && this.state.incomingCall.id === call.id) { newincomingCall = null; } if (this.state.currentCall && this.state.currentCall.id === call.id) { newCurrentCall = null; } let callSuccesfull = false; let reason = data.reason; let play_busy_tone = !this.isConference(call); let CALLKEEP_REASON; let missed = false; if (!reason || reason.match(/200/)) { if (oldState === 'progress' && direction === 'outgoing') { reason = 'Cancelled'; play_busy_tone = false; } else if (oldState === 'incoming') { reason = 'Cancelled'; missed = true; play_busy_tone = false; CALLKEEP_REASON = CK_CONSTANTS.END_CALL_REASONS.UNANSWERED; } else { reason = 'Hangup'; callSuccesfull = true; CALLKEEP_REASON = CK_CONSTANTS.END_CALL_REASONS.REMOTE_ENDED; } } else if (reason.match(/402/)) { reason = 'Payment required'; CALLKEEP_REASON = CK_CONSTANTS.END_CALL_REASONS.FAILED; } else if (reason.match(/403/)) { //reason = 'Forbidden'; CALLKEEP_REASON = CK_CONSTANTS.END_CALL_REASONS.FAILED; } else if (reason.match(/404/)) { reason = 'User not found'; CALLKEEP_REASON = CK_CONSTANTS.END_CALL_REASONS.FAILED; } else if (reason.match(/408/)) { reason = 'Timeout'; CALLKEEP_REASON = CK_CONSTANTS.END_CALL_REASONS.FAILED; } else if (reason.match(/480/)) { reason = 'Is not online'; CALLKEEP_REASON = CK_CONSTANTS.END_CALL_REASONS.UNANSWERED; } else if (reason.match(/486/)) { reason = 'Is busy'; CALLKEEP_REASON = CK_CONSTANTS.END_CALL_REASONS.REMOTE_ENDED; if (direction === 'outgoing') { play_busy_tone = false; } } else if (reason.match(/603/)) { reason = 'Cannot answer now'; CALLKEEP_REASON = CK_CONSTANTS.END_CALL_REASONS.REMOTE_ENDED; if (direction === 'outgoing') { play_busy_tone = false; } } else if (reason.match(/487/)) { reason = 'Cancelled'; play_busy_tone = false; CALLKEEP_REASON = CK_CONSTANTS.END_CALL_REASONS.REMOTE_ENDED; } else if (reason.match(/488/)) { reason = 'Unacceptable media'; CALLKEEP_REASON = CK_CONSTANTS.END_CALL_REASONS.FAILED; } else if (reason.match(/5\d\d/)) { reason = 'Server failure'; CALLKEEP_REASON = CK_CONSTANTS.END_CALL_REASONS.FAILED; } else if (reason.match(/904/)) { // Sofia SIP: WAT reason = 'Wrong account or password'; CALLKEEP_REASON = CK_CONSTANTS.END_CALL_REASONS.FAILED; } else { reason = 'Connection failed'; CALLKEEP_REASON = CK_CONSTANTS.END_CALL_REASONS.FAILED; } if (play_busy_tone) { this.playBusyTone(); } if (direction === 'outgoing') { this.setState({declineReason: reason}); } this.stopRingback(); let msg; let current_datetime = new Date(); let formatted_date = utils.appendLeadingZeroes(current_datetime.getHours()) + ":" + utils.appendLeadingZeroes(current_datetime.getMinutes()) + ":" + utils.appendLeadingZeroes(current_datetime.getSeconds()); if (startTime) { let duration = moment.duration(new Date() - startTime); if (duration > 3600) { duration = duration.format('hh:mm:ss', {trim: false}); } else { duration = duration.format('mm:ss', {trim: false}); } msg = formatted_date + " - " + direction +" " + mediaType + " call ended after " + duration; } else { msg = formatted_date + " - " + direction +" " + mediaType + " call ended (" + reason + ")"; } this.saveSystemMessage(call.remoteIdentity.uri.toLowerCase(), msg, direction, missed); this.callKeeper.endCall(callUUID, CALLKEEP_REASON); if (play_busy_tone && oldState !== 'established' && direction === 'outgoing') { this._notificationCenter.postSystemNotification('Call ended:', {body: reason}); } this.updateHistoryEntry(callUUID); break; default: break; } /* utils.timestampedLog('---currentCall end:', newCurrentCall); utils.timestampedLog('---incomingCall end:', newincomingCall); */ this.setState({ currentCall: newCurrentCall, incomingCall: newincomingCall }); if (!this.state.currentCall && !this.state.incomingCall) { this.speakerphoneOn(); if (!this.state.reconnectingCall) { if (this.state.inFocus) { if (this.currentRoute !== '/ready') { utils.timestampedLog('Will go to ready in', readyDelay/1000, 'seconds (terminated)', callUUID); this.goToReadyTimer = setTimeout(() => { this.changeRoute('/ready', 'no_more_calls'); }, readyDelay); } } else { if (this.currentRoute !== '/conference') { this.changeRoute('/ready', 'no_more_calls'); } } } } if (this.state.currentCall) { //console.log('Current:', this.state.currentCall.id); } if (this.state.incomingCall) { //console.log('Incoming:', this.state.incomingCall.id); } } goBackToCall() { let call = this.state.currentCall || this.state.incomingCall; this.setState({inviteContacts: false, selectedContacts: []}); if (call) { if (call.hasOwnProperty('_participants')) { this.changeRoute('/conference', 'back to call'); } else { this.changeRoute('/call', 'back to call'); } } else { console.log('No call to go back to'); } } goBackToHome() { this.changeRoute('/ready', 'back to home'); } goBackToHomeFromCall() { this.changeRoute('/ready', 'back to home'); if (this.state.callContact) { this.setState({selectedContact: this.state.callContact}); this.getMessages(this.state.callContact.remoteParty); } } inviteContactsToConference() { console.log('Will invite contacts'); this.setState({inviteContacts: true, selectedContacts: []}); this.goBackToHome(); } handleRegistration(accountId, password, remember=true) { if (this.state.account !== null && this.state.registrationState === 'registered' ) { return; } this.setState({ accountId : accountId, password : password, loading : 'Connecting...' }); this.loadSylkContacts(); if (this.state.connection === null) { utils.timestampedLog('Web socket handle registration for', accountId); const userAgent = 'Sylk Mobile'; if (this.state.phoneNumber) { console.log('Phone number:', this.state.phoneNumber); } let connection = sylkrtc.createConnection({server: config.wsServer}); utils.timestampedLog('Web socket', Object.id(connection), 'was opened'); connection.on('stateChanged', this.connectionStateChanged); this.setState({connection: connection}); } else { if (this.state.connection.state === 'ready' && this.state.registrationState !== 'registered') { utils.timestampedLog('Web socket', Object.id(this.state.connection), 'handle registration for', accountId); this.processRegistration(accountId, password); } } } processRegistration(accountId, password, displayName) { if (!displayName) { displayName = this.state.displayName; } if (!this.state.connection) { return; } this.updateServerHistory(); utils.timestampedLog('Process registration for', accountId, '(', displayName, ')'); if (this.state.account && this.state.connection) { this.state.connection.removeAccount(this.state.account, (error) => { this.setState({registrationState: null, registrationKeepalive: false}); } ); } const options = { account: accountId, password: password, displayName: displayName || '' }; if (this.state.connection._accounts.has(options.account)) { return; } //utils.timestampedLog('Add register 10 sec timer'); this.registrationFailureTimer = setTimeout(() => { this.showRegisterFailure('Register timeout'); this.processRegistration(accountId, password); }, 10000); const account = this.state.connection.addAccount(options, (error, account) => { if (!error) { account.on('outgoingCall', this.outgoingCall); account.on('conferenceCall', this.outgoingConference); account.on('registrationStateChanged', this.registrationStateChanged); account.on('incomingCall', this.incomingCallFromWebSocket); account.on('incomingMessage', this.incomingMessage); account.on('syncConversations', this.syncConversations); account.on('readConversation', this.readConversation); account.on('removeConversation', this.removeConversation); account.on('removeMessage', this.removeMessage); account.on('outgoingMessage', this.outgoingMessage); account.on('messageStateChanged', this.messageStateChanged); account.on('missedCall', this.missedCall); account.on('conferenceInvite', this.conferenceInviteFromWebSocket); //utils.timestampedLog('Web socket account', account.id, 'is ready, registering...'); this._sendPushToken(account); this.setState({account: account}); account.register(); storage.set('account', { accountId: this.state.accountId, password: this.state.password }); } else { this.showRegisterFailure(408); } }); } setDevice(device) { const oldDevices = Object.assign({}, this.state.devices); if (device.kind === 'videoinput') { oldDevices['camera'] = device; } else if (device.kind === 'audioinput') { oldDevices['mic'] = device; } this.setState({devices: oldDevices}); storage.set('devices', oldDevices); sylkrtc.utils.closeMediaStream(this.state.localMedia); this.getLocalMedia(); } getLocalMedia(mediaConstraints={audio: true, video: true}, nextRoute=null) { // eslint-disable-line space-infix-ops let callType = mediaConstraints.video ? 'video': 'audio'; utils.timestampedLog('Get local media for', callType, 'call'); const constraints = Object.assign({}, mediaConstraints); if (constraints.video === true) { if ((nextRoute === '/conference')) { constraints.video = { 'width': { 'ideal': 640 }, 'height': { 'ideal': 480 } }; // TODO: remove this, workaround so at least safari works when joining a video conference } else if (nextRoute === '/conference' && isSafari) { constraints.video = false; } else { // ask for 720p video constraints.video = { 'width': { 'ideal': 640 }, 'height': { 'ideal': 480 } }; } } logger.debug('getLocalMedia(), (modified) mediaConstraints=%o', constraints); navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() .then((devices) => { devices.forEach((device) => { //console.log(device); if ('video' in constraints && 'camera' in this.state.devices) { if (constraints.video && constraints.video !== false && (device.deviceId === this.state.devices.camera.deviceId || device.label === this.state.devices.camera.label)) { constraints.video.deviceId = { exact: device.deviceId }; } } if ('mic' in this.state.devices) { if (device.deviceId === this.state.devices.mic.deviceId || device.label === this.state.devices.mic.Label) { // constraints.audio = { // deviceId: { // exact: device.deviceId // } // }; } } }); }) .catch((error) => { utils.timestampedLog('Error: device enumeration failed:', error); }) .then(() => { return navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints) }) .then((localStream) => { clearTimeout(this.loadScreenTimer); //utils.timestampedLog('Local media acquired'); this.setState({localMedia: localStream}); if (nextRoute !== null) { this.changeRoute(nextRoute); } }) .catch((error) => { utils.timestampedLog('Access to local media failed, trying audio only', error); navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true, video: false }) .then((localStream) => { clearTimeout(this.loadScreenTimer); if (nextRoute !== null) { this.changeRoute(nextRoute, 'local media aquired'); } }) .catch((error) => { utils.timestampedLog('Access to local media failed:', error); clearTimeout(this.loadScreenTimer); this._notificationCenter.postSystemNotification("Can't access camera or microphone"); this.setState({ loading: null }); this.changeRoute('/ready', 'local media failure'); }); }); } getConnection() { return this.state.connection ? Object.id(this.state.connection): null; } callKeepStartConference(targetUri, options={audio: true, video: true, participants: []}) { if (!targetUri) { return; } this.resetGoToReadyTimer(); let callUUID = options.callUUID || uuid.v4(); let participants = options.participants || null; this.addConferenceHistoryEntry(targetUri, callUUID); let participantsToInvite = []; if (participants) { participants.forEach((participant_uri) => { if (participant_uri === this.state.accountId) { return; } participantsToInvite.push(participant_uri); }); } this.outgoingMedia = options; this.setState({outgoingCallUUID: callUUID, reconnectingCall: false, participantsToInvite: participantsToInvite }); const media = options.video ? 'video' : 'audio'; if (participantsToInvite) { utils.timestampedLog('Will start', media, 'conference', callUUID, 'to', targetUri, 'with', participantsToInvite); } else { utils.timestampedLog('Will start', media, 'conference', callUUID, 'to', targetUri); } this.respawnConnection(); this.startCallWhenReady(targetUri, {audio: options.audio, video: options.video, conference: true, callUUID: callUUID}); } updateSelection(uri) { //console.log('updateSelection', uri); let selectedContacts = this.state.selectedContacts; //console.log('selectedContacts', selectedContacts); let idx = selectedContacts.indexOf(uri); if (idx === -1) { selectedContacts.push(uri); } else { selectedContacts.splice(idx, 1); } this.setState({selectedContacts: selectedContacts}); } callKeepStartCall(targetUri, options) { this.resetGoToReadyTimer(); let callUUID = options.callUUID || uuid.v4(); this.setState({outgoingCallUUID: callUUID, reconnectingCall: false}); utils.timestampedLog('User will start call', callUUID, 'to', targetUri); this.respawnConnection(); this.startCallWhenReady(targetUri, {audio: options.audio, video: options.video, callUUID: callUUID}); } startCall(targetUri, options) { this.setState({targetUri: targetUri, callContact: this.state.selectedContact}); this.getLocalMedia(Object.assign({audio: true, video: options.video}, options), '/call'); } timeoutCall(callUUID, uri) { utils.timestampedLog('Timeout answering call', callUUID); this.addConferenceHistoryEntry(uri, callUUID, direction='received'); this.forceUpdate(); } closeLocalMedia() { if (this.state.localMedia != null) { utils.timestampedLog('Close local media'); sylkrtc.utils.closeMediaStream(this.state.localMedia); this.setState({localMedia: null}); } } callKeepAcceptCall(callUUID) { // called from user interaction with Old alert panel // options used to be media to accept audio only but native panels do not have this feature utils.timestampedLog('CallKeep will answer call', callUUID); this.callKeeper.acceptCall(callUUID); this.hideInternalAlertPanel(); } callKeepRejectCall(callUUID) { // called from user interaction with Old alert panel utils.timestampedLog('CallKeep will reject call', callUUID); this.callKeeper.rejectCall(callUUID); this.hideInternalAlertPanel(); } acceptCall(callUUID) { utils.timestampedLog('User accepted call', callUUID); this.hideInternalAlertPanel(); this.resetGoToReadyTimer(); if (this.state.currentCall) { utils.timestampedLog('Will hangup current call first'); this.hangupCall(this.state.currentCall.id, 'accept_new_call'); // call will continue after transition to /ready } else { utils.timestampedLog('Will get local media now'); let hasVideo = (this.state.incomingCall && this.state.incomingCall.mediaTypes && this.state.incomingCall.mediaTypes.video) ? true : false; this.getLocalMedia(Object.assign({audio: true, video: hasVideo}), '/call'); } } rejectCall(callUUID) { // called by Call Keep when user rejects call utils.timestampedLog('User rejected call', callUUID); this.hideInternalAlertPanel(); if (!this.state.currentCall) { this.changeRoute('/ready', 'rejected'); } if (this.state.incomingCall && this.state.incomingCall.id === callUUID) { utils.timestampedLog('Sylkrtc terminate call', callUUID, 'in', this.state.incomingCall.state, 'state'); this.state.incomingCall.terminate(); } } hangupCall(callUUID, reason) { utils.timestampedLog('Call', callUUID, 'hangup with reason:', reason); let call = this.callKeeper._calls.get(callUUID); let direction = null; let targetUri = null; if (call) { let direction = call.direction; utils.timestampedLog('Sylkrtc terminate call', callUUID, 'in', call.state, 'state'); call.terminate(); } if (this.busyToneInterval) { clearInterval(this.busyToneInterval); this.busyToneInterval = null; } if (reason === 'outgoing_connection_failed') { this.setState({reconnectingCall: true, outgoingCallUUID: uuid.v4()}); return; } if (reason === 'user_cancel_call' || reason === 'user_hangup_call' || reason === 'answer_failed' || reason === 'callkeep_hangup_call' || reason === 'accept_new_call' || reason === 'stop_preview' || reason === 'escalate_to_conference' || reason === 'user_hangup_conference_confirmed' || reason === 'timeout' ) { this.changeRoute('/ready', reason); } else if (reason === 'user_hangup_conference') { utils.timestampedLog('Save conference maybe?'); setTimeout(() => { this.changeRoute('/ready', 'conference_really_ended'); }, 15000); } else if (reason === 'user_cancelled_conference') { utils.timestampedLog('Save conference maybe?'); setTimeout(() => { this.changeRoute('/ready', 'conference_really_ended'); }, 15000); } else { utils.timestampedLog('Will go to ready in 6 seconds (hangup)'); setTimeout(() => { this.changeRoute('/ready', reason); }, 6000); } } playBusyTone() { //utils.timestampedLog('Play busy tone'); InCallManager.stop({busytone: '_BUNDLE_'}); } callKeepSendDtmf(digits) { utils.timestampedLog('Send DTMF', digits); if (this.state.currentCall) { this.callKeeper.sendDTMF(this.state.currentCall.id, digits); } } toggleProximity() { storage.set('proximityEnabled', !this.state.proximityEnabled); if (!this.state.proximityEnabled) { utils.timestampedLog('Proximity sensor enabled'); } else { utils.timestampedLog('Proximity sensor disabled'); } this.setState({proximityEnabled: !this.state.proximityEnabled}); } toggleMute(callUUID, mute) { utils.timestampedLog('Toggle mute for call', callUUID, ':', mute); this.callKeeper.setMutedCall(callUUID, mute); this.setState({muted: mute}); } async toggleImportPrivateKeyModal() { if (this.state.showImportPrivateKeyModal) { this.setState({privateKey: null, privateKeyImportStatus: '', privateKeyImportSuccess: false}); } this.setState({showImportPrivateKeyModal: !this.state.showImportPrivateKeyModal}); } togglePinned() { this.setState({pinned: !this.state.pinned}); } toggleSpeakerPhone() { if (this.state.speakerPhoneEnabled === true) { this.speakerphoneOff(); } else { this.speakerphoneOn(); } } speakerphoneOn() { utils.timestampedLog('Speakerphone On'); this.setState({speakerPhoneEnabled: true}); InCallManager.setForceSpeakerphoneOn(true); } speakerphoneOff() { utils.timestampedLog('Speakerphone Off'); this.setState({speakerPhoneEnabled: false}); InCallManager.setForceSpeakerphoneOn(false); } startGuestConference(targetUri) { this.setState({targetUri: targetUri}); this.getLocalMedia({audio: true, video: true}); } outgoingCall(call) { // called by sylkrtc.js when an outgoing call starts const localStreams = call.getLocalStreams(); let mediaType = 'audio'; let hasVideo = false; if (localStreams.length > 0) { const localStream = call.getLocalStreams()[0]; mediaType = localStream.getVideoTracks().length > 0 ? 'video' : 'audio'; hasVideo = localStream.getVideoTracks().length > 0 ? true : false; } this.callKeeper.startOutgoingCall(call.id, call.remoteIdentity.uri, hasVideo); utils.timestampedLog('Outgoing', mediaType, 'call', call.id, 'started to', call.remoteIdentity.uri); this.callKeeper.addWebsocketCall(call); call.on('stateChanged', this.callStateChanged); this.setState({currentCall: call}); } outgoingConference(call) { // called by sylrtc.js when an outgoing conference starts const localStreams = call.getLocalStreams(); let mediaType = 'audio'; let hasVideo = false; if (localStreams.length > 0) { const localStream = call.getLocalStreams()[0]; mediaType = localStream.getVideoTracks().length > 0 ? 'video' : 'audio'; hasVideo = localStream.getVideoTracks().length > 0 ? true : false; } this.callKeeper.startOutgoingCall(call.id, call.remoteIdentity.uri, hasVideo); utils.timestampedLog('Outgoing', mediaType, 'conference', call.id, 'started to', call.remoteIdentity.uri); this.callKeeper.addWebsocketCall(call); call.on('stateChanged', this.callStateChanged); this.setState({currentCall: call}); } _onLocalNotificationReceivedBackground(notification) { let notificationContent = notification.getData(); utils.timestampedLog('Handle local iOS PUSH notification: ', notificationContent); } _onNotificationReceivedBackground(notification) { let notificationContent = notification.getData(); const event = notificationContent['event']; const callUUID = notificationContent['session-id']; const to = notificationContent['to_uri']; const from = notificationContent['from_uri']; const displayName = notificationContent['from_display_name']; const outgoingMedia = {audio: true, video: notificationContent['media-type'] === 'video'}; const mediaType = notificationContent['media-type'] || 'audio'; /* * Local Notification Payload * * - `alertBody` : The message displayed in the notification alert. * - `alertAction` : The "action" displayed beneath an actionable notification. Defaults to "view"; * - `soundName` : The sound played when the notification is fired (optional). * - `category` : The category of this notification, required for actionable notifications (optional). * - `userInfo` : An optional object containing additional notification data. */ if (event === 'incoming_session') { utils.timestampedLog('Push notification: incoming call', callUUID); this.startedByPush = true; this.incomingCallFromPush(callUUID, from, displayName, mediaType); } else if (event === 'incoming_conference_request') { utils.timestampedLog('Push notification: incoming conference', callUUID); this.startedByPush = true; this.incomingConference(callUUID, to, from, displayName, outgoingMedia); } else if (event === 'cancel') { utils.timestampedLog('Push notification: cancel call', callUUID); VoipPushNotification.presentLocalNotification({alertBody:'Call cancelled'}); this.callKeeper.endCall(callUUID, CK_CONSTANTS.END_CALL_REASONS.REMOTE_ENDED); } /* if (notificationContent['event'] === 'incoming_session') { VoipPushNotification.presentLocalNotification({ alertBody:'Incoming ' + notificationContent['media-type'] + ' call from ' + notificationContent['from_display_name'] }); } */ if (VoipPushNotification.wakeupByPush) { utils.timestampedLog('We wake up by push notification'); VoipPushNotification.wakeupByPush = false; VoipPushNotification.onVoipNotificationCompleted(callUUID); } } backToForeground() { if (this.state.appState !== 'active') { this.callKeeper.backToForeground(); } if (this.state.accountId) { this.handleRegistration(this.state.accountId, this.state.password); } } incomingConference(callUUID, to, from, displayName, outgoingMedia={audio: true, video: true}) { if (this.unmounted) { return; } const mediaType = outgoingMedia.video ? 'video' : 'audio'; utils.timestampedLog('Incoming', mediaType, 'conference invite from', from, displayName, 'to room', to); if (this.state.account && from === this.state.account.id) { utils.timestampedLog('Reject conference call from myself', callUUID); this.callKeeper.rejectCall(callUUID); return; } if (this.autoRejectIncomingCall(callUUID, from, to)) { return; } this.setState({incomingCallUUID: callUUID}); this.callKeeper.handleConference(callUUID, to, from, displayName, mediaType, outgoingMedia); } startConference(targetUri, options={audio: true, video: true, participants: []}) { utils.timestampedLog('New outgoing conference to room', targetUri); this.setState({targetUri: targetUri}); this.getLocalMedia({audio: options.audio, video: options.video}, '/conference'); } escalateToConference(participants) { let outgoingMedia = {audio: true, video: true}; let mediaType = 'video'; let call; if (this.state.currentCall) { call = this.state.currentCall; } else if (this.state.incomingCall) { call = this.state.currentCall; } else { console.log('No call to escalate'); return } const localStreams = call.getLocalStreams(); if (localStreams.length > 0) { const localStream = call.getLocalStreams()[0]; if (localStream.getVideoTracks().length == 0) { outgoingMedia.video = false; mediaType = 'audio'; } } this.outgoingMedia = outgoingMedia; this.participantsToInvite = participants; console.log('Escalate', mediaType, 'call', call.id, 'to conference with', participants.toString()); this.hangupCall(call.id, 'escalate_to_conference'); } conferenceInviteFromWebSocket(data) { // comes from web socket utils.timestampedLog('Conference invite from websocket', data.id, 'from', data.originator, 'for room', data.room); if (this.isConference()) { return; } //this._notificationCenter.postSystemNotification('Expecting conference invite', {body: `from ${data.originator.displayName || data.originator.uri}`}); } updateLinkingURL = (event) => { // this handles the use case where the app is running in the background and is activated by the listener... //console.log('Updated Linking url', event.url); this.eventFromUrl(event.url); DeepLinking.evaluateUrl(event.url); } eventFromUrl(url) { url = decodeURI(url); try { let direction; let event; let callUUID; let from; let to; let displayName; var url_parts = url.split("/"); let scheme = url_parts[0]; //console.log(url_parts); if (scheme === 'sylk:') { //sylk://conference/incoming/callUUID/from/to/media - when Android is asleep //sylk://call/outgoing/callUUID/to/displayName - from system dialer/history //sylk://call/incoming/callUUID/from/to/displayName - when Android is asleep //sylk://call/cancel//callUUID - when Android is asleep event = url_parts[2]; direction = url_parts[3]; callUUID = url_parts[4]; from = url_parts[5]; to = url_parts[6]; displayName = url_parts[7]; mediaType = url_parts[8] || 'audio'; if (event !== 'cancel' && from && from.search('@videoconference.') > -1) { event = 'conference'; to = from; } this.setState({targetUri: from}); } else if (scheme === 'https:') { // https://webrtc.sipthor.net/conference/DaffodilFlyChill0 from external web link // https://webrtc.sipthor.net/call/alice@example.com from external web link direction = 'outgoing'; event = url_parts[3]; to = url_parts[4]; callUUID = uuid.v4(); if (to.indexOf('@') === -1 && event === 'conference') { to = url_parts[4] + '@' + config.defaultConferenceDomain; } else if (to.indexOf('@') === -1 && event === 'call') { to = url_parts[4] + '@' + this.state.defaultDomain; } this.setState({targetUri: to}); } if (event === 'conference') { utils.timestampedLog('Conference from external URL:', url); this.startedByPush = true; if (direction === 'outgoing' && to) { utils.timestampedLog('Outgoing conference to', to); this.backToForeground(); this.callKeepStartConference(to, {audio: true, video: true, callUUID: callUUID}); } else if (direction === 'incoming' && from) { utils.timestampedLog('Incoming conference from', from); // allow app to wake up this.backToForeground(); const media = {audio: true, video: mediaType === 'video'} this.incomingConference(callUUID, to, from, displayName, media); } } else if (event === 'call') { this.startedByPush = true; if (direction === 'outgoing') { utils.timestampedLog('Call from external URL:', url); utils.timestampedLog('Outgoing call to', from); this.backToForeground(); this.callKeepStartCall(from, {audio: true, video: false, callUUID: callUUID}); } else if (direction === 'incoming') { utils.timestampedLog('Call from external URL:', url); utils.timestampedLog('Incoming call from', from); this.backToForeground(); this.incomingCallFromPush(callUUID, from, displayName, mediaType, true); } else if (direction === 'cancel') { this.cancelIncomingCall(callUUID); } } else { utils.timestampedLog('Error: Invalid external URL event', event); } } catch (err) { utils.timestampedLog('Error parsing URL', url, ":", err); } } autoRejectIncomingCall(callUUID, from, to) { //utils.timestampedLog('Check auto reject call from', from); if (this.state.blockedUris && this.state.blockedUris.indexOf(from) > -1) { utils.timestampedLog('Reject call', callUUID, 'from blocked URI', from); this.callKeeper.rejectCall(callUUID); this._notificationCenter.postSystemNotification('Call rejected', {body: `from ${from}`}); return true; } const fromDomain = '@' + from.split('@')[1] if (this.state.blockedUris && this.state.blockedUris.indexOf(fromDomain) > -1) { utils.timestampedLog('Reject call', callUUID, 'from blocked domain', fromDomain); this.callKeeper.rejectCall(callUUID); this._notificationCenter.postSystemNotification('Call rejected', {body: `from domain ${fromDomain}`}); return true; } if (this.state.currentCall && this.state.incomingCall && this.state.currentCall === this.state.incomingCall && this.state.incomingCall.id !== callUUID) { utils.timestampedLog('Reject second incoming call'); this.callKeeper.rejectCall(callUUID); } if (this.state.account && from === this.state.account.id && this.state.currentCall && this.state.currentCall.remoteIdentity.uri === from) { utils.timestampedLog('Reject call to myself', callUUID); this.callKeeper.rejectCall(callUUID); return true; } if (this._terminatedCalls.has(callUUID)) { utils.timestampedLog('Reject call already terminated', callUUID); this.cancelIncomingCall(callUUID); return true; } if (this.isConference()) { utils.timestampedLog('Reject call while in a conference', callUUID); if (to !== this.state.targetUri) { this._notificationCenter.postSystemNotification('Missed call from', {body: from}); } this.callKeeper.rejectCall(callUUID); return true; } if (this.state.currentCall && this.state.currentCall.state === 'progress' && this.state.currentCall.remoteIdentity.uri !== from) { utils.timestampedLog('Reject call while outgoing in progress', callUUID); this.callKeeper.rejectCall(callUUID); this._notificationCenter.postSystemNotification('Missed call from', {body: from}); return true; } return false; } autoAcceptIncomingCall(callUUID, from) { // TODO: handle ping pong where we call each other back if (this.state.currentCall && this.state.currentCall.direction === 'outgoing' && this.state.currentCall.state === 'progress' && this.state.currentCall.remoteIdentity.uri === from) { this.hangupCall(this.state.currentCall.id, 'accept_new_call'); this.setState({currentCall: null}); utils.timestampedLog('Auto accept incoming call from same address I am calling', callUUID); return true; } return false; } incomingCallFromPush(callUUID, from, displayName, mediaType, force) { //utils.timestampedLog('Handle incoming PUSH call', callUUID, 'from', from, '(', displayName, ')'); if (this.unmounted) { return; } if (this.autoRejectIncomingCall(callUUID, from)) { return; } //this.showInternalAlertPanel(); if (this.autoAcceptIncomingCall(callUUID, from)) { return; } this.goToReadyNowAndCancelTimer(); this.setState({targetUri: from}); let skipNativePanel = false; if (!this.callKeeper._calls.get(callUUID) || (this.state.currentCall && this.state.currentCall.direction === 'outgoing')) { //this._notificationCenter.postSystemNotification('Incoming call', {body: `from ${from}`}); if (Platform.OS === 'android' && this.state.appState === 'foreground') { skipNativePanel = true; } } this.callKeeper.incomingCallFromPush(callUUID, from, displayName, mediaType, force, skipNativePanel); } incomingCallFromWebSocket(call, mediaTypes) { if (this.unmounted) { return; } this.callKeeper.addWebsocketCall(call); const callUUID = call.id; const from = call.remoteIdentity.uri; //utils.timestampedLog('Handle incoming web socket call', callUUID, 'from', from, 'on connection', Object.id(this.state.connection)); // because of limitation in Sofia stack, we cannot have more then two calls at a time // we can have one outgoing call and one incoming call but not two incoming calls // we cannot have two incoming calls, second one is automatically rejected by sylkrtc.js if (this.autoRejectIncomingCall(callUUID, from)) { return; } const autoAccept = this.autoAcceptIncomingCall(callUUID, from); this.goToReadyNowAndCancelTimer(); call.mediaTypes = mediaTypes; call.on('stateChanged', this.callStateChanged); this.setState({incomingCall: call}); let skipNativePanel = false; if (this.state.currentCall && this.state.currentCall.direction === 'outgoing') { if (Platform.OS === 'android') { this.showInternalAlertPanel(); skipNativePanel = true; } } this.callKeeper.incomingCallFromWebSocket(call, autoAccept, skipNativePanel); } missedCall(data) { utils.timestampedLog('Missed call from ' + data.originator.uri, '(', data.originator.displayName, ')'); /* let msg; let current_datetime = new Date(); let formatted_date = utils.appendLeadingZeroes(current_datetime.getHours()) + ":" + utils.appendLeadingZeroes(current_datetime.getMinutes()) + ":" + utils.appendLeadingZeroes(current_datetime.getSeconds()); msg = formatted_date + " - missed call"; this.saveSystemMessage(data.originator.uri.toLowerCase(), msg, 'incoming', true); */ if (!this.state.currentCall) { let from = data.originator.displayName || data.originator.uri; this._notificationCenter.postSystemNotification('Missed call', {body: `from ${from}`}); if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { VoipPushNotification.presentLocalNotification({alertBody:'Missed call from ' + from}); } } this.updateServerHistory() } updateServerHistory() { if (this.currentRoute === '/ready') { this.setState({refreshHistory: !this.state.refreshHistory}); } } startPreview() { this.getLocalMedia({audio: true, video: true}, '/preview'); } updateHistoryEntry(callUUID) { let newHistory = this.state.localHistory; var historyItem = this.findObjectByKey(newHistory, 'sessionId', callUUID); if (historyItem) { let current_datetime = new Date(); let stopTime = current_datetime.getFullYear() + "-" + utils.appendLeadingZeroes(current_datetime.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + utils.appendLeadingZeroes(current_datetime.getDate()) + " " + utils.appendLeadingZeroes(current_datetime.getHours()) + ":" + utils.appendLeadingZeroes(current_datetime.getMinutes()) + ":" + utils.appendLeadingZeroes(current_datetime.getSeconds()); historyItem.stopTime = stopTime; var diff = current_datetime.getTime() - historyItem.startTimeObject.getTime(); historyItem.duration = parseInt(diff/1000); delete historyItem['startTimeObject']; if (this._historyConferenceParticipants.has(callUUID)) { historyItem.participants = this._historyConferenceParticipants.get(callUUID); } else { historyItem.participants = []; } this.setState({localHistory: newHistory}); storage.set('history', newHistory); } } sendPublicKey(uri) { if (!uri) { console.log('Missing uri, cannot send public key'); } if (uri === this.state.accountId) { return; } // Send outgoing messages if (this.state.account && this.state.keys && this.state.keys.public) { console.log('Sending public key to', uri); this.state.account.sendMessage(uri, this.state.keys.public, 'text/pgp-public-key'); } else { console.log('No public key available'); } } async saveOutgoingRawMessage(id, from_uri, to_uri, content, contentType) { let timestamp = new Date(); let params; params = [id, JSON.stringify(timestamp), content, contentType, from_uri, to_uri, "outgoing", "1"]; await this.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO messages (msg_id, timestamp, content, content_type, from_uri, to_uri, direction, pending) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", params).then((result) => { //console.log('SQL insert message OK'); }).catch((error) => { if (error.message.indexOf('UNIQUE constraint failed') === -1) { console.log('SQL error:', error); } }); } async saveSylkContact(uri, contact) { if (!contact) { contact = this.newContact(uri); } else { contact = this.sanitizeContact(uri, contact); } //console.log('saveSylkContact', contact); if (this.sql_contacts_keys.indexOf(uri) > -1) { this.updateSylkContact(uri, contact); return; } let params; let blocked = contact.blocked ? 1: 0; let favorite = contact.favorite ? 1: 0; let current_datetime = new Date(); const unixTime = Math.floor(current_datetime / 1000); contact.timestamp = current_datetime; let tags = contact.tags.toString(); let participants = contact.participants.toString(); let unread_messages = contact.unread.toString(); params = [this.state.accountId, unixTime, contact.uri, contact.name || '', contact.organization || '', unread_messages || '', tags || '', participants || '', blocked, favorite, contact.publicKey || '']; await this.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO contacts (account, timestamp, uri, name, organization, unread_messages, tags, participants, blocked, favorite, public_key) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", params).then((result) => { //console.log('SQL inserted contact', contact.uri); this.sql_contacts_keys.push(contact.uri); }).catch((error) => { if (error.message.indexOf('UNIQUE constraint failed') > -1) { this.updateSylkContact(uri, contact); } else { console.log('Save contact SQL error:', error); } }); let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; myContacts[uri] = contact; let myInvitedParties = this.state.myInvitedParties; let room = uri.split('@')[0]; if (room in myInvitedParties) { myInvitedParties[room] = contact.participants; } this.setState({myContacts: myContacts, myInvitedParties: myInvitedParties}); } async deleteSylkContact(uri) { await this.ExecuteQuery("DELETE from contacts where uri = ?", [uri]).then((result) => { //console.log('SQL deleted contact', uri); }).catch((error) => { console.log('Delete contact SQL error:', error); }); let myInvitedParties = this.state.myInvitedParties; let room = uri.split('@')[0]; if (room in myInvitedParties) { delete myInvitedParties[room]; this.setState({myInvitedParties: myInvitedParties}); } let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; if (uri in myContacts) { delete myContacts[uri]; this.setState({myContacts: myContacts}); } } async updateSylkContact(uri, contact) { let unixTime = Math.floor(contact.timestamp / 1000); let blocked = contact.blocked ? 1: 0; let favorite = contact.favorite ? 1: 0; let unread_messages = contact.unread.toString(); let tags = contact.tags.toString(); let participants = contact.participants.toString(); let params = [unixTime, contact.name || '', contact.organization || '', blocked, favorite, unread_messages || '', contact.publicKey || '', tags, participants, contact.uri, this.state.accountId]; await this.ExecuteQuery("update contacts set timestamp = ?, name = ?, organization = ?, blocked = ?, favorite = ?, unread_messages = ?, public_key = ?, tags = ? , participants = ? where uri = ? and account = ?", params).then((result) => { //console.log('SQL updated contact', contact.uri); }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL error:', error); }); let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; myContacts[uri] = contact; let myInvitedParties = this.state.myInvitedParties; let room = uri.split('@')[0]; if (room in myInvitedParties) { myInvitedParties[room] = contact.participants; } this.setState({myContacts: myContacts, myInvitedParties: myInvitedParties}); } async replicatePrivateKey(password) { if (!this.state.account) { console.log('No account'); return; } password = password.trim(); const public_key = this.state.keys.public.replace(/\r/g, '').trim(); const private_key = this.state.keys.private.replace(/\r/g, '').trim(); const publicKeyHash = await RNSimpleCrypto.SHA.sha1(public_key); const privateKeyHash = await RNSimpleCrypto.SHA.sha1(private_key); const publicKeyHashContainer = "--PUBLIC KEY SHA1 CHECKSUM--" + publicKeyHash + "--"; const privateKeyHashContainer = "--PRIVATE KEY SHA1 CHECKSUM--" + privateKeyHash + "--"; const keyPair = 'THIS IS THE KEY PAIR:\n' + this.state.keys.public + '\n' + this.state.keys.private + '\n' + publicKeyHashContainer + '\n' + privateKeyHashContainer; await OpenPGP.encryptSymmetric(keyPair, password, KeyOptions).then((encryptedBuffer) => { utils.timestampedLog('Sending encrypted private key'); this.state.account.sendMessage(this.state.account.id, encryptedBuffer, 'text/pgp-private-key'); }).catch((error) => { console.log('Error encrypting private key:', error); }); } async syncPrivateKeys(password) { utils.timestampedLog('Save encrypted private key'); password = password.trim(); await OpenPGP.decryptSymmetric(this.state.privateKey, password).then((keyPair) => { utils.timestampedLog('Decrypted PGP private pair'); this.processPrivateKey(keyPair); }).catch((error) => { this.setState({privateKeyImportStatus: 'No key received'}); console.log('Error decrypting PGP private key:', error); return }); } async processPrivateKey(keyPair) { utils.timestampedLog('Process key'); keyPair = keyPair.replace(/\r/g, '').trim(); let public_key; let private_key; let status; let keys = this.state.keys || {}; let regexp; let match; regexp = /(-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----[^]*-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----)/ig; match = keyPair.match(regexp); if (match.length === 1) { public_key = match[0]; } regexp = /(-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----[^]*-----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----)/ig; match = keyPair.match(regexp); if (match.length === 1) { private_key = match[0]; } if (public_key && private_key) { if (keys.private !== private_key && keys.public !== public_key) { let new_keys = {private: private_key, public: public_key} this.saveKeySql(new_keys); status = 'Private key copied successfully'; } else { status = 'Private key is the same'; } this.setState({privateKeyImportStatus: status, privateKeyImportSuccess: true}); this.lastSyncedMessageId = null; storage.set('lastSyncedMessageId', this.lastSyncedMessageId); if (this.state.account) { this.state.account.syncConversations(); } } else { this.setState({privateKeyImportStatus: 'Incorrect password!', privateKeyImportSuccess: false}); } } async savePublicKey(uri, key) { if (!key) { console.log('Missing key'); return; } key = key.replace(/\r/g, '').trim(); if (!key.startsWith("-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----")) { console.log('Cannot find the start of PGP public key'); return; } if (!key.endsWith("-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----")) { console.log('Cannot find the end of PGP public key'); return; } let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; if (uri in myContacts) { // } else { myContacts[uri] = {}; } if (myContacts[uri].publicKey === key) { //console.log('Public key of', uri, 'did not change'); return; } utils.timestampedLog('Public key of', uri, 'saved'); this.saveSystemMessage(uri, 'Public key received', 'incoming'); //this.saveSystemMessage(uri, 'Key id ' + publicKeyHash, 'incoming'); myContacts[uri].publicKey = key; this.saveSylkContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); this.sendPublicKey(uri); } async savePublicKeySync(uri, key) { console.log('Sync public key from', uri); if (!key) { console.log('Missing key'); return; } key = key.replace(/\r/g, '').trim(); if (!key.startsWith("-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----")) { console.log('Cannot find the start of PGP public key'); return; } if (!key.endsWith("-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----")) { console.log('Cannot find the end of PGP public key'); return; } let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; if (uri in myContacts) { // } else { myContacts[uri] = {}; } if (myContacts[uri].publicKey === key) { console.log('Public key of', uri, 'did not change'); return; } console.log('Public key of', uri, 'saved'); myContacts[uri].publicKey = key; this.saveSylkContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); } _sendMessage(uri, text, id, contentType='text/plain') { // Send outgoing messages if (this.state.account) { //console.log('Send', contentType, 'message', id, 'to', uri); let message = this.state.account.sendMessage(uri, text, contentType, {id: id}); //console.log(message); //message.on('stateChanged', (oldState, newState) => {this.outgoingMessageStateChanged(message.id, oldState, newState)}) } } async sendMessage(uri, message) { message.sent = false; message.received = false; message.pending = true; message.direction = 'outgoing'; this.saveOutgoingMessage(uri, message); let renderMessages = this.state.messages; if (Object.keys(renderMessages).indexOf(uri) === -1) { renderMessages[uri] = []; } renderMessages[uri].push(message); this.setState({messages: renderMessages}); if (message.contentType !== 'text/pgp-public-key') { let public_keys = this.state.keys.public; if (uri in this.state.myContacts && this.state.myContacts[uri].publicKey) { public_keys = public_keys + "\n" + this.state.myContacts[uri].publicKey; } await OpenPGP.encrypt(message.text, public_keys).then((encryptedMessage) => { this._sendMessage(uri, encryptedMessage, message._id); }).catch((error) => { console.log('Failed to encrypt message:', error); }); } else { console.log('Outgoing non-encrypted message to', uri); this._sendMessage(uri, message.text, message._id); } } async reSendMessage(message, uri) { await this.deleteMessage(message._id, uri).then((result) => { message._id = uuid.v4(); message.createdAt = new Date(); this.sendMessage(uri, message); }).catch((error) => { console.log('Failed to delete old messages'); }); } async saveOutgoingMessage(uri, message) { this.saveOutgoingChatUri(uri, message.text); //console.log('saveOutgoingMessage', message.text); let params = [message._id, JSON.stringify(message.createdAt), message.text, "text/plain", this.state.accountId, uri, "outgoing", "1"]; await this.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO messages (msg_id, timestamp, content, content_type, from_uri, to_uri, direction, pending) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", params).then((result) => { //console.log('SQL insert message OK'); }).catch((error) => { if (error.message.indexOf('UNIQUE constraint failed') === -1) { console.log('SQL error:', error); } }); } async saveConferenceMessage(uri, message) { let params = [message._id, JSON.stringify(message.createdAt), message.text, "text/plain", this.state.accountId, uri, "outgoing", (message.pending ? 1: 0), message.sent ? 1: 0, message.received ? 1: 0]; await this.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO messages (msg_id, timestamp, content, content_type, from_uri, to_uri, direction, pending, sent, received) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", params).then((result) => { //console.log('SQL insert message OK'); }).catch((error) => { if (error.message.indexOf('UNIQUE constraint failed') === -1) { console.log('SQL error:', error); } }); } async outgoingMessageStateChanged(id, state) { let query; // mark message status // state can be failed or accepted utils.timestampedLog('Outgoing message', id, 'is', state); if (state === 'accepted') { query = "UPDATE messages set pending = 0 where msg_id = '" + id + "'"; } //console.log(query); if (query) { await this.ExecuteQuery(query).then((results) => { this.updateRenderMessage(id, state); // console.log('SQL update OK'); }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL query:', query); console.log('SQL error:', error); }); } } async messageStateChanged(obj) { // valid API states: pending -> accepted -> delivered -> displayed, // error, failed or forbidden // valid UI render states: pending, read, received let id = obj.messageId; let state = obj.state; utils.timestampedLog('Message', id, 'is', state); let query; if (state == 'accepted') { query = "UPDATE messages set pending = 0 where msg_id = '" + id + "'"; } else if (state == 'delivered') { query = "UPDATE messages set pending = 0, sent = 1 where msg_id = '" + id + "'"; } else if (state == 'displayed') { query = "UPDATE messages set received = 1, sent = 1, pending = 0 where msg_id = '" + id + "'"; } else if (state == 'received') { query = "UPDATE messages set sent = 1, pending = 0 where msg_id = '" + id + "'"; } else if (state == 'failed') { query = "UPDATE messages set received = 0, sent = 1, pending = 0 where msg_id = '" + id + "'"; } else if (state == 'error') { query = "UPDATE messages set received = 0, sent = 1, pending = 0 where msg_id = '" + id + "'"; } else if (state == 'forbidden') { query = "UPDATE messages set received = 0, sent = 1, pending = 0 where msg_id = '" + id + "'"; } //console.log(query); await this.ExecuteQuery(query).then((results) => { this.updateRenderMessage(id, state); this.lastSyncedMessageId = id; storage.set('lastSyncedMessageId', this.lastSyncedMessageId); // console.log('SQL update OK'); }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL query:', query); console.log('SQL error:', error); }); } messageStateChangedSync(obj) { // valid API states: pending -> accepted -> delivered -> displayed, // error, failed or forbidden // valid UI render states: pending, read, received let id = obj.messageId; let state = obj.state; //console.log('Sync message', id, 'state', state); let query; if (state == 'accepted') { query = "UPDATE messages set pending = 0 where msg_id = '" + id + "'"; } else if (state == 'delivered') { query = "UPDATE messages set pending = 0, sent = 1 where msg_id = '" + id + "'"; } else if (state == 'displayed') { query = "UPDATE messages set received = 1, sent = 1, pending = 0 where msg_id = '" + id + "'"; } else if (state == 'received') { query = "UPDATE messages set sent = 1, pending = 0 where msg_id = '" + id + "'"; } else if (state == 'failed') { query = "UPDATE messages set received = 0, sent = 1, pending = 0 where msg_id = '" + id + "'"; } else if (state == 'error') { query = "UPDATE messages set received = 0, sent = 1, pending = 0 where msg_id = '" + id + "'"; } else if (state == 'forbidden') { query = "UPDATE messages set received = 0, sent = 1, pending = 0 where msg_id = '" + id + "'"; } //console.log(query); this.ExecuteQuery(query).then((results) => { //console.log('SQL update OK'); }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL query:', query); console.log('SQL error:', error); }); } async deleteMessage(id, uri, local=true) { utils.timestampedLog('Message', id, 'is deleted'); let query; // TODO send request to server query = "DELETE from messages where msg_id = '" + id + "'"; //console.log(query); if (local) { this.addJournal(id, 'removeMessage', {uri: uri}); } await this.ExecuteQuery(query).then((results) => { this.deleteRenderMessage(id, uri); // console.log('SQL update OK'); }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL query:', query); console.log('SQL error:', error); }); } async deleteMessageSync(id, uri) { //console.log('Sync message', id, 'is deleted'); let query; query = "DELETE from messages where msg_id = '" + id + "'"; this.ExecuteQuery(query).then((results) => { this.deleteRenderMessage(id, uri); // console.log('SQL update OK'); }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL query:', query); console.log('SQL error:', error); }); } async expireMessage(id, duration=300) { utils.timestampedLog('Expire message', id, 'in', duration, 'seconds after read'); // TODO expire message } async deleteRenderMessage(id, uri) { if (uri.indexOf('@videoconference.') > -1) { uri = uri.split('@')[0]; } let changes = false; let renderedMessages = this.state.messages; let newRenderedMessages = []; let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; let existingMessages = []; if (uri in this.state.messages) { existingMessages = renderedMessages[uri]; existingMessages.forEach((m) => { if (m._id !== id) { newRenderedMessages.push(m); } else { changes = true; } }); } if (changes) { renderedMessages[uri] = newRenderedMessages; if (uri in myContacts) { myContacts[uri].totalMessages = myContacts[uri].totalMessages - 1; if (existingMessages.length > 0 && existingMessages[existingMessages.length - 1].id === id) { myContacts[uri].lastMessage = null; myContacts[uri].lastMessageId = null; } } this.setState({messages: renderedMessages, myContacts: myContacts}); } let idx = 'remove' + id; this.remove_sync_pending_item(idx); } async sendPendingMessage(uri, text, id) { utils.timestampedLog('Outgoing pending message', id); if (uri in this.state.myContacts && this.state.myContacts[uri].publicKey) { let public_keys = this.state.myContacts[uri].publicKey + "\n" + this.state.keys.public; await OpenPGP.encrypt(text, public_keys).then((encryptedMessage) => { //console.log('Outgoing encrypted message to', uri); this._sendMessage(uri, encryptedMessage, id); }).catch((error) => { console.log('Failed to encrypt message:', error); }); } else { //console.log('Outgoing non-encrypted message to', uri); this._sendMessage(uri, text, id); } } async sendPendingMessages() { let query; let content; query = "SELECT * from messages where pending = 1 and content_type like 'text/%'"; //console.log(query); await this.ExecuteQuery(query,[]).then((results) => { let rows = results.rows; for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var item = rows.item(i); content = item.content; this.sendPendingMessage(item.to_uri, content, item.msg_id); } }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL query:', query); console.log('SQL error:', error); }); query = "SELECT * FROM messages where direction = 'incoming' and system is null and received = 0"; //console.log(query); await this.ExecuteQuery(query).then((results) => { //console.log('SQL get messages OK'); let rows = results.rows; let imdn_msg; for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var item = rows.item(i); let timestamp = JSON.parse(item.timestamp, _parseSQLDate); imdn_msg = {id: item.msg_id, timestamp: timestamp, from_uri: item.from_uri} if (this.sendDispositionNotification(imdn_msg, 'delivered')) { query = "UPDATE messages set received = 1 where id = " + item.id; //console.log(query); this.ExecuteQuery(query).then((results) => { }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL query:', query); console.log('SQL error:', error); }); } } }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL query:', query); console.log('SQL error:', error); }); } async updateRenderMessage(id, state) { let query; let uri; let changes = false; //console.log('updateRenderMessage', id, state); query = "SELECT * from messages where msg_id = '" + id + "';"; //console.log(query); await this.ExecuteQuery(query,[]).then((results) => { let rows = results.rows; if (rows.length === 1) { var item = rows.item(0); uri = item.direction === 'outgoing' ? item.to_uri : item.from_uri; //console.log('Message uri', uri, 'new state', state); if (uri in this.state.messages) { let renderedMessages = this.state.messages; renderedMessages[uri].forEach((m) => { if (m._id === id) { if (state === 'accepted') { m.pending = false; changes = true; } if (state === 'delivered') { m.sent = true; m.pending = false; changes = true; } if (state === 'displayed') { m.received = true; m.sent = true; m.pending = false; changes = true; } if (state === 'failed') { m.received = false; m.sent = false; m.pending = false; m.failed = true; changes = true; } if (state === 'pinned') { m.pinned = true; changes = true; } if (state === 'unpinned') { m.pinned = false; changes = true; } } }); if (changes) { this.setState({messages: renderedMessages}); } } } }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL query:', query); console.log('SQL error:', error); }); } async saveOutgoingChatUri(uri, content='') { //console.log('saveOutgoingChatUri', uri); let query; let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; if (uri in myContacts) { // } else { myContacts[uri] = {}; } myContacts[uri].unread = []; if (myContacts[uri].totalMessages) { myContacts[uri].totalMessages = myContacts[uri].totalMessages + 1; } if (content.indexOf('-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----') === -1) { myContacts[uri].lastMessage = content.substring(0, 35); } myContacts[uri].lastMessageId = null; myContacts[uri].timestamp = new Date(); this.saveSylkContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); } pinMessage(id) { let query; query = "UPDATE messages set pinned = 1 where msg_id ='" + id + "'"; //console.log(query); this.ExecuteQuery(query).then((results) => { console.log('Message', id, 'pinned'); this.updateRenderMessage(id, 'pinned') this.addJournal(id, 'pinMessage'); }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL query:', query); console.log('SQL error:', error); }); } unpinMessage(id) { let query; query = "UPDATE messages set pinned = 0 where msg_id ='" + id + "'"; //console.log(query); this.ExecuteQuery(query).then((results) => { this.updateRenderMessage(id, 'unpinned') this.addJournal(id, 'unPinMessage'); console.log('Message', id, 'unpinned'); }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL query:', query); console.log('SQL error:', error); }); } async addJournal(id, action, data={}) { //console.log('Add journal entry:', action, id); this.mySyncJournal[uuid.v4()] = {id: id, action: action, data: data}; this.replayJournal(); } async replayJournal() { if (!this.state.account) { utils.timestampedLog('Sync journal later when going online...'); return; } let op; let executed_ops = []; Object.keys(this.mySyncJournal).forEach((key) => { executed_ops.push(key); op = this.mySyncJournal[key]; utils.timestampedLog('Sync journal', op.action, op.id); if (op.action === 'removeConversation') { this.state.account.removeConversation(op.id, (error) => { // TODO: add period and delete remote flags if (!error) { //utils.timestampedLog(op.action, op.id, 'journal operation was completed'); executed_ops.push(key); } else { utils.timestampedLog(op.action, op.id, 'journal operation failed:', error); } }); } else if (op.action === 'readConversation') { this.state.account.markConversationRead(op.id, (error) => { if (!error) { //utils.timestampedLog(op.action, op.id, 'journal operation completed'); executed_ops.push(key); } else { utils.timestampedLog(op.action, op.id, 'journal operation failed:', error); } }); } else if (op.action === 'removeMessage') { this.state.account.removeMessage({id: op.id, receiver: op.data.uri}, (error) => { if (!error) { //utils.timestampedLog(op.action, op.id, 'journal operation completed'); executed_ops.push(key); } else { utils.timestampedLog(op.action, op.id, 'journal operation failed:', error); } }); } }); executed_ops.forEach((key) => { delete this.mySyncJournal[key]; }); storage.set('mySyncJournal', this.mySyncJournal); this.sendPendingMessages(); } async confirmRead(uri){ if (uri.indexOf('@') === -1) { return; } //console.log('Confirm read messages for', uri); let query; let displayed = []; query = "SELECT * FROM messages where from_uri = '" + uri + "' and received = 1 and system is NULL"; //console.log(query); await this.ExecuteQuery(query).then((results) => { let rows = results.rows; if (rows.length > 0) { //console.log('We must confirm read of', rows.length, 'messages'); } for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var item = rows.item(i); if (this.sendDispositionNotification(item)) { displayed.push(item.msg_id); } } if (displayed.length > 0) { let sql_ids = ''; let i = 1; displayed.forEach((msg_id) => { sql_ids = sql_ids + "'" + msg_id + "'"; if (i < displayed.length) { sql_ids = sql_ids + ', '; } i = i + 1; }); query = "UPDATE messages set received = 2 where msg_id in (" + sql_ids + ")"; //console.log(query); this.ExecuteQuery(query).then((results) => { //console.log('Sent disposition saved for', displayed.length, 'messages'); }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL query:', query); console.log('SQL error:', error); }); } }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL query:', query); console.log('SQL error:', error); }); this.resetUnreadCount(uri); } async resetUnreadCount(uri) { //console.log('Reset read count for', uri); let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; if (uri in myContacts) { if (myContacts[uri].unread.length > 0) { myContacts[uri].unread = []; this.setState({myContacts: myContacts}); this.saveSylkContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); this.addJournal(uri, 'readConversation'); } } } async sendDispositionNotification(message, state='displayed') { let query; let result = {}; let id = message.msg_id || message.id; this.state.account.sendDispositionNotification(message.from_uri, id, message.timestamp, state,(error) => { if (!error) { utils.timestampedLog('Message', id, 'was', state, 'now'); return true; } else { utils.timestampedLog(state, 'notification for message', id, 'send failed:', error); return false; } }); return false; } loadEarlierMessages() { if (!this.state.selectedContact) { return; } let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; let uri = this.state.selectedContact.remoteParty; let limit = this.state.messageLimit * this.state.messageZoomFactor; if (myContacts[uri].totalMessages < limit) { //console.log('No more messages for', uri); return; } let messageZoomFactor = this.state.messageZoomFactor; messageZoomFactor = messageZoomFactor + 1; this.setState({messageZoomFactor: messageZoomFactor}); setTimeout(() => { this.getMessages(this.state.selectedContact.remoteParty); }, 10); } async getMessages(uri){ //console.log('Get messages with', uri, 'with zoom factor', this.state.messageZoomFactor); let messages = this.state.messages; let msg; let query; let rows = 0; let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; let total = 0; let limit = this.state.messageLimit * this.state.messageZoomFactor; /* if (uri in myContacts && myContacts[uri].totalMessages) { //console.log(myContacts[uri].totalMessages, 'messages with', uri, 'from cache'); total = myContacts[uri].totalMessages; } else { */ query = "SELECT count(*) as rows FROM messages where from_uri = '" + uri + "' or to_uri = '" + uri + "';"; await this.ExecuteQuery(query).then((results) => { rows = results.rows; total = rows.item(0).rows; //console.log(total, 'messages with', uri, 'from database'); }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL query:', query); console.log('SQL error:', error); }); // } if (uri in myContacts) { myContacts[uri].totalMessages = total; } query = "SELECT * FROM messages where from_uri = '" + uri + "' or to_uri = '" + uri + "' order by id desc limit " + this.state.messageStart + " , " + limit + ";"; //console.log(query); await this.ExecuteQuery(query).then((results) => { //console.log('SQL get messages OK'); let rows = results.rows; messages[uri] = []; let content; let image; let ts; let last_message; let last_message_id; for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var item = rows.item(i); content = item.content; let timestamp = JSON.parse(item.timestamp, _parseSQLDate); if (item.content_type === 'text/html') { content = utils.html2text(content); } else if (item.content_type === 'text/plain') { content = content; } else if (item.content_type.indexOf('image/') > -1) { image = `data:${item.content_type};base64,${btoa(content)}` } else { content = 'Unknown message type received ' + item.content_type; continue; } let failed = (item.pending === 0 && item.received === 0 && item.sent === 1) ? true: false, msg = { _id: item.msg_id, text: content, image: image, createdAt: timestamp, sent: ((item.sent === 1 || item.received === 1) && !failed) ? true : false, direction: item.direction, received: item.received === 1 ? true : false, pending: (item.pending === 1 && item.sent !== 1) ? true : false, system: item.system === 1 ? true : false, failed: failed, pinned: (item.pinned === 1) ? true: false, user: item.direction == 'incoming' ? {_id: item.from_uri, name: item.from_name} : {} } if (content.indexOf('-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----') === -1) { messages[uri].push(msg); } } messages[uri].sort((a, b) => (a.createdAt > b.createdAt) ? 1 : -1); if (messages[uri].length > 0) { console.log('Got', messages[uri].length, 'messages for', uri, 'from database'); let last_item = messages[uri][messages[uri].length -1]; if (!last_item.image && !last_item.system && last_item.text.indexOf('-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----') === -1) { last_message = last_item.text.substring(0, 35); last_message_id = last_item.id; } } if (uri in myContacts) { if (last_message) { myContacts[uri].lastMessage = last_message; myContacts[uri].lastMessageId = last_message_id; this.saveSylkContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); } } this.setState({messages: messages}); }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL query:', query); console.log('SQL error:', error); }); } async deleteMessages(uri, local=true) { let query; //console.log('Purge messages for', uri); let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; if (uri) { if (local) { this.addJournal(uri, 'removeConversation'); let conf_uri = uri; if (uri.indexOf('@') === -1) { const conf_uri = uri + '@videoconference.' + this.state.defaultDomain; } this.deleteHistoryEntry(conf_uri); } query = "DELETE FROM messages where (from_uri = '" + uri + "' or to_uri = '" + uri + "')"; await this.ExecuteQuery(query).then((result) => { this.removeContact(uri); }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL query:', query); console.log('SQL error:', error); }); } else { query = "DELETE FROM messages"; console.log(query); await this.ExecuteQuery(query).then((result) => { Object.keys(myContacts).forEach((uri) => { myContacts[uri].read = 0; myContacts[uri].lastMessage = null; myContacts[uri].lastMessageId = null; }); this.setState({messages: {}, myContacts: myContacts}); this.lastSyncedMessageId = null; storage.set('lastSyncedMessageId', null); }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL query:', query); console.log('SQL error:', error); }); } } playIncomingSound() { let must_play_sound = true; if (this.msg_sound_played_ts) { let diff = (Date.now() - this.msg_sound_played_ts)/ 1000; if (diff < 10) { must_play_sound = false; } } this.msg_sound_played_ts = Date.now(); if (must_play_sound) { try { if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { SoundPlayer.setSpeaker(true); } SoundPlayer.playSoundFile('message_received', 'wav'); } catch (e) { console.log('Cannot play message_received.wav', e); } } } async removeMessage(message, uri=null) { if (uri === null) { uri = message.sender.uri; } await this.deleteMessage(message.id, uri, false).then((result) => { console.log('Message', message.id, 'to', uri, 'is removed'); }).catch((error) => { //console.log('Failed to remove message', message.id, 'to', uri); return; }); let renderMessages = this.state.messages; if (Object.keys(renderMessages).indexOf(uri) === -1) { return; } let existingMessages = renderMessages[uri]; let newMessages = []; existingMessages.forEach((msg) => { if (msg.id === message.id) { return; } newMessages.push(msg); }); let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; if (uri in myContacts) { if (myContacts[uri].totalMessages) { myContacts[uri].totalMessages = myContacts[uri].totalMessages - 1; } let idx = myContacts[uri].unread.indexOf(message.id); if (idx > -1) { myContacts[uri].unread.splice(idx, 1); } if (myContacts[uri].lastMessageId === message.id) { myContacts[uri].lastMessage = null; myContacts[uri].lastMessageId = null; } } renderMessages[uri] = newMessages; this.setState({messages: renderMessages, myContacts: myContacts}); } async removeConversation(obj) { let uri = obj; //console.log('removeConversation', uri); let renderMessages = this.state.messages; await this.deleteMessages(uri, false).then((result) => { utils.timestampedLog('Conversation with', uri, 'was removed'); }).catch((error) => { console.log('Failed to delete conversation with', uri); }); } removeConversationSync(obj) { let uri = obj.content; //console.log('Sync remove conversation with', uri); let query; if (uri.indexOf('@videoconference.') > -1) { uri = uri.split('@')[0]; } query = "DELETE FROM messages where (from_uri = '" + uri + "' or to_uri = '" + uri + "')"; this.ExecuteQuery(query).then((result) => { }).catch((error) => { console.log('SQL query:', query); console.log('SQL error:', error); }); this.deleteSylkContact(uri); } async readConversation(obj) { let uri = obj; this.resetUnreadCount(uri) } removeContact(uri) { let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; this.deleteSylkContact(uri); let renderMessages = this.state.messages; if (uri in renderMessages) { delete renderMessages[uri]; this.setState({messages: renderMessages}); } } add_sync_pending_item(item) { if (this.sync_pending_items.indexOf(item) > -1) { return; } this.sync_pending_items.push(item); if (this.sync_pending_items.length == 1) { console.log('Sync started ---'); this.setState({syncCoversations: true}); if (this.syncTimer === null) { this.syncTimer = setTimeout(() => { this.resetSyncTimer(); }, 1000 * 60); } } } resetSyncTimer() { if (this.sync_pending_items.length > 0) { this.sync_pending_items = []; console.log('Sync ended ---'); this.setState({syncCoversations: false}); } } remove_sync_pending_item(item) { let idx = this.sync_pending_items.indexOf(item); if (idx > -1) { this.sync_pending_items.splice(idx, 1); } if (this.sync_pending_items.length == 0) { console.log('Sync ended ---'); this.setState({syncCoversations: false}); if (this.syncTimer !== null) { clearTimeout(this.syncTimer); this.syncTimer = null; } } } async syncConversations(messages) { if (this.sync_pending_items.length > 0) { console.log('Sync already in progress'); return; } let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; let renderMessages = this.state.messages; console.log('Sync', messages.length, 'events from server'); let i = 1; let idx; let uri; let content; let existingMessages; let formatted_date; let newMessages = []; + let lastMessages = {}; let update_uris = {}; let last_timestamp; let stats = {state: 0, remove: 0, incoming: 0, outgoing: 0, delete: 0, read: 0} messages.forEach((message) => { last_timestamp = message.timestamp; i = i + 1; //console.log('Process journal', i, 'of', messages.length, message.contentType); + uri = null; if (message.contentType === 'application/sylk-message-remove') { uri = message.content.contact; } else if (message.contentType === 'application/sylk-conversation-remove') { uri = message.content; } else if (message.contentType === 'application/sylk-conversation-read' ) { uri = message.content; } else if (message.contentType === 'message/imdn') { } else { if (message.sender.uri === this.state.account.id) { uri = message.receiver; } else { uri = message.sender.uri; } } + if (uri && Object.keys(myContacts).indexOf(uri) === -1) { + myContacts[uri] = this.newContact(uri); + } //console.log('Sync', message.timestamp, message.contentType, uri); if (message.contentType === 'application/sylk-message-remove') { idx = 'remove' + message.id; this.add_sync_pending_item(idx); - if (Object.keys(myContacts).indexOf(uri) === -1) { - myContacts[uri] = this.newContact(uri); - } - this.deleteMessageSync(message.id, uri); if (uri in renderMessages) { existingMessages = renderMessages[uri]; newMessages = []; existingMessages.forEach((msg) => { if (msg.id === message.id) { return; } newMessages.push(msg); }); renderMessages[uri] = newMessages; } - if (myContacts[uri].totalMessages) { - myContacts[uri].totalMessages = myContacts[uri].totalMessages - 1; - } - let idx = myContacts[uri].unread.indexOf(message.id); if (idx > -1) { myContacts[uri].unread.splice(idx, 1); } if (myContacts[uri].lastMessageId === message.id) { myContacts[uri].lastMessage = null; myContacts[uri].lastMessageId = null; } + if (uri in lastMessages && lastMessages[uri] === message.id) { + delete lastMessages[uri]; + } + stats.delete = stats.delete + 1; } else if (message.contentType === 'application/sylk-conversation-remove') { if (uri in myContacts) { delete myContacts[uri]; } if (uri in update_uris) { delete update_uris[uri]; } + if (uri in lastMessages) { + delete lastMessages[uri]; + } + if (uri in renderMessages) { delete renderMessages[uri]; } this.removeConversationSync(message); stats.remove = stats.remove + 1; } else if (message.contentType === 'application/sylk-conversation-read') { - if (Object.keys(myContacts).indexOf(uri) === -1) { - myContacts[uri] = this.newContact(uri); - } - update_uris[uri] = last_timestamp; - myContacts[uri].timestamp = new Date(); + myContacts[uri].unread = []; stats.read = stats.read + 1; } else if (message.contentType === 'message/imdn') { this.messageStateChangedSync({messageId: message.id, state: message.state}); stats.state = stats.state + 1; } else { this.add_sync_pending_item(message.id); + myContacts[uri].timestamp = message.timestamp; if (message.sender.uri === this.state.account.id) { + update_uris[uri] = last_timestamp; if (message.contentType !== 'application/sylk-contact-update') { - update_uris[uri] = last_timestamp; - if (Object.keys(myContacts).indexOf(uri) === -1) { - myContacts[uri] = this.newContact(message.content); - } - myContacts[uri].timestamp = message.timestamp; + myContacts[uri].lastMessageId = message.id; + lastMessages[uri] = message.id; } stats.outgoing = stats.outgoing + 1; this.outgoingMessageSync(message); } else { - if (Object.keys(myContacts).indexOf(uri) === -1) { - myContacts[uri] = this.newContact(uri); - } - myContacts[uri].timestamp = message.timestamp; + myContacts[uri].lastMessageId = message.id; + lastMessages[uri] = message.id; + if (message.dispositionNotification.indexOf('display') > -1) { myContacts[uri].unread.push(message.id); - myContacts[uri].lastMessageId = message.id; } - stats.incoming = stats.incoming + 1; this.incomingMessageSync(message); } } this.lastSyncedMessageId = message.id; }); /* if (messages.length > 0) { Object.keys(stats).forEach((key) => { console.log('Sync', stats[key], key); }); } */ this.setState({messages: renderMessages}); // sync changed myContacts with SQL database Object.keys(update_uris).forEach((uri) => { if (uri !== this.state.accountId) { this.saveSylkContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); } }); + Object.keys(lastMessages).forEach((uri) => { + // TODO update lastMessage content for each contact + }); + + storage.set('lastSyncedMessageId', this.lastSyncedMessageId); } async incomingMessage(message) { utils.timestampedLog('Message', message.id, 'was received'); // Handle incoming messages if (message.content.indexOf('?OTRv3') > -1) { return; } if (message.contentType === 'text/pgp-public-key') { this.savePublicKey(message.sender.uri, message.content); return; } if (message.contentType === 'text/pgp-private-key' && message.sender.uri === this.state.account.id) { console.log('Received PGP private key from another device'); this.setState({showImportPrivateKeyModal: true, privateKey: message.content}); return; } const is_encrypted = message.content.indexOf('-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----') > -1 && message.content.indexOf('-----END PGP MESSAGE-----') > -1; if (is_encrypted) { if (!this.state.keys || !this.state.keys.private) { console.log('Missing private key, cannot decrypt message'); this.saveSystemMessage(message.sender.uri, 'Cannot decrypt: no private key', 'incoming'); } else { await OpenPGP.decrypt(message.content, this.state.keys.private).then((decryptedBody) => { //console.log('Incoming message', message.id, 'decrypted'); this.handleIncomingMessage(message, decryptedBody); }).catch((error) => { console.log('Failed to decrypt message:', error); this.sendPublicKey(message.sender.uri); //this.saveSystemMessage(message.sender.uri, 'Cannot decrypt: wrong public key', 'incoming'); }); } } else { //console.log('Incoming message is not encrypted'); this.handleIncomingMessage(message, message.content, message.contentType); } this.lastSyncedMessageId = message.id; storage.set('lastSyncedMessageId', this.lastSyncedMessageId); } handleIncomingMessage(message, decryptedBody, contentType='text/plain') { let content = decryptedBody || message.content; this.saveIncomingMessage(message.sender.uri, message, content, contentType); let renderMessages = this.state.messages; if (Object.keys(renderMessages).indexOf(message.sender.uri) === -1) { renderMessages[message.sender.uri] = []; } renderMessages[message.sender.uri].push(utils.sylkToRenderMessage(message, decryptedBody)); this.setState({messages: renderMessages}); } async incomingMessageSync(message) { //console.log('Sync incoming message', message); // Handle incoming messages if (message.content.indexOf('?OTRv3') > -1) { this.remove_sync_pending_item(message.id); return; } if (message.contentType === 'text/pgp-public-key') { this.remove_sync_pending_item(message.id); this.savePublicKeySync(message.sender.uri, message.content); return; } if (message.contentType === 'text/pgp-private-key') { this.remove_sync_pending_item(message.id); return; } const is_encrypted = message.content.indexOf('-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----') > -1 && message.content.indexOf('-----END PGP MESSAGE-----') > -1; let content = message.content; if (is_encrypted) { if (!this.state.keys || !this.state.keys.private) { } else { await OpenPGP.decrypt(message.content, this.state.keys.private).then((decryptedBody) => { //console.log('Incoming message', message.id, 'decrypted from', message.sender.uri); //this.handleIncomingMessageSync(message, decryptedBody); content = decryptedBody; this.saveIncomingMessageSync(message.sender.uri, message, decryptedBody, message.contentType); }).catch((error) => { this.remove_sync_pending_item(message.id); }); } } else { console.log('Incoming message', message.id, 'not encrypted from', message.sender.uri); this.saveIncomingMessageSync(message.sender.uri, message, null, message.contentType); } this.remove_sync_pending_item(message.id); } async outgoingMessage(message) { utils.timestampedLog('Outgoing message', message.id, 'to', message.receiver); if (message.content.indexOf('?OTRv3') > -1) { return; } if (message.contentType === 'text/pgp-public-key') { return; } if (message.contentType === 'message/imdn') { return; } if (message.contentType === 'text/pgp-private-key' && message.sender.uri === this.state.account.id) { console.log('Received my own PGP private key'); this.setState({showImportPrivateKeyModal: true, privateKey: message.content}); return; } const is_encrypted = message.content.indexOf('-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----') > -1 && message.content.indexOf('-----END PGP MESSAGE-----') > -1; let content = message.content; if (is_encrypted) { await OpenPGP.decrypt(message.content, this.state.keys.private).then((decryptedBody) => { console.log('Outgoing message', message.id, 'decrypted to', message.receiver, message.contentType); if (message.contentType === 'application/sylk-contact-update') { this.contactSync(decryptedBody); } else { this.saveMessageSql(message, decryptedBody); this.lastSyncedMessageId = message.id; storage.set('lastSyncedMessageId', this.lastSyncedMessageId); let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; let uri = message.receiver; if (uri in myContacts) { // } else { myContacts[uri] = this.newContact(uri); } myContacts[uri].timestamp = new Date(); if (message.contentType === 'text/html') { content = utils.html2text(content); } else if (message.contentType.indexOf('image/') > -1) { content = 'Image'; } if (content && content.indexOf('-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----') === -1) { myContacts[uri].lastMessage = content.substring(0, 35); } this.saveSylkContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); } }).catch((error) => { console.log('Failed to decrypt my own message:', error); return; }); } else { if (message.contentType === 'application/sylk-contact-update') { this.contactSync(content); } else { this.saveMessageSql(message); this.lastSyncedMessageId = message.id; storage.set('lastSyncedMessageId', this.lastSyncedMessageId); let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; let uri = message.receiver; if (uri in myContacts) { // } else { myContacts[uri] = this.newContact(uri); } myContacts[uri].timestamp = new Date(); if (message.contentType === 'text/html') { content = utils.html2text(content); } else if (message.contentType.indexOf('image/') > -1) { content = 'Image'; } if (content && content.indexOf('-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----') === -1) { myContacts[uri].lastMessage = content.substring(0, 35); } this.saveSylkContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); } } } async outgoingMessageSync(message) { //console.log('Sync outgoing message', message.id, 'to', message.receiver); if (message.content.indexOf('?OTRv3') > -1) { this.remove_sync_pending_item(message.id); return; } if (message.contentType === 'text/pgp-public-key') { this.remove_sync_pending_item(message.id); return; } if (message.contentType === 'message/imdn') { this.remove_sync_pending_item(message.id); return; } if (message.contentType === 'text/pgp-private-key') { this.remove_sync_pending_item(message.id); return; } const is_encrypted = message.content.indexOf('-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----') > -1 && message.content.indexOf('-----END PGP MESSAGE-----') > -1; let content = message.content; if (is_encrypted) { await OpenPGP.decrypt(message.content, this.state.keys.private).then((decryptedBody) => { //console.log('Sync outgoing message', message.id, 'decrypted to', message.receiver); if (message.contentType === 'application/sylk-contact-update') { this.contactSync(decryptedBody); this.remove_sync_pending_item(message.id); } else { this.saveMessageSql(message, decryptedBody); } }).catch((error) => { console.log('Failed to decrypt my own message:', error); this.remove_sync_pending_item(message.id); return; }); } else { if (message.contentType === 'application/sylk-contact-update') { this.contactSync(content); this.remove_sync_pending_item(message.id); } else { this.saveMessageSql(message); } } } saveMessageSql(message, decryptedBody) { let pending = 0; let sent = 0; let received = null; let failed = 0; let content = decryptedBody || message.content; if (message.state == 'pending') { pending = 1; } else if (message.state == 'delivered') { sent = 1; } else if (message.state == 'displayed') { received = 1; sent = 1; } else if (message.state == 'failed') { sent = 1; received = 0; failed = 1; } else if (message.state == 'error') { sent = 1; received = 0; failed = 1; } else if (message.state == 'forbidden') { sent = 1; received = 0; } let params = [message.id, JSON.stringify(message.timestamp), content, message.contentType, message.sender.uri, message.receiver, "outgoing", pending, sent, received]; this.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO messages (msg_id, timestamp, content, content_type, from_uri, to_uri, direction, pending, sent, received) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", params).then((result) => { //console.log('SQL insert message OK'); }).catch((error) => { if (error.message.indexOf('UNIQUE constraint failed') === -1) { console.log('SQL error:', error); } }); this.remove_sync_pending_item(message.id); } async saveSystemMessage(uri, content, direction, missed=false) { let timestamp = new Date(); let params = [uuid.v4(), JSON.stringify(timestamp), content, 'text/plain', direction === 'incoming' ? uri : this.state.account.id, direction === 'outgoing' ? uri : this.state.account.id, 0, 1, direction]; await this.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO messages (msg_id, timestamp, content, content_type, from_uri, to_uri, pending, system, direction) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", params).then((result) => { if (missed) { this.addUnreadMessage(uri); } }).catch((error) => { if (error.message.indexOf('UNIQUE constraint failed') === -1) { console.log('SQL error:', error); } }); } async saveIncomingMessage(uri, message, decryptedBody=null, contentType='text/plain') { var content = decryptedBody || message.content; let received = 1; let params = [message.id, JSON.stringify(message.timestamp), content, message.contentType, message.sender.uri, this.state.account.id, "incoming", received]; await this.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO messages (msg_id, timestamp, content, content_type, from_uri, to_uri, direction, received) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", params).then((result) => { this.addUnreadMessage(uri, message.sender.toString(), content, contentType, message.id); }).catch((error) => { if (error.message.indexOf('UNIQUE constraint failed') === -1) { console.log('SQL error:', error); } }); } saveIncomingMessageSync(uri, message, decryptedBody=null, contentType='text/plain') { var content = decryptedBody || message.content; let received = 0; let imdn_msg; if (message.dispositionNotification.indexOf('positive-delivery') > -1) { imdn_msg = {id: message.id, timestamp: message.timestamp, from_uri: message.sender.uri} if (this.sendDispositionNotification(imdn_msg, 'delivered')) { received = 1; } } else { //console.log('Incoming message', message.id, 'was already delivered'); received = 1; } if (message.dispositionNotification.indexOf('display') === -1) { //console.log('Incoming message', message.id, 'was already read'); received = 2; } let params = [message.id, JSON.stringify(message.timestamp), content, message.contentType, message.sender.uri, this.state.account.id, "incoming", received]; this.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO messages (msg_id, timestamp, content, content_type, from_uri, to_uri, direction, received) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", params).then((result) => { }).catch((error) => { if (error.message.indexOf('UNIQUE constraint failed') === -1) { console.log('SQL error:', error); } }); } async addUnreadMessage(uri, name='', content='', contentType='text/html', id=null) { let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; if (uri in myContacts) { // } else { myContacts[uri] = this.newContact(uri) myContacts[uri].name = name; } myContacts[uri].unread.push(id); myContacts[uri].timestamp = new Date(); if (myContacts[uri].totalMessages) { myContacts[uri].totalMessages = myContacts[uri].totalMessages + 1; } if (contentType === 'text/html') { content = utils.html2text(content); } else if (contentType.indexOf('image/') > -1) { content = 'Image'; } if (content && content.indexOf('-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----') === -1) { myContacts[uri].lastMessage = content.substring(0, 35); if (id) { myContacts[uri].lastMessageId = id; } } this.saveSylkContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); } saveParticipant(callUUID, room, uri) { if (this._historyConferenceParticipants.has(callUUID)) { let old_participants = this._historyConferenceParticipants.get(callUUID); if (old_participants.indexOf(uri) === -1) { old_participants.push(uri); } } else { let new_participants = [uri]; this._historyConferenceParticipants.set(callUUID, new_participants); } if (!this.myParticipants) { this.myParticipants = new Object(); } if (this.myParticipants.hasOwnProperty(room)) { let old_uris = this.myParticipants[room]; if (old_uris.indexOf(uri) === -1 && uri !== this.state.account.id && (uri + '@' + this.state.defaultDomain) !== this.state.account.id) { this.myParticipants[room].push(uri); } } else { let new_uris = []; if (uri !== this.state.account.id && (uri + '@' + this.state.defaultDomain) !== this.state.account.id) { new_uris.push(uri); } if (new_uris) { this.myParticipants[room] = new_uris; } } storage.set('myParticipants', this.myParticipants); } deleteContact(uri) { uri = uri.trim().toLowerCase(); if (uri.indexOf('@') === -1) { uri = uri + '@' + this.state.defaultDomain; } let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; if (uri in myContacts) { this.deleteMessages(uri); } this.setState({selectedContact: null, target_uri: ''}); } deletePublicKey(uri) { uri = uri.trim().toLowerCase(); if (uri.indexOf('@') === -1) { uri = uri + '@' + this.state.defaultDomain; } let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; if (uri in myContacts) { myContacts[uri].publicKey = null; console.log('Public key of', uri, 'deleted'); this.saveSylkContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); } } newContact(uri) { let current_datetime = new Date(); let formatted_date = current_datetime.getFullYear() + "-" + utils.appendLeadingZeroes(current_datetime.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + utils.appendLeadingZeroes(current_datetime.getDate()) + " " + utils.appendLeadingZeroes(current_datetime.getHours()) + ":" + utils.appendLeadingZeroes(current_datetime.getMinutes()) + ":" + utils.appendLeadingZeroes(current_datetime.getSeconds()); const contact = { uri: uri, name: '', organization: '', favorite: false, blocked: false, unread: [], tags: [], participants: [], publicKey: null, lastMessageId: null, timestamp: formatted_date, lastMessage: null } return contact; } saveContact(uri, displayName, organization='') { displayName = displayName.trim(); uri = uri.trim().toLowerCase(); if (uri.indexOf('@') === -1) { uri = uri + '@' + this.state.defaultDomain; } console.log('Save contact', displayName, 'with uri', uri, 'and organization', organization); let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; if (uri in myContacts) { // } else { myContacts[uri] = this.newContact(uri); } myContacts[uri].organization = organization; myContacts[uri].name = displayName; myContacts[uri].uri = uri; myContacts[uri].timestamp = new Date(); myContacts[uri] = this.sanitizeContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); this.replicateContact(myContacts[uri]); this.saveSylkContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); let selectedContact = this.state.selectedContact; if (selectedContact && selectedContact.remoteParty === uri) { selectedContact.displayName = displayName; selectedContact.organization = organization; this.setState({selectedContact: selectedContact}); } if (uri === this.state.accountId) { storage.set('displayName', displayName); storage.set('organization', organization); this.setState({displayName: displayName, organization: organization}); if (this.state.account && displayName !== this.state.account.displayName) { this.processRegistration(this.state.accountId, this.state.password, displayName); } } } async replicateContact(contact) { //console.log('Replicate contact', contact); let id = uuid.v4(); let content; let contentType = 'application/sylk-contact-update'; let new_contact = {} new_contact.uri = contact.uri; new_contact.name = contact.name; new_contact.organization = contact.organization; new_contact.blocked = contact.blocked; new_contact.favorite = contact.favorite; new_contact.timestamp = Math.floor(contact.timestamp / 1000); new_contact.tags = contact.tags; new_contact.participants = contact.participants; content = JSON.stringify(new_contact); this.saveOutgoingRawMessage(id, this.state.accountId, this.state.accountId, content, contentType); await OpenPGP.encrypt(content, this.state.keys.public).then((encryptedMessage) => { this._sendMessage(this.state.accountId, encryptedMessage, id, contentType); }).catch((error) => { console.log('Failed to encrypt contact:', error); }); } contactSync(json_contact) { let contact; contact = JSON.parse(json_contact); if (contact.uri === null) { return; } if (contact.uri === this.state.accountId) { storage.set('displayName', contact.name); storage.set('organization', contact.organization); this.setState({displayName: contact.name, organization: contact.organization}); } let uri = contact.uri; let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; if (uri in myContacts) { // } else { if (contact.uri === this.state.accountId) { return; } myContacts[uri] = this.newContact(uri); } myContacts[uri].uri = uri; myContacts[uri].name = contact.name; myContacts[uri].organization = contact.organization; myContacts[uri].timestamp = new Date(contact.timestamp * 1000); myContacts[uri].tags = contact.tags; myContacts[uri].participants = contact.participants; myContacts[uri] = this.sanitizeContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); this.saveSylkContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); this.updateFavorite(uri, contact.favorite); this.updateBlocked(uri, contact.blocked); } sanitizeContact(uri, contact) { //console.log('sanitizeContact', uri, contact); let idx; contact.uri = uri; if (!contact.favorite) { contact.favorite = false; } if (!contact.blocked) { contact.blocked = false; } if (!contact.tags) { contact.tags = []; } if (!contact.participants) { contact.participants = []; } if (!contact.unread) { contact.unread = []; } idx = contact.tags.indexOf('favorite'); if (idx > -1 && !contact.favorite) { contact.tags.splice(idx, 1); } else if (contact.favorite && idx === -1){ contact.tags.push('favorite'); } if (idx > -1) { contact.favorite = true; } idx = contact.tags.indexOf('blocked'); if (idx > -1 && !contact.blocked) { contact.tags.splice(idx, 1); } else if (contact.blocked && idx === -1){ contact.tags.push('blocked'); } if (idx > -1) { contact.blocked = true; } return contact; } updateFavorite(uri, favorite) { if (favorite === null) { return; } let favoriteUris = this.state.favoriteUris; let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; let idx; idx = favoriteUris.indexOf(uri); if (favorite && idx === -1) { favoriteUris.push(uri); console.log(uri, 'is favorite'); } else if (!favorite && idx > -1) { favoriteUris.splice(idx, 1); console.log(uri, 'is not favorite'); } else { return; } if (uri in myContacts) { } else { myContacts[uri] = this.newContact(uri); } myContacts[uri] = this.sanitizeContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); myContacts[uri].favorite = favorite; idx = myContacts[uri].tags.indexOf('favorite'); if (idx > -1) { myContacts[uri].tags.splice(idx, 1); } else { myContacts[uri].tags.push('favorite'); } this.saveSylkContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); this.setState({favoriteUris: favoriteUris, refreshFavorites: !this.state.refreshFavorites}); } toggleFavorite(uri) { //console.log('toggleFavorite', uri); let favoriteUris = this.state.favoriteUris; let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; let selectedContact; let favorite; if (uri in myContacts) { } else { myContacts[uri] = this.newContact(uri); } myContacts[uri] = this.sanitizeContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); myContacts[uri].favorite = !myContacts[uri].favorite idx = myContacts[uri].tags.indexOf('favorite'); if (idx > -1) { myContacts[uri].tags.splice(idx, 1); } else { myContacts[uri].tags.push('favorite'); } myContacts[uri].timestamp = new Date(); this.saveSylkContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); let idx = favoriteUris.indexOf(uri); if (idx === -1) { favoriteUris.push(uri); favorite = true; console.log(uri, 'is favorite'); } else { let removed = favoriteUris.splice(idx, 1); favorite = false; console.log(uri, 'is not favorite'); } this.replicateContact(myContacts[uri]); this.setState({favoriteUris: favoriteUris, refreshFavorites: !this.state.refreshFavorites}); return favorite; } toggleBlocked(uri) { let blockedUris = this.state.blockedUris; let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; let blocked; if (uri in myContacts) { } else { myContacts[uri] = this.newContact(uri); } myContacts[uri] = this.sanitizeContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); myContacts[uri].blocked = !myContacts[uri].blocked; myContacts[uri].timestamp = new Date(); this.saveSylkContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); let idx = blockedUris.indexOf(uri); if (idx === -1) { blockedUris.push(uri); blocked = true; console.log(uri, 'is blocked'); } else { blockedUris.splice(idx, 1); blocked = false; console.log(uri, 'is not blocked'); } this.setState({blockedUris: blockedUris, selectedContact: null}); this.replicateContact(myContacts[uri]); return blocked; } updateBlocked(uri, blocked) { if (blocked === null) { return; } let blockedUris = this.state.blockedUris; let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; let idx; idx = blockedUris.indexOf(uri); if (blocked && idx === -1) { blockedUris.push(uri); console.log(uri, 'is blocked'); } else if (!blocked && idx > -1) { blockedUris.splice(idx, 1); console.log(uri, 'is not blocked'); } else { return; } this.setState({blockedUris: blockedUris}); if (uri in myContacts) { } else { myContacts[uri] = this.newContact(uri); } myContacts[uri] = this.sanitizeContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); myContacts[uri].blocked = blocked; idx = myContacts[uri].tags.indexOf('blocked'); if (idx > -1) { myContacts[uri].tags.splice(idx, 1); } else { myContacts[uri].tags.push('blocked'); } this.saveSylkContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); } appendInvitedParties(room, uris) { room = room.split('@')[0]; //console.log('Save invited parties', uris, 'for room', room); let myInvitedParties = this.state.myInvitedParties; let current_uris = myInvitedParties.hasOwnProperty(room) ? myInvitedParties[room] : []; uris.forEach((uri) => { let idx = current_uris.indexOf(uri); if (idx === -1) { if (uri.indexOf('@') === -1) { uri = uri + '@' + this.state.defaultDomain; } if (uri !== this.state.account.id) { current_uris.push(uri); console.log('Added', uri, 'to room', room); } } }); this.saveInvitedParties(room, uris); } saveInvitedParties(room, uris) { let uri = room; room = room.split('@')[0]; //console.log('Save invited parties', uris, 'for room', room); let myInvitedParties = this.state.myInvitedParties; let new_uris = []; uris.forEach((uri) => { if (uri.indexOf('@') === -1) { uri = uri + '@' + this.state.defaultDomain; } if (uri !== this.state.account.id) { new_uris.push(uri); console.log('Added', uri, 'to room', room); } }); let myContacts = this.state.myContacts; if (uri in myContacts) { myContacts[uri].timestamp = new Date(); } else { myContacts[uri] = this.newContact(uri); } myContacts[uri].participants = new_uris; this.replicateContact(myContacts[uri]); this.saveSylkContact(uri, myContacts[uri]); } deleteHistoryEntry(uri) { let history = this.state.localHistory; for (var i = history.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (history[i].remoteParty === uri) { history.splice(i,1); } } storage.set('history', history); this.setState({localHistory: history}); } addConferenceHistoryEntry(uri, callUUID, direction='placed', participants=[]) { let current_datetime = new Date(); let startTime = current_datetime.getFullYear() + "-" + utils.appendLeadingZeroes(current_datetime.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + utils.appendLeadingZeroes(current_datetime.getDate()) + " " + utils.appendLeadingZeroes(current_datetime.getHours()) + ":" + utils.appendLeadingZeroes(current_datetime.getMinutes()) + ":" + utils.appendLeadingZeroes(current_datetime.getSeconds()); let item = { remoteParty: uri, direction: direction, type: 'history', conference: true, participants: participants, media: ['audio', 'video'], displayName: uri.split('@')[0], sessionId: callUUID, startTime: startTime, stopTime: startTime, startTimeObject: current_datetime, duration: 0, tags: ['history', 'local'] }; const historyItem = Object.assign({}, item); let newHistory = this.state.localHistory; newHistory.push(historyItem); this.setState({localHistory: newHistory}); storage.set('history', newHistory); } render() { let footerBox = ; let extraStyles = {}; if (this.state.localMedia || this.state.registrationState === 'registered') { footerBox = null; } let loadingLabel = this.state.loading; if (this.state.syncCoversations) { loadingLabel = 'Sync conversations'; } return ( this.setState({ Width_Layout : event.nativeEvent.layout.width, Height_Layout : event.nativeEvent.layout.height }, ()=> this._detectOrientation())}> ); } notFound(match) { const status = { title : '404', message : 'Oops, the page your looking for can\'t found', level : 'danger', width : 'large' } return ( ); } saveHistoryForLater(history) { //console.log('Cache history for later', history.length) this.cachedHistory = history; storage.set('cachedHistory', history); } hideLogsModal() { this.setState({showLogsModal: false}); } purgeLogs() { RNFS.unlink(logfile) .then(() => { utils.timestampedLog('Log file initialized'); this.showLogs(); }) // `unlink` will throw an error, if the item to unlink does not exist .catch((err) => { console.log(err.message); }); } showLogs() { this.setState({showLogsModal: true}); RNFS.readFile(logfile, 'utf8').then((content) => { console.log('Read', content.length, 'bytes from', logfile); const lastlines = content.split('\n').slice(-MAX_LOG_LINES).join('\n'); this.setState({logs: lastlines}); }); } trimLogs() { RNFS.readFile(logfile, 'utf8').then((content) => { const lines = content.split('\n'); //console.log('Read', lines.length, 'lines and', content.length, 'bytes from', logfile); if (lines.length > (MAX_LOG_LINES + 50) || content.length > 100000) { const text = lines.slice(-MAX_LOG_LINES).join('\n'); RNFS.writeFile(logfile, text + '\r\n', 'utf8') .then((success) => { //console.log('Trimmed logs to', MAX_LOG_LINES, 'lines and', text.length, 'bytes'); }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err.message); }); } }); } ready() { let publicKey; let call = this.state.currentCall || this.state.incomingCall; if (this.state.selectedContact) { const uri = this.state.selectedContact.remoteParty; if (uri in this.state.myContacts && this.state.myContacts[uri].publicKey) { publicKey = this.state.myContacts[uri].publicKey; } } else { publicKey = this.state.keys ? this.state.keys.public: null; } return ( ); } preview() { return ( ); } call() { let call = this.state.currentCall || this.state.incomingCall; let callState; if (call && call.id in this.state.callsState) { callState = this.state.callsState[call.id]; } return ( ) } conference() { let _previousParticipants = new Set(); let call = this.state.currentCall || this.state.incomingCall; let callState; if (call && call.id in this.state.callsState) { callState = this.state.callsState[call.id]; } /* if (this.myParticipants) { let room = this.state.targetUri.split('@')[0]; if (this.myParticipants.hasOwnProperty(room)) { let uris = this.myParticipants[room]; if (uris) { uris.forEach((uri) => { if (uri.search(this.state.defaultDomain) > -1) { let user = uri.split('@')[0]; _previousParticipants.add(user); } else { _previousParticipants.add(uri); } }); } } } */ if (this.state.myInvitedParties) { let room = this.state.targetUri.split('@')[0]; if (this.state.myInvitedParties.hasOwnProperty(room)) { let uris = this.state.myInvitedParties[room]; if (uris) { uris.forEach((uri) => { _previousParticipants.add(uri); }); } } } let previousParticipants = Array.from(_previousParticipants); return ( ) } matchContact(contact, filter='', matchDisplayName=true) { if (contact.remoteParty.toLowerCase().startsWith(filter.toLowerCase())) { return true; } if (matchDisplayName && contact.displayName && contact.displayName.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter.toLowerCase()) > -1) { return true; } return false; } lookupContacts(text, addressbook=true, favorites=true, localHistory=true, serverHistory=true) { let contacts = []; if (addressbook) { const addressbook_contacts = this.contacts.filter(contact => this.matchContact(contact, text)); addressbook_contacts.forEach((c) => { const existing_contacts = contacts.filter(contact => this.matchContact(contact, c.remoteParty.toLowerCase(), false)); if (existing_contacts.length === 0) { contacts.push(c); } }); } if (favorites) { const favorite_contacts = this.favoritesContacts.filter(contact => this.matchContact(contact, text)); favorite_contacts.forEach((c) => { const existing_contacts = contacts.filter(contact => this.matchContact(contact, c.remoteParty.toLowerCase(), false)); if (existing_contacts.length === 0) { contacts.push(c); } }); } if (localHistory) { const local_history_contacts = this.state.localHistory.filter(contact => this.matchContact(contact, text)); local_history_contacts.forEach((c) => { const existing_contacts = contacts.filter(contact => this.matchContact(contact, c.remoteParty.toLowerCase(), false)); if (c.remoteParty.toLowerCase().indexOf('@guest.')) { } if (c.remoteParty.toLowerCase().indexOf('@conference.')) { } if (c.remoteParty.toLowerCase().indexOf('@videoconference.')) { } if (existing_contacts.length === 0) { contacts.push(c); } }); } if (serverHistory) { const server_history_contacts = this.cachedHistory.filter(contact => this.matchContact(contact, text)); server_history_contacts.forEach((c) => { const existing_contacts = contacts.filter(contact => this.matchContact(contact, c.remoteParty.toLowerCase(), false)); if (c.remoteParty.toLowerCase().indexOf('@guest.')) { } if (c.remoteParty.toLowerCase().indexOf('@conference.')) { } if (existing_contacts.length === 0) { contacts.push(c); } }); } return contacts; } get favoritesContacts() { let favoriteContacts = []; let displayName = ''; let conference = false; this.state.favoriteUris.forEach((uri) => { if (!uri) { return; } uri = uri.toLowerCase(); displayName = ''; if (this.state.myContacts && this.state.myContacts.hasOwnProperty(uri)) { displayName = this.state.myContacts[uri].name; } conference = false; let tags = ['favorite']; if (uri.indexOf('@videoconference.') > -1) { displayName = uri.split('@')[0]; const room = uri.split('@')[0]; uri = room + '@' + config.defaultConferenceDomain; conference = true; tags.push('conference'); } const item = { remoteParty: uri, displayName: displayName, conference: conference, type: 'contact', id: uuid.v4(), tags: tags }; favoriteContacts.push(item); }); return favoriteContacts; } conferenceByUri(urlParameters) { const targetUri = utils.normalizeUri(urlParameters.targetUri, config.defaultConferenceDomain); const idx = targetUri.indexOf('@'); const uri = {}; const pattern = /^[A-Za-z0-9\-\_]+$/g; uri.user = targetUri.substring(0, idx); // check if the uri.user is valid if (!pattern.test(uri.user)) { const status = { title : 'Invalid conference', message : `Oops, the conference ID is invalid: ${targetUri}`, level : 'danger', width : 'large' } return ( ); } return ( ); } login() { let registerBox; let statusBox; this.mustLogout = false; if (this.state.status !== null) { statusBox = ( ); } if (this.state.registrationState !== 'registered') { registerBox = ( ); } return ( {registerBox} {statusBox} ); } logout() { this.callKeeper.setAvailable(false); if (!this.mustLogout && this.state.registrationState !== null && this.state.connection && this.state.connection.state === 'ready') { // remove token from server this.mustLogout = true; this.state.account.setDeviceToken('None', Platform.OS, deviceId, true, bundleId); this.state.account.register(); return; } else if (this.mustLogout && this.state.connection && this.state.account) { this.state.account.unregister(); } this.tokenSent = false; if (this.state.connection && this.state.account) { this.state.connection.removeAccount(this.state.account, (error) => { if (error) { logger.debug(error); } }); } //this.lastSyncedMessageId = null; storage.set('account', {accountId: this.state.accountId, password: this.state.password}); // lastSyncedMessageId: null}); this.serverHistory = []; this.setState({account: null, registrationState: null, registrationKeepalive: false, status: null, autoLogin: false, history: [], localHistory: [], cachedHistory: [], defaultDomain: config.defaultDomain }); this.changeRoute('/login', 'user logout'); return null; } main() { return null; } } export default Sylk;