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Sip Subscribe Xcap Diff
Updated 2,367 Days AgoPublic

This script subscribes to the xcap-diff event package for the given SIP account. The program will un-SUBSCRIBE and quit when CTRL+D is pressed.

This script implements sending SUBSCRIBE to a Presence Agent and receiving NOTIFY messages from it when an XCAP document has changed.

This script is available in the Sip Clients package which must be installed separately from the SIP SIMPLE client SDK package.
adigeo@h1:~$sip-subscribe-xcap-diff -h
using _sigchld
Usage: sip-subscribe-xcap-diff [options]

This script subscribes to the xcap-diff event package for the given SIP
account. The program will un-SUBSCRIBE and quit when CTRL+D is pressed.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ACCOUNT_NAME, --account-name=ACCOUNT_NAME
                        The name of the account to use.
  -s, --trace-sip       Dump the raw contents of incoming and outgoing SIP
                        messages (disabled by default).
  -j, --trace-pjsip     Print PJSIP logging output (disabled by default).
  -n, --trace-notifications
                        Print all notifications (disabled by default).
Last Author
Last Edited
Sep 17 2018, 3:43 PM

Event Timeline

tijmen edited the content of this document. (Show Details)