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* This file contains examples for all possible settings for CDRTool
* 1. Change all hostnames and passwords according to the installation
* 2. Copy this file to /etc/cdrtool/
* System and web paths
$CDRTool['tld'] = "/CDRTool";
$CDRTool['Path'] = "/var/www/CDRTool";
$_PHPLIB['libdir'] = $CDRTool['Path']. "/phplib/";
include($_PHPLIB["libdir"] . "prepend.php3");
* PHP Error reporting
$errorReporting = (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
$errorReporting = 1; // comment this out to enable PHP warnings
* Service provider information
$CDRTool['provider']['name'] = "SIP provider";
$CDRTool['provider']['service'] = "SIP service";
$CDRTool['provider']['timezone'] = "Europe/Amsterdam";
$CDRTool['provider']['fromEmail'] = "";
$CDRTool['provider']['toEmail'] = "";
$CDRTool['provider']['sampleLoginSubscriber'] = "";
$CDRTool['provider']['sampleLoginDomain'] = "";
$CDRTool['provider']['clear_text_passwords'] = "0";
* Rating engine settings
$RatingEngine = array(
"socketIP" => "",
"socketPort" => "9024",
"cdr_source" => "opensips_radius", // points to a defined DATASOURCE
"log_delay" => 0.05,
"split_rating_table" => false, // when true individual rating tables are automatically created for each rate id
"csv_delimiter" => ",", // when importing CSV files
"priceDenominator" => 10000, // e.g. 1 Eur = 10000 units
"priceDecimalDigits" => 4, // how many digits to round the prices to
"durationPeriodRated" => 60, // the prices from the rating table are calculated per this period
"trafficSizeRated" => 1024, // same as above but for data traffic
"reportMissingRates" => 0, // send email notifications if rates are missing from the ratingEngine
"rate_longer_than" => 0, // minimum duration to rate, if call duration is shorter the price is zero
"allow" => array ('10.','',''), // list with clients allowed to connect
"MaxSessionTime" => 36000, // limit all prepaid calls to maximum 10 hours
"rate_on_net_calls" => false,
"rate_on_net_diverted_calls" => false
// temporary testing mongo backend capabilities
"database_backend" => "mongo",
"mongo_db" => array("uri" => ",",
"database" => "rating",
"replicaSet" => "sipthor",
"safe" => 1)
$CDRTool['mongo_db']['sipthor'] = array("uri" => ",",
"database" => "accounting",
"replicaSet" => "sipthor");
* Normalize engine settings
$CDRTool['normalize']['defaultCountryCode'] = "31";
* Where to retrieve the reseller settings from
$CDRTool['ngnpro_reseller_engine'] = 'sip';
* Build graphical statistics for these domains:
$CDRTool['statistics']['domains'] = array("");
* Carrier selection codes, strip first digits
* and allocate custom Billing Party
$CDRTool['normalize']['CS_CODES'] = array(
"1684" => array(
"name" => "test@Call",
"BillingPartyId" => "",
"BillingDomain" => "",
"minimumLength" => "9"
* Anti-fraud settings
* Create group quota in SER and deny calls to users in this group
$UserQuota["default"]["traffic"] = 5000; // MBytes
$UserQuota["default"]["cost"] = 1000; // Euro
* CDRTool databases
class DB_CDRTool extends DB_Sql
public $Host = "sipdb";
public $Database = "cdrtool";
public $User = "cdradmin";
public $Password = "PASSWORD";
public $Halt_On_Error ="yes";
class DB_Locker extends DB_Sql
public $Host = "sipdb";
public $Database = "cdrtool";
public $User = "locker";
public $Password = "PASSWORD";
public $Halt_On_Error ="yes";
class DB_radius extends DB_Sql
public $Host = "sipdb";
public $Database = "radius";
public $User = "radius";
public $Password = "PASSWORD";
public $Halt_On_Error ="no";
class DB_opensips extends DB_Sql
public $Host = "sipdb";
public $Database = "opensips";
public $User = "opensips";
public $Password = "PASSWORD";
public $Halt_On_Error ="yes";
class DB_siptrace extends DB_Sql
public $Host = "sipdb";
public $Database = "siptrace";
public $User = "opensips";
public $Password = "PASSWORD";
public $Halt_On_Error ="yes";
class DB_mediaproxy extends DB_Sql
public $Host = "sipdb";
public $Database = "mediaproxy";
public $User = "mediaproxy";
public $Password = "PASSWORD";
public $Halt_On_Error ="yes";
$replicated_databases = array(
'cluster1' => array(
"db1" => array(
'ip' => '',
'slave_of' => 'db2',
'user' => 'process',
'password' => 'password',
'replication_user' => 'replication',
'replication_password' => 'password',
'active_master' => true
"db2" => array(
'ip' => '',
'slave_of' => 'db1',
'user' => 'process',
'password' => 'password',
'replication_user' => 'replication',
'replication_password' => 'password'
* To allow subscribers to login and access their own CDRs. See
* OpenSIPS_DomainAuth from phplib/ as example
class DomainAuthLocal extends OpenSIPS_DomainAuth
class PageLayoutLocal extends PageLayout
* CDRTool datasources
class CDRS_opensips_custom extends CDRS_opensips
* this shows how you can modify the default behavior of standard CDRS_opensips class
* you can overwrite any function from that class here
* to use this class set the data source 'class' setting to the name of this class
"unknown" => array(
"class" => "CDRS_unknown" // do not delete this datasource
"opensips_radius" => array(
"name" => "OpenSIPS",
"class" => "CDRS_opensips_custom",
"db_class" => array(
"table" => "radacct", // or "radacct".date("Ym") if sql.conf uses the mysql procedure to auto-rotate tables
"rating" => "1", // enable rating
"rateField" => "Rate", // which field stores the rating info
"E164_class" => "E164_custom", // define a custom class to determine the E164 for a telephone number
// see E164 classes as example in library/cdr_generic.php
"priceField" => "Price",
"DestinationIdField" => "DestinationId",
"normalizedField" => "Normalized",
"skipNormalizeOnPageLoad" => 0,
"skipNormalize" => 0, // set it it to true to disable the normalization process
"BillingPartyIdField" => "UserName",
"db_susbcribers" => "DB_opensips",
#"mongo_db" => "sipthor", // experimental/testing purposes only
"domain_table" => "domain", // table of db_susbcribers that holds domains served by the sip proxy
"subscriber_table" => "subscriber", // table of db_susbcribers that holds susbcribers served by the sip proxy
"intAccessCode" => "00", // international acess code, numbers prefixed with this are considered international destinations
"natAccessCode" => "0", // international acess code, numbers prefixed with this are considered national destinations
"sipTrace" => "sip_trace", // which datasource is used for display of sip trace
"mediaTrace" => "media_trace", // which datasource is used for display of media trace
"UserQuotaClass" => "OpenSIPSQuota",
"daily_quota" => "0", // a percentage [1 to 99] of monthly quota to check for daily usage, 0 means disabled
"UserQuotaNotify" => "1", // send e-mail notifications when quota is exceeded
"notifyLastSessions" => true, // send e-mail notifications with sessions received in the last 24 hours
"soapEngineId" => '', // used by Multimedia Service Platform
"domainTranslation_SourceIP" => array(
"" => "" // translate Realm for sessions originating from IP address
"domainTranslation" => array(
"" => "" // translate Realm
"domainTranslationDestination" => array(
"" => "" // translate destination
"purgeCDRsAfter" => 120, // how many days to keep old CDRs, valid only when Radius tables are not atomatically rotated
"db_registrar" => "DB_opensips", // opensips location database
"enableThor" => false, // set to true if using SIP Thor
"mediaSessions" => "sipthor", // NGNPro engine id used by SIP Thor
"networkStatus" => "sipthor", // NGNPro engine id used by SIP Thor
"mediaDispatcher" => "tls:", // Where to get the active media sessions from MediaProxy 2.0
// Create /etc/cdrtool/mediaproxy.pem containing the certificate and private key
"mediaServers" => array(
), // where to get the active sessions from MediaRroxy 1.x
"skipStatistics" => 0, // Skip usage graphs,
"db_ngnpro_stats" => "DB_CDRTool" // Database for provisioning stats
"cisco" => array(
"name" => "Cisco gateway",
"class" => "CDRS_cisco",
"db_class" => "DB_cisco",
"table" => "radacct",
"rateField" => "Rate",
"rating" => "1",
"priceField" => "Price",
"DestinationIdField" => "DestinationId",
"normalizedField" => "Normalized",
"traceInURL" => array(
"" => "opensips_radius",
"Asterisk" => "asterisk"
"traceOutURL" => array(
"" => "opensips_radius"
"purgeCDRsAfter" => 180 // how many days to keep the CDRs
"asterisk" => array(
"name" => "Asterisk server",
"class" => "CDRS_asterisk",
"table" => "asterisk_cdr",
"db_class" => "DB_radius",
"rateField" => "Rate",
"rating" => "1",
"priceField" => "Price",
"DestinationIdField" => "DestinationId",
"normalizedField" => "Normalized",
"contexts" => array(
"SIP" => array(
"WEBName" => "SIP Provider 1"
"PSTN" => array(
"WEBName" => "PSTN 2 ENUM"
"traceInURL" => array(
"SIP" => "opensips_radius"
"traceOutURL" => array(
"SIP" => "opensips_radius"
"purgeCDRsAfter" => 180 // how many days to keep the CDRs
"sip_trace" => array(
"name" => "SIP trace",
"db_class" => "DB_siptrace",
"table" => "sip_trace",
"purgeRecordsAfter" => "7",
"SIPProxies" => array(
"" => "SIP Proxy 1",
"" => "SIP Proxy 2"
"invisible" => 1, // hide this datasource in call search page / datasource selection
"mediaTrace" => "media_trace"
"sip_trace_thor" => array(
"name" => "SIP trace Thor",
"enableThor" => true,
"soapEngineId" => "sipthor",
"mediaTrace" => "media_trace_thor",
"invisible" => 1,
"media_trace" => array(
"name" => "Media trace",
"db_class" => "DB_mediaproxy",
"enableThor" => false,
"invisible" => 1
"media_trace_thor" => array(
"name" => "Media trace Thor",
"enableThor" => true,
"soapEngineId" => "sipthor",
"invisible" => 1
// load other CDRTool libraries
$CDRToolModules = array(
$tz = $CDRTool['provider']['timezone'];
if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == "") {
// display debug information only from this host
} else {
// prevent set of verbose via post/get

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Feb 1, 5:42 AM (22 h, 34 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text (14 KB)

Event Timeline