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Sip Message
Updated 1,365 Days AgoPublic

This script is available in the Sip Clients package which must be installed separately from the SIP SIMPLE client SDK package.

Features you can toggle by using sip-settings:

  • CPIM envelope
  • IMDN notifications
  • Is-Composing
  • OTR encryption
Usage: sip-message [options] [user@domain]

This will either sit idle waiting for an incoming MESSAGE request, or send a
MESSAGE request to the specified SIP target. In outgoing mode the program will
read the contents of the messages to be sent from standard input, Ctrl+D
signalling EOF as usual. In listen mode the program will quit when Ctrl+D is

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a NAME, --account=NAME
                        The account name to use for any outgoing traffic. If
                        not supplied, the default account will be used.
  -c FILE, --config-file=FILE
                        The path to a configuration file to use. This
                        overrides the default location of the configuration
  -s, --trace-sip       Dump the raw contents of incoming and outgoing SIP
  -j, --trace-pjsip     Print PJSIP logging output.
  -n, --trace-notifications
                        Print all notifications (disabled by default).
  -b, --batch           Run the program in batch mode: reading control input
                        from the console is disabled. This is particularly
                        useful when running this script in a non-interactive
  -m MESSAGE, --message=MESSAGE
                        Contents of the message to send. This disables reading
                        the message from standard input.

Example for receiving a message

Accounts available: 'alice', 'ew', 'mrg', 'pbx', 'tf', 'umts', 'unet', default
Using default account:
Registering ""Adrian G." <>" at
REGISTER was successful
Contact: <sip:4f855cb09b@> (expires in 300 seconds)
Other registered contacts:
<sip:31208005169@;line=634g6j67> (expires in 480 seconds)
<sip:5dac4295e9@> (expires in 95 seconds)
<sip:31208005169@> (expires in 77 seconds)
<sip:31208005169@;uniq=5B2860C44383A3D6705629A7E1FB8> (expires in 1563 seconds)
<sip:31208005169@> (expires in 3069 seconds)
Press Ctrl+D to stop the program.
Received MESSAGE from ""Adi UMTS" <>", Content-Type: text/plain
Received MESSAGE from ""Adi UMTS" <>", Content-Type: text/plain
Testing short text messages in page mode!

Example for sending a message

adigeo@ag-imac3:~$sip-message  -a umts
Accounts available: 'alice', 'ew', 'mrg', 'pbx', 'tf', 'umts', 'unet', default
Using account 'umts':
Press Ctrl+D on an empty line to end input and send the MESSAGE request.
Sending MESSAGE from ""Adi UMTS" <>" to "<>" using proxy
MESSAGE was accepted by remote party.
adigeo@ag-imac3:~$sip_message  -a umts
Accounts available: 'alice', 'ew', 'mrg', 'pbx', 'tf', 'umts', 'unet', default
Using account 'umts':
Press Ctrl+D on an empty line to end input and send the MESSAGE request.
Testing short text messages in page mode!
Sending MESSAGE from ""Adi UMTS" <>" to "<>" using proxy
MESSAGE was accepted by remote party.
Last Author
Last Edited
Jun 16 2021, 12:43 PM

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tijmen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)