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RTSP client app
Updated 1,741 Days AgoPublic

Develop an adapter that converts an RTSP stream from a standard CCTV camera to a participant in the video conference of webrtcgateway application.

This will allow to use of cheap CCTV cameras for adding non-human/surrogate participants to conference rooms (like views to musical instruments) or surveillance cameras from a home. Together with auto-answer function this can make SylkServer much more usable for scenarios between humans and surrogates like home appliances or interactive sessions for musical lessons, to name a few cases.

This should be done as easy as possible to hide the complexity of such setup for end-users, perhaps with the use of a mobile app.

Such adapter can run on a remote Linux machine (like a raspberry unit) or perhaps on SylkServer itself. For example, a video-room can be set in such way that when a user joins a certain room, automatically outgoing connections to RTSP urls are created by the server itself. When all humans leave such room, these automatic connections can be teared down.

Last Author
Last Edited
Jun 4 2020, 9:13 PM

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adigeo changed the title from Rtspclient to RTSP client app.Jun 4 2020, 9:10 PM
adigeo edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
adigeo created this object.